West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1938, p. 11

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HI WMISiMi ■«<!|U jrw*s ,»m 0<4'î !/m>iirfiit-l,i rfc*.««(«w *»««% « » »*■ jr̂ * J »h »!,««» 4 »»*»W ',*,4,Ji,t<l̂ „* ,4; (-<*.«-\w,rfi> ift̂K t, 4, IĴ s |l«l>*<'4l «»fmiW»»»iW»s««l '̂f««»fl?Ss««t»S[«iw<^^ •' • ' '> - . • i U , V ,- ' , ' ■ ' ' t 7 i n a n r > A C ! jo tL Y B U H N p i e r ,, , .» s. . I . i*rs«r»:*»«a By COUNCILtOR W, DICKINSON Hollybum pter, situated a t first pier in W est Vancouver,, i - __ - » -- A ̂ FEW rem arks on the fin- $6,852.88: .Government, Grants-- ' having been built by the Domin. - A ' - ^ e n r w T f f i w w p w i t r ^ y , ^ / J l may be laf some Interest $2W 7.12; Ferry Surplus over days of the municipality. When at the present tm e It Operating^n.500,00. j„h- r.™_.„, esLltshed the i, generally known, that West S r -- loli" " T^e"" p e r i |i plinver is fortunate in having portion f c S a of people who have established the for 1937 were as follows: Sink- service to the city, in? Fund -- $32,051.19 j Deben- ^he pier, with :that a t Dundar- ture Interest ~ $75,620.80; ave, were the sports of call in ^ l io o ls ^ 7 8 ,694.84; Municipal West Vancouver, but with the portion of Relief--$9^214.80; building of the pie/ a t Amble- uj. wvv».- ...... Hospitals and Public Aid--$4,- side and the big influx of resi- i\f»n able and willing to pay 760,31; Committee pisburse- dents in tha t section of the nlonir with their other ob- monta (Finance, Board Works, municipality, the starting point and thus furnish the Waterworks, Police, etc.) -- of the ferries was moved w InmiR n e^ ssary to m eet the $98,882.39. Ambleside. The Federal Gov- i?uX of a young and growing About two-thirds of the rove- ernm ent did a lot of di-edging a t Lmmiinitv. I t is the loyalty nuo is required to pay interest, Hollyburn in the summer of 1925 SnH ro-operaitiion of the ratepay- Sinking Fund and School bharg- and Hollyburn pier, while little X c o u p l e d with a careful ad- es. capital debt of the used for the purpose, is the only tifnifitratibh of affairs, together Municipality is . $1,508,400.00. pier where the water is suffici- or two fortunate breaks The Sinking Fund Account se t Gently deep for larger vessels .to S n f have carried-W est Vaticou-,; u p . for- the - d e b t . amounts to come in and ti^ up. The pier vnr through the past eight years $620,517.53, which makes- the fell into disrepair with the years, ll+liouf loss to / the financial net debt $887,882.47. Bonds for bnt since then the Dominion X S et iot to the credit of the the an^ount of $135,000;00 fall , Government h ^ done consider- S c i & y . - . due January. 1st, 1940, and funds able • work on it, and it is now Ohli^tidns"have~been"met~in-r are on;"hand"m Sinkihg"Pund™to--m-fi,rst~class shape,--It-is-iiow full* all in terest on the bonded redeem them. The full amount the meoca for ^swimmei|^ from X^btedness has been paid in required has been paid into th e e a s te r ly e n d o f th e ih u m c i- fn • and t o been set aside .Sinking Fund Account each y e a r . pality, and every fine afternoon Acconnb-to fuU close of 1937 .t o r e and evening m the summer it was a surplus in the fund of is.crowded with bathers, swim- $29 735 18. ming and diving in the waters. It will be seen from the above There is a boat- station located that the financial condition of the Municipality is indeed abso­ lutely sound. He Aittiqug Mnpp in' sinking Fund Account-the-full amount m d ire d f X This is an achievem ent'that tne Council and ratepayers may well be proud of. * r, Looking a little fu rther into the interesting m atters of taxes, assessments, Sinking Fund, eixi., the tax ra te for the past nine years has been 61 m ills . This may seem a high ra te JJJ® AO MVTCAI#*. OUC41/AVA4 AVfVCV beside the p[ier> where boats can . be .obtaihed" for fishing or row­ ing. ' , AMBLEiSIDE PIER Rufus was proudly sporH a new shirt when a friend asked: Ambleside pier,, situated at, the "How many yards do it take to make a shirt like? data shirt like dat one, Rufus?" "Well, suh," replied Rufus, "Ah, got two shirts like this (Out'n one yard last night." * , * Jones: "Whqt happy people K informed of the fact th a t the foot of 14th Street, is the start- lew is ion land only, .and im- ing point of t o West Vancouver nrovements are not taxed. The ferries, and with those a t Duri- nRRPRsed value of the taxab le darave and Hollyburn dates back land is $2,861,814.00. The~ as- to the early days of the munici- sessed value of taxable improve- pality. A special float was a few _ TTiATits which are not a t present years ago erected on its ^ s t - * v ,, * -. taxed' is $3,981,415.00. If im- side fo r the discharge and tak- you must be to 'have eight nice S o v e m e k e were taxed to t o ing on of ferry passengers, also daugh ters!. W hat resources for - L te n t - of - 75 %-of_the_ assessed a small freight ̂ hed,. ,and_at i t s ., your _dd_agel_ _ . ------------------ value which is the percentage northerly, end are t o ferry Jam es: j Yes. R e s o u r c e s n S m i t ^ to be taxed under t o offices aiid a -shelter - for. those enough I'^u t-the.d ifficulty now- ' E d S Act, t o mill ra te of udng the municipal buses which adays consists in husbanding 61 mills would be reduced about meet the ferries. TJe pi;S.r has one s resources. -- WHdTvieWed ̂ Tr om^^ie^-^^ayis-^e^-arf^vorite ip liaoe-tor BUY - SELLS EXCHANGES " ■ ■■ ■' ■ |. . . ........................ , ■ , ■ ■ ■■ ■ .......................... 4.14 Hlchiirds St. • , Vaheouver RICHARDSONS / .(Established 1857.) i.; ■ ̂ ' t ' ' ■ ■ ■ ^ Offer complete facilities for Trading in GILAIN STOCKS - BONDS Private Wire Connections from Coast to Coast. Investment' Inquiries rlhvited. JAMES RICHARDSON & SONS Hastings, at Howe, Vancouver Seymour 1(301 ande; the present-tax-rate-is not-, ^anglers, a n d i;a n w ;% ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ lunduly high as taxes ion a summer a n u m to $4 000.00 house on a $600.00~lot be seen casting in their lines., are only $36.60. The assessed ̂ On account of the danger-^ trom value of taxable land in 1929 the ferries the pier is forbidden was $3 149,477.00 compared with to bathers, and for the same iR2.861.'814.00 in 1937. The source reason t o r e is no station where Qf revenue has therefore depreci- boatsTcHirbrobtained fo rto re ; ated bonsidefaibly in those years, /hich makes it all th e more.................. . . 'Well,-Mose, how is your bet- -.Creditaible for. the Municipality . ter half th^ morning? ^ 4o have got along without in- "She's better,;thankeed, sah; +^vat.imi. The mill ra te bat, boss _ jaa i,.ghO T ejs_oar^^ rem Sied a t 61. As fu rthe r im- wit your tractions. King Studio PHOTOGRAPHS OF QUALITY a t a price you can afford to pay. Weddings, Family Groups, ■ Passports, - Copies, Etc. 311 West Hastings, Sey. 1046 provements will no' doubt be re­ quired in- a rapidly growingquirea m. a ............ »■ B e g ^ (to gOTtlemdn): "Can't communitjr which will entail ad- you Siv?_a ?'?»>;,Mt".® K. "ditionai expenditures, It is be^ -deffSeniMi: anFm om a n i e n t change now. WUl, be 'back this that' i t will be. necessary .before way soon. _many years to plp:e a small tex -on-imprjoivements, rajther than increase the tax on land. The tax levy fo r th e year 1937 a- mounted to $186,107.0Q'of which 71% was paid, or $132,966.34. Beggar*.' "Ah, sir, i t 's giving credit to men like you th a t keeps nie poor. - , A. H. TIMMS LTD. , PRICES TO SUIT 418 West Pender St. Trinity 436 A(fAP4G O U VER!SL e e 3 ^ EATING PLA C ES p r ■737"W est Pender"S t-- wm̂-CHANlitLl ----------------TTg-Oranville St. (Qpp..J^TO-Th|at£e^ e- 156-West Hastings Street Best Value for Your M o n e y -- from Atlantic to Pacific. - td •! K WEST VANCOUVERITES visit the- additions-:r^l,04i.^fc'Arr^rs of ijaxes*^$63,7a5:33;.^;Interest • o n ; arrears-^4 ,447.43; Tax , Sale Lands r^ eem ed -- $3,399.01; V Tax Sale Land Sales -- $25,212.- 88; Total--$230-,782.98.' The principal, (other revenues were as follows:--=■ Licences-- R. P. BLOWER & CO., Ltd. Hey wood Park, Marine, Drive ' DE LUXE SANDWICHES Speedy' Car Service, Snappy Counter Service, Super Dancing^ ' Accommodation.' REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, and FINANCIAL BRO K EI^ V '» T v*>r » 'f ' ' "L-. . Notary Public -________ --) 1405 M atine Drive, Phones: Office, W est 21; Res. ^ ^ t 204-X \ We have been specializing in West Vancouver Properties for many years and can give' you Complete Real Estate- Service., A complete Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service. West Vancouver Agent , TITES SHOE STORE West 279-R W est Vancouver m Corporate.. PAIR SHOP 516 Smythe St. Ornamental Iron Work, Saw Piling, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmithing, General Repairs We ĉompUment w e X ^ t i z e n s - o ^ - ^ s L ^ n m u i on their W oiiiderful Progress. ' NORTH VANCOUVER SHIPYARDS NORTH VANCOUVER NORTH 1420 T - \ -------- --- j-:-',-.'-*'-,?'--;-;-?';" •