West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Nov 1938, p. 1

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I s fit ̂ -r (isiv, •*» s'- "-f̂ *'??*■ !s»"f,̂ ' ' * ' *■'* " ,3 ' p ̂ ' lb 1 s k V>'Ŝ - f p - . n - n , M > ' T »-4,< ̂ , , . -> ̂ -.A .A 't f ' J«»̂ f ̂ -'*■ - 'ti%5U HJîj ' * ■>■ '̂■'•̂ ■*-«■ *»»̂.̂ »̂ ̂ 1|«<»'J'J5»̂ *̂»A' « •»'; t "'f* ", f ^v •NMIMm HjiiBfiiiftii A" W e e k ly "N ew spaper C i r c u l a t i n g i n t h e D i s t r i c t o f W e s t V a n c o u v e r ^ A m h l e s i d e , H o l l y b u r n ^ W e s t o h \ D u n d a r a v e $1 .0 0 per year. C y p r e S S P a r k , C a u l f e i l d , W h y t e c l i f f , E t c . . . 6c per copy at newMlende, n Vol. X I I I i^ HOLLYBURN P.O ., W EST VANCOUVER. B.C., TH U R SD A Y , N OVEM BER 3rd. 1938 N o . 23 warn TRANSPORTATION iiEGlON W. A. The' subject of transportation is vory much to the fore 1 liese (lays in West Vancouver. There are those who think I iiu commutation bus rates across the bridge to the city to l)<' us reasonable as can be expected, as others insist they are loo high. Quite a large body of opinion favors the establish­ ment by the municipality of a biis line across the bridge to Vancouver, while a few seem to think it would, be well for llm municipality to sell the ferries And confine.their operations to the buses. All, however, are agreed that West Vancouver siiouUi^aintain its transportation between/here and the^city, w liid i^ in ion we most heartily endorse. , , , , » ... .i.The. fer̂ ^̂ ̂ and always have been the backb(>no of our transportation systerh.' E the municipality,"took over the transportation of her citizens and others to and from VancioUver, it is the ferries which have made good the losses on the buses. Today, as in the past, the ferries are, rnaking money/while the buses are being operated a t a loss. There- lore, whatever changes or extensions are* made, the ferries must be retained. In this connection it should be. stated they represent a very substantial investment, and, having been; built for our special needs,-are unsuitable for other purposes. Which means tha t, unless we were extremely fortunate,, they could only be disposed of a t a heavy loss. , The basic ra te por passenger charged by motor bus com- iianies throughout th e American Continent is 2 'cents per mile. In other'words,' this is the lowest rate a t whiChMt is possible to operate a t a profit. We are informed on the best authority that the distance from Ambleside to the centre of the oity is approximately 6 miles, which would make the bus fare 12 cents.. The present ide luxe, buses used by th e Pacific Stages on their run carry twenty-nine passengers: The ̂ average number of passengers using these buses would not. be twenty per_triiCbut, taking these figures as the average, an9ther 5 cents > acided to the cost peir passenger per trip with the bridge toll for a bus $l.O0Tas a t p resen t., Add to the above the 4 cents bridge toll for every passenger, and one arrives a t a - total *of--2Tcents:instead; of the-17- cent-commutaition -rate_be- tween Ambleside and the city as offered by the Pacific Stages, ■ They^ state they cannot make the'^rate lower, which can be readily* understood, with th e above figures before usi I Consequently, i t would appear tha t anyjow ering in th^ ̂ cost of thT 'rates: in'question..m^^ la I'oppy Tea' & Musical I'rogmm ... ■ J . . w ' The Canadian Legion W. A. are holding their usual'Poppy Tea and Musical Program in the . .I^egion Hall on Saturday, Nov- , ember 5tii, from 2:30 to 5„ o'clock. The Rev. F. A. Ramsey will give a short address. The .Weston Glee Club under the leadership of Mrs.,.Coliii Mac- Lean wiir render "the'following ̂ selections "The Lord's PrayeF' ' by Malotte-Deis; "The Wind's in the South" by Scott; "The Rose and the Gardiner" by Scott; "Sleepy Hollow Tune," by ' Kountz. Philip W atts, bass bari- ' tone, of London, Englartd, will- j render the solo "There Is No Death," by O'Hara. The Wi a ', tru st as in former years to have the aplendid sup­ port of the municipality. Ad­ mission 25 cents. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT On or about the middle of November we propoBo to bring out a special illustrated "Progress Sup|d®ment" to the regular issue in connection with the opening of the First Narrows Bridge to traffic* It will be similar to the special issue we published in 1929$ and w ill printed on the same book paper. \ Any desiring to obtain n'd- ditional copies of this supple- liablement, which will be available at ten cents each should put in their orders to this office ns soon as possible! F. FRANCIS LOVBGROVE COMING KVENl^ n.l3 Lm.. ' Frjilay, Nov. 18th--l)anco under the.nuapices of iho Canadian U'gion W.A. <)n the Orange Hall. Wednesday, Nov. 23.--^Lecture by Rev, Andrew Uoddan on "Ib'osoni Cdndilions iii Eur­ ope" in the United Church at 8 p.m. Friday, Noy. 25th -- Sketches from "Miiirtin Chuzzlewit" in St. Stephen's Parish Hall, by . (he Dickens Hook Club." 1>0PPY FUND SUi'PLEMENT DEAD LINE Any desiring to advertise in our Special Siipplenieiit nuist have their copy in by noon on Thursday, November 10th. * , "Lest We Forget" "They served till death why not we?'^' ' ARM1STICIM)ANGI5- The West Vancouver PHILIP WATTS OPENS STUDIO HERE Com- The twentieth anniversary of munity Association are MVing Remembrance Day will soon be an Armistice Dance on.^Jnurs- here. It has only been through . day, November 10th, in the O r- the generous support of the pub- ange Hall. Dancing 'Will take lie that the West Vancouver Poppy Fund has been able ^to continue its meritorious service in assisting ex-service men and Philip W atts, .'baritone and teacher of singing, has opened a studio a t 1669. 24th Street, hia. ,̂..,.their - dependents,i.who., through .. Vancouver stuciio being in the unemployment a n d b r o k e n M. A. Kelly Building, 659 Gran- health are,-unable to carry on. • 11 i--• J . _ ' ' i_ . /f k.. M m l ' ' 1 ' .i .-4f .■ , place from 9 p.m. till 1 a.m. Music will be provided by Angusi MacTavish and his Orchestra. Admission 35 cents. ' ORDER OF EASTERN STAR, NAOMI CHAPTER No. 26 ville Street. Mr. W atts, who ar- "rived~in the -- city from "London a little over a ,year ago, played at the Lyric Theatre as Capt. Corcoran in H.M.S.- Pinafore..He The only source ?of revenue is.' tha t derived" from -donationsr poppy wreaths and poppies. Collectors for the fun(i w 111 on all f e s ^ ^ also re n d e r^ i&o>l()^n fh^ i'̂ e s - v 5days 1;UBU ux uiic 111 p ' ' s i a h " a t the "Vancouver Audi-- day. November 5th. Buy your bTidgetblls. N b w rw ri« h e 7b n d g ^ B : jn ;^ ^ ----- ; t(xr'i5m7' "The Canterbury Pil- , poppies in W est Vancouver. The.- arid buses, we have a t a y s understood that it was bhdt prim- performed by. the Bach committee thank all in antioipa-. Choir a t . the University, and - tion of their whole-hearted sup- travelled. to Victoria to sing the port, bass solos Jn the famous Bach . - Passion Music' a t the Cathedral there, last winter. Last winter " Naomi Chapter. No. 26, -Order.- of~the Eastern Star, is holding the annual Fall Bazaar and Tea CtllLL L I J - . W\?,.' iXC* Y.%?' T» O f j .u .V r . -, ^ _ i ' ' arily for auto tra ffic .' This is confirmed by the very favorable - weekly pass of $1.25 for a- car and driver. During the next fifty years the F irs t Narrows Bridge Company m ust recover . the cost of: cbriTsfruction" of the structure, operating charges, and a reasonable in te res t'ra te on the capital invested.. I t is. HOLLYBURN TEMPLE we are-informed, a British^ company, arid"3Titt^ers'aS""a"rul^ hT'e a ^ ' ^ 1.1- - 1 X- /-.V. l^hem investments • 0131? ovi/1 ir. K /i.'rk rn iricr .rtriii rvf the in the JVIasonic Hall, Hollyburn, oir Wc^dnesday afternoon, Nov­ ember 9th, to be opiened by Mrs. -Beatrice Sabin^ Past-Grand-Mat­ ron, at 2:30, Guests will be received by the Worthy Matron, Mrs. J. W. Neill, assisted by the Associate Mat- TonyMrs. J. ,G. Fiddes. T he,gen­ eral convener of the affair is are satisfied .with a, low ra te of interest on as compared with those expected by Canadians and Amerioansj^ -Therefore,-we should-doubt- if -they.jvy.ould_;b_e/wining-to reduce their scale of. tolls, which have been doubtless very .carefully figured outTb give a^ow -a-xeturn on-their inv::6s.tm ent as can be reasonably expected. ^ Remains the (question of the municipality's extending its bus service across'tlie bridge,to Vancouver. This would neces­ sitate the purchase of over five jdiesel buses, each costing in the neighborhood of $14,000,.and the establishment-of a depot here and in the city. Doubtless the m atter is . receiving the very earnest consideration it deserves a t the hands of. the^ Council. We believe it desirable to extend our bus service CBR and is becoming one of the leading baritones in ,, Greater Vancouver.-- --- --:-------- - ■ - Any interested a re are askeil call a t 'orie of"lTis~studios=im■tor"caH"at' one phone hihfi a t T rin ity 2418. -his" West The Revival and Healing Carn- paign commenced last Sunday in the Hollyburn Theatre is con­ tinuing each night a t 8 p.m: ex­ cept Monday and Saturday In the 892-L 'or ^ffdlybunrTerripler Mrsr George"Payne ,and an iritei'̂ esting musical program is being arranged .' - ____Asked-to-pour_tea-arc-pi*caerit grand oflicCrs, past Grand Mat- rfwSjand Matrons of the current WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25th St. The blessing of the Lord has been resting upon the- meetings, decisions have been made for. Christ and Christians are pray­ ing for' a great spiritual awaken­ ing in West Vancouver. year. Fortune-telling will also be an added feature of the after­ noon.. . I.O.D.E. WINTRR GARDEN PARTY across the bridge,, so long as it-is not operated at a loss, be­ cause that loss would havq to be charged against the taxpayer. At any.* ra te the feri^i^s m ust be maintained, i^ .we are to retain any control of ()ur 1n*anspoftation to and from the city. That at least Ts,cTightly or wrongly, our view of the-situation. -Tf God so clothed the the field which today grass of the field which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven, sh^ll He not /imuch more clothe' you, 0 ye of little faith ?" Miss- Franees-RiaookT^lead^Vif LEGION NOTES Wednesday, November IGth, is the date .set for the annual T-he next general meeting-will ^ai-den Party to be held be held on Friday, Novemfor 4. the Orange -Hall under the Roll Call a t 8 p.m. All members are requested to attend as ar- auspices of the Duncan Law.son Chapter, I.O.D.E. A sale of. . . are requested to attend as .ar- . i / r ---------.M iss-Franees-tex)k:rlead^.ofcz:^r-- Bift Womeri'.s_.Evari'ggJMic .Bmdl5f,-4^^,:m^^^^ ~ " " home-cQokmg,/:Can.(^^^ the :"Pre-•1, ' 1 XU.. vice w.iii ue ........ ._ „ x„iViw:.. S r l ^------ c lassed w ill b e -h e ld in the Legion H allThursdays, 4 to 5.80 if.m. -- acrcibatics; .dance technique, natural.and tap danc­ ing. Boys' classes'Thursdays, 6 « -m 'J * j ' __l«*l :The , w l a r - w e e t o e e t i . « „ T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ of the British-Isra,el W m l^Fed- H'or otner mee eration' (Dundarave Branch), „yj„Quj^hemerits will be held 'on Monday evening announcements. -..o. -- J,.. ̂ a t 25th.and Marine Drive. Local to 7 p.m.--body building, tumbl- speakers. This will be an inter 1 ng, and dancing." * ' pqtiTiP-. meetinff and: you are in For other meetings see Church tend ¥eo H ia l invitation t c/mem Roll arid' their wive.s to Armistice bamiuet on - veil tori um Cake." for tun .bers on annual dancing. * esting meeting_and: you are m Please phone Molly Edwards, yited ** ^ e s t 208-X; , ' ' *** ' ST. ANTHONY'S PARISH BAZAAR =5a^^bbnT ea"arid^rogi?aiTPm^ -feature -thq- afternoon-activities and in ' the evening a, "gala dance" . and bridge. The mem­ bers of the Chapter hope this party will celebrate the opening for traffic of the Lions' Gate CORPORATION OF THE -------- DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Court o f R evision o f V otefs* M sf, 193ST NOTICE is hereby given th a t a Court <tf Revidon of the Voters' L ist will, a t a t th e Municipal.Hall. lO tlTdlv D istrict of .W est Vancouver, B.C., on T h u rsd ^ , t o ^ of November. 1938, a t 10 o'clock in .the fo rey p n ,.fo r t o pur- P ^ of: c ^ W f939,and"tli to of any person; wWch has been improperly p l ^ to place qn sucli list the name of a-ny person p P^ y omitted thW efrom .' - --. . --^ Dated a t the Municipal-Hall, West V ancouve^V C:, th is 20th day of October, 1938. , ' , - V ;- WM. H E # I N , , ' Municipal Clerk. The ladies/of St. Anthony's __Parish, hav'p prepared a trea t for residents. ' At Friday, November 11th,- a t 6:80 p.m. sharp. A Smoker is being held in Legion Hall on Saturday, Nov- „ , - -- • v-'u • -x. n ember 5th a t 8 p:m. Everybody bridge and oordially invite-all welcome ' the citizens of West Vancouver Mpmhprci arp also^'reminded ^ momen-,_Me_mbers_ a r e . also reminaca tous-onfe-for-the chapter. Ad- West. Wancmyer_remdentS^^^ At th a t they can hear tfieir favorite" pp;/-xxvpnimr their, bazaar in the Orange Hall " Fadio program m theTClubTl'cbni^/ on November 23rd they have as a-radio has been donated by ' * _______, manyjtems-ofjfanoy--workjbome: Messrs. Brown & Muntoin. '! , _____ AcjPH-A-r-T--pw fm t x ____ n°m!'t o . / a r e 'JrW n?^^ tu t o y HOLLYBURN HALL - ' Hogd. Materials L td^suggest. supper. "This . pBm ises to be an -to. the residents of W estVanoou- enjoyable affair. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Tomorrow (Friday) a t 7:15 ^ l e F t o t ^ e y use "Asphalt Pre p.m. a Children'̂ Service illus- - TheTcgular monthly meeting .ofTheTVest_.Varic.Quv,€rlTowns- women's Guild will be held F ri­ day, November 4th, a t j :45 p.m. in the Clachan, when Bill 89 will a trated by lantern views will be held a t Hollyburn Hall, the subr ject of which will be "The Sower and W hat Became of the Seed,'̂ and tlfe~speakef," E.~C7~HuntT7 Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class a t 10 a.m. desiring full, particulars of-this product are "asked to kindly phone North 1141 or Alf. Ellis a t West 160-Y.- .be The topic of discussion by next^Sunday, November 6th^ A t J, M ls to n and W. A : REMEMBRANCE DAY ,v SERVICE Permission has been granted Mrs. F. - Macdonald of, Vancouver. Mem­ bers please, come prepared to enter into ' the discussion. Mrs. McGleisTian will give a demon­ stration of rug making. the 7:30 p.m. service next Sun­ day Harold Summer^ will give a Gospel address. Tuesday a t 8 p.m. prayer and illustrated lec­ tu re , subject "The Romance of Our English BiWe." -- : by the Municipal,Council to the J)uncan Lawson Chapter,- I.O.D. E., to arrange the Remembrance Day Service. which lyill be held a t the Memorial Arch on Friday, Noveinber llth ,"a fT 0:40 a.m. '4 . *