...........................i » •■ - J- /- •-W«-«S<E„-W« ' --....... . --; --,»> . »i-»-,.*-.' '• .-ti*«a<--™ '«'■.?■ -- -. -»«*•« N o change bei|ig considered at present mimtm ■ « r ̂ » ' «. ' (̂ • ' 1 I ' I- •' . ' 1 - ■» ' V ̂ .- »» , ,.,̂ fff - . Councillor Elgar writes on West ¥ancouver's Transportation for West Vaii Nelws. -- Time and Tide wait for ho man, but if local reminiscences are to be believed, theii twenty ̂ ,flvc years, ago TIME for the ' morning boat from West Van couver to the, City of Vancouver , counted when all the.passengers, very few in numl>er, were aboard the trim little motor boat "Sea Î'oam/' and, if the Captain was advised that "Fete*' or, "Harry" , had not arrived, having over- ___ slept,:„theii„^a_:ftva-Jtiinute ..wait. -"'-.W^'-- . . ' ,< .K ' . . -s r' ' '*1": 'Jr ' i \ until the tardy passengers had 3U ■iii arrived would be the signal for full sheed ahead and whether it was â flood or an ebb"' tide, the skilful navigation of the Skip per, who in those days did not have to keep strictly to harbor rules and took advantage of tide and eddies, landed all "on time" for their day's work. The passipg _of _̂ time has brought its changed and today ..the -MuhicipaliiyLof- West . Van-, cou ver owns " i£s " t̂mnspWfatidn system comprising three modern, deisel driven ferries capable of. carrying passengers to the bity THE PARKS OF W EST VANCOUVER v{' t'i; ' ' ( \ 'I -;'V' !■/.; Vt.••■"'.'ff.T.'l■•,̂ '- •:';■ "-̂ i' v: jV>4 J/" ̂ »,'.(' , 5 T, I I 1 ' „i', ■* , «A«;>\ f fxt . , ............Ju" s,.', ,. Apart of theTine-Heet-of-modern-buses-now-in-use. 'The drivers of-muni-,. - • cipal, buses are carefully, chosen for their ability in handling, cars with , dexterity, and the elimination of-all danger to pedestrians and-^passengers. hLr^le™iS £ r a s ^ i s t in ships of kli nations sailing to after getting tired of the won- changing scene? Moderii stream-nour. oeven DUses assist in onng- „„j ftvtTn fho <5avpti spas. anH ___ ^ __ 4-v.«iv. 4-̂ «««».»» «,i+ii West yancouver at the time of its inebrporation wag just one huge park combining within its boundaries all that beauty pecu liar to the Pacific (mat, which has made Stanley Park so well' . known throughout the world. Mountain and. valley, ̂ forest apd sea, all were to W found there. But successive coui^dils reali7.ed that this beauty 'together with its proximity to Vancouver could not help bufattract,~'ahd that the time would come when breathing spaces would be necessary for the health and. pleasure bf the' large population Which 'Would one day be living there. Accord ingly they almost froni the be ginning began to reserve areas at different points In the muni cipality,. until today there are fourteen such parks, developed or awaiting development, in the municipality. ,_Which is more than those pbssesseT b'y any other sebtion of Greater Vancou ver. Names and desenptiohs of these .will be found in various parts of this supplement. m u oassengora to the wharf ??.. seven seas, and derful scenery, , started. their lined buses to carry you with A n e S e K t a f f of thirto-Ave l"st but not the least.enjoyable courtship in the "After Cabin." speed, comfort_and a saving of A permanent siari oi tniriy-iive „n«f fnr somp of thp t j t ai._ +u _ 4-v̂ ̂ t t>vi/inrn-9 J>avmn"nf"'SSKSoo**flm!"^̂ ^̂ commuters ̂ is a corner seat in ing of the'Lions" Gate Brfdgball It will no doubt cost .more" to fine bathing beach is iriuch used ̂ ̂ * I- ̂ ' • . - the-' Smoking Cabin where all ,̂f fĵ jg jg fo. be a thing of the travel that way,at first but with by the residents of West Van- m X f S d S h an some of the . ff -with the advent of the open- time via the Libns' Gate Bridge 'muiiiLtiin^ w un an annual pnmmnfprs ia n p.ornpr seat in 4-u ̂ t .nil T4- ,ri/C..K4- /./vol- mrxv/i +r Tmmhpr b f naq«ipn<yprq onrHp/1 on Ot tm s IS tO Oe a in in g OI tn e t r a v e i t n a t w ay, a t n r s t DUi w itn uy m e ressmeuus ox vveat van- _____,_.^.buser-L?d-Siea^ now reS*h L . themticipated increase couver.and others from Greater ^<f0 total of ovpr* onp and a half mil are settled ai^ the Pohtician, no -present time just what the fut- lation cheaper fares and tolls. Vancouveh .The .-.cliffs' ŝ ^ - . Ikm-npVâ ^̂ ̂ " matter . who he is, is pven the û e has in store, then those of should in time be available. West the area from the prevailing Th« sail thronerh thp Firqt coupe-de-^ace for the things US who for so many years have Vancouver has' enjoyed low winds and the beach-is unencum- NarrowrAft-int^re^tinTaK alP '̂ "̂® ferries can transportation-costs-and-I-febl-- bered with rocks. ; that--th^tinie--|pn-- surftha^^^ West Bay Park West Bay Park .with its very - -- - t h lJ^m o u n ta in n n n d - o f - S ta n l r v --S^eker'."j_It.has_heeirsaid_tbat_-_firoinQr-toWnd-from our-w ork-T iaS ' o S its Q uicker a c c e ss - to - th p City----Dust Storm:-A; double feature and - quite----g o rfeen lost but well SP^bl^"'̂ Vn^eonvov win or«n i;ri^ . . ^ S i n ^ 'a f c o f S - - ' h a v e r ^ ^ S B t u S . con--_--_ of Vancouver will also become sisting of "The "Go'od;EarthV' "Gone pQpiilaiLif_the,cost-i&-reaBonabler-- ŵithrthe-Wind̂ '--rS6e^^aBf---------