West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Nov 1938, p. 2

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..... . 4 V i r r> I ef ̂k jrf̂T wJi. rff < ■̂v' r >-fff!! , " fe- M.V > > (p ̂h«u 'rt.* v ? >" •» i >̂ ̂r< j*- p - h \ , >t«ŝ.A?-f«~ K *p t-S* .vŜV-̂W 7 7~ ( .... .t.rfe»i,». 1 •,,vi«<*l *>(« t»*u, •-,•■¥ >̂ {, 1"' » •ft' - >f-w'( / •'fy ̂««ii ftps '.« «fA»n'n V̂'/'. (f, eWi w6<ii»̂iw>4iii iiiWwaiMWwŵ ^ »l»l««i»«wliltl̂ ^ T H E W E S T V A N N E W S N o v e m b e r 8 . 19M WEST VAN. U N p E D CHURCH REV. W. VANCBe HA., Minlattr 2047 Gordon Avonoe Phono We«t 244-R" I If •'-Mp ••t*.'."- •H.typ'Wl.flWWWIt ij It ' mgCj' VoNFiegl -- 'tor .Ml ' ' ■̂fi' Sunday Sorvicea; lU .ro . & 7:30p.m. Htrantfora and Vlaitora arc* welcotno BAPTIST CHURCH * Mlnifttf Rur. W. h. McKay, IPC., ED. Sunday gerriceaanday' i__ _ lOtOO B.ro.--Church ^bool In- U a.m. 4 7:80 p.w.--PreacWnir < Sorvicca, A hearty welcome to all WEST VANCOUVER TARBKNACLK Cr. Marine and 25th Paator * Rev. RolMsrt II. Birch. B.A. Sunday Service II a.m,; WcdneMluy Prayer ami Testimony ........... . 7:30 ju n ,. 'Happy Hour Club-- Friday ................. 0:45 - 7:45 "He that corneUi to Me shall never hunKer and he that Iki* lleveth on Me shall never thirst" Independent -- Eviiinadicol , « 'f *y4 1 ^ 'f - f'"̂ 'f The New- Auto-Thermic Permanent IV doc lias jpHt arrived. NO MACHINE * NO CHEMICAL PAD Combines both, comfort and reliability in one new Method. G w e n d o l y n ' s B e a u t y S h o f i p e Creatora o f ' Exclusivo Pernianents, 1646 Marino Drive West 117 H0LLYB6RN HALL J4th and Duchess . FRIDAY EVENING, Nov. 4th, a t 7.16 Children's Service illustrated by lantern views. Subject: •riie Sowir and What Became of the Seed" „ ̂ Speaker: Speaker: MR. E. C. HUNT SUNDAY, Nô T. 6th, a t iO a.m. Sunday School and Younjf People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 GOSPEL ADI)KKS.S: Speaker; MR. HAROLD SUMMERS . TUESDAY at 8 p.m. J'rayer and Jllustraied Lecture "The Romance of Our EiiKliHh Bible." WEST VANCOUVEE Science Society ' '̂^^■^CHUHCH* BDIPICB" 30th and BMiuimalt. BoUybaro Thi* Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The Firat Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, M aiiachusetts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, November Gth suB Juerr; "ADAM AND "FALLEN MAN? Sunday School a t 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday \ r :'r a t 8:16 'p.m. The public Is cordially In­ vited to attend our services and meetinuB. ___ 7~T H A N D Y A N N S H O P , 3 ; 4 ^ M arin e " " N O T I O N S ^ ' ^ ' S T ^ T ' I O N E R T "'" SCHOOL SUPPLIES Buttons, Insoles, Etc. * s i , I St. Anthony's Parish Bazaar W EDNiSDAY, N ov. 2 3 r d , in the Orai;£eHall KNITTED THINGS FLOWERS NOVELTIES TURKEY DINNER ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. J. Millay, O.Prem. ... . '.J ____ Elementary, My Dear Watson I "You see, Jack Knill never leaves a trail when he makes a delivery of sawdu.st. The only way to tell th a t a fresh supply has been' ordered is' by the clean, smell of fir -- an odor tha t only 100% fir can give. wEŝx̂ ̂ KNILL'S FUELS..y T f ' SAWDUST -- WOOD - West Vancouver Office: COAL ' -- HOME OIL FUELS 1628 Marino Drive. Phone West 794.' ̂ UNITED CHURCH 21st and Bsquimalt 'Aye. Ucv. William Vance, Minister D R . G. D. H. S E A L B D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr,' Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evaninga by appointment. IMione West 72 h| DRi McRAE formerly of 705 Medical-Dental ' Building. Hours: 9 to 0 -- -Evenings by appointment. }-Ma1860 -Marino Drive West 432 Sunday, November 6th, 11:00 a.m .' -- Morning Worship. . The minister'.s theme will be "God's Strength Plus Ours" 7 :30 p.m.---The evening subject will be the. third in the series "Bible Puzzlers--III. Jeph- >ha." Good music and a welcome to ]all services. The Sunday School meets a t 10 a.m. and there _il._always a 5 "Story: for the children at^ the morning servic*e. . Sunday Services Low Maas r ~ 8:15 a.m. i High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. ' ^ Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2 :00 . p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 7:OOa.i33. f Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.ni. NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. I DRY CLEANING Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative PHONE WEST 782 NOTE:--Parcels may be le f t 'a t WILSON'S GROCERY, 1409 Marine. WEST BAY STORE, DUNDARAVE LIBRARY . . ' CTHURCHES o f CHRIST, ' SCIENTIST "A D A M -A N D F A L L E N UC'fi pViff|v.Ss'.>.'5s3$<S l i F l ■vpW-'--'3 ; EMiabliahed on North Shore < 26 Years (Lady Assistant) -HARRON BROS. LTD. IF u n rc a i-B ir r c ta r s ^ Hollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 134 ■ North-:.̂ -Vancou3tiu:--PaclocsL. 122 West Sixth S tre e t. Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors .6G-Tonth_Avenue-East Phone Fair. 184 ST. STEPHEN'S; CHURCH_ * 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, le c to r Sunday, November 6tli • " 8:00 d.m.--^Holy Communion. IT.TJj a.m. -- Holy Communiori and-Sermon., 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser­ mon.. Monday, 8 p;m,--Church Com­ mittee Tuesday, 2:30 p.m. W. A. T Business Meeting. St. Francis-in-the-Wood ' Cauifeild 3 :00̂ ptm.--Evensoifg and "Ser­ mon. MAN" will be the subject of-the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. : Theiaolden.Text is: "He th a t ' is bf the earth is earthly,-and- speaketh of the e a rth : He th a t cometh from heaven is above all." (John 3: 31). ...1- -̂Among the ' citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the folldwing^fbnTThe Bible: "He shall be greatr-and-shall-be- called the Son of the H ighest: and the Lord God shall give unto * Him the throne of Hi^ fa ther David : And He shall reign over •th e 'libtise~of~JaciOb-for-everf~and-- S P E C I A L O F F E R See PAINTING & PAPER-HANGING 20% Off All Wallpapers Work done at' Reduced W inter Prices. S. H. SRIGLEY, pccoratoi: 1446 Marine Drive, West Vancouver ; Phone West 702 or 799-Y i Full line of Paints & 'Varnishes & Kalsomihes ' f ,, Ai 5 ■ ' i ' > iftlSf:'® 7 H O L L Y B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S 1890 Marine Drive PHONE WEST 583 MISS D. H. UOUIE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay -1545 Duchess Ave. of His- kingdom there shall be no end." (Luke 1,: 32, 33). -- The-Lesson - Sermon_-also_in- cludes the following passage from"̂ the_Christian Science text- book, "SffiiSs~antPHealthr-with: ' '̂ U ' The French Beauty Salon The pastor's, subject Sunday morning will.be "The Faith of. Our Fathers." The Lord's Sup­ per will be administered a t the close of the evening service and not a t .the morning service," as announced last Sunday.' , The - Rev. H. N; Konkle, of the Mis- -sion tpJLepers, _will_ speak.'_Mr. Ke.vi:o the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Jesus' spiritual origin and understanding enabl­ ed him to demonstrate the facts of being,--to prove irrefutably- how spiritual Truth destroys material error, heals sickness,, and overcomes death. The divine conception of Jesus pointed to. this truth and presented an' il­ lustration of creation." 1- A rm is tic e D a n c e b y WEST^ANCOfUVER COMMUNITY ASSNi ; in the Orange.Hall. dancing T - K Music-by Angus-MacTavish-and-his Orchestra; ---------------------- ^ADMISSIOJSI-- 3 5 0 ._____ ___ ___ m a w i f e ^ s a v e t lf -und^dauglte 1562 Mifijne Drive Phone W. 212 :#p1fililiKi: *1 7!i •'̂P>M h f i l l I ! # « Uv"5-'V , >iSffcilf;;7>iss , THE HARDWARE MAN SAYS: A dirty .'itorey to your liouse is something you are bound to have- without a good door mat this weather. ^Ye have several kinds on display, in our window. See which kind you lik ^ ">'1 Imr'.Ssr i ' . \m 'ld._.Don't missJhearing. him. ..The church school meets a t 10 o'clock. . The Young People will with- ■ draw their meeting in order to attend the fall Rally--,of̂ - the Baptist Young People, in South Hill Baptist Church. Dr. H. A^, Wolverton will be the speaker. Jrhe_JBT.aYer_MeetingiJsiiel(L Bui'ing tile sum m er.'and f^JL liavc" takelT--a n - apartm ent - in Stanley Park mansions.. H ^LX RU RN TEMPLE . C^cM^^Iamie^ 14th St. SUNDAY'--11 am. - 7:30 p.m. Ey^eiy Night a t 8 p.m._ Except Monday and Saturday^ . Hear each W6:dnesday a t 8 o'clock. EVAN GraST H . CRANSTON Returned from Europe. ROYAL SPECIAL THE H IG H U N D S 1393 Marine Drive Phone West 67_1_ LUNCHEONS - TEAS DINNERS Catering for Parties m Ti i6 i West Van News INY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1B42 MARINE D^IVE WEST 368 Mini1>or.< fA.n.T. of B.C. Publiehed Every Thursday i h Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 863 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 I I I fciSf North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave^ i-iil » i £ P i t ; $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year . by mail 7 ' M R . P H I L I P W A T T P Baritone and TeacHer of Singirig Has opened a studio a t i669 24th Street / W est 892-L ' ^ Vancouver Studio in the M. A. Kelly Building, bS9 Granville St. M n ity ^ 1 8 Houiewivct can save themselvet a lot of hard work and preelpui. lime by houiccicanins with a* Royal Special vacuum' cleaner. _Powerfui_iuctlon plckt_up_every. particle-ol-dust, lint, paper̂ scraps,- and so on, and you also get a complete set of |attachmcnls. An. allowance will be made' on ôur old vacuum cleaner. See the Royal Special at aii B.C. Electric Sitores-Cash price Is . . . $35.95 EASY ( f i ^ S l e c t i l c STORES y) TERMS