T t t r w E s r m r y e w s r iMMilMt ' V 5 *" \ „>,k|.4 i ' t ̂"1 ' t ; ■I - I'l" |.j;rj ■ ^ ij_ iu_4-- - ■̂ ttK ■]<. "i ,1 ,i« ii »8S *-2*'S' A j, ,„yj, ." rki-r.'-ii ■ i' S if i ik.vVs ,r1 ■■ 7 4 '7 4 4 --- 47f'n~"^=^„ I ■%&* -1 1 , , MM IMMHM SMITH'S MARKET RED AND WHITEPhone West 46 Phone *«,.i»v,,$Ve«t46,. MASONIC DANCE Meats-- Phone West 3^0 l*rlct'H Good for TIIUHSDTY & SATUHDAV, Nov. lOth & 12th M E A T S } SP;< >̂ 5'7*'r- :«£3 •;: i0^ 'i C.'OFFKK--.Aunt Mary'« .........Ui. 25c lied & While AFHICOT JAM 1 lb. tin ......... ....... ..... ................ 4«c A lJi'llilA N --KflloUK'a Ijf<'* pht. 20c lied & While JKU.V I»OWI)Ell8 llHHiiberryt Cherry, Cernoii, Straw- berry, Orange, etc...........3 pklH. 13c COlINKI) BEEF ..................... tin 13c 'iTIIIIU, HEALTH KOAI* cake 5c SEEDLESS (HIAFEFIIUIT. I for 15c HUNK18T OIIANOKH-- 5l<>diunt alze ................... dozen 25c Larjfe «lze ..................dozen 31c ROME AIM'LEH ......... ..........8 iba. 25c Red A While CU'l' LREEN BEANS 2 StjuatHinw ____2Jt Fancy IMNK SALM O N, 2 tall (ina 25c NABOB Al'RIC'OTS Fancy (B m lity ....... 2 no, 1 tiiiH 23c I'A S 'l'RY ITA)lJR-~W ird Roae Silk Sifted ...... :: ,10 lb. Sack .'lOc I 'ackwl in.B.C. Red A While 'I'EA •OraiiKe l*ekoe ......................... lb. /10c Save the ConponH for Valuable FretniuiiiH. SHOULDERS SRRING LAMB per lb.......................... 14c LOINS SPRING LAMIi Ib. 24c LEGS SPRING LAMB, lb. 25c BREASTO VEAl. For RoaHtinff* pe** Ib....... 10c SHOULDER ROASTS VEAL Pt'r Ib....... ...L;.:::.:.:.;...... ISt SHOULDER PORK ROASl'S (ButtH), per Ib................... 20c SMOKED FISH T O lW IE rirrA 'DDIE^TIElTETSr KIPPERS, KIPPERliJD SAL MON, FRESH FISH DAILY The S e v e n t e e n t h Annual Dance of King David Lodge No. 93, A.F. & A.M.. which took place laat Friday evening in* the O range . Hall, waa a most enjoy-, able social ^ a i r . There was a large attendance, some of the guests coming over from Van couver. With Garden's Orches tra in , charge of the music it goes without saying that the (lance floor was lillecrwilh danc ers for every number, espeoially for the latest ballrotjm success, "The Lambeth Walk," which proved a stellar iittraction and ' was the cause of much merri ment. P retty novelties were dis tributed, also several spot prizes. Dainty refreshments were served during tho interval in the lower hall. ,S(Ê icc LU1M0ER SASH & DOORS iSHWGl4BS,..v^* PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUDC PAINT BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rule for Classified AdYertlsements is 1 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except In4he case of those having regular accounts, all claKsi- fieda are payable strictly in «dTanee. | Rememher Classified* in the West Van Newa gel immediate rcaultB. CORRESPONDENCI GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 -- nt WANTED Fresh MuhIiivioiiim DAILY R A IS IN 8-- AuHlralian. IC IN i; SU O A It ........... ,2 ll>H. 23c ..2 1I)H. 13c W ESr VANCOUVER L. O. L. 2990 'rii(! next regular meeting of , s t ANTHONY'S BAZAAR Bridge players should kecip the (late of, Noverribei' 2.'Jrd in mind, The laides of, ■ Si. An- To the^Ediior, . West Van News. . , Dear Mr. Editor:-- ̂ , I scarcely agree in any partic ular w ith ,youri recent editorials , on the European., Crisis. That feeling i.s a result of my confi dence in , the . wisdom ()f Mr. Chamberlain and his Cabinet as against his critics mnie of whom appear to ,. have. an ah^^i'Bative ■ which did npt. include the grave i'i.sk,of war. The case for the Empire is not IIouHukeepcr and coni> citor, 510 W. Hastings, feĵ sy. aiyy panion for clderly.ludy; two uduHs W^csIy'--V a n c o u v a iv .^ n n y ^ - t i in c --u y„,.»»,-- i..,,,.,i„„, appointment. West 403. --̂-- --------- ------------ AN ALBERTA FARMER wuhIh do- FOR 1»AINTING, PAPERHANGING, tails from ownc*rs or e.stuto agents of plione V. Hermandoz_._ West 122-L. .lUNK -- WE STILL BUY- Every- tliing of value: bottles, rags, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Call West 91 an(l wo bring the cash Bi - - - anyr-m<KJern , small dwelling housi' on sale or rent iir West Vnncouv(M* for (luick possession. Please lodyi- details nt Box 11, West. Van Ne\vs\, p m r Saturday. " ' i,. to your door. West 91. Jurrard Junk Co. FOR RENT--Furnishied Apartnicnb, §20 monthly. 1433 Bellevue, West 40:^Y. WEST I 'f9-R".3 -- Pormuiiciit number for reJlubld woman, when you want thorough eledning, waxing and i)i)L ishings. Evenings. Local references tile ab(jvc lodge will be held in thoiiy'.s Church have arranged a hopelessly and' for ever lost, and the Orangi} Jlall on Tuesday, bridge party a t their bazaar in the people of Great Britain have November I5th, at which there . the Orange Hall on that date, ^he privilege of'changing their LAND CLEARING, EtcJ with power, equipment.. ' For . estimates , pbone West 33-L. C. JORDAN --: F irst for Window Shades and AWningS, Small down payment; easy terms. W. V. Bliml & Awning Supply. Phono West 7Jli is* expected n. full turn out of the membership. Final arrange ments will be made for the, big Christmas Frolic to be helcl on petiembej* 9th. A very hearty invitation i.s extended to anyi and all brother Orangemen who may be visiting in West, Vancou ver. The mee.ling will gommence nt 8 p.m. sharp. , : Phone your reservation to West 500. ' West Van Stationers' M o d e r n L i b r a r y . >• READ SOME N EW ER BOOKS! Keep this IIkI (or rercrence. . J IT H E JO YFUL pELANEYSV~^W " IP"b i A promising young lad of our ac(juaintance used to have such a terrific aversion ' t() bad' dan-' guage that the utterance of a single naughty word , simply made cold shivtn-s run up and down his spine.' H e.w a.s frozen to death last week when his dad caught a finger in, the"car door r̂NUETN-GT̂ SH li iF "BRICKS W ITHOUT STRAW,'" C. N oiris ,"2hd BOOK OF M ARVELS". H alliburtoa IN C" " -•THRICE A STRANGER;" V,-Brittalni " WITH MALICE TOWARD SOME," Hal?5y " "O 'ABSALOM," H. Spring. "TH E W ALL." R inehart "MENACE OF JA PA N ," O'Conroy "NO MIDDLE W AY." J . M arston ---- "OLD MOTLEY." A. Lucas "A. HALL & GO.." J , C. Lincoln '•AND TELL OF TIM E," Li: Krey M -B L U N T --INSTRUMENT,,f' G. H eycr Government to one more suited to, .your War-like thoughts. I t ' .should not then ;:be too late to "commence^ the • climbv/>baok to British Supremacy," aiihough I am one who does not * believe that the British people have slip ped back an inch by averting a ghastly war a t this. time. The plight of the Empire is sustained "b y ^ c n c h aracte r~of "her "citizen s" rather than by sabre rattling and -flag,._wavi_ng....._Qui!_.people ha.ve.. never refused to fight, -although it has sometimes taken a few years to provoke, lis that far. We , have always wpn the last battle, MENDING -- Expert Repair Needle work neatly done. Capilalio, cor. .. School and Bowser. i . WEST VAN. CHIMNEY & WINDOW CLEANERS. City prices. Roeom- mended work. West 348-Y. "NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con- $10.00 ,-- Furnished Cottagp*for Reiil, rtear ferry. West, 350-X. vcyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P . ; FOR SALE Conn B- Flat Cornet, Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. 21. West .ROOM AND BOARD available in nice home. West 68G-R. good .condition, very reasonable, ex cellent Xmas - g ift for your ' bov West 75-X-l. FOR RENT -- 3 Unfurnished Rooms and bath, $10 per month. Apply 1^59"14arinr'Drive7"W e'strVancouv.er- PRINTING-- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 363. FOR SALE -- 2 Pair of goose feather -pillowsr-each-pair-6-lbs.--Box -14, West Van News, FLOOR SU R FA C IN G -- J . Suther- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L.. , . ■ _"T H i^ JOURNEY U E.!! H ichena Landscape & General' GARDENING "ALUTTHIS r&THE A VEN TOtJ;"^̂ R; Field - "TH E LONELY ROAD," J . Fnrnol "REBECCA." D. DiiM nuricr "GROWTH OF A MAN," de la Roche T H E MALICE OF M EN ." Deeping- WOMEN'S CLOTHES -- Create-de signs for. you personally. Iridiyiiju- , . . , ality" our key note; unusual ultra and my fervent hope and belief^, chic figures; cut and fit your mater- is-that-we-will continue to do so. , - iai or ours.__Call._at _yoi^ h6me_,by appointment. West 369-R.' ........... MASON'S, TAXI Day and night; - heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. - • FOR; RENT --- 3 Room furnished flat 2 with bath,' $18,00, Lawson;" W'alkeT "THE~H7VNDS0M £-R0AD;" B rlff tw .•LATE HARVEST." G, Blake Expert Work by Day or, Contract IFave that--Rockery, Lawn or- I'erennial Horder renovated now LESLIE STONE i'lione _ Evening; West 84 'W est '30C)-X ;-HORSE & BUGGY DOCTOR," H eitz le r "TOW ERS IN TH E M IST," Goudge "SH IP BY H E R SE L F," Jordan. . _____ "TH E- IM PREGNABLE W OM EN," L inklater " CONCORD" IN J EOP"ARD,Y" '-L eslie ------------ But why all,the hurry?. Just be cause it might suit the enemy is no Teas oil why we should oblige him. W^f should never'weary o f . striving lo r peace among men, -&.:Pfide.-1704-M^ine-Dnve;-Westr55- FOR SALE -- 1930 Ford Coach, A1 condition. Price $185.00. Apply 586 Keith (Hoad. A TTRA CTIV E ROOMS & BOARD for 1 or 2 business g irls; good cooking; near bus. West 160-Y-2.- Evening.s. " PROMENADE.;' L ancaster E tc., E tc. , WANTED-- A house o r vacant lot, --a n d -jf -a - l i t t le ^ - fa c e - o r -p re s tig e ----well-located;-give-fnll-par-ticular-s.- " is "'lo st. n iTstritpiT^ ; t h e n -T like----- i^-x--lO-West-Van-Nows*---- :-- ^ ^ GORDON, ROBSON V--. Barrister & _Sqlicitor,.510._W..Hastings,. Sey. 4499 ~at -l̂ ^̂ est"--V'anoouver --any- -̂femie by-- - ; /; 'rff; -! ! > ; ' % ■{ ) ' •- 'V -- m ■ to think of (>ne of the world's 1044; Marine. Phokc Wo.st 087 ' iTio&tfamou's men, William ' -- 0 a.m. to a p.m.----- -̂-- ^Shakespeai-e,--w-ho--s a y s -^ o - do a greaU right and do. a- little wrong, and curb thA c " of his will." FOR S A L ^ l Child's Crib, large, like new,-bargain. Phone West 151-L-3. appointment, W est 403. PrT . M A'STERMAN,"W^"t~Vahcoirv"er" representative for North American Life. Phone West 111. J. EDWARD SEiARS, Barrister, Sol- -- icitor,--1405--Marine--̂ Drive^--Phone- West 21. or West 653-R-l. invite you on W E D N E S D A Y - I have a suggestion to offer to you to take , the place of Euro pean editorials which I believe would be enjoyed by all; and that is a bonstructive criticism of our local Governments, par-'" ticiilarly Municipal. Our Reeve- and Council are confronted witli serious problems, _:and . our School Board doubtless finds it self in the same position. Yoiir criticism of Mr. Cham- FOR SALE --Meccanno Set, cost $16, Chemistry Set, cost $5.50; $8.00 or separately. 1228' Argyle Ave. A 'R!^AL REST for Tired Folks -- ̂ Restawhile Convalescent Home, 136 27th Street. W est 86-L-2. 1927 BUICK COACH--Snap for cash; Good order. Gaylor, 18th and Belle vue. °. LOANS ARRANGED -- Dominion Housing Act-and other .plans. Gor- don Gray, Seyijiour 4991, <Sr West 92-R-2. MONEY TO LOAN on Pir^t Mortgage Apply J. Sheasgreen, P. C- Gibbens ' & Co. Ltd., 1473 Marine Drive. Evenings, West 547-L. West 704. PAINTING and DECORATING -- J. H. Wedley. formerly with C. L. Komngs. Phone West 818.- Esti- LOT 89. gen erallv^-speaking;" and-yotr - ^ - pear to me in a very mild way, Archer V Ltd., Phone West 225. ~ ft. Frontage, close in ; J ; arineTDri^ --good -view, - cleared. $350.00. - C;._J._ ,14i'57M. FURS REPAIRED and REMODEL LED----Dressmaking and Altera tions. Milady'ŝ Lingerie Shop, 1474 Marine. . TH E O P E N IN G OF the ^said7-fiddled-\Vhile~R(jme-burned;----- Tables,iH6us^epairs,^Glazingland An' editorial under your able ffl.ass. j^ y th in g in woodwork- 'L a w n dwowERS s h a r p e n e h ^ Special rmalhine;,.' repairs. partS: -49H- peiv re Municipal Bus Transpor-, tation Over the Bridge; ,on6" on the necessity for-cem ent side- Western Woodworkers, 1478 Clyde Ave, Phones West 740, West 443-R ora- ersonalitj H. A. ROBERTS LTD. walk's to connect, our Schools to Liquiries welcomed for Real Estate, Marine .Drive -in the,interests of • ?yntels, N.H.A. Loans, etc. 144? safety for the children, and the nerYes=Yrf=riie^uto=Tlrivers CHIMNEY s w e e p i n g -- Sawdust burners - intailed; furnace repairs. ^ Phone G. M'eldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North S22. ■ Marine. , West 546. = T r r EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con tract. Experienced men, modern machinery; .. Rush- jobs. Kissick, _ ■_W_est_252_-X.._____________________ Modertt B eaiitv Salon---- ------ --- ------------------ r--------ML-------U-__ _______ .__- While making the above announcement we take this opportunity of thanking those whose co operation we have had. s , . And (o express the hope that our co-operation and finish will give t h e s a m e « A ti« fn e fin n another on the proposal to widen ijfi the Upper Levels bus -line road \ to a width where it would be . possible to pass with safety, or -- tt-&idewaHv-from-tihe7new^bri<ige~ heajl to conneiit - with our own a t y ^ 11th and Marinexpot to mention j one to Whyteoliff. The above ^ are only a f^w of vei*y many which, at least m ight be ventil- NORTH & WEST VAN ACME CLEANERS Cleaning--5c per window., JT^orsJW.a_xe(LpndJBDlishfid_ _. ._JanitoT._W.drk___Y .7 Day and Night Phone Bay. ,7607/ W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, _ Hollybum Block. ' ^-ARCEL s h o p -- Thermique Steam F®rmanents; only best materials . . ®?^Pert operators. , Phope 7jYTesf^fl47"RoyaHBanIr-BuiIdiiig.- HOLLYBtJRN HALL WANTED--Fum iturei Stoves^ Tools, etc. We buy, sell a n d ' exchange. , Phone North 431, Vinick's Furni ture, 66-70 Lonsdale Avenue. give the same satisfaction. tEA^W lLI:i-BE SERVED u ated and I feel sure th a t every- Friday, November 11th being: Armistice p ay ; there will be M : , . u M*' • " "J'*, In Children's Servic-e in 'Hollvhiim - ^ --conclusmn7aIIoxv7ine-tb-express HaIK -^Sunday S5h55T^d Y ounT" CHIM NEY SW E E PIN G -- 01(i Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2, a M e 4I 1836 Marine Drive bhing this lettei, and for good- a t 10 a.m nevi- ribnrioxr xTrvTr̂ »v, sake lay off Europe and: ness let's get busy' and help with The many problems awaiting us in this part of the Great Empire which we love so much. Yours sincerely, . " T J - T . WATT^,^ a t 10 A.m. next ^tinday, Novem ber 13th. A t the Gospel Service a t 7 :30 next Sunday, the speak er will be E. C. Hunt, Tuesday-Y prayer and illustrated lecture, subject, "Some Highlights of the F irst Fifteen Centuries of the -fChurch's History.'- HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE n i g h t S C H O O L Mondays and -Thursdays ' 7 to 9:30.: 14 th & Marine. West 341 t 5