":~a-SFTr."W8 r m e n 's f u r n i s h i n g s MKN'S s c a r v e s -- Wool or Silk* In u largo ratxgo o f |.mtU'rn», . a il w o o l SW12AfTERS in Zippor or Button Coat Stylos ami . ' auil VulJovera; nssortea.colom J*H tp !f.p5 CAMPBELIi'S SUITS MADE TO MEASURE McLEOD'S MENS WEAR WEST VANCOUVER AN EARLY RBMJNDER - -- ^ YULETIDE CAROLING to be proiaenled by ihe WEST VANCOUVER lUOH SCHOOLS • Dates; WEDNESDAY,* DECEMBER Mth - ' ' ami • THURSDAY, DIOCEMBER IDth AJl Net Proceeds will again be given to the West Vancouver Santa Claus Eund. '<< Is This a< B. C. Product 1ft Koi* most of oni' domestic needs, the answer can bo "YES. 1 'I'Jiero are few staple fobd-slulfs that are not i)i*oduced or processed in 1 1 1 itish Columbia; few of our everyday requirements that cannot be aitmiied'bv bur own factories. ^ kveV.V purchase of a B. C. PRODUCT helps the local producer to increase tiiid improve his output.' ̂ » , Mo're B. C. PRODUCTS will bo stocked .and sold, more of our own people will limi employment, if we all form the habit of asking-- " IS T H I S " A B. C. P R O D U C T ? " , | t H E D EPA lbM EN T OF TRADE & INDUSTRY. E G. Rowebottom, Hon". W. J. Asselstine, ' Deputy Minister. , ' Minister. The pro-school jtoachora will Tho now Weat Liiko Ski Camp ilfecuss llie History *<if' '̂'Infant ' has htHuf complotoB with thc'ox- Ediu^Mition, and Monlos.sori moth- coplion of the floorinK and win- ods on Saturday at B p.ni. The dows. It is expected it will bo Mothers' Group on the fullowiuR m uiv by December 1st. , Tuesday will take "SoUislmess" ' ^ as their topic. lAquier:. Mrs. Mr, and -Mi's. Jacks have Stoilman, a t Wendy House . moved* from. 1,425 Gordon Aye- NuVserycraft Cehtre. nue, into a house at 20DB FulUm ♦ ♦ * Avenue. EnRugemeni , * * * * Mr. and Mrsj R. H. Shan>e of . Ithj$iiKcment West, Vancouver, annouuce the Mr. and Mrs. V. Nighliufifale cnj»al|||s)nen of their second of Hornby Island, formerly ol dimghmr, Margaret Dolores; tto West Vancouver, announce ,the M iV l^ger Allan, eldest .son'of engagement of their youngest Mr. and Mrs. ,T. 11. Allan, also daughter, Margaret Ruth, to Mr. of West Vancouver. 'Phe wed- Edward R. Westwood, youngest ding will take place on Deceni- son of Mr, and Mrs. G. West- hep 1. wood of Ijadner. The weddi,iig will take place in November. Stratton's BAKERY H O M E.M A D E n i t i s i A 1 1 FRESH DAILY Ten varieties to suit every toalo Meiit Pies -- Cooklen. Eceles Cakes -- Panlrlea Buns and Rolls ^ Note Address: MGS Marine Drive Phono West 27 ■iY'^inYiw*btri'n""Oi'rN ovomhei •->--s- 12th at the North Vancouver j\1p. and Mrs. Montague whoAilti C41IV1 AfAtki* General ITo.spital to Mr. and Mrs, jjave been occupying a suite a t II. E. Smith of Ruskin, B.C. i.ith and.'M arine Drive, have . lb J, tk I. . . . . : . 1 .. I ii.l. -rr... *■' ' Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and .SAT, MATINEE A EVENING November 17tb, 'tStb lOlb SHIRliEY TEMPLE RANDOLPH SCOTT , . ̂ ̂ moved into a house at, IBth and . Last week we hml the pleasure Bolloviie Avenue. of recording a hole in one made • ik ♦ on the seventh 260 yard hole a t jyjj. Whitehead of' Gleneagles. This was repeated Vancouver a r e ; occupving their .by A. W, Fmrhall of Vancouver at 22!!7 Matho.'a Avc- on Sunday, 6th November.- His 250 yard drive with a bit of a' slice trickled into the cup. The other members of the,foursome nue. # • ♦ IK Referring to the report of the' other members of the toin winners in the. r<^tint "Mum," were J. Westman, M.,. G arratt q Bayfield and not and George Macdonald. Captain Street was third in i T H E L A ST W O R D . . I . ■ , ........... . I in M odern Design, EquipATent and T ec h n iq u e , T)ora- T)qy. ^ ersonalit^ (^hoppe Bell--Leighs A quiet wedding y^as solemr 1 . Ill zed November 120i a t the ^ Manse of the Rev. W. Vance, Gordon Avenue, West Vancou ver, when Ethel Mary Leighs, Class 1., plants with one bloom. REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE 1836 Marine Drive % Creates:"Permanents, MarGels,, ' Finger Waves- • G'hprp was a large attendance ^ Ml the Remerhbranco Day Ser-'K .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. arranged by the Duncan 1 ][^ighsof VancoAveA.wasunite^ v c chapter, I.O.D.E., last in lAarriage to Mr. John Bell, p^dav morning a t the Memorial 840' lGth Street, West Vancou- fy e h ^ ? 'h" T e v F A.'Kamsey » veiv The young couple were supj A g ĵ-vSec and Mrs- T. G. Hamilton, aunt of the gixth Feld Company; Royal Can- 1 ®'M™'arld Mrs B e i r u t a fte r . f " i d i r b ? 'th^^ i t t f ' l t f r n " c/uv?r School. Band. T rum i^ter ^*Kebecca or Sunnybrook 'l^am" also / ' " . * TIIK C O U N 'rn iO S inT A l, (Laun'l W. Hardy) "GOOD SCOlITS"i "FISHY TALES" • MONDAY, TUESDAY ami ' . , WEDNESDAY . ■ Noycmb|jr 21st, 22nd tV T|OMMY R K L IA "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" . (Omie only at 8 p.m.) alHO "A MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY" 'P hone W est 834 points south. On .their bTv'id Btoxham' blew the Last f - Post and' the Reveifle, while K , „---.nzStbStephen's-SociaL.GommiL k tee will hold a whist drive on - A vpIj k -Friday a t 8 o'clock. AH ^ ...- ̂ -^ord ially^iT im ted^------------ A i ^ S ^ S S r ^ a n y pub-' A , 1 i.-. u XT ' lie bodies and organizations and-A daHghter was born on Nov- ember 8th.„ a t the, -Vancouver fVi a- AiirprrihTiv' The RevGeneral Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. th e ceremony, m e kcv. w "rilE HARDWARE MAN 8AYS: Now that ibe time for heavy cook ings iii'hero, good eooking'UicnsilB arc a necesaity, you will Inul' theni in our Old Country Judgo-ware 'Enam el See our window. ' CRAWLEY & BAR'KER General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs^ ^ ̂ ^ portion, of Scrips F. C Cunningham, (nee Kath- l . McKay l^ n Greelman), of Travers and ^be prayer, after which Marine Drive. _ , ^jj pj.gggjj^ 3^1̂ the Lord's Pray er- in unison. Then the Jong drawn--^but" notes the • Last • Phone West 671 LUNCHEONS - TTEAS d in n e r s ; Catering fotr Partlca__ -TABLE TENNIS^zrEAGTife DISABLED- VETERANS' ASSOCIATION Jii38: West 190 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 F R E E Friday and Saturday SPEC IA LS 'deuverv RolledRib 22c Ib. Sirloin Roast 25c Ib. Joump-Roast 20'clb. JSJusrt-Ribs-_ • ' 9e lb. Pol Roast ' 13c lb. Lamb Stew " 2 ibs for 25c. First Grade 3 lbs. 78c BAKEASY TDc^WrJbT Fletcher's No. 1 ' BACON 15c per pkt. Fresh' Killed Fowl • 50c each Shoulder Lamb ■ 14c lb 3reast Lamb ̂ 2 lbs, 25c. ' . t ' Roast Yeal • 18c Ib Veal Stew 2 lbs, 25c Teams P W L T Pts Blue Bombers -5 5 0 ' 0 10 Maple Leafs 5 4 0. 1 9 Dudes ' 5 ' 4 1 0 8 Canadiens 5 2 2 1 5- .Sockeyes 5 1 .3 1 3 Musketeers , 5 1 4 0 2 W. V. Sizzlcrs 5 1 4 0 2 Hillbillies . 5 0 4 1 1 Last week's scores-: __ ' - • Blue Bombers 13, Dudes 5, , , Maple Leafs 11, Hillbijlies 7. Post, ahdvihe tv^P minutes' sil ence, broken .by. the Reveille. "There followed the singing-of "0 Valiant H earts" and the thanks giving prayer,.^ the service con cluding with the Benediction by the Rev. Canon G. C'. d'Easum and the singing of the National Anthem. J Immediately fdlloiwi^g the ser vice some shrubs were oedicated by the.Rev. F. A, Ramsey to the memory, of the ..late James iJuok- ^FUESDAY, Nov. -29, H IG H L A N D S rC A F K 8 o'clock SIHilCIAL OFFER I'aiiitaing ^ |*jiper-Hanging _ 20% OIT All WallimiHirs Work dono at Rmluood Winter - ' jq-ices S> IL -SpiGI-EY „ Decorator 1440,. Markn.e.'Drive PhoneK'; <>*' 7'd.b-Y -S bckeycs-H i-M uskete^s^^^^ - ' . -'mu * ■■ ■ ■ '-T he BigvSeYep- • - Many later placed their pop- T 7u pT " ■■ - ^ n " ^ 'u t " piea:-in--the'fewn-in froul-of.-the i ' - In I? In Memorial Arch. -L. LefeauxTBE) 30, 24 80 ________ ______ B. Simpson (BB) 30 24 80 verv imnortani really,A. Masterman (ML) 30 22 73 ̂ imporiam, reany, ON ANy HAKE BROWN & MUNTOJN m J 30 22 73 but afte r all, i t's the little thingsF. Masterman (D) ̂ 30 22 /3 , wnrw nc! You can nerchA. Menzies.(WVS) 18 12 67 tha l worry u,s. you can pcu,n 1G42 MARINC. ORIVe .MviiiliorM: Aill.'l'i of a.C WEST ade ;T. Fulcher (D) 30 19 03 on top of a mountain, but you can't sit on a tack. Higher Mathematics T w o workmen were" engaged upon an intricate machine. "I say, Bill/' said^one, "iPs rbloumiii'- L andscape & iG eneral GARDENINQ can mak^ ridwadays. D-ye knew ' they can make measurements to the thousandth of-arti-inch?" " ""Blimy," said the other, awed, "how many thousandth . are, there in an inch ?'* 2 ^ h , I dunno/'-_answ-ere(L-Bill,_ ' Expert Work by Day or Contract Have that Rockery, Lawn or -PQt-&nniaIJBorder renom ted-now , LESLIE STONE , .Phone . . Evening: W est 84 West 306-X GARDENIA CLEANERS: 2152 Marine-Drive . FinesCand Most Up-to'-Date ~ "DRY-CO-J) A N W G .rPRE.SSl NG" Smart Alterations; Neat Repair' We Call and Deliver Free Phone West 858 .̂̂^̂̂̂̂^̂̂̂ Mr. andvMrs. Gdok of CauL feild have moved to V ancouver 'but there must be millions." 3sie o f V:^bouver, A new house is '^ in g built for into a hhuse a t Leslie Grant of Vancouver a t into a nouse a Mathers Avenue. EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. GHRISTmSON (fdnnerly with -Birks Ltd., Montreal) , 1522 Marine D riv e^^ R E M I N D E R ! HnBTTr.lTLTITRAL ASSOCIA'TION ANNUAL MEETING Inglewood School Annex TUESDAY, November 22nd, 8 p.m. prompt. The 210 mennbers are urged to be present tci dif^cuss special business. Public cordially invited! ,