West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Nov 1938, p. 5

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"«»*¥W S1M W «'^W W »- C am pl^irs Saits and Top Coats j'tu- Men and T o a i ^ M en/Hand-taUoM ! to your'Individual meauture/ \S't* have a large selection of clotHs mado from the finest of pure wool yarns. All garm ents carry the Union Label. Orders completed in f» McLEOD'S MENS WEAR WEST VANCOUVER A number of West Vttneouver lA'.slie Pearce, son of Mr. and motorists have ' In^en fined 'for Mrs. K. S; Pearce of 2438-Mai'ine DUNCAN LAWSON CIIAl^TER, I. O. D. B. Winter Garden Party and Dance WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON & EVENING, NOVEMHER IGtIi ' m the Orange Hull i Admission -- .Afternoon, 2r>c; Evening, 50c. # X a Vr w 'w» »x%#i v<' : v»- v* x * • * V' i» a v js a s ' • •..jf • Wvf • V': *'% v* ̂ - - exceedintr the 15-mile .siKved limit DriviA is now a flight mechanic on Mariruv Drive in the vicinity in one of the British bombing of the Indian School on the Indi- .squadrons in Norfolk, England, an Reserve at North Vancouver, and has been recommended for + ♦ * ' leading aircraftsman. He is only The ferries will jimlnlaiii .a , 10 year>>f age and was educul- half-hourly service throughout od in West ^^ancouyer. next Friday, Remembrance Day. ^ The first bout will leave Amble- Mr. aiid Mrs. Harrison, 183*. side Dock at 6 a.m. and the last Marine Drive, have moved 'to a t 11:80 p.m. The first boat Gibson s Landing. Stratton's BAKERY ItiOilAE-hlAllE ' ' JDI'Xa JBiiJim 'I' "fresh M L V ' ■ Ten vartotloa to suit every Uate Meat Pieji -- Cookie* Kccte* Cakes -- PastrleH Buns and Rolls Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 A rm is tic e D a n c e .. '... by WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ASSN. In the Orange Hall T h u rs f ia y , N o v . 1 0 t h Dancing 9 -1. M u s i c b y A n g u s M a c T a v i s h a n d h i s O r c h e s t r a , A d m i s s i o n 3 5 c . 4> * * Mrs. Hoik; of West Bay, has' moved into a suite a t "The Gobles," West Bay. The ferries last monih^ car­ ried 88,255 passengers, vyhich is from (he city dock will be 6:80 a.'m., the Iasi boat leaving there a t midnight. West Bay buses meet all boats. The Sunday ser­ vice will be maintained by the upper level bus. Mrs. Frost of - 2808 Marine * DHye. has the prairios. "J , 31̂,,, Octobers 908;656 persons used ilio ferries, this being an in­ crease of 57,100 oyer the figures for ill e cor responding ten m onths in'^ '̂l087r'"'"""~7.̂ .. -- ■ ,),■ ,1, ■ ^ LEGION NOTES Miss Jean For.syth ; was "at , home" on Sunday afternoon at the residence of her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Ahin For.syth, 1501 Haywood Avenue. The hostess was assisted in receiving by Mrs. Alan Forsyth and Miss Suzanne Blackwood.' Presiding were Ihe Misses Corinth KcUman, Mary Stewart MacTnnes, P> a r-b a r a Smith, and Ruth Tomlin.son, To P A R E N T S :- All mehibors and Ex-Service amiin, amt luiin lomiinson, S S v ic l f ^ FridTy while .serving were the Misses 1 i ̂nmiy, Mary Mitchell, Nancy Warren, t i p iod hv the ' N.m School 'ih u p f from .the p u jo n Mary Beale, Joyce Henson, Mar- > M IS S E L L IO T T e x te n d s n c o rd ia l inv it.a tion to a ll in te re .s ted in P re -S c h o o l S choo ls to v is i t th e W E N D Y H O U S E d u r in g "Open W e e k ," N o v e m b e r 1 4 t h '- 18 th ; 10 - 11:30 a.m . 2.3!)7 Bellevue Avenue .. /-rf" , J W est 867 a u s p i c Ies l e g io n w . a . DANCE^'-F rid a y , Nov. 1 8 th IN THE ORANGE HALL, 9 to 12 T A R T A N M O U N T A IN E E R S O R C H E S T R A LAMBETH.W A L K C O N T E S T --------F L O O R S H O W -- N O V E L T IE S - T ic k e ts 35 c e n ts , - V ■■ r ■ tf . ̂ r ■ ion Blair, Bea Bnrd, Aiulroy and Dorothy Ghowne, Anne Clegg, Mary Coverntgn, Janet and Eliz_ abeth Fleck, Rachel and Ruth Greener Joan Hamilton, Cathie and Nan Keith, Jose Ley land, Nancy Martin, Margaret Sage, , Edith and Kathleen Fellows, Anne and Joan Sparrow^_ Julia.. Starks. medals to be worn. YOUNGER TOWNSWOMEN FORM GLEE CLUB ' W hat promises to ^e a very successful 'Glee Clubi for Young- er Women in the municipality I m a n N n n r r m v i n i i ' i h a s b e e n f o r m e d b y t h e Youiiger at the home,of Mrs F. Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY uud FRIDAY MATINEE NovomluM* lOtli aiul 11th IRENE DUNNE !Tllft_Awflll A__ Truth' "S -r-- ........... ............. SAT. EVENING & MgNDAY ■Novemher 12Ui and Mlh LORETTA YOliNG RICHARD GREENE " Four Meh and . A Prayer . ■ .. alMO . "CRACKED ICE" PEARL OF THE EAST" TUESDAY^and WEDNESDAY * Novt'inbcr ir>th and Kith GENEvJtAYMOND OLYFE BRADNA GLENDA FARRELI. LEWIS STONE . 'STOLEN p A V E N ' (Once only at 8:20) also 'BACK IN CIRCULATION' T-----iir ri..... A/r . ■ ixr/ j o'clock at tDe nome 01 ivirs. r .Joan Walker, Mona Westby, and. 20th Street and Belle- Ainley-Gordon of Victoria. vue Avenue, under whose baton'.-'y Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and family have moved into a house on Marine Drive a t West -Bay. the choir will study. Any girls who would like, to join this group are ^sked-to communicate with Mrs. Coleman-------- I--- TH^HlGHb&eS 1.393 Marino Derive --------- Phono-Wc8t 671-------- " ; LUNCHEONS - TEAS DINNERS Catering for ParlicH- GARDENIA-CLEANERS 2152 Marine Drive W EST 8 5 8 U e n ts ' S u its , ^ O v e rco a ts , L a d ie s ' ' D re s se s th o ro u g h ly . d ry -c le a n e d an d p re sse d , 75c e a c h o r 2 f o r $1.25. N e a t r e p a i r in g a h d ^ a lte ra tio in s W e e r ; W o rk g u a r a n t eed.'. G iv e 'u s t r ia L _ W g - ;^ i f r ; |d ^ s g ^ I. O. D. E.- Mrs. Crann has moved into a..; house-on-RadoliffrAvenue. A meeting of the Duncan Law- ^ 1 - 11 T̂ ' 1 • ' son Chapter, LO.p.E., was ̂Chignell--Dickinson ^t the home oi Reeve and Mrs. St,-Stephen's Church was on Leyland. The reports 'of the Wednesday of last week the various--conveners showed how •SA : - scene "af^t1ie--wedd1n g ~ p ^ varied-were the^'activrri^^ Katherine Freer, eldest daughter of Mr.. E. J. Dickinson and the -lateJV[rs.JD;ickins.on,jyJio_lbeo^^ the bride of Mr. Thomas Leigh Chignell of Tatla Lake, eldest Chapter .and the enthusiasm of the members, the volume of work earned out bv the mem- bers 'of the book exchange being particularly notioable. More than son ot Mrs. A. Chignell ol Dor- 914 second-hand books passed F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y FREE DELIVERY - -R um p^oast-- 20c lb. 2^2tJbl ■J:Sirloin' Roast. 25c Ib. . ^hort-R iba 9c lb. Pot R oast 13c lb. Lamb Stew 2 lbs for 25c First Grade.. 3 lbs. 7 $c BAKEASY 10c per lb. Fletcher's, No. 1 BACON 15c per pkt. "Fowl 50c each S h o u ld e r L a m b 14c U) Breast Lamb 2 lbs, 25c. Roast Veal 18c lb. V eal^tew 2 lbs. 25c set, England, .and the late Dr. A. through their hands. ^ L. Chignell. The ceremony was An interesting and instructive performed by Rev. F. A. Ram- ,.:talk on. "Democracy," w.as given sey. . ' . ̂ by Mr.' Makovski which was Given in marriage by. her much enjoyed hy the members, father, the bride wore a nigre Afterwards refreshm ents were brown tailleur with bottle gx^en served and ' the . meeting closed accessories. Attending her 'sis- with the singing of the National ter as .ihatron of honor, Mrs. A. Anthem. Estabrook chose a beige tailored suit with green accessories. Mr. SCOTTISH UOUNTRY A. Estabrook wa.s, the grooms- . ; , DANCE SOCIETY rman± F ® w in g - tile ceremony - -a-^^^Tbe--\ ^ t - 7Yancou-venr^Brah3 r- .̂ T̂rLj-l'.recention wasy beld 'a t jh e , of thi^ B.C." Scottish ̂ Country . g ....>..<ww.w-i.<i)r- ■ _M̂ Sr-fR. ;Rennie--presided-over- a'_-next- praGtice-aL8-_-p.m.-on prettily appointed tea-table. . . day .of this week, Noyember Mr. and "Mrs. Cl^ignell left I 2th, in the Clachan. * . . ■' later for Tatla Lake where t h e y --------------------- , will reside. . , Judge: Describe what pas.sed- * * * hetweeh> you and the priAoner D r . G . - L . Stoker, a t present during t,he-quarrel, residing at 1333 Inglewood Ave- Witne.ss: Fpur custard pics, nue, has opened an office in the thre e^platesahd a teapot. :H[ay Block, 14th Street and Mar- ine Drive. *** J^IXERARY-SOCIETY, Miss E. D. Jeakias Quick contact %y :h>ag-distance telephone Time lost through writ­ ing letter.s or trayelling in person' may mean business lost, so why not use the speediest method in con­ tacting those out-of-town customers? Ca.ll by long­ distance telephone. A few words over the wire will di.spo.se of your husinG.ŝ B̂̂ quickly- and _cffec- ^Lively?^ t r C r T E t E F B W i t ir - ---"'The next- meeting will he-held -- on Thursday evening, November 17th, a t 8 o'clock, when Mrs. Selwood will review a Depart-, mental Report on "ITie Teaching of English in England," which is sure to give'rise to an interest, ing discussion. All friends a r e ' welcome to be~prei?ent7 ̂ 7-:-- Pianoforfe TeacIiCa' " Siu.dio: 1344 Iiiglewood Avenue Re.sidence P h o n e P rices, re a so n a b le ON Any make BROWN & MUNTON 1642 MARINE DRIVE WEST 366 >(i>iii!ktx A.R.T. (it B,0. Maro-nrAf S tratton 1468 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Allan of S j f n f w on th i staff. 2093 " Avenu^^ ̂Z ^ n e w .e Salvation Army in V an- Esquimalt Avenue.' -'X • V . EXPERT W atch and Clcfck EEPAIEING ' T. CHRISTENSON (formerly ■with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Dtire W est Vancouver United Church W. A. LECTURE by Rex. Andrew, Roddan WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28rd, a t 8 p.m. in the UNITED CHURCH Adrhi.ssion 25c .