' --------------- ........ ........... . i:.l,«:.i. „,U, ,1, U U , . u m w m vntnr II I '--I l*ft^vembS'"i7.1938. S M I T H 'S M A R K E T M D ^m o m iiE :Phone West 46 Phone 'W e i r 4 ¥ M eats--«Phone West 370 THUIISDAY, FRIDAY AND SATI?UDAY, Nô v. 17,18, and 19 MEATS CHOICE No. 1 STEER BEEF TO MY CORRESPONDENT 4.I4 I ; K * d & VVhiti* r O M A T O K H ;i L«irKi* No. iilj TTun ............... 3Ic « for 59c Kcd A; While (U tL im S COHN 3 l.arge No. 2 'I'Ihh ................... 29c| 0 fpr 55c Hcd a: While ( ;h k k n c u t u k a n s .*1 liiirKc No. 2 'I'iiiM................... 3.'k O' for 53c Hid A While I'HAH, Sieve 5, No. 2 Thin .. .3 for 33c 0 for 63c H e d & W h i l e H n i n d r o .M A 'I 'O J U I C E 6 1 0 * 0 / 'I'iitH 3 1 c ; 12 f o r GUc, H e d A W h i l e M O U I * S ~ V e g e t a h I e or Toiiuilo .........................3 tina n25c 12 titiK 05c HONEV-rr'MMnHolMi, No. 1 While ""~2ii):'3'o/rTivr::::*"r:-- ̂ HWANHOOWN CAKE KUOUH UiirKe Hackel ............................ 25c H e d & W h i l e H O H K & H E A N S 6 lair^e 18*oz. 'riiiH ................ '17c IMirCEl) WIlEA'r--Quuker, |)kt. Oc ,Ht*il & White Brand HASl'HEHRY . - .lAIVI, pure, 1 lb. liiu.................. 50c Hed & White Hratid HIJACK CUHItANT JAM, I'lire 4-lb. tin 55c CHOICE T-BONE ROASTS por lb. ................. .A ......... 25c RUMP ROASTS lb. 20c and 22c SIRI.OlN TIP ROAS^rS, lb. 2.1c PRl.'NiE ROLLED RIB ROASTS, III......... ..............; 25c MILK FED BOILINfJ CHICKEN, Ib. 22c BREASTS VEAL It la Impos.«?lbtc to write* 52 editoriala a year on local sub> jecta without running the danger of > bocoming either moimtontms or a knocker, but we always write on local aubjecla whenever the owa.sion cAll.a, as vitle the editorial of Nov. :i, which wa.s written before the above letter waa received, W. V., we know; needa many IhingH, but they Idl cost money and mean an increase in taxe.s, which ia what the tax payers mo.st object to. Theri*- foro, why waste printer's ink on discuHaing them? Moreover, W. V. i.s no longer a village but the suburb of a big city, and expects bigger things to be discus.sed. Also, people would be hardly interested in hearing alioul .side walks, whilt* their future liber- Service--- 4 b U M B E R -4 |iisB ity SASH & DOOHS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH . . . T H E R E J S . . . NO SU B ST IT U T E FO R Q U A U T Y . . Agenta; , CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD, PAINT BUlLDERg'-BUPPUEBEOOFINO WALLBOARD TILE WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15 th & M arine D riv e P h o n e W e s t 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Classified AdrerUsements is 1 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except In the esse of those having regular accounts, all claHsi- fieds arc payable strictly In «/ m . < ' j ' .Hemember CTassifleds in the West Van News gel immediate resultH. Barrister & 4199 .time*.by-. , , , , appointment, m any h e re "have c o n g r a t u l a t e d ----------------- -- _____ i i A i ^ n i r r^ 'ra DlO^tly by Word o f^ p io u th , , POH PAINTING, UAUEKHANGIN^ ^^^HDIL ■ I* lliL L IS , KomoHmo.y liv bn m v ,-))hono V. Hormandez._________ KH*PERS, KIPI»ERED SAL- F o r UoiiHtins, p o r II,......... 10c ti«» w ere bein(? t lirc a te n e d in .«O K »«N SH()Hl-;DEHi*ORK'~ROA*S'l'8-------J^UTOPU..JLmfiY.lUlem .̂ij])X.4 :̂i^~.^----a^--.weat-'Vanciuver---uny-- t̂imc ' (B u ttH ), p e r II)................. 2()c - re sp o n d e n t to know th a t very ' appointmont. West 403._______ a JORDAN -- First f6r Window Shades and Awnings. Small down & Awning Supply. - Phono West 71l) MON. sometimes by phone, on my articles on Europe, and all of junk WE STILL BUY Every- ; ■ " them uTiRoIicitcd hy me; proving-----ihing o f v a l u e rbottles,-rags; sacks,- - FRESH FISH DAIIiY ■ that there is a large body of ~ metals, furniture,-stoves, to^ols, etc. F re sh M ushnooitis D A ILY Apples- opinion here not only interested rx.- but very anti-Charnberlain. They Delicious, 7Ibs. 2.5c: per-box $1.25 like myself, love peace just^ as Jo n a th a n s , 7Jbs. 25c " " $1,25 strongly as the Chamberlainites, ** . .99 not peace at anv price. TheyRome Beauty, 8 lbs. 25c. TEA AND SALE OF WORK ORDER QF THE EASTERN STAR Naomi Chapter *No. 2G : ytr * -'r A 'IVa and Sale of .Work and, Horne Cooking will bo given at p.m. next Thursday, 24th Nov^ ember, in the Parish Hall, Caul- feild, under the unspices of the kali, lea and mizaaV held Ladies Ciiild of St. Francis by Naomi Chapter No. 26, Order Church. .Adnii.ssion, including- of Ihe Ea.stcrn Star, on Wednes- tea, 25 cents. U»y afternoon in the Masqnic . \---------:-------- !-- ■ Hall, HolJyburn proved very suc- So far as we have been able cessiul. The affair was officially to a.scertain, the ferries carried opened by Mi's., Beatrice Sabin,' • about 5 per ceilt less pas.4engers Hast Clran.d Matron, and the _im Monday and Tuesday as a re-, guests were received by the suit of the opening of the Lions' Worthy Matron; Mrs; Jr W. Neil.~ "Gate Bridge. It -is'^saiiT that th e ... The. tca table was spread with' - Pacific Stiigcs-, hiive had more ^ handsome hand-made lace cloth passengers using their buses '^^d centred with a bowl of , which ply across the bridge than oiauve chrysanthemums flanked they anticipated. However, it is ky .iade candles in silver candle-- much too soon to ^gmage .fust holders. Presiding a trthe--urns- what effect the openinfr of i-Hp . wore--Grand--Chapter--oft'icers7 hold War now is.better than mas sacre later. Only the event will prove who is rigrht. --Editor. It is a peculiar-fact th a t in these days of intensive education so few can read the traffic signs. Auspices Ladies' Guild o f St. Francis Church Tea, Sale of Work andj-Home Cooking : T H U R S D A Y , 2̂ ^̂ ̂ at 3 p.m., in the Parish Hall, Caulfield Admission, including tea ______ 25c. ' - Call West 91 and we bring, the cash to your door. Burrard Junk Co. West 91. .i-. ' FOR RENT--Furnislued Apartment!, .$20 monthly. 1433 Bellevue, West * 4G3-Y. ■ ________ • "NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con- veya-ncing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West 21._________ _J________________ _ ROOM AND BOARD available in nice home. West 686-R. MONEY TO LOAN on F irst Mortgage . Apply J. Sheasgreen. P. C. Gibbens & Co. Ltd., 1473 , Marine Drive. Evenings, West 547-L. West 704. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. Inquiries welcomed for Real Estate, Rentals,_ N.H.A. Loans, etc. 1447 . Marine. West 646._______________ LAND CLEARING -- Estunates f r e ^ -- PoweIl"'&'Matheson; West 334-R or - West 745-L. '__________________ _ BXPERIENCEDGIRL -- Housework, . cleaning, waxing; by hour or day; West 4-45-Y._________________• MILK_ RaUTE_CAN_VASSER_WANT^_ --E-D--Ph-one-North~343;---------"-- -HOUSEHOLD-GOODS---- JPOR SALE- -BoyV < "r=:7 b-ildpfe--wiJLrhav<*--'()n- tr;^l.^porf -- past-Grand M atrons.--aiul -Mat- -- tion between the North Shore t'ons of the current-year, arrang- 'am l'idie ciiy, and in any^case bW ^rs. J. G, b'iddes. 7 h^any people will have u.sed the. , I Dunoan McMillan was r e m a r k a b l e v a l u e s lui.ses this week ju st for the-ex- in charge of the musical pro- • v a l u e s perionco and to .see the bridge gnam contributed to by Mrs, J. . ̂ IN USED FURNITURE _ ' . . - -------------CUL^Hiw^\^^e^--so}o-s-aiid-vi(>̂ -:"'2drcavy"7weTgtnrifed-Tjha1i^;$9:50-erct^^ WEST VAN. CHIMNEY & WINDOW CLEANERS. City prices. Recom- monded work. West 348-Y. " P R IN T IN G ^ P o r aU k inds of . printing phone W est Van News, West 363. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Slither- land, 2144 Mahon' Avenue, North " I468-.L. • ■ MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512/ , ........... RUBBER HEELS, put on free with each pair of soles Monday arid Tues- day. Tite's Shoe Store. i ,. ............... . ...... .......... . ................. . FOR SALE -- 2"One Acre Lots Alta- mont district; special price for quick sale, well treed, good honiesite. C. ■ J. Archer Ltd. West 225. . GOOD COOK--General, 11 to 6, week days. Local references. State a- mount. Box 21, West Van News. • COMFORTABLE, Happy, Inexpensive .bo'ardirig place for one or two boy.s .at West- Bay... W est, 379-Y-2. .̂ __ L -WEST-149»R-3 ~^ Perm anent number _ ^.evening;.^ Annie. Lawrie, .reliable- woman. Thorough' cleaning, Thurs- I day and Saturday open. FOR S A L E ,-- Clarendon Upright Grand Piano, excellent condition, easy terrris-or snap for cash. West :457_tR-3.i __________ • - . practically new, $2,50. Phone West 289-L. WEST VAN. CHIMNEY & WINDOW^ ■•CliEA-NERS -- City prices. Recom mended work. Phone West 348-Y. G.ORDON • ROBSON -- Bs|rrister ■ &. Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t W^® ̂ Vancouver any time hv Daffy I)cnnition.s ' 'p --Protzol: A orncker gone screwy. Carele.ss Pedestrian; The lalo la mented, Homer: A type of simrle nitreon. 2, ' t <x A .Sjilit Second: 3'he infmitc.simnl interval hej,ween the tla.sh of the gi*een light ami the toot of tiie\ horn by the guv Lehind yoii. ____ L,.___________ lin SaJos by Mr.s. 'F . K n ig h t- - lovely wicker chaiiVred'dea^her, $9.75; Hodgo, p iano accom pan im en ts bv . Victor Radio console Al condition, M rs. T E SneloTovo -------- -- xosL-$275r-for .$25; Kolster Console ------ Radio ' $13.75;"'Missiou. 'Oak Buffet, In c w in n e r of th e d ressed dolj beautiful piece, $19.50; chest of draw- wa.S M rs. J . B rooks, 1460 M arine ^9.50-; wicker desk and chair D rive. Wesl. V anpm ivpr sot, | l 2 ; - 2 Avardrohe trnnics- f- i ' Highbrow: A por.son eilncatcd yond hi.s intelligence. Flattery: Soft sonji. (Ingi 7 90 per cent lye). Salt: Stuff Ihnt niake.s a potato tasfe very bad when you do not u.se any. Du.sg,S.lonn: double feature con- .si.'iting of "'riiek iood 'E arth ." "Gone P/iniNVrt' ̂ 7u $10, $15; cabinet sewing machine $25; o-n;iV^i J a y n e w as ,the .^Finlay enamel range 1938 model vvith g cn e ia i convener, a ss is te d by Aetna Oil Burner the fo llow ing co n v en ers : Sew ing, J \I rs .. Kom p4 .Home-cooking', Mi's. 1338 HAYWOOD AVE. Brand n.ew bringalow, strictly mod ern desigri;-planned by architect, best of riiaterials and ^construction; 2; bed rooms; rent $35. Ask for Mr. Hill.- a : E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD.,: -Sey.-iU34-----------a 833-AVest-......... appointment, West 403. alcd be- A. Thomas; Afternoon Tea, Mrs. K Fiddes; Decorating, Mrs. R. ,n*edient, CrightOn; VVliite Elephant still, Mrs. A. Lester-Taylor: Candy! all's. V. V. Vinson ; Guessing con- k\st. Mrs. J . R. Mitchell' and Mrs. J. R.-Allen; Door, Mrs. W. Gray and Mrs. H .-h Thompson. 4,_0 brown enamel bed, coil spring, pui-e- felt mattress (mattress cost $23.50) for only $22.50 complete; dressers $6.50, $8.50j $9.75; walnut finish ditiing-slet, oblong table, 2 leaves 6 slip leather seated chairs,' $27.50, real snap; solid mahogany round Sheraton design, all inlaid with 5 12" leaves, splendid condition, $75; 3.' 3" cream single, wood , bed. . ing] ............... spnng am irolt mattress, $17.50; Sun- shine used oil burner, pei^fect condi VIOLINIST and PIANIST open for ;■ engagements; .^old G*"® or modern music. Reasonable. West 58-X. li'U L L , PROTBCTIONf a t reasonable rates is assured under the new burglary, robbery, theft and liability insurance policy; For particulars and 'ra tes call Philip-C."Chapman," w ith"'coH ....W ^giig:l:i3 :____ tfon; like new with copner-coil and -- BUILDING, Alterations, Shingling, Re-Shingling and Shakes. West 530 J. EDWARD SjEIARS, B arrister; Sol icitor, 1405 Marine' Drive: 'Phone West 21, or West 663-R-l.______ _ A REAL REST for Tired Folks -- „ , ____ -136- 27th Street. W est 86-L-2.________ LOANS ARRANGED -- Dominion Housing Act and other plans. Gor don Gray, Seymour 4991, or,,West 92-R-2. J ' PAINTING and DECORATING -- J. H.-Wedley. formerly with C. L. Konings. Phone West 818. E sti mates free. FURS REPAIRED and REMODEL LED -- Dressmaking and, Altera tions. Milady's Lingerie Shop, 1474 • Marine. "TSVr JAPA.N-ESE G l^ 'iP i^g ^ iib u sew o rk , ^ > ' J ik : iltii '1 iM f'- T' -J t Special - -- POSITIVELY ONLY THURSDAY. FRIDAY & SATURDAY - -- ; .jiffyfjnher. I T̂lh,. I 81h...anrf-49 tii -- TR AD]§J Radiorf or^Drop=gide" couch or what have you? West 350-X:. TO GIVE AWAY -- Kitten, gentle _ -and pretty, a lady. West 151-X-l: WELL FURNISHED ROOM -- Bath adjoining, nice home at Altamont; excellent table, laundry. Box 23, West Van News. CHIMNEY- SWEEPING S&w^ifet -burners intalled; furnace repairs. Phone . G. Meldrum, 1103. Lonsdale North.-8'22. . EXCAVATING, Clearing; day ■or con tract. Experienced men, modern machinery. Rush , jobs. Kissick, West 252-L. iI!,L ' ft:? <! % 44 . K Certificate Worth $2.31 Inis certificat.c'arid 69c entitres tho hpnr#»i* , 7^TIME.GUARANTEE WITH F .4 C i/ ^ S p e c ia l^ W ^^L -F U R N ISHED -e OTTAGE near ferry, $9. Phone West 350rX; W r^ ^ V A S S , Chiropractor, ^^uit^~4, Hollybum Block. ^ ER SACKLESS AN IDEAL GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS REMINGTON'S HIGHEST GILVDE PEN « CAPABLE WOMAN__wiU -care._ for__: l^.-^KCEL SHOP. ■;=--Thermique Steam-- children evenings; any kind of sew- Permanents; only best materials ing or,' a lte ra tio n sex p e rien ced nsed. Expert operators.' Phone dressmaker, reasonable charcres.' West 304, Royal Bank BuiiaiTip- West 502. , ' . Hr, ------------- ----- 1'::̂--------- -J.. .i.T, ,7. JJ-V ..... "̂ ?A-N3P-ElXr̂ Furill't-UrC;T7§tiQygg-Tr;TooIs*~'" W^ANTED TO R E N T -- A piano for We buy, sell and exchanged:, .about 4 months. Box 20, West Van Phone North 431, Vinick's Furni- \ News. ̂ .ture, 66-70 Lonsdale Avenue. CHIMNeY s WEEPING -- b id Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and S I f e . Talmer, Capilano,North 811-R:2. - „ TMs It's Full. Transparent Barrel--You See the Ink. Moiilh« rin Oni.'- F i m n n i * ' ' ? ? * ' ' ' f o u n t a i n pen on the market! You' can 'Write for Three be unbreaLwe ffr J Levpr Filler! No Pressure Bar! Every Pen tested and guaranteed to OPFEr'TTh'?I f.EN'"«>IL£"'Breon'¥TES"i'*£.'E'""" ' ' 5friL"S'&Sfe'̂ "p!teK""iDD V ,' M cNeil and McCue b i i - --Also $ I .S(LrPencils-to^ match 39c REXADL DRUGy STORE 1402 Marine Drive WEST VANCOUV^ER Phone West 528 - LIMIT ~3"SET$ TO " Each Customer EDITH WHITE 2444 Marine . 'Sale of Cotton Dirndls $1.49 Sizes 14, 16, 18 & 20 Afternoon Dresses a t $3.95, $4;5(L; and $5.95 Corticelli Hose, crepe and 3- thread chiffon .................. .89e and 4 thread chiffon ....... 69c. ft--Slips--NightgownsT-Panties, ^ Dressing ;Gowns, Aprons, iSnuggies '& Vests, Collars- Towels, Luncheon Sets. HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE -NIGH-T SCH O O L ' Mondays and Thursdays 7 to. 9:30 14th & Marine; " W est 341 'ij