?^*W "'^^^^*f'^'«^^iess4ii'% ^ ^ .̂ wnyi 1 • •z g r g n w : •it- y i m m r m r m m Q u a l i t y F a r n i s h i n g s f o r M e n a t C i t y P r i c e s Mi:\*S SWKAfSBRSr Zipper o r Button Coat'Styten. * l»riced a t ................... .......... ................................ $2.<)5, $8.»5 and $4.95 ŜI|.;S\S ALL WOOL MELTON ZIPPER JACKETS in fancy check iJutteVns, pleated front and back. Price ...................... ............ $5.50 Ie NTB fbr CAMPBELL'S-MADE-TO.MEASUKE SUITS and TOPA{ COATS for Men and Young Men. McLEOD'S MENS WEAR WEST VANCOUVER - Tke T>ora T>ay ^ erso n a lity Shoppe lie mo.'̂ t modern of Beauty Salons, hi ddsign, equipment and comfort, I . will occupy 1 8 3 6 M arine D rive in the Sinclair Building SOON. . Mr, ami ,Mrs,, E. I^ P artridge, K, GiMjene, 1280 Fulton Ave- 1142 Pulton Avenue, have re- nue, is a pa tien t in the N ortn tu rned from a trip to Spokane, Vancouver General H ospital, Seattle, and points south. • ♦ * • * * On Sunday a f te rn o o n , H is Mrs. McCrindle has moved Grace the Arehbishiop o f New from 2522 Bellevue Avenue in to W estm inster will dedicate th e a house a t 24th am P Bellevue beautiful «ew^ san c tu a ry Ahd . Avenue. chancel erected by H. A. Stone ♦ * * in memory of his wife, B eatrice Mr. and Mrs. Low, 2570 Belle. S tone,' and also th e tw o side vue Avenue, have' moved into panels of the east window oi'ec t- thp ir new home a t 2516 Bellevue ed by Mrs. G ran t Mordon in meniery of her ])arcnts, Mr. and Mrs. Henshaw. These tw o g if ts Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE JCpJBISL Kiiiinwit bJP FUKSU DAILY Ten vurietica to suit every tnste Meat Pica -- • Cookie* EerlcM Cakea -- PaBlrlca Buna and Kolia Note A ddress; 1468 Marino Drive , Phone W est 27 Avenue. Opening W ednesday, N ov. I n d ; NOBLE & CHAPMAN V. . ■ ■ ■ » . ■ ■ , , in the new Sinclair Block a t 184G Marine Drive, Babies' and Children's Wear, , Wools and Accessories. Come in and enjoy a cup of tea. .. ̂ ̂ b i c y c l e s ^ ( C.M. DOUBLE BAR ;BlCYCLE ................. ...... ...................... $22.50 C.r.M. GIRL'S BICYCLE ........... ................... .............. ........ $20.00 ENGLISH 22 BbY'S BICYCLE ............. ........................ ................ $15.00 .................. " All reconditioned, and guaranteed. . Fred Jones' Bicycle Shop - 1439 Marine M iv an d Mrs, F . 1. Lane and fam ily, who have been occupy ing a house a t 26rd and Hay- „,wood Avenue, have moved into th e ir new house a t 18th and Inglewiomi Avenue. « ♦ ' ii< .jreatly enhance the aleudy feouuiiful little Church in th e Woo(l a t Caulfeild. 'roin Neill has re tu rned to h is home on Clyde Avenue, a f te r a live months' v isit to iHjlatives .at W. LI. Clegg, 14th and Clyde W aimvright, A lberta. ̂ Avenue, is a pa tien f in the N orth ♦ ♦ + Vancouver General Ho.spital. , Dr. Soalb, who has served th e ♦ ♦ ♦ conimiinity of W est V ancouver .. A lfred B usst has arrived from for the past.seven years u ttend- Lyttoii, B.'C., to spend a few days ing to the ir dental needs, has with his niother, Mrs. B usst of recently, installed in his oliice 25th and M arine Drive. , complete dental X -ray eqUip- * *" * ment. This enables the Doebor ,A. D. D innick of Vancouver, to render a com plete health ser- has moved in to a. house a t 2911 vice. I t is agreed^by all^leading HoIIyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY luul SATURDAY MATINEE - Octobor 27lh, 2«tb and 2mb. JANET ( IIAPMAN "Little Miss Thoroughbred" alao 4 M arine Drive.♦ ♦ DAVID SPENCER Limited: N o w offers y o u Vancouvier C ity Prices on- F uel Purchases . A continuous supply of No. I Fir Sawdust is carried Summer and Winter. By ordering now you caKa'ssure"yourself a fair price ;throughout the entire season. For W ood and Goal Ranges Try our special delivery of Fresh €ut-Fir Edgings ' 3 co/ds for $9.00 R em em her: Extra delivery charges on Ŵ ood, . Coal, 'Sawdust are now eliminated, Avoid extreme winter prices by dealing with^us exclusively,;. T elephone T rin ity . Fuel D epartm ent D f t v n y LIMI-tED " Always the Beat at Spencer^ A d au g h te r was born la s t F ri day. a t th e V ancouver-G eneral Ho.spital to Mr. and Mr.s. M arcus L. Q uast (nee E dith Bingham) of 3385 M arine Drive. ' . 1- ' .K Ht A rm strong-- W arner The wedding took place quiet ly in the W est Vancouver U nited • Church on Satu rday evening of Jean M arion, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W arner, 2129 authorities th a t R adiography is a necessary, ad junbt to m odern dentistry." On Sunday, in spite iof t h e ' slightly damp w eather, W. Mil ler of 132 17ih S tree t W est, ---rNorth-Vancouver, succeeded in sinking his tee shot, on th e seventh hole a t Gleneagle.s. This ,, hole is known as "D enty D en" , and is 250 yards long, a blincl hole, played downhill to.t1ieT)ld orchard. W itnesses of th e fe a t were J. C hristopher, D,on Green i "SUNDAY NIGHT AT TH E 'rUOCADEHO" "N IGHTINGALES" SAT. EVENING & MONDAY OctoluM' 2l)tli mui HIhI. '■ . BE'ITE DAVIS HENRY FONDA "That Certain Woman" also "GjLDlNG TH E LILY" 'VITAPHONE GAMBOLS" B ellevue A v en u e , and M r. G or- nii Wm-fb .don D av id A n n a tr,6 n g , cldesW son .; v „ n c o u T O r^ m T s 'is the^ second ■ "vaScouve?- "^The " Z y - tha^a hole in one - . . . w a a i l S r e i b l R e . v . W illiam - Va^pce. M iss E ls ie P a r t r id g e , w as th e b r id e 's only a t te n d a n t a s was~~^^7p«m /orp TV V M r. M. W h it ta k e r fo r th e g ro o m . * p V o T m ' T h e -bride, w ore a ' te a l b lu e silk, ' G R O U P BOY SCOU l b v e lv e t d re s s a n d a ro se co a t on a VICTOR RECORD •velvet dress ana a ^«^J:^.^_;____A]Lparents_olBcouts.-andXub^^^ - w a s 'b t o k 'f e l? a n d accessories o f th is group a re pai;tieular]y: , m atched, while h er Qorsage was asked to take note th a t the annual m eeting of th e Com m ittee wlll' be held ibn Tue^s^ besr I s t ' a t 8 p.m. in th e b mbnC : hall ; o f " S t.; ; S t e p ^ 7--T~̂-- m r " u------- 4̂? v^i'/iQ>o--~ClTmTrhT~Ati:hismieet-mg-ra--com^ held a t th e home of th e b r i ^ mittee will be 'nominated to p aren ts w here th e .gueste were . - r e c e iv e d - b y -4 h e ^ b r - id e - s ,m o th e ^ ^ { j j~ : .^ j j^ _ ^ ,^ g , . in la gown of. fo re s t green silk b . Y 0 \ 0 YOU HEAR [ n e l s o n e d d y o n ^ E"A IR-TW E -O T N E_R.- ----------- N IG H T ? of pink carnations and w hite hea ther. The bridesm aid wore brown su it w ith m atching^ac- r.essories. L a te r a reception, was t ' . i^'̂ j > , _____ __•• - . r Vi.r' in iRt g'Own OL .lor'GSt girC'Gn-'Siik j « , TPOUGst - velvet. She w as assisted by the, « attendance is request groom 's mother^ frocked in^greyi silk. A th ree -tie r w edding cake was placed between ̂ w hite tapers in crysta l holders, as a centrepiece fp r the~lace-^cowered table which was beautifu lly decorated w ith RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION M EETING - U nder th e --au sp ice s ' o f th e w as u eau tiiu iiy ut^uuxcppcu W est V an co u v er R a te p a y e rs A s- w h ite s a t i i i^ ib b o n and-"m nk~rose ff>ciation a specia l m e e tin g w as buds. T hose p r e s e n t ^ t the : re T n esd av e v en in g m th e ception.w ere the im m ediate rel atives of the bride and groom;-- West 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 -FREE DELIVERY Rolled Rib 22c lb. Cross Rib 18c lb. 20c lb. Short Ribs . 9c lb, Pot Roast 14c lb. Lamb Stew % i 2 lbs for 25c. BUTTER First Grade 3lbs. ;78c r' BAKEASY 10c per lb. Fletcher's No. 1 BACON 15c per pkt. Fresh Mushrooms 25c a lb. S h o i d d e r L a m b 1 6 c l b Breast Laniib 15c lb. Roast Veal 18c lb. Veal Stew , 21bs. 25c TABLE TENN IS LEA G U E Team s P W L T P ts -Blue^-Bombers-- 2-" -2-- 0 ^ 0-A 4-. ------^ - 4- t r ' held on Tuesday evening in the "Degi:M" H"all; T he-^atiindance was remarkably_goo.d_and dem onstrated the local in terest in . the_ quegjaibn of tjlransportalipn following -thel_ op_ening of° the Lions'--Ga te - B ridge--which _was No. 4388 Wh(>" Arc We To 8uy _Sun-Uii_l'o Sundown "Ganadiens , '-W vVTSdzzlers Hillbillies M usketeers Sockeyes L ast week's scores: Blue Boiiibers 15, Canadiens 3. Dudes -16, Sockeyes 2. Maple Leafs 11, M uketeers 7. W. V. Sizzlers 15, H illbillies 3. C . C . F . B R O A D C A S T FRIDAY. OCTOBER 28. at 8:15 over C.B.R. Hear E. J. GARLAND National Organizer Grand O.C.F. RallyTA^anc^iiver Auditorium, Saturday 29, 8 p.m. s doors open 6:30. Speakers, E, J., Garland, C, G, MacNeil, M. P. ■, Mrs. D. G. Steeve.s, . M,L,v\..,. Dr, Lyle Telford, M.L.A., W. W. ̂ Lefeaux, Provincial President "Chair, Arnold Webster. Music, tailed- -report;-^was--given_:_b'yi...a _ committee of th e Toe H organiz- - ation, who have had the m a tte r under study fo r sqme tim e. •. ■ L ̂ W. Makovski in rendering - the report in tim ated th a t the committee passed" a resolution recommending" to th e ra tepayers m eeting a policy of concentrat- ingnh:;suppqrt-^ri;he-locai--fer-r-ies *■ ' Four.sori'gs'ifrom the film "The - Girl -of the -GoldcnJiYesL!i.rondor;^ • ed in glorious style by Nelson Eddy. BROWN & MUNTON , 1542 Marine Drive West 366 VICTOR and busess as"being iiT their-best interests. A num ber of speakers addressed the .m eeting on inii- m ation b f"Chairman-d£j-A.-^--Ray-y RECORDS EXPERT W atch and Clock r e p a i r i n g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd. Montreal) 1522 Marine Driye including ex-Councilmen and it was ftoon evide^nt th a t there% as-"- complete-accord w ith the recom-. mendation of th e com m ittee, .B efo re-ad journm en t a resolu- tiorr was passed unanim ously to ■ be. forwarded to th e M unicipal; Council,'as follows: _ "That th is m eeting of rate-: payers and citizeps re q u e s t 'th e W est V ancouver; M'u n i c i p. a 1 Council to_retain th e W est V an couver Municipal T ran sp o rta tio n System in its- en tire ty ," A considerable n u m b ^ .o f new m e m b ^ s w ^ e ^ ro lle d in - th e organization, prom isihg a keen in te rest ' in M unicipal af- H u n t e r ' s C o f f e e S h o p & HOME BAKERY HOME-MADE BREAD, V PIES, CAKES, E tc.. Catering to private partie.s a; Hpecialty.._„ 2423 Marine Drive, We«.'t 610 A . M A R T I N TRUCKING - FUELS" SOILS, Etc. " 1̂.379 ClydtrAvenue " UeHidence Phone fairs; - r