West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Nov 1938, p. 4

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'Phone Meats--«Phone West 370 t 4 ?k :i ' ■■ ! ^ Prices Good from FRIDAY, Nov. n a k i n g N e e ^ f 4 1 Kid & WhiU- BAKINfi l*OWI)EK 12 in. Till ......................... .......... He i. Hiive lht' Ĉ oupoiiHi WALNUT MEATS ' LIkIiI AiiiIkt 1*Icci'«........ Vj lb. ITic SHELLED ALMONDS '/< lb. Uc SULTANA UAISINS-CiillfornIa raiicy Ooldeit ......... 2 Iba. 25c UUlIKANTS--AuMruliaii. UcclcMincd .................. - . - . 2 IbH. 23c KAISINS--AiiHlnilliin Sfc*dk*«H 2 IbM, ...............................................23c UO(T)ANUT - Hurt* White Selected Ceylon.................Vt lb. 9c Ked & Wblft* KASTUY FLOUIl For liner cukt'M......>,...7 lb. Hiick 27c '"-^^.U^IIKOWN SUOAK ................i lb«. 22c* i n I NO SUOAK.....................2 IbH. Lie Ked A' While SIHUES--Ulnnanion, , ■ UaNlry Spice, CloveH, Nutnietr; Etc........................... ......... 2 tInH L5e HKIMFULL SIIOKTENINO 2 1-lb. CarloiiH ........................... 27c Ked & While WIIITK CORN ......... No. 2 'Tin ..................:i TiriH 25p (iUAKEK OATS--Non-Fremium . IwirKe pkl..................................... 21c Lialen in on CJOK at 5:15 for Free Oift offer. 4, lo WEUffBSDAY Nov. 9, inel. M E A T S , SHOlJi.DDItS SPRING GAMB The direetjors of the Horti­ cultural Society were well re­ compensed - la s t Saturday., even­ ing, when' a large company of some six hundred persons thronged the Inglewood School Annex from eight to ten o'clock to view the flowers at West Vancouver's first Chrysanthe­ mum Show. One and all were SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH JT 4Ulff AT« gU^EK8-,8UPPUEsTHERE IS , ' NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY ; ^Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. - surprised a t the number o re x - P<-T 1"................................... hibits as well as the excellence LOINS SPRING LAMB. III. 24c the blooms, ami were lavish LKGS SPRING LAMB, lb. 25c in their expressions of appreci- BRFASTO VEAL . . WEST .VANCOUVER LUMBER CQ- LTD. 1 5 th & M arin o D r iv e P h o n e W e s t U 6 Fo|; Roasting, per lb 10c SHOULDER ROASTS VEAL I»er lb................................... IHc silOULDER PORK ROASl'S (BultM), per lb. ........ 20c SMOKED fTs H HADDIE, KH'PERS, MON. ' > ■ -.! ■■ f r e s i i If is i i d a il y Fresh Mu.shiiooms DAILY ation. The number of speci- .'mens exhibited reached a total of one hundred and thirty, and included all shades of color and ' mcvstly of huge • dimensions, though probably the four lovely ("Cascades," with their profusion - their - CLASSIFIED ADS The rat© for ClaaalOed AdrortlsementB is 1. cents per word, minimum 25 cents, Except In the esse of those having regular accounts, all cIbbbI. fleds are payable strlcUy in advance. . Remember Classifieds In the West Van News get immediate resulta. of smaller blooms and HADDIE FILLET'S, . graceful drooping habit; were KIPPERED SAL- most appreciatetl. A very much GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hasting.*), Scy. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. _________ PRINTING -- For aU kinds of printing phone. West Van News, West 868. Red WlilU* UOFFEH ^ Irrmllnted ............lb. Tin 35c PRUNES -- Large. Sl/.e .Sweet Santa ClarnH...........2 1I)h. 17c Ked & White TOMATOES S((ual Till ................ 3 TIiih 25c iulmired specimen wan a smaller pAiNTmc. I-AI'EHHANGING. plant in \full bloom grown Irom y nermandez. West 122-L. ' seed from England, which was exhibited' by A. Chilton of 15th and' Inglewood, as also were three very artLstically arranged baskets' by Mrs. li. B. Rhodes • of Esquimalt Avo, From remarks - overheard many caught the JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every­ thing of value: bottles, rugs, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Call West 91 and we bring the cash to your door, Burrard Junk Co. West 91. ■ , FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. MASON'S TAXI -v Daŷ and ni>?ht; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. ^ 4- - M W t-H DEATH OF STANLEY R. O'DELL Th(* death look place last Fri­ day at the Royal Jubilee Ho.s- in'tial, Victoria, of Stanley Ru.s- .sell O'Dell;. late of 107 24th Street, ,age<I 45 years.' The de- cetised is survived by his wife in Victoria; one sister, ^Mrs". A. D. Allen of San Diego, Cal., and one brother, Harold, of Montreal., Ro(|uiem mass was celebrated in , St. Andrews Cathedral, Victoria, at 0 a.m. Monday, and the burial service took place at° Fiorest Lawn M emorial Park at 2:30 p.m. today, the Rev, Father W. J, Millay officiating. 'ITie Ladies' Branch of the Scot- tisli Country Dance Society will meet on Tue.sday evening at 7 :45 p.m. in the Clachan. CORRESPONDENCE "Mum" bug, and next year it i.s expected there will be an,exhibi­ tion in West Vancouver challeng­ ing the societies which have flouri.shed in th'eî ĉity for*two or three years. ' ^ List of Prizewinners will ap­ pear in our next issue. . H. A ., ROBERTS LTD. Welcome your enquiries for Real E.state, Rentals, etc. 1447 Marine. West 54,(5.' ^ FOR RENT -- 3 Room furnished flat with bath, $18,00. Lawson, Walker & Pride, 1704 Marine Drive. West 55 FOR SALE -- Chrysanthemums, beautiful indoor blooms in a variety of colors. Greenhouses, T. A. Spen­ cer, 20th & Mathers. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS & BOARD for 1 or 2 business girls; good cooking; near bus. West'160-Y-2. Evenings. TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE . <^Teams Blue Bombers Dudes ' yll* FUNERAL SERVICES AXEL Funeral services The Editor, West Van ĵ êws. Dear Sir,-^About' that "race that's (doming off between Gerry Maple Leafs MoCeer and Asselstine for the Canadiens championship sprint up to Holly- burn Ridge. I'm surprised sir,, ' that you, being yourself an old Sockeyes si)rinier of no mean calibre, have Lhst Week's scores: not _gLven' this important event l_Blue_ B.bmberf^' lS, Soc the publicity^it deserves. I Dudes 11, Canadiens 7. notice - t̂hat they have postponed 'Maple Leafs,10, W, V. Sizzlers the. race. I hope they won't let ........................, it fizzle out like old "Work & Musketeers 11, Hillbillies 7 P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 W 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 b L 0 0 0 2 2. 2 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 Pts 6 6 6 2 2 2 0 0 TO BUILDERS MORTGAGE LOANS a t 6%; *any , amount*. Apply J.i Sheasgreen. P. C. Gibbons & Co. Ltd. Evenings West 547-L. . West 704. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 . a t . West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. J, EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or W est 658-R-l. FOR RENT--Furnishied Apartment!, $20 monthly. 1433 Bellevue, West " 463-Y. A REAL' REST for Tired Folks -- Restawhile Convalescent Home, 13G 27th Street. West 8G-L-21 EXPERIENCED GIRL -- Housework cleaning; waxing, b v ^ o u r or day. Phone 'West 445-'Y. LOANS ARRANGED -- Dominion ■ Housing Act and other plana. Gor- doii Gray, Seymour 4991, or West 92-R-2. LAND CLEARING, Etc. with,.power xcquipment.r For '■estiniates phone L.. westi33-L____ : . . . PAINTING and DECORATING - ,J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Konings. Phone West 818. Esti- - mates free .' . - ...... 2560 Nelson Avenue, who_ dieci .on the 21st ultimo, were held a t 11 a.m. la.st Saturday at the Hbllyburn Funeral Home of Har- ron Bros. Ltd,, the Rev. William Vance officiating. Interment 'ft-eof Wages" cftd'^his pronrisesr VERY ATTRACTIVE 6-Room. W ater­ i - f ro n t bungalow, electric cooking, hot water heating, hardwood floors,: $5,500; $l,50(fcash, balance as rent a t 5%" WesT'525ntI ' FURS REPAIRED and REMODEL­ LED -- Dressmaking and Altera­ tions. Milady's Lingerie Shop, 1474 Marine. - - What, have the Reeve Council done about it? and Y. W. C. T. U. They should' have jumpe'd a t The regular ■ meeting * of the the opportunity of welcoming Y, W. C: T..U . will be held a t these two, ^entKS and .offered to the. home of Mrs. N. Cole, 2920 _̂__ , - , • . p rov ide s ta r te r . - s te w a rd s - an d . M ather.s A venue, on Tuesday:,, ® Judges. Tm; sure the Ski Camp. N ovem ber8th,' a t 8 p.m. All *mo \ lew Cemetery. boys will be only tQo wiUing to, young \ ^ ^ n interested in"tem- ])rbvide"hot coffee, (it's real good peranoe^r^o rd ia lly iPvited. coffee they make)', to the FOR RENT Sunny south ' room.: -- near ferry, quiet home, no children. 1339 Marine. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - -Special?r?machine;:, - repairs,- parts- ■West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. , MENDING Expert Repair Needle­ work neatly . done..' Qapilano'j .cor. •-- Sehool-and-Bowser;---- CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners in talled ;_ |um ace repairs. Phone -G., Meldnim, 1103 Lonsdale North S22r~ ^ --A^son-was-born: last-Thursday" "NOTARY' PUBLIC," General Con­ veyancing, "Valuator." , Reginald P. xmm'i a t the -North Vancouver General Hospital, to Mr. and-Mrs. Jame.s Ferguson, of Capilano. .V j i ■*'4 i T y /A CARD OF THANKS- Wo wish to cxpro.s.s oui-sincere thanks and a|)preciatix.)n to *our many friends who were so kind to us during our recent .sad bereave- nient, and also for the beautiful floral tributes. . k' ATIiLEEN _&_ JIM LOVE. ners if they ever arrive. You should warn our local • .sports to be careful how they " place fh?nr~bets, Gerry wa^ only -Blowery- 21. -1405-Marine-Drive.--W est- EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con­ tract. ' Experienced men, modern -machinery.---Rush~jobs7--KissiaT SOCCER At Powell St. grounds Satur.- kOR RENT -- New-5 Room ^ Bunga. A t n h p r M t.h , Wp.»t. V a n - ' low, • modern ^ t u r e s , g to ag e .m West 252-L. VASS, .Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. • " up for the .first time a few days ago and then he drove in his car up the new road as far as the F'orks. Asselstine's the .dark liorseV Gosh! won't there be crowds out to see em? Yours truly, ' . HIKER. mi!"'I 4 Li': 3: eONGRBTE CONTRACTORS -GENJ-atAn^RUeiU-Nf!------- -̂--- BUILDINIB-SU'PBLIES couver shared .the' points with St. Regis in the V. & D. League, although most of the game the locals were playing with only ten players, caused by sickness and other reasons; . "The team was shuffled i-around ' to mdet this emergency, bu t By rhalYtime StT::-. Regis l€d_',by_2-0, which wa"s fla t-, tering oh the run of play.. The Jjeeond half West Vancou­ ver. ,vva$ -still a. man short, -but ' Nov. 15th, $ 3 7 .5 0 ? ^ 1415 Marine Drive. West 225. FOR SALE -- Navy Blue Ski Suit, size' 34, one piece, zipper fastener,- $5, cost $20. West 497-X. ̂ " penter. and Joiners--Wood work of all descriptions; cupboards, drawers, alterations,' etc. Glass arid glazing. , 1478'Clyde. Phones: Shop West 740; Residence West- 443-R. FOR SALE -- Baby'Carriage ill good --condition,-year and half-old,-priee- ~$ 15." Apply Mrs. H. Mackinnnn, cor. 15th and Palmerston. (PARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam _Permanents; ' only best materials used. Expert operators. ■ Phone- W est 304,, Royal Bank Building. I iipppr •-.../Cw i< 1.!̂ TEAROE & SON, CAWT 1427 MARINE DRIVE- WANTED ■--~T6 do' your,Bookkeep­ ing, by experienced accountant. Full know l^ge higher accountancyvand- mfferen.ee teaniT WA-NTED--Furniture, Sh>ves, Tools, etc. We buy, sell -.and. exchange. Phone North 431, Vim'ck's Futhr* -tiire,-66-70 -Lonsdale Avenue. Rpnalff scored ' to make it read KOR SALE--Oak Dining Robm Suite, - stone PhkO N E rW E S T 8 4 i i i ; 'V 'i" ' - Thank 'll® ' I T fttr" , .... . g|V*T'-* ̂> WmS'""-' On behalf oLthe Gasoline Dealers of B, C.; .I must sincerely thank you for your gcminie practical Idm^'iistration of "DO UNTO OTHERS „A8_.YXUL.\YO.Uj;D.;nLVl4.tHEiI^ ■■DO-UNT:f)-YOU. The Ga.soline Dealers appreciate the wonderfulkuppioTt you are giving them by refusing to accept a cut in gasoline prices at the expense of the I>ealer. Gasoline Dealers can not profitabl)* sell gasoline and give full measure and reliable service if they sell below their cost of doing business A statement from any organization that gasoline is increased in price because of "The Commodities Retail Sales Act" or any other Act, not true. IS i f e The loyalty of the motorists'has certainly placed the Gasoline Dealers under grateful obligation, and this public announcement gives you-'full assurance that as soon as the wholesale price of gasoline is4 reduced, the Dealers throughout this Province will immediately'lower their price accordingly, to the Public. P i i i 9 ^GEORGE R; AIAlTHEWS, Secretary-Manager B. C. Division, Retail-Mechants* Association of Canada, Inc. 2-1-for St.- Regis,-then-Bt~Regis- scored again to make it 8-1. West. Vancouver were playing better together and goals scored by Cary and Blair'Edwards made the score level a t 3 all.' '^ ^ h a full teamjindoubtedly the locals would have-gained both ; points. This week's fixlures: 2nd Div­ ision, 2:45 p.m.' a t Templeton North -- Hammonds vs. West Van. Players -please take the 1:30 ferry:' ' ' , Last Saturday a t Ambleside Park,. "West Vancouver. 2nd Div- _.Q.__chairs,__table _and West 455. buffet, -$25.00----- lNorth-811vR.2. --Old^Coiin-- try ■ w ay;' ^ a r a n t ^ d ; brick and repairs,'■ PSalmer," Capilano, FOR SALE -- 1 Wilton Carpet, 9x12,. 1 Axminster Carpet, 9x10-6. All new; -West 892k. - ROOM AND BOARD available in-nice. home. West 686-R. - ' FOR SALE-- - Cheerio Circulating ■ Heater in good condition, suitable for house or store. West 172-R-^. LOST -- Large Collie; D og,' sable color, white breast and feet'. West 735. Book Your Passage to the Old Country ^T hrough Your,Local Agent CUNARD -- W HITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full. particulat'M, sailings and accommodation. > * J . t . W A T T -1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 isroir score of 6-1. Although the locals had a fa ir share of the game they .did not seem able to turn their opportunities into goals. The team is improving each week -and--goals---will eventually be gained in future games. J. Mas- term an scored direct from a cor­ ner kick for W«st Vancouver's lone tally.' -WAN-TEÎ <̂ -.-- ^Radio-public-to"knowr • this is your last chance to get your^ , radio license before radio ' license inspector gets you. Phone West 140-L, evenings only, and have your license delivered by official collector. FOUND 7-- Gold Ring. Argyle.-:^--------- -̂------- Apply 2076 Landscape & -General Expert Work by Day or'Contract Have tha t Rockery, Lawn -or -Perennial Border renovated now V. LESLIE STONE Phone ' , Evening: West 84 - ' W est 306-X IVIi', and Mrs. Sim of Noiffh Vancouver, have moved into a house a t 25th and Bellevue Ave­ nue. S P E O A L Inside Fir.--------- $5.50 per' eord Slabs with -Ewk $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edginj^ $3.75 per cord SAWDUST ' PRITAM'S FUEL ' Phone North 620 ? HOLLYBURN BUSINESS. COLLEGE N IG H T S C H O Q L Mondays arid' Thursdays 7* to 9;30 14th &- Marine. West 341 lif e ? - . l i t e I syr i::-'