'Tfl T« î '̂-sWî ̂ 2»fl|Sf% fS' A 4 V e e k l y - 4 ^ e w s p a p e F C irc u la tin g in the d is tr ic t o f W est V ancouver--J^m hleside, H o /lyb u rn ^W esto n ;, D u n d a ra v e \, $1 .0 0 per year. CypreSS P a rk , C a u lfc ild t W hytC cli/f, ■ E tC . 6c per copy at new»»tamlB. Vol. Xlll H O LLYBURN P.O ., W EST VANCOUVER, B.C., TH U RSD A Y , NOVEM BER 17tli, 1938 No. 25 OPENING OP THE LIONS' GATE BRIDGE Last, week end West Vancouver saw the dream of years corm> true, when the Lions' Gate Bridge was thrown open to tlu* public. Yet to say "dreams" alone is not saying all, for tliose who are content just to dream seldom see such children of the brain materialize. Very many of us in West Vancouver have striven for years to have the F irst .Narrows bridged, nil.I have received yeoman assistance from others in Vancour, "~\'or 'and elsewhei^e whose eftorts'iriFoiily YigHflHa^^^ should mo.st thankfully acknowledge today. And th a t assistance was v e r y badly needed indeed, as we ourselves know who fought editorially for the bridge through two campaigns, one of our editorials being reproduced in the Vancouver, press a t the end of the second which was successful; From the first opposition..... of the strongest was brought to {Bear against the project, an. . opposition also which never at any time desisted from trying to defeat our desires. Even after the actual construction of' - the bridge had .been started there were rumors about th a t it ■ would never be finished, ' . Today its tw in towers reach up into the sky, as traffic pours over its roadway. And. while the chief credit must be given to Reeve Leyland and the Council responsible for mak ing the deal with the British financiers which made the bridge an actuality, we m ust not forget the work of past Reeves and , Councils, some of them piassed away, whose foresight in re fusing to sell our municipal lands piecemeal made the deal P'Ovssible. Would it b e . saying too much, .if t one stated that these elder brethren were also present in unseen form a t the bridge on Saturday and Monday?' We think not. The' opening of the bridge was another milestone in the progress of W est Vancouver,,yet not an ordinary milestone, . because it stood a t a crossroads. " Over the week end West, Vancouver took the highway, which- leads to prosperity. Of that there can be no doubt whatsoever. ' There will be di*fficulties to be faced, of course, some of them possibly harder of solution than any in the past with the exceptioh'-of-thei)ridger^But"then" iHcreaseTn"power-and- WEST VANCOUVER L. O. L. '2990 r . . , . , , The regular meeting of the above lixlge w as' held in the Orange Hall last Tuesday when there was a very good turnout of tile brethren. The matter of ' the Xmas Frolic to be hold on j-----Fit(iasTl)ewinber1)thfwns"fully"- . discussed and final details were ■arranged in order that a ixially enjoyable time may be had by those atUmding. The' entertain- ' meat committee are requested to moot a t the homo of the Sec retary on Moiiday, 21st, at the , hour of 7:80 p.m (Secretary'.s address, 1098 Esplanade).' SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY Ladies' Branch OPENING OF LIONS' GATE , ' BRIDGE The Lions' Gate Bridge was Mayor *G. C. Miller of Vancouver thrown open to pedestrians a t 9 l e c x u RE BY a.ih. on Saturday, R. F. Hearns of Caulfeild being the first over from the North Shore, while Mrs. Mary Sutton of Vancouver was. the first through the gate imTthg^s0Tith:^1de. REV. ANDREW RODDAN A lectur^'will be given by the Rev. Andrew Roddan a t 8 P*m. next Wednesday, November 23, in the Westi Vancouver United; Church under the. auspices of ; Hiss "'Present Gmidi^ Next prficiice of the above Society will be held at the Cla- chah on Tuesday November 22nd, a t 8,.p.m. ' ' . S i' ' Officers elected for the ing year aixi: President, Mrs.tW. -Penniston; Vice President* Mrs. E. Lane; Secretary, Mrs., Whit- tingham; Treasurer, Mrs. E. Gallilee. Membership Commit tee, Mrs. Rathie and Mrs. Cutler. WEST VANCOUVER TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD I A special business meeting of the Guild is called-f or-Tuesday, November 29th, a t 7:45 p.m, in' responsibility usually brings with it-correspondingly greater Under a threatening sky Reeve Churoh under the auspic problems.. Undou,bjtedly-the most .serious-olitheselwiU.M^^ ____Leyland - and -Mayor Miller_of___the United Church ^W.A. supplying.of services to a rapiifiy increasing population. Vancouver met in the centre of subject will be '"Present rsovemoer uyin, a t / '.-aiO p.m, -in- Few, If any, districts in G reater Vancouver h a v e a t 3 ».ra. Saturday and aons in Europe.-" Admission, 25,, .i-he-ciachani when .pians wUl.ije ' niade for the annual meeting municipality. For this its natimal setting and climate-have another on the bridging of the --------------------- . ■ and.Birthday Party. Following, been-v^y largely rcsp^sib le . JThese-al<me,--howe^r, do-not__-- physical-gap"between-West--Van-- -- .----- ------SOCCER-----:----- --------business-m eeting Canoir tell^er=w hde-sto^^-T here-alw ays has beem a-certain-spi -- couver-and Vancouver. ; ------------------------- ^"-- -----"-~T~Thompso.n~of North-Vancouver,- 7, which has impelled her citizens to pull together for the com- ̂Reeve Leyland expressed his Mainland Cup, 2nd Round at give an illustrated lecture- mon good whenever the .vital interests of West Vancouver as apnrppiflt.imi to those responsible,_Con_ Jones Park, 1:15 p ^ . , SaL--Qn-English-Lakes--James-Por-ter a"whrole"weTe'concerned. ■ ■ • It is the. spirit which has pu t us to the forefront of all the districts which go to make up Greater Vancouver. And, '-so long as th a t spirit- holds- sway- ip^ouf- hearts;- we need have-, no^fear of our capacity to overcome wmtev^S^ifficuttles a US in the future. ., . . BRITISH - ISRAEL SKETCH^JS FROM for the ' construction "lof i:he urday, November 19th, St. Savi- bridge, among them his own citi- , ours versus West Vancouver, zens,̂ - his colleagues, Vancouver , Wishing tht^ local team sucr sioner Vance, the late Cpmmis^ port-in numbers. sioner Tisdall, K. J. T. Taylor, Vancouver &;District League, John Ariderson, ,Hon. Ian M^o- 2nd Divisi'on.i Canadian Leg îon kenzIeTUTGriilcGe^ -- versus-Wesir-Vancouver-at-Mac- Thp _>undaraye^BrancJi,^rpe: ritish - Israel World Federation leets as usual on Monday even- ig,-November 21st, a t 26th and [arine Drive. There will be lort addresses by members. E resi^n t, Mrs. E; We^t, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT " ' serrat & Pratley, W.- F . Way, Pherson Park 2:30 p.m .. Players ---- ̂ ~-TO-BE--GIVEN~HERFf Alan Robertson, please take the-l-p.m .-terry.-- -- 1--- Colonel Victor Spencer, Frank ----------------^ and Colonel J. P. McKen- will operate his lantern. At the last meeting W, A. Macdonald of Vancouver, dis- piiasf>d-BiIl 89 and the Guild sup- ported the Act. Mrs, McGleishan showed samples of rug weaving. . The Book Club met this month the M i^eir ____ - _ C. J. Broderick, re- zviowed -"MarifU-Capdelaine.--by- •»•■■■ ■■ ■■• ■ • ▼ T ' ■. ■ ■ 1 n / r . -■ • ■ YTT ... 1 ■ a t when Mrs. Eight sketches from "Martin Chuzzlewit" will be presented by the Dickens. Book Club a t 8 p.m. on Friday, November 25th, in St. Stephen's Hall. The proceeds Ross,'# ■ ' ' t V ■ azie. Quite a number from the city and West Vancouver, including the members of th e ' Municipal Louis Hemon,. and Mrs. S. Wal lace reviewed "The Glolderi Dog"WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ASS'N by W. M.-Rirby. The Sewing group wilj meet at ir several months, will be wel- imed back. Tea will be sep^ed ou are very cordially invited Fund and the new heater in the hall. There will also be a musi cal program with Mrs., F. F. the home of Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce, 3553 Marine Drive, on Wednesday afternoon, November 23rd. ' ' Although only a .small number ic xxcoi 111/ xTxxo xz. __ -_____ __ * attended the Atmlsltice Danise ID for .the Christinas Cheer Council, had assembled there for sponsored by the W.V.C.A.,10 has been absent m tne li/asi ----- --------------- Newspaper and those present thoroughly en.joy- movie cameras flashed as the ed the first class music of Angus vrat/x,. X. x . - Recve aud Mayor, Major P .'A . McTavish's Orchestra. Angus Lovegrove as vocalist and Mrs. Curry, General Manager of the has one of the finest orchestras x**,. Tom Turner as pianist. Those'* First Narrows Bridge Company, ever to play in West-Vancouver. Vancouver Branch of th e D is - takin&partare_as-foJlo-Ws:-_ • ___.Oommissioner Vance of North A Girls' Auxiliary to the W. abled Veterans Association will . ' . 1-- ^Sr'BurbndgeT^MrllardyrCrGray^--TQ^jPfhF'microphpne. 7 r-g^veraI-rof--the-gMs-of--the epm--^mber---29.th,-at^Ui<ii-JligJilands. u** D. V. A. The next meeting of the West -STp..ANTHON¥iS^BAZAAR/ indTTTKe'lMies^'df TStr. Anth-" ly's Church have arranged, a ■idge party a t "their bazaar in Orange Hall, on th a t date. ',1:- Messrs. W. G. Wiltshire, P. C. - ■ --------Chapman, Gordon Gf^yf M; Bur gess, T. Turner, J. Sheffield, G. iiige nail, on in a t uato. ̂|ie t,k lte , Jack Olimie. Mrs. Marentette^ W ^ t 566. T ic k e ts .^ cenfe. . riers a t each end of .the bridge ship drive wa.s very successful "a t 8 -o'clock llonday morning, -with over thirty_new m ^^^ when the bridge was opened for .joining the a.ssociation. It tAMBETH WALK- IS JELOLLYBURN H AHLLr UNITED CHURCH A. Young People's Service il- trated with lantern views will held a t 7:15 p.m. tomorrow liday) in Hollybuim Hall, the pi ect-- being iT-^L6ndon---and-r ̂ He of its Liessons." There will Sunday School, and Young 3ple's Bible Class.'a t 10 <t Sunday, Novem l^r .20th. the 7 :30 p.m. service next tiday Andy Hogg Junior, and young men like-minded I proclaim~and-sing the Gps- ■ Tuesday, a t 8 p.m., prayer 1 Bible study, subject, "The ̂ of .the Odvenant and its ntful history wnen trie uiiu«tj w a i s x . v x „ ■ ■ ,:, vehicular traffic. Reeve Leyland hoped the opening of our club with titke t number one was act- rooms will interest many more ually the first to cross, he having hom. ____ ______ gone over in his car a t 7 :15_a.m. ANN UADIbAZAAR- ̂Major Whiff in o r Cypress Pai'k and Mr. Chamberlain followed Be sure to'com e on , Friday, .November -18th, from 9 p.m.Tto 12 p.m. and dance tothe music of the-Tartan Mountaineers, both old time and swing music to -The West Vancouver United Church Annual Bazaar and Sale of Home Cooking under, the aus pices of the Women's , Associa- ' t i ^ t o r t h e United Churen will be held' on Friday, November 25th, in the Church Hall? Fancy •Work, Novelties, Aprons, etc. Afternoon tea 25o. LEGION W. A. The R ^v^ -was-also, the*-first to. make the return trip, when he was, accompanied by Major P. A, durry. A ffew minutes later Mayor Miller and R. Rowe Hol-_ Chairrnan of the'Vancbu- Parks Board, crossed over, all proceeding to the Reeve's house for an official breakfast. There was no ceremony on Mon day a t the span. Over 6,900'pedestrians paid to, go on {he bridge on Saturday and' The boys on the -Intermediate pleiase~'e very body. Come and win JR hp.qVpthflll-fPflTn am anxi'ouslv a prize for doing the Lambeth waiting- news of their .first game Walk. Remember two separate which has not yet been schedul-■ contests ~ one under ̂ 25 years ed. 1 and one for those over 25 years. bn Tuesday, December 6th, ' Then see a clever floor show by the W.V.C.A. will hold a general the pupils of Belva Plalett all for meeting to take plaice in its new onl.y thirty-five cents. olub-rooms which-are situated------Refreshments - a t moderate. oil the upper floor of the Amble- prices. The W.A. of "the Canadi- ____ side Block. All members and persons interested in the k:tiv- ities of the W.V.C.A. are cordi ally invited to attend. %n Legion extend a hearty wel come to all. The W.A. Canadian Legion are ____________________ holding, an afternoon tea a t the Sunday, the greater part of these home of; Mrs. E. L. Howdle, ^046 doing so on Sunday. SPECIAL SALE OF FOUNTAIN PENS ' ' 'Does your son burn th e mid- h t'o il?" . / 'Yes, and a - lo t of gasoline ng with it." Esquimalt, on Wednesday, Nov _____________ em ber 28rd, from 2 to 5 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended ------ - - ' to all. Come and bring a friend and:spend a pleasant'afternoon. . ■ , ______ _ ̂ Teacup reading bŷ Mrs. Tuck, clmrvoyant. * . Attention is drawn to an ad vertisement on the b ^ k page of this issue relative to a special sale of fountain pens, today, Fri day and Saturday a t McNeil and McCue's Drug Store a t 1402 Mar ine Drive, ' „ SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Any 'desiring to obtain ad ditional copies of this supple ment, which will be available at ten cents each .should put in. their orders to this office as soon as possible. P. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE I . "V,' ^ m S S ^ S S S i S r mmmm