A ~ 4 V e e k l* y -N © w s p a p © F -- ~ ^ Circulating in the District, of West Vancouver--Atnbleside, Holly burn, Weston ̂ Dundarave $ 1.00 p e r y e a r . CyfreSS Park," Caulfdid, WliytecUff, Etc. . 6 c per c o p y «l n ew M tam l» . Vol. XI I I HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th. 1938 No. 24 REMEMBRANCE DAY Tomorrow Canadians in* common with all the other, iH'oplea of the British Empire Will assemble before their ccnoJ liiiilis, there with bowed heads to remember those who passed nil the field of honor, the ipen and women who died tha t we mijdit live. . , , They kept our liberties. I t is very well, therefore, that \vt> should remember this and them not only on Armistice Day, hill o n all days. For liberty is our most precious posscvssion, as wo are beginning to realize more and more, when we con- si(l('r under what conditions the inhabitants of the toUilitarian slates live under the iron rule of the dictators. We still remain ■I'l cc men. And, if there be grumbling amongst us th a t our REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Friday, November 11th, will be the* tw enii^h anniversary since the ' 'C ^ e Fire" order ix̂ - sounded over the battle fronts of the Great War. The occasion will b e , marked in West Vancouver' by the an nual service a t the .Memorial Arch at 10:40 a.m. arranged by the Dunban Lawson Chapter, I. Ci.D.E. The service will be in charge of the'Rev. F. A. Ramsey, lire the arbiters of our own destinies within our own borders; iis without them. The power is still ours , to remould our lives "nearer to the heart's desire." " This liberty of ^urs has become suqh a commonplace with , ' lis that we no! longer appreciate it. If it were not so, there ' would not be all the talk anaongst us th a t war does not pay. Our forefathers only purchased it a t the,cost of much priya- , lion and suffering and bloodshed. In the same way the British Empire in 1914 did not embark on a war of conquest. Her juinples went out to fight for their liberties, which they realized '■ were at stake. . They won, and winning, passed the torch on to us. Have wo held i t high? Are we still holding it high today, or have we missed the.lesson of the ages tha t liberty can only be bought a t a price and kept a t a price? That indeed is the lesson of Armistice. provided by the Sixth Field Com pany, Royal Canadian Engineers will .be in attendance and the music by courtesy of the West Vancouver Schools Band under the direction of Arthur Dela- mont. ........ "....S' , " , ■ David Blpxham will sound SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT On or about the middle of November we propose to bring put a special Illustrated "l*rogress Supplement*' to the regular issue in connection with the opening of the Fi**®} Narrows Bridge to traffic. It will be similar to the special issue we published in 1929, and will be pointed bn the same book paper. Any desiring to obtainnd- dit'ionalcopiesof-thissupple^- ment, which will be available at ten cents each should put in their orders to this office as .soon as possible. F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE COMING EVENTS Friday, Nov. 25th --* Sketches from "Marlin Ohuzzlewii" in SI. Steplien's Parish Hall by the Diclams Book Club. Friday, Nov. 25th -- West Van couver Uniti'd Church Annual Ihizaar. , NOTICE A specliir municipal bus for the convenience (>f the public will be run .from 14(h and Marine <>l)rive~to"llie-bridge"head-every~ thirty miiuiles between 2 and 4 on Sutimluy, November 12th. I'\ire, 5 ctMils each way. Aniuiai Winter Gardch I'arty W.A. CANADIAN LEGION ■ POST GO, B.E.S.L. ' Mrs. George Black. M.Il, will , odicially open the' annual Wjn- ter Gardeii Party arranged- by "The Last Post" to mark the be- w.A. Canadian Legion [>'« ginning o f-the two-minutei.sd- eo, held a'ver.v succe-sfiful K ith ' a,t-Urn' Orange " T "'H"' cSe will •'ay garden sottingb y Reveille. A . 11. C ne wjiii n n N o v e m b e r 5 th in t h e Legion ,;r ib/r wil l rliw. officiate as sentry. ; All bearers of wreaths and in dividuals placing wreaths or flowers kindly report-to A. ,J. Gleam a t 10:30 a.m. The custom of citizens attend on November 5th in the Legion ^Yiembers of the Chapter will dis- Hall, all churches iand.orgamzn- aprons, Chrisimus novel- tions |3eing well represented, ^ so eantV, home cooking ami Mrs; the, 2nd and 4tii Scout and Prevoiitorium Cake. After- Scout Auxiliary. noon Tea which is being conven- Batchelor and Mrs. J ."W. Bar- p c. Chapman and nett were co-conveners, Mrs. o. ~ ----- OPENING OF - NEW BEAUTY PARLOR THE LAMBETH WALK in e custom 01 cui/ens aui«i u- co-conveners, ^ p Xomw., will be served. ,,,mg. the service .and pf,.passers-b^ ...Sharman, ---receiving. 3 b b .:.. . ^cial inusical progr.â ^̂ ^̂ ^ during the day;plaomg.poppie4: The Eev; F. A. Ramse^ h is '^ a r r lg e .f nn(^w^li be an- OrOSŜ S G 3̂ * ffAVp a brief outline of whOit fAvinnn jot; The ladies of West, Vancouver F n u a j, held ot poppies," win give every -- l i was done witn tne ApruT' TinnVp"" -md Bridam will numesuciy, ____ h^sf. Two sp.narate con- Plattwni was very eueuuvc vv̂ Orchestra will pr - - - - i xiic J.VV.V. i - ..,jy iYYniiiged ami win ue «ui- Everybody is asked to keep ArpV®s(fSeitinir "a iiounced. Good fortune tellers are i.en^d c K " will W h e l X ̂ "G air D™te" IhoT m T & 'y Walk' best. Two separate con- -̂------------- nn a" rrioderh -beauty salon, a t tests will be staged, one .tor those VANPOUVER 885 M a?inrbriv^. Tea, will he . under 25 .years an d th e o th er/o r WEST J^ANCO^ - ^those over 25 years. Good prizes will be given." The dance will be For some time rum ors, nave l or oricigc to ivirs. vv. i^iuniuaun, Oavey and D. G - n t , w h o W- C-rgw. from Vancouver are experienced W.A. Canadian Legion from 9- _W ost Vancouver as to the form- nanable hands of Mrs D. W. o f e ' ? l S " o l S t paWon- 12 in the Orange HaR M e t s , f o f / . - V e l « T a t Z v ? G r th Z a n d ' t e S h m e n t s ^ o f the public. Phone West - f^ e e n ts .^ a n d refreshments a,t .which were handed .so welL.in ford, West 84 6-L. As this event will mark the first celebration following the opening^ of the . "Lions" Gate BRITISH - ISRAEL small fee. ; = Community Association. • » . , •fAiiAwmty InHips* openings. lhu . -LiiLmn vjo-i-i. T he: secOhd a t t^ im ^ j f T th Y -- ySeyeral m on thsraK o-^f«W --^^^g j« -^^^^ El'Howdlei'-- The- second-^attractinir-ot-the---- rSBvm'al -nrnnwhs-a^o-^r-o^^^-- Mrs "E Howdle" evening will be a Floor Show a t of young mem of; the district m S* B^ck -______ 10 p.m. by the pupils of Belya' under the-leadership of Ted Mil- lyfi-s T E '~A '̂ iaT -fa lir6 f-heltevers-in --P la lle tL ^IW s-to4 je-reraem bered_ ton -decidedahat_ the_J:im % :w ^„^If^^ i® Z -^g^^^ British Israel tru th in W est what a good time was enjoyed opportune to form nn orgamza- _ ' y gianchflower. Sm .dnb the gen- f a ^ t h f a f^ g lo rH a ll H a e n « t e t e e e r s ^ s t r r t a r i c e n - - ^ - a ^ .U L l l O L H , ^ . ..................... ................ . ^ l o - n c i r i r r A ilA rtv lrlY iiV f n y - A i r O 'V lA I l f f .will be two or three very brief engaged to ensure good dancing, .Working throughout the sum- odilreBses-bv-good-speakers bu t- both swing and-old time. For _ _mer-these_yeung mem now have amiieBses oy gooa si^aKcis p^^,icuiars phone West as.^ociation to offer, to all 236-Y. the principal speaker will be Rev. Mr. Keevil of New West minster. His subject will be "In the Regeneration." Chairm an: -Mr.-C. Gladwin of North Vancou ver, You are cordially -invit ed, HOLLYBURN TEMPLE Cbntihupus-Revival an association to offer, to young people, in the municipal ity, a complete set-up for alh their athletic, social and educa tional needs. .ate in its_̂ U sica l taienx. i nu _Yp4LUi444̂ M-r.<̂ C C. TTilhorn and Weston Glee~Chib t h ^ g ^ M. Bone ar^ in charge capable leader, Mrs. Colin Mac- - J. Gleam, Lean, and accompanied .by M •- Qĵ ji-igtm'aa hoveltieh fH ra. James McIntyre, rendered very appre^ McIntyre and Mr.s. K. B. For- priate rausm as w ster, candy; ' Mrs. Gordon Gray TViP Rose Eroud, home 'The Wind's in the South," "The and the Gardener," ' and "The REMEMBRANCE DAY GARDENIA CLEANERS T h e p a 'S T su b jh c t'forSun- ta lS f r o S ^ r e m h e r baritonf g a v e ^ a s S f r T m ™ = . " "H e '" W r n ' '3 ; r ~ r ? w " b1{k" b" ■ --------- - .from the Scriptures how to pra.y Marine Drive. Here i t is plan- by ■ Day_Mr.-Wn.tts^____ gem m branc^eJJar^ervice on ^Dpaieff~a^ea'nhi'g-"estabfiS in, 'the store a t 21,52 Marine ■ answer. -Di-i\ie.--They-do-all-kinds of, dry. cleaning and pressing, also re pairing and alterations. 'Their: woi'k is guaranteed by and they call, and deliver. West 858. For their special kindly refer to the advertise ment ill th is issue. Swimming Club, D r a s t i c Club, ^ t b i s opporlun- tended by Ex-Sc.rvlcc,men,;and. The evening service .will b e . . etc. I t is hoiied to furbish the • T'® ^ orgamzarions, .Guides, ^ "b f^ g tiF t mipbrTance7" tne--fiallwifh-ping;pTmg-tabiev^^ E iffly bb^'B row nies,EU bsrgcoutsn^ subject being, "S p iritu a l-S i^ s . l ib ra ry , a n d also to use the M ers, The preacher wdl be the, cooking and Mrs. J. W. Lang,' Bunchuck: W hat is the g reat est water power known to man ? TTT______ 9^ reveal staruinĝ ^̂ ^̂ o ^ miirifiial conditions as he found A membership drive is being q them abroad. He will show with staged this"week. The public are-,^R iD G E TO OF EN . _ facts and figures that'P'rophetic cordially invited to make ^ ^ TO TRAFFIC MONDAY utterance and cu rren t' events any inqu iri^ from any of the dnsnfMir today.' W e s t W a n c o u x e r = i ! l l i m l d p a I ^ ^ h a £ . f h o u r l y s e r v i c e R e m e m b r a n c e D a y AMBLESIDE -- F irs t Boat leaves a t 6 a.m. ^ ^ Last Boat leaves, a t 11.oU P-'*'- r,TTY DOCK -- F irst Boat leaves a t ^^30 a.m. L liY ^2 midnight.Last Boat W est'Bay "Buses meet all ferries. Upper Level Bus-Sunday Service. following^officers: Angus Me- th e Lions' Gate, Bridge will, Tavish,-West 395-X.; P at Fagan, opened; for vehicular traffic West 392-R; Ross Minion.s~, West g ^.m. next Monday, accord- 216rX LECTURE BY ̂ . REV. ANDREW RODDAN The Rev. Andrew Rfxldan will TT̂ o.. ----------- ,, . aw o ------ -------- -- -- give a lecture a t 8 p.m. Wednes- 216-X. ' . ing to Major A. P. Curry, man- day, November 23rd, i n , the _ ^T h e organizatiorf'Kopes during ^he F irst Narrpws Bridge ^w^st Vancouver United Church the"hM F futufertoH #^T lai^sT or'-t;dh igaii^^"^ -- the construction of a large Pedestrians are t invited to Church W. A, He will take, as ".Community-Centre'̂ for-which -g^pgg the" bridge; between 9-a.m.^-his' subject, "Present Conditions there is a long-felt. need. and 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sun-;^ijr Europe." A good attendance ' The Association is holding a . . . . ig asked fer. Admission 25 cents. dance -in the Orange Hall on -Th ursday, Novem ber-.L0,_in ._.aid of this work. . Angus. McTavish and his pop ular eight-piece band with fea tured instrum entalists have been engaged. Dancing will be enjoy ed from 9 -1 . MISS-JENKINS^ TO TEACH PIANO DANCE FOR HEA,LTH_^ Girls' elasses will be held in the Legion Hall Thursdays, 4 to Mia<TF D"Tenkins has opened 5:30 p.m. -- acrobatics, • dance a studio a t is44 Inglewobd Avh- teohniaue. natural and tap danc- The guy who is always pass ing the buck rarely passes back the one he owes you. nue, for the teaching Of piano^- forte. Prices reasonable. Parr ents or others interested arc asked to'kindly call a t the studio or phone West 886-L. technique, natural and tap danc ing. Boys' classes Thursdays, 6 to 7 p.m,--body building, tumbl ing, and (lancing. 7. Please phone Molly Edwards, West 208-X. ■ I