West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Oct 1938, p. 6

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T W W w m n r e T O hmmmimm 2 2 ^ 2 2 ^ 7 * 1 ^ * ' If:-' : "■tI / ̂ /• i I • *4. <4 hi H r'̂ ' A k * f : ' " j ^ '><[*' L ■' T/.̂ V '*r t---- ' ? h , ' 'j'i ■ "*1 t ^'w i 1 ,v' ? 3lS": mm SMITH'S MARKET RED AND WHITEPhone W est 46 M eats--"P hone W est 370 P h on e W est 46 K U PERT HARRISON AI*I*OINTEO Huj><*rt Harrti-on has bi't*n ap- poii)te<{ to the vacancy in the Htair a t th e Municipal Hull. PriccH (Jood for FRIDAY and a; Whin* A«i'A«A<ii/s lO'/i o/. till ..... ............ 17c Kid X Whin* ( AUUOTH X RKA8 'J S<|ila( 'I'inn .. . ■ '■.' Zlc IIAU.OWKKN TKEATS HAIJ.OWK'KN MIXED CANDY Ih. . V.......................... - '22c IIAU.OWK'HN JEhhV BKANS Black and Oranjfc......... Vi Ih. 10c I'HESH BOAHTED PKANIJTM, Alwaya a favorite Ih. lOc I'ON'ING COBN ..................... Ih. Uc Bed X White TENDKB l*KAH Sieve t , 2 No. 2 liitH 2.'Ic Bed X While CBKIiN CUT BEANS 2 No. 2 'rin.s ............ 2Jc Bed X While SOUPS--Vejfeinhk* or Toinalo . . .. .'i tina 2.1c or ' .. . • .........y;ic do/. Bed X Whin* TEA Orange Pekoe ...................1 Ih, 'lOc Sa\e liie (foupoMK for Valuable PreniiiiniH. Bed X Whin- I'OMATO .lUICE Extra Oo<hJ .. ̂ 2.1 o/. tin 10c Bed Ai While PUMPKIN . Uar»ie 2!/; tin . . . .......... lie .fONA'I'IIAN APPUES......« Ihs. 2.1c Per hox ..................................... OOc .SATUKUAV, Oft. 28(h & 29th ' 1 1 4 '1 7 A T ^ C i V A J l / x ^ X i 3 SHOULDERS OF LAlvni (W hole) per lb.................. 16c I. O. D. E. T h e m o n th ly meetini^^ o f th e Duhean". 'LawSori" 'C h ap ter, ■ I.O.D. E ., will be held n e x t ThiifSjtiay lA^Otiihf*ar'S'*prhiI^ ■ th e ' hom'e 'o f . A,.,!, I. oo J* 2848 M e . .̂.......Avenue. As liiial plans will R U h 2\SI>? 01' LAMB m ade fo r the annual W inter a'? Carden P a rty which is to lx* held ' VEAL p,j N ovem ber,8th, tentatively or .w//*rL;;v ......*.V"t....... opening day and evening of P (> r R O A SIS from Prim e Beef the L ions' G ate, Bridge. A full Service U SM O ity SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBStiTUTE FOR QUALITY i' Agents: PAINT WALLBOARD TILE CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 !^V ;V.V«V; member.ship attendance, is re- A URE I ORK fiuested. Aprons, C'hri.stnias Nov- eltie.s, Candy, J Ionic Cooking, C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rote for. ClaBsiOed AdvertiBementB Is L cental per word, minimum 25 cents. Except In the case of thooe haying regular accounts, ail dassl. Beds are payable atrlcUy In advjmce. Remember Claaslfleda in the West Van News gel Iniinediate resuItH. P<̂ i'L>oe Telling. "The Prevonl- SEA SEA I. G EN U IN E IIADDHJ FILLETS, per lb................ 22e FRESH SMOKED I»OHSTr GREY KH*I»ERS , 2 II)H. f o r ......... .................. . 25c MINCEMEAT -...............r.2 llm. 2.1c SUNKI.ST OBANCESr- Medium hI/c ..................... do/. 25c harf'o rti/f .......... ................ do/, 31c orium Cake" and afternoon tea will fea tu re the aflenioon pro­ gram w ith a Bridge *011(1 (julu Dance in the evening. T he guo.st speaker at the niqei- ing will be L. W. Makovski. '̂ GORDON ROBSON -- . Barrister & Solicitor, 510 \V. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West 'Vancouver any time b y appointment, West 403. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon. Avenue, North 146S^L. , I'OB PAINTING, PAPEUHANGING, phone y . Ilermandez. West 122-L. MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night* , heated car; passengers fully Insured West 512. Delail __ ____ _______ _ Mr, Bronspn died vei:y suddenly and an important buftine.Hs letter was left B A N D N O T IC E . , unmuilod. T'he regu lar m onthly meetings Before sending it blfj his secretary, ..... , ̂ t ho School Band A uxiliary will who was Iri.sh and who had a passion Sir;---In each pi the la.st i.s- be lield W ednesday, N.ovember for explanatory detail, added the fol- HiK's ,oi lh(; W est Van News 2juI, at 2:30 p.m., in the Pauline' lowing postscript below Mr. Bronson's I hert! Iia.s appeared an artic le Johhscin School lunch rtkim. Any signature: i.ng ̂ lor w ar and (lestruption one interested in the Band are ".Since writing the above, l have .lUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every­ thing of value: bottles, rags, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Call West 91 and we bring the cash to your door. Burrard Junk Co. A lTR A C TiyE ROOM I' UR RENT -- Sunny south room near -ferry,.- suit-, gentleman;- (luiet- home References. Box 3." West Van News' (:ORRESI»ONDENCE E ditor , West Van"New.s. West 91. 'Furaished PLUMBER -- Prices reasonable. W. Bremner, West Bay. Phone West 69-Y-l. , ' ' * • ------,j-- _-- * uiiiidiK*a 'HOW boQvd optionul, irtiniD'DWest 863-L. ' ' ' "ku FOR SALE West 537. 5-)Year Old Laurel. (*a to ov(M-takc the world, evidently (hiiikiiig that by destroying civilization, a lasting cure for all .. \vorl(j ti'oubles will he found. '" I t may be so to some pei'-vert- , ed minds, but it certainly is not C hristian ity . T h e" U.S.A. de­ clares she will not light unless attacked, C'anada wishes to keep liei* men for li(.»r own protection ^ iim hil is B rita in 's duty also not to go to wui* unless she herself ■' is attacked. Had tile w riter definitely s ta t^ j -- ed ' t l i l t ho- Hfmsolf woukh-jofTer - his body to be th e first to he slaughtered, th.'it his home should he the tir.st to be destroy­ ed, th a t his family should be the 'TFr.sl to lie mangled a t his feet, ~'t:heTr"his~a~rgiimyMit'^ m ig h t h(*ar invited to attend . died.' WANTED TO BUY -- Above the .300 fU"'1c ^ 'l a seven or eight roomed hotr^, must be reasonable price and- terms. Box 2, West Vaiji News.. FOR RENT -- Furnished bungalow . 1327 Bellevue. $25. 'Wo«t 131-X. ^ R o o n i H O H. A. ROBERTS LTD. Welcome' your enquiries for Real Estate, Rentals, etc. 1447 Marine. ' West 546. ■ WEST 149-R-3 -- Permanent-number for reliable woman, when you want thorough cleaning, waxing^nd pol,_ ishings -- Evenings. BARGAIN -- Ping Pong table, full size, very well made, $7.50 only; in- . eluding 4 bats, balls and net, West : '75-R-l. FOR RENT 3 Room furnished flat • with^bath, $18,00. Lawson, Walker & Pyide, 1704 Marine Drive. West 65 n FOR SALE .-- Chrysanthemums, beautiful indoor blooms in a variety of cdlors. Greenhouses, T. A. Spen­ cer, 20th & Mathers. ̂̂ ̂ ̂ ̂̂ ^ WANTED---Comfortable-^refined home English, required for elderly lady Particulars, Box 1, W est Van News.' ATTRACITVE ROOMS & BOARD for J or 2 business-girls; , good-cooklng;- near bus. West 160-Y-2. Evenings. tASV LOST -- On Keith Road between 7th .and -11th,_ pair. _.ot_ladies._ pigskin gloves. West 440-Y-3. TCfetllENT-i^ Bright, clean dwelling, /two bedrooms and bath, no stove,\ immediate-possession.^ See Morgair a t 25th and Marine. . TE lunre weight. If it hia inten-. lion to -s lay securely a t home pouring forth liis .b lah blah in (trder to -d estro y . the youth of the nation and b ring hoiW rs-unT told ,to the whole world, then in- deed it. were ^better th a t a .mill sloiic* bo hanged round h is nook and th a t he be cu.st into the utU 'fiposl depths of the sea. Ltd us use today more reason and eommonseiise and rememhet ..th a t war today, 'is n o t-w h a t it was yesterday. W ar would NOT haV(* .*<av<id Czecho-Slovakia. ,;May the Empii:e long be riclYin men like Chamberlain. E. K. b ---------- ' Cl 1 i Cffd4), -V ...cf "Thei'e are tliroe classes of people with whom it is useless Ituarguo; those_\yho can't under- staird, those who won't u n d o - stand, and those who both can't ;uid won't, I;,tliink my corres- r^ipaiident .-m,u^t^-belon-g-^ to- .oiio n)f^ irAf \ ' i. for even the devil is said to be (luite conversant w ith the scrip­ tures. It is not custom ary for old soldiers or ed ito rs to blazon forth^ th e ir doing^s in tlie piTss, -but for the sa tisfac tion of nvj' correspondent m ight say th a t \ did offer m y services and, had w ar conui, would- certiiinl.N^-hare" heoii in it in due" coiirseT Inci­ dentally it. is 'not th e first tim e my w retched m rcase ha.s. been m f t > ' ' ■ f i f Jf T "-j ,'•** V -■ ' ^ I * * m mtfhh. ' fdlered and accepted. But the idea of the m illstone fills me w itli . -- unholy-gleti. because, niv dear correspondent, such a* very w eighty th ing is so unnecessyiry. A 50-lb dumbell well and duly fastened ro u n d 'm y neck would drown me like any o ther un- - -\janted cat, and I ahvays hate to p u t anybody to any unnecessary ' Ulconvenience. -- Editor. S tanley Buchanan, 25th and bellevue Avenue, left here rec- '" ste fc iS f "1R ently ,fo f Glasgow, - Scotland, to apprenticeship w ith .a shipbuilding firm. THREE ROOMED UNFURNISHED FLAT in, private .home, fireplace, " balcony overlooking sea, largeibath-* room. Hot water heating. Terms r-easonabJe. Phone West 23-R-2. . FOR SALE -- 1 Wilton Carpet, 9x12, 1 Axminster Carpet, 9x10 6; 1 Oak Dinette Suite (small), All new. West 892-L. -* TO BUILDERS .---- MORTGAGE LOANS a t 6%; any amount. Apply' J. Sheasgreen. '6 0 R D 0 N ^ R 0 B S 0 N ~ ^ Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West:403. - - P. C. Gibbens & Cô Ltd. Evenings West 547Jj.' W est 704. HOUSES TO RENT J. ^ W A R D SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West, 21. or W est .55.3-R-i P-urmshed Suite in yGablds," $2215.0; W est Bay, 3' 'rooins, bath:'and fire­ place, $20.00; Altamont, 6 rooms, modern, $30.00 ;-Dundarave,/4 rooms; bath, garage, $25.00; Ambleside," 6 rooms, modern, $.,35.00. G .J: ALTcher Ltd., 1415 Marine Drive. - Phone A r e a l a REST '^or . Tired Fnlks -- Restawhile Convalescent Home, l36 -27th Street. W est 86-L-2. W est 225. LQANS -ARRANGED-->^T~Dofniniftn~ • Housing Act and other plans. Gor­ don Gray, Seymour 4901. dr West. ^ FOR SALE -- Ice Refrigerator, fam ­ ily size, like new, $25; offers! West 75-R-l. . PAINTING and DECORATING - J. H. Wedley,. formerly with C. L! Konings. 'Phone-.W est 818. Esti­ mates free. WANTED -- 6 Young boys, age about 16, to sell subscriptions for 2 well known Vancouver published magazines; Apply to C. J. Vagnini; 178. East 5th St., North Vancouver.- J^ERAIRBD and REMODEI;- LED Dressmaking and Altera- .tions. Milady's Lingerie Shop, 1474 Marine. FOR RENT -- Partly furnished 4- room suite in excellent condition; heated; choice locatio'n. Apply 2193- Argyle. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, pfarts- ■ ®st Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ■* containingr»2r:r«y-^^^™®f.?" Int!̂ _ -^pairs-^ l&bys-,. panties^.IPhone- W e s t - ' Rhone! G!H _ ^-^^Suwdnat- ■fUMiaceTTrep îi's- ..LOST j*r:LJLadies'--Wrist-AVateIg^^^ room High ̂ School, Tuesday . night. 'W est 507-L. .Reward. ■ ' • RUR r e n t -- Bungalow; hot water heated; all electrical; for small ' *^* l̂ly* 1734 Argyle Avenue, West 52o-R. , _EXCAVATIN6 , Clearing; day -or -con- ■ tract,- Experienced men, modern machinery.. Rush jobs. Kissick, West 252-L. ^ASS, -Chiropractor, Suite 4,' I Hollybum Bloclt^ ' PIRE1VOOD -- Several cords" of good second ^-owth fir, 4 foot lengths, _5^.q0 per cord. _West_75JR-l_____ NORTH. VANCOUVER WESTERN WOODWORKERS, Car- ®nd Joiners^--Wood work of dll destjriptions; cupboards, drawers, ̂ Glass and glazing. Clyde. Phones: Shop West 740;-Residenee W est 443-E. MARCEL S H O P T h e rm iq u e Steam _________ ___________ only best materials.AUCTIOM Wes t . 23rd, just off I ^ nsdale, com- |-~ ? '®pcing-at EnDO anm., house hold~ef- g e ts as per instructions from thfe- Executors of the late H. D. Green- Armytage, Esq.- See Daily Province under aucHons tads Saturday for further de- WANTED-^JFumiture,- Stoves, Tools, ere. We buy, sell and exchange. - Rhone North 431, Vinick's Furni- ture, 66-70 Lonsdale Avenue. W. ^ EKINS, . Auctioneer North 1338. Res. North 1022 CHIMNEY SWEEPING ~ Old Coun­ t y way; guaranteed^ _brick and AT J®Pairs.-- Palmer, Capilano. -- Nortb-811-R-2.___1____ _̂___- _____ Mrs. Hick: "So you've got' a new gown after all. I thought you said - you couldn't afford one this'summer." Mrs Dick: "So I did, but my bus-- hand had a streak of luck .recently. He broke his leg day after he had taken out an accident policy." • -- HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE ly iG H T S C H O O L Mondays and Thursdays " - - " 7- to 9 :T0 7~~ 14th & Marine.,- West 341 ■] f ] '