West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Nov 1938, p. 3

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r> '■ *-5? fe#'̂**""*'̂*̂'*****' • ■s/*̂*'W±i;-T*T!S»»f-<, CampiieU*s Smb and Top Coab }.'or Men and Yotmjfr Men, Hand>iai}ored to yout individual measdre. \Vc> have a large selection of cloths made from the finest of pure wool yanis-ĵ A'̂ ® (la'ys. g u w a S IS iZ I .... «»j.r...Mri!r.irZ...r!!3*Flcell§^ "'and ' flKob McLEOD'S MENS WEAR WEST VANCOUVER ^DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER, I. O. D, E.S'■ ' - ' ■.,•..•„■ ■■:..■«•:■■■ '.,. . . •■ ,r"' -'■■'»■•' ■ - « ■'■ ■ '.Â*'■' '••■ ' ■ W i n t e r G a r d e n f a r t y a n d D a n c e WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON & EVENING, NOVEMBER 16th in the Orange Hull Admission -- Afternoon, 25c; Evening, 50c. Stratton*! BAKERY H O m - M L A A E ^ A s p h a l t P r e t n i x for your DRIVEWAYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED I'hono North 1141 or ; ALP ELLIS, WOst 100-Y w - C- 'T- U- 2nd W. V. TROOP, CUB & The W e st Vancouver W. C. T. SCOUTS LADIES' AUXILIARY K s X 'K .'is s rS ; ^ United Church on Thursday, held a t the home of Mrs. J. W. November 10, a t 2:15 p.m. F n ® ? ^ ® A M P Y "" P l N ' M P H t * PAVMERI^^ Famous High Quality D IL C O O IL B U R N E R NOW AT V A ic e ! BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING _____ -C O ., LTD. ; - - ----- West Vancouver Agents 1i4^"~Marine Drive. West 41 BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS B arnett last Friday when elec tion of officers took place, the following ladies being elected: President--Mrs. J. W. B arnett; Vice Pres.--Mrs; J. C. L. H unt; Sec.-Treasurer--Mrs. J. Parker; Social Con.--Mrs. J. N. Gillies; Press Corres.--Mrs. J. T. Little- ford. ' H ave You Heard ? CYROMA TEA & COFFEE SHOP 1706 Marine Drive .-XJarries a varied 'selection of Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Spices, etc. with, prices to suit all. P r ^ Delivery West 55, ----- R̂es.- West 280-R, , NORTH & WEST .VAN ACME CLEANERS VJ." Cleaning--5c per window Floors Waxed and Polished Jan ito r WoJ^k Day and Night Phone Bay., 7607 . . Little Jack^Farley conyujr.,,....The, d M ® A escing a t the S^aview Nursing Dunce of King David liOdge, A. Home after an ojieraiion in the F. & A. M., will be held tomor- North Vancouver Hospital. . row night in the Orange Hall * % * fiH>m 9 to I u.ni. Dr. and Mrs, G. L. Stoker of * * * . . . / , Winnipeg, have taken up resi- Mr. and Mrs. W. Gentleman donee a t 1333 Inglewood Avenue, and family, 2923 Marine Drive, West Vancouver. ̂ have moved to New Westmln- . ' , • ♦ . ♦ ■" ■ ■ ■ yier. Mr, and Mrs. FJnglish of West ' * a * Bay have moved into a house Engagement at 26th and Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rudolph * . of "The Rock Haven," 2976 Mr. and Mrs. Soren.son of No\y Mathers Avenue, announce the Westminster, are now' occupying engiigen^ent of their y oungs! their new home on Marine Drive daughter,,,Marion Nancy, to Mr. at West Buy. ̂ ̂ Lindsay P. Carter, enly son ol * ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. J. M. C arter of Mr. and Mrs. Courtney have Vancouver. The wedding will moved from 2528 Bellevue Ave- take place on the evening of Sat- nuU, into a house at 2540 Belle- urday, .November 19th, in St. vue Avenue'. Stephen's Church, the Rev. F. A. * ♦ ♦ ' Ramsey officiating. Mrs. W. H. Vass, who has been ♦ * * visiting in Seattle for several The Highlands will be clos^l months, has returned to her bn Saturday, November 5th, home in the Hollyburn Block; until 6 p.m.-owing to the death ■ * ' of Mrs. H. A. Duncan, mother bl Miss Margaret L. D.uncan. ntc*v;ovv-v4 w ________ _ Shower F movmenr*is*" being smarted to A surprise shower was given erect a building on Main and Friday w<^k evening for Mrs. 19th for indoor lawn bowling. Charles Lix (M argaret McLin- The building'will provide for six tock)- a t the home of her rinks and also club rooms. Any mother, Mrs. T. Whyte, Copper interested can obtain full par- Cove. Contests and games were ■ ticulars by phoning J. C; Wil- enjoyed under the capable super- liamson,'*the . secretary, or any vision of Mrs. Paul, prizes _being member of the committee. won by Mrs. T. Whyte and Mis.s • * ♦ ♦ Betty Miles. Later the gifts Hallowe'eri passed off very j/Jt!!quietly in West Vancoijver, and beautifully decorated box, p f t^ practkally no serious damage '" r i m S e s 'T d had been reported, so fa r as ^ could be learned, at the. time of ^ b y going to press. A few signs and • ' A buttet s u p ^ r 'w s q g e a ^y ^ some mail boxes were removed, Mrs. MOrton, lars. ram. but th a t seems about the extent Kodger. fVi4i--qVrPpi-«? en- Among those invited were: those - " activities Mesdames Hodgson, At "Rowsfe, ' gaged »» Ti Rowse, F. Miles, H. Flood, F. appeared to be young children. . , w . jC . Hall, . A . M g le ish , H. Thorpe, N. Carson, Lady Edna Ritehie he Fr^^j Brown, "Wilson, Woods, Lr-- J&3^ear-old._d_augh^ ^̂ ̂ Huntley,-- 1 1 1 1 V A V i FRESH DAILY/ " Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Flea -- Cookies lieclea Cake* -- Pastries Buns and Rolls Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 3̂ 7 A very successful meeting vvas ICth and Marine Drive. The many lawn bowlers here will 'be interested fo hear tha t ' a Hollyburn Theatre THUllSDAY, FRIDAY ami SATURDAY MATINEE Novoinbor Uni, 4tlv uiUi -5th FAY WRAY ' K IN G K O N G ' (Onuo only ut 8:15) h Iho '• ■ "RAWHIDE" , SAT. EVENING & MONDAY Novomben Ĵ ih and 7U» CI4AUDE r a in s FAY BAINTKU . 'W h i t e B a n n e r s ' ■ alHO *™ E CANDID KID" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Novumbor ,8 th and 0 th LORETTA YOUN(L * Three Blind Mice ' (Once a t 8:15) " ^ also, ' "PANAMINT'S . . BAD MAN" I Estim ates-cheerfully furnished by ENGINEERS & €ONTRACTORS,-^HEATING AND VENTILATING Tinsmithing, Copper-Sinithiiig, Sheet'Metal Work. - Soecializinef in Air Conditioning ' ___ _ G.*W. H. JACKSON. Manager 1483 Marine Drive West 41 West 190 1578 Marine Drive West 190 Rolled-Rib ~ 22c lb. Sirloin Roast 25c lb. RumpKoast - Z f i c J h e Short Ril» - dc lb: Pot Rout " ; Hcib.' Lamb Stew ; 2 lbs ior 25c. B U T T E R First Gn(de F t lb s . j jS c TOCEGSr lOc per !b. Tletcher's N0. I BACO8 Fresh Killed Fowl 50c each Shoulder Lamb^ 15c lb Breast Lamb .. 2 lbs, 25c. Roast Veal 18c lb. of Bowen FArm, Laughton, sex, England, has been staying Rodgers, C. Morton, D. Morton, with her brother-in-law and sis- Bruce, Fred Jones, Folster, . ter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank \^ v y an , „Roillor, Empson, F. Rummel, T. 1748 Fulton Avenue. She, is Fislier, Warley, F. JDo.wney, taking a-shortJ iJpJjllLO-̂ ^ ^ M owarttit-h-e-M i s ses- B e t- t^ ^ ada. Thompson, Mary Wilson, Suz- / ' . , * anne McLintoek, Helen and Mar- Miss Lulu Ray of 21st and guret Keillor, Betty and Bever^; "Argyle"Avenuerwas'Convener lo r ley Barr, FBeffy~Miles and Ella the banquet a t the Cohim.odore Roxborough. yesterday week given, by the * I--M-atds'-of--Lebanon..--She--w^ as=.̂ Don McKenzie "jef--Fulton--A~v<̂ -- sisted by Miss Josephine .Gil- nue, won the electric clock at the lette, Miss Lila and _Miss Rose recent dance of the Barbarians ' - Bay and Miss .Julia _Haddad. Girls' Auxiliary, the clock stop- "* * - . ping a t the thirteenth second oj . Engagement . - ^be .fifty-third minute^ • which Mr. and Mrs.. George Murrell, corresponded with his ticket. 2303 Kings Avenue, announce ♦ ' * the engagement of their elder - * R. Green, 1280 Fulton Avenue, daughter, Violet Bernice, to Mr. ^ot a patient in the North Reginald, Cyril H aw or^ , older Vancouver General Hopital, but son.of Mr. and Mrs.- T. K. Haw -̂ the Restawhile Convalescent orth, of Vancouver. T h a w e d -. Home a t 136 27th Street. Ee% dzng^will~-take-place-quietiy:-^-onv->iqg:Kfn7>̂ k̂ rp.t;n^ V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E Ai Cr SBARLE Phono West 9 - Fertilizers of All Kinds, - ADCO Wood, Goal, Builders' Supplies Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 r~8l2^I6th~Strcet" "̂ TOPSOIL -- GRAVEL UiiBh Fir. Inside..;..... ..-?6.50 Cord■ . ■ ' ■ ̂ -̂-- . ' ' .. . . Jr-M kX . ̂ ri ^ Mill Fir, Inside ............. 5.50 Fireplace F ir .................... 4.50 " Green'd Alder B.BO jFurnace Blocks 4.BO -- SPECIAL-- No. 1 F ir Edgings..... 3.50 Cord ■ 3 C ords........... ........ 0 Cords (5 Loads) $16.50 7 S l a b s E d g i n g s ^ nn Barky ................... 8 . Cords $11.00 Bark ......... $5:00 .Cord Limited'-amount. - SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ........................$3.50 per unit ^B utlr7:;.T.-. .̂... .̂r„gy.......$3.00 per. unit 812 16th Street Office at 1436, Marine Drive Butter^o(rth---J oh nson " Mr; ahd :Mfs7 V." N ightingales-- -Word-has been ^ and two daughters of the Clach- marriage a t Manches i- ^ In, have le# for Hornby Island. C a th e d r^ o n ^ P tfm b e r 29th, r , Reene of Chil iwack, ' . S'-"_________ betweenf-Kmest Blake Butter- n ^ gue.st a t the Clachan. --jy.-y TkTXT/̂ ,ii TUT'uii/ffT'c <EfiQ worth, ;2596 Lawson Avenuo, and BUILDINGSPERMIIS, $53,555 ' (Gloria) Johnson, only During the month of October the Municipal Hall issued 25 per- 'Init^t^tallihg^ $53,555,. made up as follows": 17 dwellings,. $52,- 175; 5 garages, $455; 2 addi­ tions, $875; 1'. miscellaneous, $50. This is an increase of $23,515 over the ' figures o f- $30C0i0TPdr^the-samenmonth o f^ last year. ' " . _ Up to- the 31st tiltimo, 246____ permits for $539,182-bave been taken out during 1938, the figures for the corresponding, period in 1937 being 195 permffs -totaling $454,196. . . -7 Ti/r ,3 Ti/r ' T W A. E. James, 1748 E.squimalt daughter of Mr., and Mrs. J. W. Avenue' has' returned from the Johnson of 24 Mayberth Avenue, Crumpsall, Manchester. > ' :_____ , , I^aoitfi Chapter No, 26, O.E.S. F a l l B A Z A A R a n d T E A a t 2:30 in the MASONIC HALL Sale of Work, also Home-(iooking, White Elephant .Stall and Fortune Telling. \Afternooji Tea. .Musical Program Veal Stew 2 lbs. 25c EXPERT W aich and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., - Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive F e r g u s o n s F R E ic f iT L i n e Lv. West Vancouver, 8 a.m. & 3 p.m. Lv. Vancouver 1 0 ,12noori & 3 p.pi. Lv. Vancouyer_^aturdey only, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. M so FURNITURE & PIANO MOVIN.G; Phone for Rates , Douglas 429 North 1243-Y West 8.5 ' V