t h e w e s t v a n n e w s THE HUUNING BUSH By Subadar Looking back over the recent European criaiH, J / ^ 'i to liiugh when I reahze now much it wa.s like a oat fight. Cat fighlB always make me laugh.* The toms foregather iiti night and sit around and sciuall' their lungs out, making noises th a t would make a jazz band player gnash his teeth with envy. Every mother's son of ;them keeps lashing his tail in an anger, which most of the time is never strong enough to start them scrapping. In the end they usually walk away to their various homes, looking sideways lest their .slow exit , should provoke a rush on the part- of one of them. Salutes (>f old boots and bedroom bric-a- brac only move the party - one ^ gardon-l4U-*U;crr-buL-iieA:iUija.topJi«.ii it. This reminds me of a deiu* old maiden lady I knew in Eng land, who in an ecstacy of mid- nigiit wrath tried to ernpty^ a jug' of water on one of these afi'airs. Unfortunately, s h e threw 'the ju'g as well, and hit a ̂ policeman instead of the cats. In telling me about it, she said . she u.sed beer; and .; that the policeman wa.s a dear. Please ,, . note neither she nor I were poets. Jlsp lia lt P rc m ix for yourDRIVEWAYS Phone North 1141 ROAD M ATiKIAU JUUMUanEn ALP' ELLIS, West 160-Yor m n A L D E L C O N O W 00. (Product of General Motors) _ , AIR CONDITIONERS o il - V<>al 1,̂ . insmlled under Home li«i>rovement ^ S to k e r s j Mu h o r National Housing Act. , on Disiilay at R. E. JOHNSTON CO., LTD. IJ.C. DISTKIBUTOR.S ' . . 1071) klomer St., Vancouver, B. C. ' MU Fort St., Victoria, B. C. ' Estimates cheerfully furnished by BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING CO. LTD. KNfJlNEEUS & CONTKACTOUS, UEATINtJ AND VENTILATING -- ------- rr"" > 't Specializing in Air Conditioning ̂ . G. W. H. JACKSON, Manager W f . i i 1483 Marine Drive,. . ' '_____________ T fancy the whole world must have, laughed at the recent di.s- turbance in the Eastern States caused by the supposed appear ance of the Martians in those parts. It recall.s my boyhood (lays, when a story about some invasion of England by the Mar tians appeared in a , magazine. I remember they were depicted, as looking like gasometers on thin steel legs, and they chased trains and generally played hob with the countryside. Eventual ly the Channel fleet dispos^ed of t1iejTr~(Godd 6Td" Navy and all S P E C IA L O F F E R ' ' ' ' Ww ^ w - 4 See PAINTING & PAPER-HANGING* 20% Off All Wallpapers Work done at Reduced Winter Prices. S. H. SRIGLEY, D ^oratbr IddG Marine Drive, West Vancouver; Phone West 702 or 799-Y Full line of Paints & Varnishes & Kalsomines That's the Point ^ They were arguing as , to whether it was correct to say of a hen "she is sitting" or , ".^he is setting." , , . .-"The question," said the far: mer, "done iterest me at all. W hat I wants to know when I hear a hen cackle is whether she^ is -laying-or-lying." . ______^ WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone* West 39 Furnace and ^Range Repairs, ' Sawdust Burners that,.you knpw) . They were long -o n , action--in - those- days,- - and-- short on protests, so it was a' popular ending and all hands felt better for reading it. A t-th e same time one can't help rem'̂ rk- ing on the state of jitte rs to 1 which the people of "God's Coun- t ry" must have attained. Ini-". Out for "Whoopee" ~ '® e "you" the captain of th is" yacht'? My friends would like to. charter it for a long cruise." * • "How many parties will there be?" - ■ ■ - - ............. one long one." - agine a whole lot of-people"beai:^' )Lv. .Wo.Ht Vancouver, 8 a.ni. & 3 p.ni. Lv. Vancouver 10; 12 noon & 3 p.ai. Lv. Vancouver Saturday only, lO.a.m. andj-̂ 1 p.m. - Also FnRNlTURE_&_PIANO MOVlNa;_£h.QD(Lfor Bates J___ Doiikda.s 429 ̂ ' North 12L3-Y ^ West 8.5 ing i t frdm their ancestral;homes ancl heading by auto for .the fa r horizonJr.egard Iei>.s,.'i>f.-the-Sfieed- regulations and all the traffic-^' laws. . What "I want "'to know is did the traffic cops head the - procession m* did tHey"collect a flock of fines from the' speeding population ? . Arid where was the underworld all thi.s time? Did ~GTeyTake"opportunity by the fet- j- - lock or did they become more underworld than usual ? Up -to date the American papers have been strangely silent on these matters. G. DOWN APPOINTED TO. R.C.M.P. BAND George Down, a member of the West Vancouver SchcS>l Band ' was chosen -from many appli- jQuick contact by_ long-distance elephime_ VERNON FEED STDRE X. C. SEARLE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds^ ADCO - Wood, Coal, Builder^Siipplies SPEQAL InsMe F ir.... ........ per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slab's & Edgings $3.76 per cord . : SAWDUST # PRITAM'S FUEL * r"~Phone North 620 ^ formed ^loyal* Canadian Mounted Police band. The youngest play^ Time lost through writ-- ing letters or travelling in, person may mean business lost, so- why not use the speediest, method in con tacting those out-of-town - ^customers ? Gall by long distance, telephone. A few words , over • th e ,- wire will disnose of your Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -1- PHONE -- W est 582 812 J6th Street T O P S O IL G R A V E L . Bush Fii7 Inside.... ........ $5.50 Cord Mill Fir, In s id e ............... 5.50. " er to be picked from Vancouver. George left Tuesday night of - last week for Regina. A fter six months in training he will go.to Ottawa, which wilfbe the head quarters for this band. As, only thirty-three players -Wei:e -ch.o.seri .in - thG- Dp;miB4.o.n-of-~ -1 ^ • Ganada from hundreds of appli- --cants,. it speaks-well for the in struction- being given in the school band. The citizens of West Vancou ver join with the members of the school band in Congratulat ing George on his appointment and wishing him every success in his hew venture. B. C. TELEPHONE CO. ^Sisgaace B M ^ 4.60.. ^PECIAL-^-'"-' -- ' - ■ . No. l"F lr Edgings...... 3.5Q'Cord 3 Cor^ .........:..... :...$10.00 6 Cords (6 Loads) $16.50 Slabs & Edgings ir B a rk y ...................3 Cords $11.00 Bark .................:............ $6:00 Cord Limited amount.' ^ SAWDUST SPECIALS S acked ...................... $3.50 per unit perr^HHit CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office'at 1436 Marine Drive Sometimes a man who "owes,, it-all-to-his-wife^has^a-bimclrpf^ other creditors. When wifely suggests a new spring dress and hubby's ,tem perature gees .up, they call i t "spring fever." _ If she goes arc>und in as little as possible, she is, of couhse, a "golf bagj." . " When they ask him if he suf fered with rheumatism, he said, "Sure, what else could I do with i t? " CONCRETE CONTRACTORS GENERAL TRUCKING* -- .BUg/DINg SUPPLIES ' " . Sole Agents for ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT TEA R O E-& -SO N ,-'" ' " """"*"'"̂PHO N E W E S T 8 4 NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANINO Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and ' Good^Hdusekeeping C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative PHONE WEST 782 -- ^ : ----- NOTE:--^Parcels may be left a t WILSON'S GEOCERY,. 1409 Marine. WEST BAY STORE. JDUNDARAVE LIBRARY