- , , - ; . ( - ■ > . • . l. , / . , ^ ,,... . . ,1,-,̂ „ . « - - • . -o . ! • . « . - . . i - S - t j - . . , . . ,>, . - , » . - , 1 . , , , - . - ' v . , , - . I f . * , *, • t . V - . . 1 . -- ■ • mm NEWS , .... . - ................- ......... '■wmm Roads m W est Vancouver. %$ -#' Ŝ ' : ■" . > |-^ IIK opening of the Llons^ Drive from Capilano to Whyte- i greatcat importance to the wonderful H^ioreUne. To the fu tu re . development of motorist who travels along the Vancouver. In coming down, the Drive is revealed vista afte r vista npproaoh towards the North of surpassing beauty, which id Shore one observes a t once the really worth while travelling a grandeur of the district ahead, long way to see. which is ju st in its infancy. Every Council since incorpor- In March, 1912, when the ation has displayed a willingness Municipality of West Vancou- and even eagerness to develop ver was incorporated, there was more and better roads as far as not very much development i n ^ t h d r revenues would allow, the m atter of roads, only a few"^ i t might be interesting to miles ori)ioncer roads fit mostly ' quote that, the bonded indebted- for horse drawn vehicles.^ ness for roiad purposes including ' To fully appreciate the pro- the $156,000 tajeen over £nom gress made in West Vancouver North Vancouver District on since then one has to remember separation amounts to $838,000, the district as it was twenty-six calling for annual charges of years ago. A t th a t time the old ^42,511 of interest and $16,268 Keith Koad extended from the principal, net total $58,871. cristern boundary to Eagle Har- For several years past the hour, th is being the main road Council, has endeavored to give throuKh the district and fre- service without rewrting to cap- only West Vancouver residents (luontly blocked by fallen trees ital expenditure. There have f-n™. that section of the muni- and broken bridges----- ------ - beoir eight-and--one - quarto-.. T , j , 'I ̂U ' ' - LYNN VALLEY CANADIAN LEGION No^ 114 ... --Ail Ex-SerHct Miwi i«vit«4 a = S-M-0-K.E A ( t l i i i in CANADlAIf LEGION HALL,'• LYNN VALLEY f e f c * j . W / . v - * ' j . i v i H f r f s f c j - vArf ̂ fl i , W ednesday, Nov. 3 0 th , 8 p.ni UBFRESHMBNTS 2Cc per person ENTERTAINMENT B. G. Trior, Sec.-Treas. Thie Lighthouse, Point Atkinson WEST BAY BEACH .W est Bay is one of the oldest and most populat* beaches on the North Shore. Thither com^ not The Provincia Govwnment m t e of road treated .with oil, ^.P ' f cheater had opened two miles of Mathers which has been found to give , v«rifrtmrpr arm^a fVio Inlet Avenue in order to assist in sell- splendid service, And: it is boiled ing iive-aore parcels of land,, b e fo r e long to cover the greater ^ «runir,? which had previously been sur* ̂ part of the municipality by this > its accessibility and tn vcyed, while the Municipality of process. pafe clean bathing. North Vancouver had surveyed , Although Marine Drive is now ', Situated as it is within a few and cleared about four and one under the jurisdiction of' the yards of the present terminus of half miles of Marine*Drive with Provincial Government,. West the West Vancouver Municipal about two rhiles graded. Some Vancouver Municipality still has buses, and also being equally progress had also been made in the pleasure of paying the bond- close to the Pacific Stages buses opening such streets as 11th, ed debt and interest which to- , plying between North Vancou- 15th, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, gether amount to $3Jtf941 annu- ver and all West Vancouver With incorporation the West ally. : points as fa r as Caulfeild and Vancouver District had to as- Very few districts .in Van- Horseshoe Bay, those desiring sume $156,000 of the jo int bond- couver can boast air so fresh a swim or a day on the beach cd indebtedness. Consequently and so salubrious, views so ex- have practically no distance to tha t would represent the ap- tensi.ye and roads so diversified walk.. Then there is a splendid proximate value of the physical arid pleasing. auto road leading off Marine assets made prior to separation. ̂ I t is wonderful tha t the six- Drive direct to the beabh via. The Municipality has s tru g - . teen miles of roads through, the Radcliff Avenue, gled along on the-gigantic task British Pacific I^opertiej^w ith The beach itself is composed of carvirig ,a rriiodern to\vn*fronrt air their revivingT'cheefirig arid ' "of deep, fine sand throughout, the wildemeas. Year by year happy influence should be so ' and is sheltered a t the back and - steady--development--has been - close to the city. The municipaL-- on -one side--w ith-h igh--rocky- You are always Welcome ! Visit us soon LYNNWOOD INN N orth Shore Fully Licensed ̂ LYNNMOUR, B.(C. > .Just across. The Second Narrows Bridge. w ^ h ig b e Prop. WEST VANCOUVER IS LINKED WITH VANCOUVER ' . ' I *" ' ' • - Progress is a sign of the times WE ALSO PROGRESS--Established in 1894. We keep modern always. ' When you need , PRINTING r ENGRAVING STATIONERY Gall on THE CLARKE & STUART CO., LIMITED 550 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. Phone Trinity 1341Phone ^ in i ty Jl Tim N ER 'S DAIRY LTD. Quality Dairy-Products riiil|js of roads "cut -irti.'di-aiid-r-oe' ' ' the city of Vancouver.- Taking~ibe overlook the bay. The youngest. bathe^Jrerfei 7;he following is the mileage Vanc o u v e ^ in?-general.-^m o3t _ in perfect safe'f:y_dii^ t p-hhp of jrpads classified under the people Will adm it, the.y aa*e in gentle slope. -gp^r<nmmentSH?radintr-mr-at-0(7^-- better^iionrlitioirtodav than nnip ' Th^ r̂p ia n tpnrnnm nn fbo M l l k _ ^ C r c a m _ ? L _ i B m B u tte r »■ Eggs -gp<?4n'nments^4*ading-airat-Oc^-- better-roi^itiorrtbday than one There. is a tearoom .on the tdbor 1st, 1938: will find in any other outlying sands and also Wo more, on the " Your Children Deserve the B est f f Asphalt surface lOn Con- crete Base ....... ......... 4.00 Bituminous Concrete Miles .district. West Vancouver has a Marine Drive a t la pointy over- great future. irir.Di'w.rt. 4-u.* , -..Plant mix....................... Bituminous Macadam W ater Bound Macadam,. Oil 'Preated Gravel or 27.50 10.81 .50 DUNDARAVE PIER looking the beach, so th a t pic- n ickers-arid4;hose.-spendirig-a-few-- bundarave pier a t the foot-of 25th Street, was erected in the hours there, can obtain anything they require. North Van. Office 139 East 13th St. ■NwtEr271 Vancouver Office^------ . 666 E ast 16th Ave., iFair. 2800 . ? i . You will usually Wd that the araifUKiiara .... early Graded and Graveled....... 17.05 and, being built of concrete, is 1. Not Surfaced .................... 19.00 the best iri West Vancouver. It . is the centre of the swimming JVDleage, alU-bvsses^.^ 87.11 activities-o:^ the-d^strict,-■an:d--lV « * West Vancouver is as expen _____ ______ ^sfe^ia^distric t: to develop as~ is--Club.^- T h is--organizatiQ-n_- some to rie toimd in the Dominion of years ago had a swimmTrig tank the headquarters of the West Vancouver Amateur Swimmingmi_ • _ _ . • I* ® ^built~ which"i^ puIVn posTtiorat countiy together with .the great the east side of the 'p ier every_ ______ ___ w.v, pier every amount of solid rock makes it summer for the benefit of swim- very costly to ■ " roads.',' open new mers and divers. Hereji_^___ ^ annually the Dundaraye Regat- --- 4k . Betty Cavendish STUDIO Tiontmen t tigorM afiM -V !IEe:PaclficI0Qast^ Crawley & Barker • T H A N K S W e s t V a n c o u v e r For your patronage. -We=wiII=^fy"to^Beserve it by supplying you with the be^ p ro w rabieT !.y;A^c;v>c-A(c-x< I c i f »V- which, is. attended by :m4ny of . the best exponents of'.' these forms of athletic en'^eavor in the pusovince and the Pacific States. A lar^e permanent stand h a s ' been erected on the pier where sightseers can sit arid watch, the various events. Dressing rooms are available near the pier for them any swim mers who crowd here daily? gUSSIAN BALLET, TA P, ACROBATIC. ' BALLROOM. Etc. E v e r y t h i ^ in Seymour 8623 Residence Phone West 308-R-2 < 'lT "West Hastings St., Vancouver PAINTS. WALLPAPER,_5^IrV^WOnr>-PANELS7 G L A SS,K A L SO M IN E S, BRUSHES, ETC. LUMBER, an d b u il Uin g m a t e r ia l s WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER rO. LTD. ______Marine Drive at 15th. f^HO NE W E S T I t s :®.s;sanif 1 ̂ 1 i:-,*- i=i .1m- For your Job Printing try The West Van News iSSSSSSSfSJi Consult us for Homes, Homesites, Waterfront, Acreage B,usiness Property. Mortgages, Tnvestmehts','Fire & Auto insurance.7 r -7 ̂ • X Inquiries invited. Efficient Services Impartial Adwee. . . . ' ' ■ 7£7.:.7:..^ : •" !.v«* wV.**-*