THE WEST VAN NEWS NovemWr 17, 19S8. l e g io n w .a . a n n u a l a r m is t ic e d in n e r ENGLISH RUGBY Back again into strip after a . , week'a iayroflt through weather The Annual Armistice Dinner conditions, the Barbarians this . Shower MrSi'"J." W.' 'Neill 'was 'hostess""" conditions, the Barbarians this recently at a delightful mivS<.el- laneous shower held at her homegiven by the West Vancouver Saturday mi?et the winless Grads ------- uVanoh of the W.A., Canadian . oh Lower Brockton at 2:15 at 11th and Clyde Avenue, West lA'gion to the m em fcrs of P ^ r in the last of ' the one of the outstanding events of the year in the municipality, was held last Friday evening in the Legion Hall, which had been beautifully decorated for the. oc casion. Mrs. Frank Rivers was the convener, and a t 6:30 p.m. the ladies of the W.A. and their guests sa t down with good on December 1st,. The numerous and useful gifts were pR'sentod to the bride-elect on a beautiful- i.f»tfion to tile memoers oi r«»i. '"o*- 4vu<ivi t«iiyv/uw*, h6h6r|rig fiO Canadian. Legion, which ia games Cor the Millar Cup. With Delores Sharpe, d.\ughter 00, canaaian g , . Jack W att making a welconnj re- „f Mr. ami Mrs. K. 15. Sharpe, will be at full strength vbut for mairiage to Mi. Bill Atwood, who will not travel AUeib aon of Mi^t.aiid«M from Nanaimo for the game. At Alien, West Bay, will take place last night's workout all meniy hers reported fit arid eager to mys up victory No, 2 on Satur- If the team shows the same , , , , , . wg.. , aggressiveness as it did against ly decorated tea wagon by Miss -- , New W estminster and tackles as Ruby McGregor. The lace cover- guests sat down at the long fearlessly and robustly, as it did ed tea table was centred with a tables, which were set off with against Rowing Club two weeks large bowl of ohrysunUiemums beautiful flowers and laden down ago, tlje lowly Grads will still be . and assisting the hostess were ' with good things to eat. Comrade Ju the cellar position a t close of Mrs. R. H. Paterson, Mrs. J, R. C. F. Smith acted as Chairman play. ' Allen and Miss Ruby McGregor, and Toastmaster, Mrs. C . ' E. Quite a number of local fol- The guests included Mrs. H. B'. Sharman, President of the W.A., lowers were present at the Itop* Sharpe, Mrs. J. R. Alleii,' Mrs. „--̂Yi'2fki'ng"the~address"Of~welcomei-- gaTnc~on"~ATmisticc~Day-~whieh-- ^ltr~IL-J2atc^oii,-_Mrs*..^^ The Rev, F. A. Ramsey said saw Varsity lose its flrst game Gregor, Mto. Wm. Nornuuuh irrace, and a t the conclusion of in twelve months by 14-5. Most Mrs. W. L. McGregor, Mrs. J. the dinner, the following toasts gratifying to the locals was the Wright, Mrs. ̂Duncan MacMillan, were given: The King, by Com- large contribution of 8 points to - Mrs. J. M. Wilson, Mrs. A. Mon- ' ' " ' the winner's score by Barbarian . zios, Mrs. R. luddes, Mrs. G. D. Bud d'Easum. Also taking part Elgar,>Mrs. J. G. Rimnien ill the game but on the opposite George Payne, Mrs?'Jv K. Mitch- fl:^-.lL kir£-Y O U B E A D ., •THK MANDUAKK ItOOr* Hy Marllm OhUmikoINSANITY FAIIC* ' IN HAZAltll,**Hy 1)ouk1«!< H<?wl By UlohimlB •■{ .. .................... - Tho»y and many othoi* ttUivh 'Mulkeii abmir* buokn art* in our All the best in Cttimdiim luul Knul»«b <,'hri«Unus ('aids for r.AUbi MAILING. You cun select cards -triftK ln,comforl and economy at the Murine WEST Drive VAN. STATIONKUK At UHUAUY Open y a.m. to H p.m. Phono rade W. T? Atwood; To Our Fal-- leh Comrades, by Rev. H. B. Allen, the Last Post and the Reveille being sounded by Bugler P a rk e r; the Canadian Legion by Mrs. Douglas Graham, replied to by Provincial President Wj Mc- K instry; the W-.A. by President Peter Greer, replied to by Mrs. McDonald, Provincial President; the British Empire by Magis tra te Gordon Robson; and the Municipality of' W est Vancouver b.y Reeve J. B. Leyland. Between the toasts songs were rendered by Miss Agnes Harrison, Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, and C.̂ Carter, ̂while C: "W r Spencer,-besides-act-- ing as accompanist, played a piano solo, each of these artists being .compelled to give an en core number. Mrs. W. Green, convener of ;• the Poppy ' Fund -Campaign, announced toat ap^ proximately $450 had^een col- Rob-side, were Ex-Barbarians ' son and Mason. Last Saturday the Norwest- ers' game was also called off on , account of wOather conditions. This Saturday they meet the Fresh on Douglas Park a t 2:15 p.m. ■ . ■ ell, Mrs. C. B. Greenwood, Mrs. R. MaeVean, Mrs. F. R. Gorlich and Miss Ruby McGregor. ' Ik Hi 1)1 ' • John Gibson a n d , bride of Hardisty, Alberta, are looking up old friends and enjoying a holi day in West Vaiicouyer. Speaking of -,the weather, did wo ever forget to tel) yeii a'boul the tourist who landed in Kan sas just in time,, to exporionce one of the state's most effective cyclones? After it was all over, h(* crawled out of tlu; storm cel lar,' preened liis feather's, and icmarked, "I think you guys out In this part ,of the couiitry'over do the, veniilfiLion business alto gether." " '• lected for the fund, taking the opportunity to~ thank all those- who had, helped.. A pleasing feature of the (iinr ner' was the presentation by Provincial President McKinStry- of a meritorious service badge with palms to Comrade and Sec retary Frank Rivers in recognL --tiGn~of~hiS'"long--and-fai-thful-^r-T- vioes to the ' Ganadiam Legion. Flowers were also presented to •^Vlrsr4\fcDona4d7Jb?winci:^--Ereato dent, Mrs. O. E. Sharman, Presi dent, and Mrs. F. .Rivers, Con- - L etters-o f-reg re t-a t-the ir-in - ability to be present^were re ceived from Colonel W. W. p o s ter, Dominion President, Com- rade Grant MacNeil, M.P., Major B. H. Harrison.-and-Canon G.-C. d'Easum. After, the removal of. the tables' the remainder of the evening was spent in community ►singing and dancing, for which Mrs. Tom Turner and H. B. Stevens furnished the music. V ancouver B U S T I M E : W est V ancouver T A B L E S Caulfeild Horseshoe Bay WESTBOUND Tweekday service Vancouver .. Taylor Way Amblesldc .. Aliumont ... -W C81- II ay -- CyprcHS Park.Caulfeild ....... .Fisherpiun's Cove.... -GleneaKles-..-,..;.rv-..-.U-- Horseshoe Bay -- - A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.Lv. 6.10 7.10 7.40 9.106.20 7.20 7.50 9.25Ar. , 6.25 7.26 7.55 9.306.32- 7.32-7t35- 3.02-3-.05- 9.37-9.4J). (l.dl/6.39 7.39 : 8;09 9.44Ar, 6.40 7.40 3.10 9.469.50_.9.52Ar. 9.55 - A.M.11.1011.20 i i . a o11.JI7 11.40- ni44 11,45 11.50 11.52 . 11;56 ' _ P.M.12.1012.2512,!I0 WSiiP.M.1.10'1.25l.SO1.271.40L,1.4 4 1.45 1.50 1.52-17I75' P.M. 2.50 2.52"2'.T)y P.M.4.104.254,204.27-4.40-4.444.45 P.M.'5,45 P.M, 5.4 0 ̂5.55 0.00 0.0' P.M,0.100,250.200.27__0.10_l_0.4Jt0.14 0.1 5 0.44 0.4 5 0.50 0,52 .0.55 I'.M. H.lOi «jj25 H.20 3.87 ; 3.4 0 ■87.V4' 3.4 5 P.M.10,10,10.2510.2010.2710.40"10.-4-410.45 A.M. 12.10 12.25 12.20 12.27 12.40 1274.1- -12.4 5 12.5(1 ,2.5'.■12.55- EASTBOUND WEEKDAY SERVICE Bay.,.....-- Cove...l: Horseshoe Gleneagles Fisherman's. Caulfeild.Cypress ParkWest Bay ...........; Altiimont Amhlpside..Taylor Way Vancouver . A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. . A.M.Lv. 7.05-y;oh"7.10Lv. 6.45_ -7.16- 7.45 8.'! 56.48 7.18 .7.48 8.T86.53 7;23-' 7.53 8723 .6.57 7.27 7.57 - 8.27-Lx. 7.0J1--TvaO--_8.0O_-8.30-7.05 7.35 8.05 8.36Ar. 7.20 7,50 8.20 8.50 9.35 9.50 - A.M.10705"--',;o.o8- - 10.10. 10.15-r'-10.-13- ■ 10.28 10.27 -10̂ 39- P.M,. T.05 -l-;08 1.10 1.15 - 1-.1.8: 1.23 .1.27 4.3 Ou WSa: ' Wednesdays and Satunfa'ys ONLY. VNOTE: All trips; Westbound and-Eastbound, .routi WSaP.M.2.052,082.102.15-2.1S-"2.23"2.272,30-2.852.60 P.M."3.23-3.273„30-8.853.50 P.M. 5.15'57nr-5-72 3- 5.27 0,3-05.35...O.BO P.M. P.M.- (i.l5"(i.'lK' 0.27--JUIO.5.355.50" 0;4 5 5;4 8- -5; 5 3 0.57 7.7-00- P.M_7-. OB' 7.03 7.10 7.15-77-̂ l-3--7-̂-2-7.27'JJUL -P.M. P.M. 7.057.20 7,257.50 9.15 , 9.1H-- - 0-22 9.27 il. 11.15 -l-Ll-fk- 1 1.22 11.27 11.3011.3511.50 Vifi West Vancouver . Taylor Way , Ambleside . --A'ltamont-West̂ Bay WESTBOUND_____1 : A.M......... Lv. 9.109.25......... Ar. 9.30__ ____7.9'3J7_---- '9.ToPark ....... , 9.44......... Ar. 9,45Cove.... ?9;B0 9.52 SUNDAYT̂ SERVICE" Vancouver' Ferry Dock. Ambleside-, -SUNDAY--.SEUtvÔ Cypress Caulfeild ... Fisherman's Gleneaglea Horseshoe Bay -*rr-9T05- A,M. th3J41.40"11.4411.45 11,50 11.52-11TSS7 P.M.'2T40'2.442.462.60'2.52-2t56- P.M. P.M.5,106.256.306.37-6740-6.446i456.506,52-OtSS- P.M., 8.4 0 8.55 9.00 9.07 -OTTO9.149.15 P.M. 10.4'0 19.65 11.00 41.07 -1471 0-11.1441.45 A.M. '12.10̂ 12.25 12.80 12.37 -12740- 12.44 12,4 5 12.50 • 12.52 42.55 : Horseshoe |i Buy-GleneiiKles .......... .Fisherman's Cove.... Caulfeild ...........'....--Cy p r es s--Pa r k-.-;Trrrr̂.-:T.r-West Bay ...........AltamontAmbleside ................Taylor Way ............V.irwwiiiyi.r Lv, Lv. a.m; Lv. -A-p.- 3.13 3.22 3.25 3.30 - 3.-4.5. A.M: "--A PM. !'■M. P.M. P.M.,-10.00 1.00 400 7.3010.03, 1.03 •4.03 7.33-10,05 1.05 ' 405 7.35 - 9.4 010.1 0 . 1.10 410 7.4 0-10:13 1.'HP 413 7.4 3 0.4 310.18 1.18 413 7.43 - O . 'IR10.22 1n 422 7.52 ■.:9.52:i;10.25 11 30 125 425 7.55 9.5510.30 11 35 t 30 430 8.00 10.00 '10.45 - 'll .50 1,4 5 A.4 5 8,15 10,15 P.M. 11.15 11.13: 1 r,23' 11.27 11.30 11.85 4 1.50 North Vancouver - West Vancouyer - Caulfeild ̂ - - Horseshoe Bay North Vancouver - Vancouver Service .̂ WESTBOUND WEEKDAY SERVICE "SUNDAY SERVICE Japanese Chrysanthemums North Vanc()uver.. 'Ta^or Way v.........VANCOUVER ....Ambleside ..... ....-Altamont Buy Cypress Park CaulfeildFisherman's Co-ve. -Gleneairles,: Lv. Ar.An. Ar. A.M.3.15 3.25 : 3.50 8.30 A.M.I 9.15 9.259.50 9.30 9i37 9.40 9.4 4 9.459.50 -9.52- P.M.|1M5 1.25 1.50 . 1.30 ;*1,87 ..*1:40 , ♦1.44 *1.45 *1.50 *1.52aFf.:i:cjg: P.M.̂ 5.15 5.25 5.50 6.30- 5.37 5.-4 0 5.4 4 5.4'5'. P.M.5.456.55 6.00 0.0 7- 0,-l ft 0.1'Jl 6.1 n- P.M.8.158.25 "*i:hH"-l-4th"X>f"-t-hi^-^eek7 was made to keep W est Vancou ver m step with frjends_on th^-i _other' side, of B urrard the following will point but. • 1. Resolved th a t an associa tion be formed to be knoiwii as the West Vancouver Chrysan themum Association. P.M; 6.15 6,25 6.50: 6.30; 6,37 - 6.40 6.44 6.4 5' 6.50 6.52_̂ 8.308.37.8.408.448.45 P.M.10.1510,25 10.30 10.37 10.4 010.4410.45 A.M.12.15'12.25 12.30; 12.37: 12.4 0 ■12.4412.45 12.50 12.52'wu' on. A A.M.9.159.25 • 9.30 9.379.4 09.4 49.4 5 9.50_ 9,52 A.M. 11.15 11.25 11.5(1 J 1.30 11.37 1 1.4 0 11.4 4 11.45 11.50 1 1.52 I'.M. 6.15 6.2 5 6.30 6.37 6..1.0 6.4.1 (i.4 5 6.50 6.52 l-;51 I'.M.-3.4 5. -3.55 EASTBOUND -WElKD'AT"SEayrcir N DA Y- S filiVI Cfir- --Horseshoe -Buy .... - Ly. 2. That the membership con sist of 40 in n u m ^ r wfio shall each ' sign the forni provided, then be sponsored., by" one of the Executive and difly voted on by the whole „ who may accept or re ject toe applicant; ' 3. Yearly "fees to be one dollar per member payable with .lappli- cation form when accepted. 4. The 'Officers appointed are as follows:.President, S. J. sm ith ; Vice Pres., E. J. Jupp; -Sec. 'TTeas., A. J. Capon; Execu tive, R. Holden,-A. Chilton, L. J: MpGlashan, H. P. Skeet, A. Corlan, Blair Clerk. " 07 I t was stated th a t if dur ing th e recent show 10 lovers of the blooms- could delight the crowds so'well 40 members could follow the lead so splendidly set by our Boys' Band in their per formances. Gleneagleu ......- -Ifiuher'man'.s. GauIfcMd "Cypress Park..,,...,...■West Bay i...Altumoni ..........'Ambleside ...-VANCOUVER' .....'Paylor Way .......North Vancouver .. Lv I-v. Ar. A.M.• A'.M.'* I'.Mt- h-YS 7.10 7.3( 1 3.15'! 8.23 3.27 3.30- 7.45 3.353,45 12.3012.10,,■*12.35̂.12.45 ;M. P.M'. 'i.OO 5.055.15 1.15 5.1 3 5.23 5.27 0.30 5,10 5,35 5.4 5: P.M. 6.005.400.056.15 P.M.7.057.08-7.107.157:13'. PlOT. P.M. 7.35 7.4 5- 9.35 9.4 5 1 IJ r,11,IK 1 1.23 1+.2 7 1 1.3,(> 11.35 M.4 5 A.M.3.00_8.03_JUBi A.M. 10.00 _IO,03_J, 8.-1 3 3.13 3.22 3.25 10.10 10.13 H). I H 10.22 10.25 3.30 3.4 0 10.30 10.4 0, I'.M.*:•4.004.03.:4.05 ■7rrL0- 4,. I 3 4.13 4.22 4,30 4.10 4.35 4,4 5- P.M,7.3 0 7.33 7.35TIO7.4 "7;4 37.527.55 ■3.(10 ,3.10 1 0 C o m m u t a t io n R m e s F̂rom VANCOUVER, to: Adults Children North Vancouver ....... *i'no '.Ambleside ................. West̂ Bay ........... . '• • '-9*̂ 'cCoress Park""...... ...... • 2.20 1.25: e ff ild ......... 2m« ̂ 1.35Fisherman's Cove ..... . 2.80 1.50Horseshoe Bay ....... . *̂-20 L7j Fro» NORTH VANCOUVER.̂ ô:̂ ^ Ambleside ................. * 'rr.' Wust Bay--nnnr.'t'rr;--;;........ 1.25- . ;5Cypress Park ............;.-• Ei.) .65Caulfeild................... ....Fisherman's Cove 2.10 J'SrHorseshtje Bay ........ . 2.45 l.2i> Fr6m AMBLESIDE.- to: .Cyi'*"-s« Park'Caulf(-'ild Cove1!-̂,Horseshoe Bay ,Adults Children$,,30 * ,40LOO . .601,55 .80■ 1.35 ..95.4 TERMINAL DEPO'TS AT: VANCOUVER: ' _Bus T e r m i n a l , . Seymour at Dunsmuir NORTH VANCOUVER: Foot of Lonsdale AMBLESIDE: Ferry Dock , HORSESHOE BAY: ■Thorpe's Store , CAULFEILD; Gan Station For further information consult local nffent or phone S ey m o u r 7 1 3 1 i ip A C I F l C S T A G E L I N ES m