West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1938, p. 13

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S o much has been said and "I hope so." What did happen? written in the past of the Welh it just* kept on raining in unrivalled scenic beauties torrents day by day apd, believe and other attractions of it, or not, did not let up until the this district .that it might tor following May. So much for the oiice be well to look at our sur- reminiscences, but they bring roundings from a different point conditions, old friends so for the encourage- surroundings.of vieW; mcnt and benefit^of our citizens, who have arrived within the last ten yeps, those of us who have been here much longer should ■Apl'spd:befp^ the possibility of expansion aeemed"fve^r;Tendote. :̂A give""two¥dxamides""lof""̂ ................ ̂ order. Inglewood a plank road, sometimes recall the conditions and such planks, loose and brok-: which reigned when we first 'en, and gupanteed to sink you u A 4-v,i*b fniV TvinniVinftiifv without a trace if you steppedreached this fair munic pa y. unwarily on the insecure ,end. How well one remembers back Thirteenth Street, with rocks in Mrs. P. Knight-Hodge in 3919 stepping on to the old it the size of sea chests, so bad ; Sonrisa at'Vancouver and after to walk-on that people preferred The .first music teacher in doliffhtful trio through* the the narrow wooden sidewalks West Vancouver, having been that deligMtui m p though slippery with rain and, here 24 years. She was^forraer- Narrows landing at West Van conditions aŝ these ly a teacher m Exmouth School " couver.....Having-- come. , directs were common in the municipal- '̂ -of Music, England, ofi which her from London, England, West ity.. ̂ late father William Vinnicombe ■ Vancouver .with its dilapidated-" What have we now? A 'set of tents and shacks along the-wat- good roadfuiot surpassed in:any, erfront, its wooden sidewalks, municipality of Ijike size. In- cqmposp organist^and ^rector its rough and unpaved streets, stead of the improvised bugs, gave one the impression, despite street lights; telephones all over its wild and picturesque sp -, the municipality, a system , of roundings,.of having reached th e, transportation which, though. end of the earth. Oil lamps not perfect, is still excellent. In -were then the fashion, and one, fact no system of transportation to prevent,,his or her neck being ' ig. ever, will be perfect, that broken, had, at night, to carry* for gome people. It was my an im provise. lantern,' locally fortune lonce to work on one of known as "a bug." : the biggest suburban "railways in For a few years theise prim- England'and was it perfect? No! itive conditions held sway .and. Although it ran trains only three strange to say, their chanri, and minutes behind each other from they had a charm of their own, the same stations, some of the gradually grew on the new com- . passengers would grumble be­ ers. Whilst we all appreciate cause everybody could not gp progress one almost regrets into the first one. sometimes, the advances which* * since those days.we have have been made in' the interven- bridges -spanning the inlet. -The- SeCoiid -Narrows bridge,_at_ the-time o l which I speak; wa ̂ - lookM upon as a dream and the Jonahs said it would never be built. Though it has had its vie- -iTr '.I.-* " ■' t-* 'n "n - ... .7/7 1429 GBANVlLtK STREBTr .1 .. Sole Dislribulore for STANDAnO STOVE OIL For' Quick Delivery of this Clean, High-Heat Value Stove Oil 'PHONE Seym our 3 3 7 7 N orth .5 8 2 composer organist , and Director of Music t(0t, the Earl of West­ moreland, the latter the founder of the Royal Academy. Hay Park ' This is a five-acre site situat- -ed between the high school.and 2pth Street on the north side o f 'Inglewood Avenue. At pres­ ent it has not been developed. The LIONS GATE CARTAGE CO. F<aith in the future of Vancouver prompted us aix years ogo to adopt the name of tho then hoped for \ Lions' Gate Bridge. In return, the public , have put their faith in us, hove learned to ^ Gate," with dependability and service. Now that bridge is a reality,-- * there to serve Greater Vancouver. So are we, with a personal interest in your welfare that has gained us many friends on both sides of thc.| Inlot. By maintaining and improving the high standards of service in , tho future that we have always associated with our firm name, wo hope to share the faith that will always be felt by our follow citizens fo^the now bridge and a job well done. . . SPECIALI!§IN6 IN HOUSEHOLD llEMOVALS THE LIONS GATE CARTAGE CO/ 1310 Burrard Street Trinity 2760 ing years. .Largely, gone Is Jhe old spirit of neighborliness which formerly prevailed, gone are the days when the roosters next door woke us from a refreshing sleep_______------------- ------------ o , ,*• UUllL. *1. at 3 a.m., or .when oniB*iiad-T» .^ssitudes it seems to have come geOip in the middk_of the night__|^.^gtay.__ The^First Narrows toT^therrargoarwhich^HM Bridge was at that time more loose and was at the moment distantr^than the antipodes, but perfiprming a kettledrum seren- here it is notwithstanding the ade on the front verandah. The .ones, from Missouri .who doubted chipmunks, too, coming for the it would ever be conipleted even Tii'orning~crumbs7~-the-wild-?pigê ----afteir̂ rhe~̂ oundat-iC'ns--w-ere--laid ons rising in flocks from a near- ' Th ̂British Pacific Development by tree, the„ drumming of the wa!s'just as hazy, but a little run partridge just under the bed-~ eastward along Mathers Avenue room window, - the odoriferous will provide all the evidence _ visit of the skunk. Again, there ..necessary as to its actuality, havê ^̂ âssed--feom--amiq^at--us---- : And~what~of the-inhabit-aiits^ Com rades!! You will get a hearty , welcome, and you are invited to visit our up-to-date North Shore Club Rooms at 119 East 3rd Street, North iVancduver. HAROLD PRICE, Manager Army and Navy Veterans in Canad i ~ "' jNorth Vancouver Unit. i Join a Veterans* Association many .of the lold interesting per­ sonalities, each having - their littk traits and peculiaritie •ivfllling .the characters of Dio-' cens, lovable in spite of their luirksandidlosyncr^ies; - - . ^ -Then- the optimism--which___ body-.* -Now-it-is-not-uncommon •eigned in spite.iof _the. collapse ^ come across people, who. do >f the, land boom, and the un- know their next door neigh- West Vancouver has become thoroughly cosmopolitan and within its borders are to be found people from every quarter of the globe. At one time, so to speak, everybody knew every- parallelled boosting lyhich seem- My business takes me ed to be thie^stock-in-trade of al- .around the municipality often most everyone iii the district. j have.> found this to be ab- B A T fflN G PACIFIC STAGES WILL TAKE YOU RIFrHT THERE jeehied very remote. Speaking citizenry, and the various imr ____ j . ______ j ___ - A - ^ . 1 ___ --•___j)f the climate reminds me, ,of ^ 0 incidents. I had been dn- mrmed before coming tq. West î ancouver that it never snoll̂ €ki' lere, so when not two months liter lainding the temperature Iropped almost to zerc and kept -here for three solid weeks, ifterwards capping, this very mpleasant snap with '^proyements, have transpired in the last fifteen years, and if sych a complete metamorphosis can take place in so short a time, what, I ask, is likely to , happen in the next fifteen? •Tlie municipality will move forward., It cannot help but do The future will hold pitfalls NORTH VANCOUVER ALWAYS GOOD SHOW HARRY KOLTHAMMER, Prop. ----- j Phone:-- WhytecUff 291 so. in just the same way as the In the past the conduc­ tors, of th eaffairs of the district ___ snap with snow a 5uple of feet deep, you ,'oan im- ___ „ ^ne the reaction. The gentle- past!, lan who had . volunteered the sound metfioa^'f®^ead^ut of his Window ati7 â mv- . , , n-the-mornhiirof -the~blizzardi;-- sight,- and-- good--Jmanagem®„, 31 was passing, and asked mê avoided the rocks and shoals. Qw I lik^ it .M y response was ̂ Let I us_i hope, „ therefore, th^ ore sarcastic than polite. Then ĵjose who wiU guide its destiny m Serwng West-VaBcQuyer-witliJwo First-Class Independent Druu Stores ̂ " ' '____ _______________________________ , ' ° ' S i gain one early September morn- ig when landing at Vancouver. 7:30 in a pouring rain one. f. our old timers answered my oleful observation on the eather with is nothing. IV/\4-;rw -7 a Ji ■.i ,-Ve got California skinned a iile!* This cl^ar up arid then in the future will. do. as; well and be able to ^ve the same reply as the old captain of whom Mark Twain tells, who, when asked by an upstart officer if -he .knew where £dl the snags" and bars were in the Mississippi,'answer- Phone West 528 hub of ihe district" 1402 Marine Drive • A WxlX VfitSliia, li>U Allli, LXl̂ ll. Wd\5 XXX l/Xiw xfAAOkj , * ̂ / t 511 have the Indian summer up ed, '̂No Sir, -but I know where the end of October." I replied, theyaint!" A M B LESID E PHARM ACY rphoiie West 323 * itOn the ferry 7^7 î1 corner 3 1401 Marine Drive J.70.'NcCue, British Columbia and Saskatchewan