r - ' . ..........." .............. ... K y ; ; J . 2 ...... i l f l - 1 '8 \ . ftl ' Q |» *1 y ; '1 y I l L 1 ! 1 ; -- - WEST VAN. UNITED CHURCH Cor. 21st 8: Ksqulinalt Ave. REV. W. VANCE, B.A.; Mlttlrt#** 2047 Gordon Avenue Phone West 244-It Sunday Servicas: 11a.m. A 7:3Qp.m» Strangers and Visitors ore welcorao Wt ' -.1. i ■ V ' . ■ ......... f l ■ ■ j:- 1 i l ' .,5 WI5ST VANCOUVER | i . * 1 i TABKHNACI.E Cr. Marine and 26lh Pastor f - l r . ̂ At ' . ; , Rev. RoIhtI H, Birch, II.A, Services; Sunday Morning ......... 11 a.m. Sunday Evening ....... 7:30 p.rn. Wednesday Prayer and Testimony ............... 7:30 p.m. f 1' Y .'■ri.'. 5 V' ■■■. ... j t, - I•'l•iday--- t f M t ' Childrens Meeting 6:15 p.m.' 1 > * i < » Independent -- Kvangellcol 2 £ Z S 2 t e S r P V " 9=55 BAI*TI8T CHUKCH Miniiter u«v. w. L. McK«/» ILÂ a a Sunday Scrvic«i 10:00 B.m.--Church School in cluding Addit Clai|w i I B.m. db 7:30 p.m.~Pre*chiug' ScrviccB, A hearty welcome to «U X HOLLYBDRIf HALL I4 th and Duchetgs FUIDAV KVKNINC, Nov. IH, at 7:15 Vounjf People's Service ed 4>* The New Upward- Hairstgle : DEMANim A NEW HAIR CUT f, .' ..J Everyone is huvinjf iL.but w ith-- out the j)roi)er hair cut it won't stay up. Make lin ai)j)ointment Jliustraled hy views. Subject: ' 'l.oiidon and some of ita leaHonM* SUNDAY, Nov. 20th, at 10 a.ni;' Sunday School and Young X^cople's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 Mr. ANDY HOGG, Junior umi other young men like-mind- ■--(jd;̂ --vvilP-proidn i in--ipid--uing~i.hu--- Gospel, . 1 TUESDAY, at 8 p.ni. Prayer ' ami Hil)le Study , . Subject: "'I'lie Ark of the (k)venant and llH Eventful History." WEST VANCOUVER -Christiau Science SMiety , V CilVSCII E0IKICP___ 20tii and Baqulmait, Holly born Thia Society ia a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Maasacbusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. "SuMay* November 20th SUHJBCI'; "SOUL ANI) BODY" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. H A N D Y A N N S H O P , Z 4 4 Z M a r i n e Pudding and Mixing Bowls - Mazda Lamp: -- Stove Pipe--' - Elbows ' . Laco Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public Is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. v>, HOLLYBURN DRESSMAKERS ̂ ' Specialists in I.ADIES' t a il o r in g , SUITS AND OVERCOATS • Prop. MISS I). II. HORIE Plione: West .58.'l 1800 Marine Drive, West Vauemiver to liavij your hair styled so hyou will be able to have it waved up or down, at the Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe UNITED CHURCH 2Jst and Esquimau Ave. ' Rev. William Vance, Minister -- HOKEYBURTr TEM P li f i- Cor. Murine & Mth SL SUNDAY--11 am. - 7:30 p.m. Tue.s,, Wed., Thura. -- 8 p.m. 'H ear . . EVANGELIST II. CRANSTON Returned from Europe. AUSI*ICES LEGION W. A. DANCE<^Friilay, Nov. 18th IN THE ORANGE HALL, 9 to 12 TARTAN MOUNTAINEERS ORCHESTRA i mroRsrid,\\Tf()'i>:M rLnriH«:'i1i~WATnr'crcOTESTS-- s-j . 'rickets 35 cenCs■ ^\i\ ' • ■ . __ v.̂..-- -....... BULBS FOR SPRING BLOOM ficult to establish since they siif. fe r /fro m exposure. The' best (PJxperimental Farms News) time to transplant is fiuring tlio Spring flowering bulbs, are . blooming period. This is anotlun* iantable to a , wide range ef plant to be left undisturbed {iiul CrealorH of ExcIuhIvo PermanentM, 1546 Marino Drive West 117 DR. G. D. H. SEAL,E D.U.S., L.D.S. ̂DENTIST X-Ray Hay Block,\14th and Marine Dr. Oirico Hours 9 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 . - 1 ■ il ,1 DR. MnRAE D E N T I S T fonnorly of 705 Mcdical-Dcntal ' • Building' Hours:: 9 to 0 -- Evenings: by appointment. ~ ' I860 Marine Drive West 432 Sunday, November 20th ]0:6o a.m.--Sunday School.^ 11 tOO a.m'.--Morning Worship. Theme: "Finding a Way and Following It." 7<:20 p.m.--Minister's Subject: . "Trust God -- What For?" Good music and a welcome. Jtev. Andrew Uotldan will give his illustrated lecture on "Con ditions in Europe," oh'Wednes- (h»y, November 23rd, at 8 o'clock in the church here. Mr. Roddan. ha.s recently returned frorh EUr- oi)e and large audiences are flnding his lecture very enlight ening and interesting. This will probably-be youi'nouly-opportun- ity to hear it in West Vancouver. Everyone is welcome.:___ ______ ST; ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH I 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. W.-J. Millay, O.Prem. Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass r-- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. T Rosary and Benediction --: 7 :45 p.m. . . Catechism and Bible Class---2:00 p.m. . Week-day Services M ass-- 7 :00 a.m. Fridays---Rosary, Benediction- 7:45. ' . Saturdays Confessions;-7 :30 to 8:3'0 ^p.m. ' " Vt. adaptable -- _ . , ̂ . conditions and purposes.. No not pampered., Chionodoxas m atter the size, shape dr quality must .haye both light and mois- of the garden, there is always a "ture during the growing period place for one or-several of these '■ and may be - lifted every .few proclainiers of spring. By the .years and divided. I t is.well to use of spring flowering bulbs, plant Chionodoxas where wiiitei' ■ even with the minimum of care, protection is afforded. ' a plentiful supply of bloom may, Scillas do,not require sp ew ^ be procured both for landscap- cultural treatm ent. < 'There are ihg and cut flower pUi*poses, two groups: the Squills, bloom- •states G. R. Thorpe, Dominion ing with the Chionodoxas, irnd Experimental Station, Summer- ' the Bluebells, blooming with the land,. B.C. Hyacinths. Shortly afte r Scillas The following suggestions are . come the Grape Hyacinths. They advanced^ in the hope that they have no fancies for special soils will assist amateurs to secure or culture, and dan, be left for satisfactory results in, design several years. " ' and culture,. S p ring ' flowering Crocuses which are really, bulbs, for the foreground of the ; corms,-have a tendency tor work average residence are used to . out of the sdil, and consequently -their--best-advantage in-natural--should -be.-repianted^eyerv two plant.ings, clumps of groups of or three years. A lw ays le t the BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCHES OR CHRIST, SCIENTIST" clumps being dispersed through-- foliage ripen before cutting or out-the bwdef a f iffegular inter- ' lifting I ,1 1 ■" ' (\ Mr ' W m -VEMtnbliBhed on North Shore__25 Ycofs (Lady -Assistant) HARRON BROS. Lti); jfuiteral Btreclors UoIIyburn Funeral Home , ' 18th and Marine • - West 134 -hLotUi---Vancou ver--,Parlors- 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 131 j Vancouver Parlors --56 Tcnth-"Avenue- East , Phone Fair. 134 Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545" Duchess Ave. •~::gXhe'~Faii ihii^-Brook!!. will be. the pastor's _.morning slibject. There will also be ,a. story for -thB~bcy^'̂ and7giidsT--The-oveninj*^ service will open wiyi a bright sing song, when favorite hymns" "SOUL .AND BODY" will be the subject,of the Lesson-Ser- .mon in all Churches, of Christ, S cien tisi^n-S iiiidax ..IJThe Golden Text i s : _ "Yea, in the way of Thy judgments, 0 -Lordrrhave--w'o-waited-for-T-heex . vals. In the naturalistic.border,. The Hyacinth, the most frag- perennials and shrubs quickly ran t o f the spring bulbs, requir- ; overshadow the vacancies left by es mulching for wiiiter, protec- -spring bulbs. ■ tion, and thrives in light fertile -'When ordering bulbs, order-vrsoils. Daifodils and ^oither N a r-■ -early--and-- named variety-xissi-give- best results in sandy ' \yill be<su'ng^ "A Challenge to .Youth" will be the subject of the ' evening 'sermon. Church School - Tnxet^tolO-n'clockT the. desire of our soul isrto Thy name, and to the reniembrance. The. Young People's Society will meet on Monday a t 8 o'clock. -AIL-Jm in g "neopl e n re f.oi!dLUJy- in v ito d f rh e devotional will be :of Thee." (Isaiah .26: 8) V Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is 'the" follovving " fiw T 'th e Bible: "My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from :H-inni^L4Psaims:j62L_5^ ra ther than by color.- Procure the best ghality, i.e.. Targe, firm ,̂ ■well-ripened bulbs free from in sect pests and diseases. Imma-, 4a.js^r-poeriy-ripened" loam w"ith plenty of humus in- _coiporatodv--Mberal-applicat-ions- of bone meal,, wood ash, and other fertilizers o f th is type give show green, ra th e r than white,' animal m anures-afe used, they- beneath the scale. _High price should be applied several years ...does. not necessarilyLsignify_p.er=__hefoieL_planting.__^Daffodils-and- ̂ I. ..*1 4x4 H O LLY B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S 1890 Marine Drive PHONE WEST 583 MISS Dif II. IlOKIE taken by Helen Colpitts. The topic, "The.Bible: ItsJDrigin and Growth," will be led by the pas- ior. , The midweek meeting for/ prayer and-pi*aise will be held d h \ Wednesday at 7 :45 p.m. The Trail Rangei's -meet- on Friday at 7:15 p.m. '■IMi 8 The-4French __ For.,Work of Ciyality- ^ "'• We specialize in fine, grey and ------ ---white hair. - -- ^ - _l56.2„iyiflrlne Drive" Phone W. 212 Mi t t l l J ST, STEPHEN'S, eHJtJRGH __ __22nd and Fultim, Rev-.- .:f : , A r R ^ ^ ^ ^ c t p r The Lesson - Sermon alsoi in cludes the following passage from the Christian-Science tex t book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Spirit' is God, Soul; therefore Soul is not in matter.- If Spirit were in m atter, God would have no representa tive, and m atter would be identi cal with God. The theory th a t soul,-spirit,-intelligOnceTlnhabits mattorJj3Taught_.-.byLthe.^s.chooI This theory is unscientific." _ , . feet performance. It often indi- ̂ other Narcissi should be left in ̂cates a new variety or. a rare the ground until too-crowded, tone difficult to propagate. Be- . then lifted , divided, and replant- " gimiers wilhiiTweH to avoid such ed: --̂ -------- -- temptations. Tulips are well adapted for use Stnidayt^^hJT5^^ eORRESi^I In general, all spring flower- in tormal ..beds,^ the Bulbs being ing bulbs are safely planted from set about 6 inches apart- in "rows late September' to early Novem- or blocks of jone variety so as to ber. Early planting is prefer- produce bold color effects. The able in order to "permit root disadvantage of this method, of growth before w inter sets in. J t plantihg is -that-it-necessitates is advisable to work the soil digging before the new bulbs are deeply, but care should be taken- fully developed in order th a t the to avoid airpockets below" the beds may be set to summer bulbs. Comparatively deep plant- blooming flowers. When planted ing is desirable-since Bulbs are in clumps in shrubberies and per- very =: sentitive-to=^the=^high-tem-^ennial-borders-t-ffezb'ulbs-may-4re^ _B_: 00__'a .m .r=Holy_C.Qmmui3 i on^. ... lujjion^-^ 11:15 a.m.'S--Matins and Sermon. -7 :15 p.-m.--^Evensong and - Ser-^ . mon. i i M i • i ■ 1:1# %■ m i Book Your Passage to th e Old C ountry ^ Through Your Local Agent CUNARD -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Pull-partrculaYs,-sailings and nccomntodation. > J. T. WATT ,1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 St. Fraiicis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 3:00 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE 25th Street and Marine To. the-Editor. -- ^Dear -Mr.- E d ito r:--I listened to Mayor Miller, Reeve Ley land and Commissioner Vance and others at the opening of F irst Narrows Bridge; I noticed that no mention was made of the steel workers divers i . i p : THE W est Van N ew s Publitiihcd Every Thursday 51 'i. MetW V- Publisher ---- FV^P.-fcOYEGROVE Phoite West 363 , Ilusiness and Editorial Office; 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 Do fear and unbelief, with other weaknesses bind you like atohaimof death? Christ under stands and- by His d a th ' Has rendered your adversary power less. Yoh may be set free ffrom slavery. "Christ has vanquished death and alUits-powersT^- 44 . ■{} North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1*00 a year by. carrier: $2.00 a year . ' by mail s l i We^ want to., share with ydu the richqs of God's gospel. Coinmencing this S u n d a y there will be an evening seiwice at 7 :30. . Miss Brook will continue to open up the Word of God. Children aaid parents are warmly invited to the happy Fid_ day meeting from 6:45 to 7:45: stories, singing, contests. and others who actdally did the work on the substructure and ̂ superstructure. I have watched coiistruotioh work from the start- and what _ impressed me most was the manipulation of the tackle in lifting the compon ent parts o f steel andlix ing the ' catwalk in place. ' I, of course, do not minimize the skill of designers and engin eers in-working out. the mathe- m a ^ ^ l and mechanical problems involved in estim ating strength of materials, stixsses, strains, etc. , ' Thanking' you for allowing space in your paper. ^ Yours very truly, ' GILBERT J. BURROWES bulb' is a goOd-general rule. well-drained soils, and do not re- #:ltoe"better known spring bulbs~'^qiiire "hw vjrf^d ing . - The"use of _Ahd necessarily the_. m ost _reli-_ manure should be avoided-.-Plenty able, consist of the W inter Acop- 'of m oisture'should be prSvicT îl ites,. Chionodoxas,- Snowdrop^, ' especially j u s t , prior to tJie Soillas, Crocus, Grape Hyaciilths, , blooming period. Tulips, and Daffodils.' - * Given a wise selection of good F irs t "to bloom usually is the sound bulbs, a well-drained soil, Snowdrop, liking moist, cool shady and intelligent planting! ' the . spots imd~be§t'ffefto^doner" " "'--------- - -- -̂----- ---'For:: spring garden . w iirp e gay 'with lowing the Snowdrop, come the" bloom oyer quite an extended Winter Aconites, which are dif- period. ; ISt. Anthony's .Parisli "Bazaar V V H JN ESD A Y , N o v . 2 3 v d , in the Orange Hall KNITTED THINGS ' FLOWERS NOVELTIES TURKEY .DINNER ^ 1 ...... . I.' ... . ■... . the midnight oil?" . ; , Yes, .and a lot of gasoline along with it." x Stick With Your Sawdust Dealer When you get a good'̂ sawdust man stay with him. ' The householder who shops around for Bis sawdust seldom is ^ tis f ie d . ' Knill has a lot 01 steady customers and the reason they buy u n it'"after unit, year after year, from him is because each unit-is-the-sam e -- fresh, 100% Fir Sawdust, fulLm - y f ; - K M I L L 'S . F U E L S . : ; " SAWDUST ^ WOOD COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS West Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine Drive. Phone West 794. Mfs-s i i vv.-l M ,