West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Nov 1938, p. 2

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f5p»#t<to A I* ' '>n , , ' V, 'I'.. .H r , •!" '* 1 i. .- - fv *sj '"' WEST VAN. UNITED CIIUUCH Cor. 21»t & E»qulmi»lt Ave. IIEVr'm""VANCE^-aA*r MlAli^r 2047 Gordon Avenue Phone Went 244-R Sunday Service*: 11 a.rn, & 7:30p.m. Strantfera and Visitor# are welcome I ; :î , :f , ,'i. » 1 •/; ■•; •'■ • ! ) r ! ;:. ' ■ I , '• . . ! i . ■ '■]' r|- . iH.,' .»■ 5V » f -1- ' WEST VANCOUVER TABERNAGUE Cr. Marine and 2feth Pastor Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. Sunday Service' II a.m. '"WednetMlay Prayer and Testimony ...... ........ 7:30 p.m. Friday: "Happy Hour Club" 0:45 "He thiit followeth Me HhuU not Vk'ulk in darltrieHH." Independent --; EvnuKellcal BAPTIST CHURCH Miiiiater *l|® 7# Wv#, JU* „JW,® JKJiJf#«, 10:00 a. Sunday ServlceaSunday .......... ... ».ni.--Church SchoolJn- cludlnir Adult Clnaa 11 a.m. & 7:80 p.m .~PreichInjr I Seryicci. IffilCA hearty welcome to all r ' ' ' ■ f ,' •"! ■; r. The New Upward Hairstyle d e m a n d s A NEW HAIR CUT Kveryone ia having it but with- ....... ^_ouL the propeiLhuir cut It won't....... Htay ui>. Make an ai)pointment to liave your, hair atyled ho you will b e , able to have it waved- up ur <lown, at the HOUVBURN HALL 14th and Ducheas FRIDAY. Nov. n th , beintf ArmiHtice Day no Children'# Service will be held in this hall. SUNDAY, Nov. 1.3th, at 10 a.m. :Sunday School and Youn« Peoplo:8 Bible CIubb SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 GO.SPRL SERVICE ■Speaker: MR. E. C. HUNT TUESDAY Prayer and Illuatrated Lecture "Some lIlKhliKhta of the First FIfleeii Centiifies of the Church's History." WEST VANCOUVERr .C hristian Science,^ Society CHURCH EDIFICE 2tftrind""Eiii§ia»itrH«>»yi»'»7tt" ThI* Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ. . Scientist, in Boston, MaaaachuBetta Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday* Noyember l.'Hh SUBJECT: "MORTALS AND IMMOirrALS" HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - N0TI0NS.-...-~-STAT10NERY-~.- SCHOOL SUPPLIES Buttons j--Insolesjr'Etcr ̂ VI Wf,, Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.' 'restimuny Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetinics. ' St. A nthony's Parish Bazaar WEDNESDAY, N o v .2 3 rd , in the Orange Hall '• KNITTED THINGS . FLOWERS---- WOVEtTIES TURKEY DINNER UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Ave. R<iV. William Vance, Minister iio l l y b u k n t e m p l e ' Cor. Murine & Hth St. SUNDAY--l l am.', >...7:30 ihm. Tut*B„ Wed., /rhurH. -- 8 p..ni. Hear EVANGELIST Ji. CRANSTON Returned from Europe. Stick With Your Sawdust Dealer When you j?et a good sawdust man stay with him. Th'e househuldei' who .shoi)s around'for his .sawdust seldom Is satisfied. Knill Ivu# n U,t of steady customers and the reason they buy unit after unit, year uiter yeiir, from him is because each unit is the same -- fresh, lOOV)' l-'ir SawduBt, full measure. ' KNILL'S FUELS SAWDUST -- WOOD -- c 6 a L - t HOME OIL FUELS West Vancouver Oifice; 1628 Marine Drive. Phone .West 701. Gwendolyn's Beauty- Shoppe 4 i>)unday, November 13th. . >(\i\ n m --Sunday School in a l l . Creators of Exclusive Permapepts, - 1546 Marino Drive . West 117 rf;iS DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., I..D.S. DENTIST X-Ray May Block, M th and Mayine Dr. OfficeHours !) to (5 p.m.- I'lvening# by appointment. Phone WoKt 72 ' 10:00 a.m. (Icpartment.s. . 1] :00 a.m. -- Morhinir Worship. Tho-minisier's .subject will bo "Lest Wo Forgot." The music- will bo appropriate to Remem- bra iico Day. Wear your poppy and corno. ' ' 7:30 p.m. --The address at the evening .service will be "il- ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH w 23rd & Inglewood Ave.\ ■ 0. ■ leVT'W. J. Millay, ,O.Prem. P a s to r......... N O T I C E I 'Homo at llGl Esquimau, built under the D.H.A., will bcTopcn for inspection,- by owner's permission,'from 2 to 5 Friday, November lUh. J. P. FLYNN, B uilder and Contractor 1497 Inglewood Ave. Residence Pli one rrt« Sunday Services Low Mass ■-- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Serpion - a.m. .. hi^^raSd' "by"^pictures" of Rosary and Benediction 10:15 - 7:45 what -is actually going on p.m. within th e "activities of the- Catechism and Bible Class--2 :00 ~<=kzJ: DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building -Hours; 9 -to -6--- "Evehihgs" by .appointment. , 1860 Murine Drive West 432 Christian Church. The young people are invited to a sing song after the service. -- ^The regular monthly-meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church will bb held on Tuesday, the 15th instant, with Mrs. J. McPherson in the chair, as Mrs. Reid will be absent in they south for some months. Word for roll call is "Peace." p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 7:00 a.m. . r -P>idays--Rosary, Benediction ......7T457 ■■■■ Saturdays -- Confessions; ,7:30 to 8 :30 p.m. . CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST '-'MORTALS AND IMMORT- - M* Estahiished on North Shore 25 Years r(L»dy" Assistant) jiAIUlON BROS. LTD. jfu n rra l R im ta r s Hollyburn Funeral Ilomfl 18th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver Parlors -- 122 -W es t- Sixth- S tree t-- Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fnir laa----- ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and, Fulton _ Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector ALS" will be the^subject; of f:he Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, .Scientist, on Sunday.;- The Golden Text is : '̂ If any 4 . ts • ' n yie Christ, he is a new Armistice Day Service -- 9:45. creature: old things are passed ̂ away;.behold, all things are be- Sunda'y;. November 13th come new." (II Cor. 5: 17). ■ySTOt); a.m,---Holy Communion; ' Among the citations which DAVljD SPENCER L im ited N ow offers y o u V ancouver C ity Prices on F uel Purchases ' ' A continuous supply of No. 1 Fir Sawdust is carried Summer and Winter. By ordering now you can assure yourself a fair price throughout the entire season. . , For W ood and Coal R an g^ Try our special delivery of Fresh Cut Fir Edgings ^ 3 cor^ for $9.00., Extra.delivery charges oh Wood, Coal, Sawdust are now eliminated, Avoid extreme winter prices by dealing with us exclusively. Telephone Trinity 1112 . . . Fuel Department DAVID SPENCER LIMITED ** Always the Best at Spencer s** 11:15 a.m.-r--Matins and-Sermpn.-- comprise the Lesson-'-~S'ermo,n,JiSi-7-{ -- 3:00 p.m.--Remembrance-Day ®the following from the Eimle. ̂ ' "Servicer-- Preachei';;-- Ve '̂y '̂̂ ndgrealrmultitudescameT.unto Rev. R. Armitage, D.D7'~ ' Him, having with them ' those 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- th a t were lame, blind, dumb, mon. maimed, and many othersT-and ypffi HOLLYBURN DRESSMAKERS 1890 Marine Drive ■ PHONE WEST 583 ------- MISS D. H. HORIE St; Francis-in-the-Wood ' - Caulfeild .9:45 a.m.--Morning Service. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid^L. McKay 1545 Diichess Ave. The Fcench " The pastor, keeping in mind, "Peace Action Week," will speak Sunday morning on the subject; • .v -- "Peace on. E arth ." There, will sion t h ^ discords have only a cast them down a t Jesus' feet; and He healed them." (Matthew 15 :30 ). . - The Lesson - Sermon also in ­ cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text­ book, "Science" and. Health with Key to the Scriptures'̂ .by Mary Baker E d d y "God is not the atithor of mortal discords. Therefore,we accept the eonclu ^ B a i r t y s s i l o i --also-be-a-story_for--the-boye-and-- jMi-^MLsten.ce,--are mortal J For-Work of QuAJity ' _W(x̂ -specialize-m7flne"7̂ ^ _ îSOng, where favorite .hymns are siing. - t, , • • w ■»« ' > - _The.isubject-AvilLbe-7'-T o .th e - .U t---^ - , '-H u sc o m te __of Caillfeild^-.._: termost." ' moved to the city. The church school will meet at 10 o'clock. white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 2121̂ -rMi :>ni f I * 1 ^ : I B Book Vouf Passage to ^ the Old Country Through Your Local CUNARD -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL a n d \, Full partioulars, sailings and accommodation. J . T. W A TT ,1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 isi® site-■jfmw-w m W~est~Van N ew s Publkhcd Every Thursday The Young People's Society will.meet on Monday at 8 o'clock. The devotional will be taken by William« Huggins. Miss E. May- cook will speak on the subject, "The Obstacles to Permanent Peace." - The""' prayer meeting w ill. be held oif Wednesday a t 7 :45 p.m. Stranger^s and visitors will re- ceive a cordial welcome. ST.-STEPHEN'S CHURCH* 22nd & Fulton ' ' SUNDAY, NOV.13th' ' . 8 a.m. - 11:15,,a.m. - 7:15 p.m.r 3 P.M. REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Very Rev. R. Armitage, D.D. > Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE jCr; Marine and 25th -- -. Publisher F, F. LOVEGROVE Phoiie West 363 Come and enjoy the refresh .ing time of Bible -Study,- test! H ave You Heard? CYROMA TEA & COFFEE " :rSHOP. 1706 Marine Drive > < Garries a varied selection of Teas, Coffees, Cocoas-, • Spice's, etc. with prices to suit all. Free Delivery West 55 Res. West 280-R. Business, and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive's Phone West 55>.4 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. ^ mony and prayer on Wednesday eyening. On PViday evening the last of a series of beautiful lantern slides on the life of Christ will be shown. - ------- Mrs, Hem-y McDonald, 15th i ■ $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year *Did Fulton, is very ill in the ̂ Vancouver General Hospital. THE HARDWARE MAN SAYS: Tis time you made that Christmas Cake and Pudding, Wc have every­ thing- you need j -bowls, spoons, sifters, food grinders, etc.- See our window. CRAWLEY & BARKER ■AfLuLde c e v d h u d i /M S.C.SUciHlc a v e t^ 'jjlOTteU^ eyt JŜ • o w t C B R and' a A lfred Houghton, form- , tw n S from Altamont, who ha.? been visiting in the .city, has returned interior Pomts in th'e to her home 'a t Garrow Point, - - B.C. >