West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Oct 1938, p. 2

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8»|i|Ja(»#'»»A •t̂ f̂ »wi>r'*" Hi-' WK8T VAK. UNITED CHURCH Cor. 21»t & Esquimalt Ave. • REVr WryANCH"'-M.A.r'Miiili*««*' n o n Cordon Avenue Dhono West 2 ii- li » Jiuliidtty iJervIfVJj; U « 4t,7:30p.m. Slrun«:ers find Vi»itor» ore, welcome ^ ■\ ■'Wl" Uf I VVRSr VANCOUVKU TAHEItNACLK . ((W* Murim; xiiid ^oth PxiHtor • UtfV, It«lK*rl II, Kirch, K.'A. Hunduy .Service II n.in. .Subject; *'A lillle time and lie tiiat Khali doiiu* .will come and will not tarry." Iiide|>eiuletil -- ICvaiiKcticul Ken BAPTIST CHURCH Mittbter W. U M |Esj« liA*. B ,». Sund«r Services 10:00 a.m.--Church School In­ cluding' Adult Clftsa 11 a.m; & 7;30 p.m.---Fr^chJng Services. A-hearty welcome to all i l The New Auto-Thermic Permanent Wave llaH juBt arrived. NO MACHINH „ \ NO CJIKMICAL TAD (.'oiiibine.B...b.olh', comfort-, and ndi/ibilily in «>ne new Metimd. HOLLyBDRN HALL I4th and Duchess I'KIDAY EVENINC, Oc(. 28th, a t 7.15 Young People's .Service illustrated by lantern views. .Speaker; MK. JACK ANDERSON SUNDAY, Oct. noth, at 10 u.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING nt 7:30 GOSPEi. SERVICE Speaker: MR. A. MORNING TUESDAY at 8 p.in. ■ Prayer and MiniKtry of the . ..............Scriptures.' . .. . . . W EST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20tfa and Eaqtttiinali. Hollyburn This Society is a Branch of The Idothcr Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 n.m. Sunday, October .'iOth, SUBJECT: '̂EVERLASTING FUNISHMEN r' Sunday School at 10:00 n.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. « R E M E M S p R CHRYSANTHEM tlA^ilO W ILEWOOD SCHOOL ANNEX, SA TU RDATfl^ENING , 8 to 10 p.iINGEEWUUJi o t iiui/i.. o lu 10 p.tn. a d m is s io n f r e e ' "̂ Elxhlbitors desiring transpbrtihttoh^df * P lan ts'phPnq' R. Holden! MwA4 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. J. Millay; O.Prem. P asto r WEST VAN STATIONERS and LIBRARY Now ut 1644 Murine Drive -- Phone West 687, ENLARGED LIBRARY FACILITIES ~ 65c month or daily rale Over 1200 Books to select from. , , . , CHRISTMAS CARDS and CALENDARS now ini Largo choiee for Overseas selection. ■ ' ' , BOOKS -- MAGAZINES, Home & Office Stationery, Dennison's Crepes, eeds! -- Candles, Playing Cards, Games, Gifts, I'diiHHallowe'en Needs! and Pencils. City; Prices. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe UNITED CHURCH ' liLst and Eaquim alt Aye. Kcv. William Vance, M inister Sunday Services Low Mass --̂ 8:15 a.m. H igh M ass and Sermon -- 10:15 CreaforH of Excliiajlya . PermanentH, 1646 Marino Drive . - WcHt 117 i DR, G, D, H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Oflico Houra 0 to 6 p.m. Evanirigs by appointment, r Rhone West 72 Sunday, October 30th, 11:00 a.m. M orning W orship -- The m in ister's them e will be '■Preventive Religion." \ 7:30 p.m. -- The evening ser- M ass- . a.m.,; Rpsary and Benediction ' pirn. Catechism and Bible Class- 7:45 -2 :00 ' W eek-day Services Legion W .A . POPPY TEA In th e L egion H all, SATURDAY, N ov. 5th -V. DK. McRAE D E N T I S T formorly of 705" Medical-Dental Building 11 ours: 9 to 6 'Evcning»»4iy" appointment. ■ " ' ' I860 Marino Drive West 432 1' ̂ \ i- ."4------ 1 WE.ST VANCOUVER OPTICAL PARLORS Eyes Ex.'uniiied - Glas.ses Fitted Optical Itepair.s Executed (Quickly and Accurately' 1_ 1116 Murine Drive. West 702 vice is .sponsored by the ' Young Peoplo and the choir will give special music. , iSolo.s; Miss R uth McLean and A. Rollo. Anthems: "H ark! H ark! My Soul" ; "He W atching Over ; ! Lsrael." The* m in ister's evening sub.ject will be the second in the series: "Hible Piiz/.lers -r- II Sam son." The regular m eeting of the United Church W.A. will be held ill Life Church TIall on Tuesday a t 2 :1 5 ~pmi. H ostesses: Mrs. Rankin, - Mrs.--Richardson ' and Mrs. Ross. 7 :00 a.m.. F ridays-- Ros^ary, Benediction 7:45. ' S atu rdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. ST. S T E P H E N 'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. 'A. Ram.sey, Rector BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W ilfrid L. McKay, ' 1645 Duchess Ave. Sunday October 30th, 8 :00 a.m.---HolyDommunion. 1 1 :15 a.m.--rMatins"and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.-- Evensong and Ser­ mon. S I. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 3:00 p.m.-- Dedication of Sanc­ tuary , etc., By ̂ the A rch­ bishop. , ̂ ̂ " OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT THE MISSES AILEEN McCLOY and MARGARET"GRAHAM announce they have taken over W i l s o n 's G r o c e r y ..at. 1.409'■'Marine'Drive.'".' ■ ■ •'■■'.■■■ Groceries, Tobaccos, Confectionery. Hikers' Supplies a SpeciaU.v. ,1'i y) A lilii Established on North Shore ^25-^Ycnrff: (Lady Assistant) HAUUON BROS. LTD. jfuiieral iirectarB Hollyburn Funeral Home ------tHtli-itnd-MaTine------ Hi. ^ ' 'S r ; West 134 N orlh V anco u ver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 ' Vancouver Parlors ■ 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Pair, 134* The pasto r's su b je c t will be Sunday 'tnorning, "A Friend of (Jpd." There will also b e 'a sto ry for the members of th e Young -W om hippers-- Lea;ig4ie;- - -f a -- ^%e- CHURCRES OP CHRIST, SCIEN TIST Legion^Hallowyen -Military: Whist Dance Cards 8 till 10 -- Danqing, 10 till 12. -- Re'freshmerits " Admission -25c, LEGIOH HALL, SATURDAY, OCTOBHER 29th. •1 " EV ERLASTIN G PU N ISH ­ M E N T " will be th e sub ject of th e ' L esson - S erm on in all evening Rev. H. G. Esfcabrook Churches of C hrist, Scientist, on > will preach. The ch o ir will lead Sunday. . in die worship of 5 ong. * The Golden T ex t is : "Rejoice - - - Th'e" Church School w iirm eef""^® ^ 'against me, O m ine "enemy: i'lt̂ 'iO o'clock. Many new scholars W^^^n I fall, I shall a rise ; when have joined the schibol and o thers ̂ ®̂ t in darkness, th e 'L o rd shall w ilL jre c fn y e _ j^ ^ -- h e _ aJ ig h lL JL iiL tQ ^ e rL 4 ^ There are classes for every age taujfht by efficient and consecra- . Among the c ita tions which -. ted teachers. . comprise the Lesson - Sermon is E l e m e n t a r y , M y D e a r W a t s o n ! Km ll'never leaves a trail when he makes a delivery ■pTiawdust. ThFlirily; way T o H e ir^ frelsh supply has beenoofdered is' by the clean, smell of- fir -- an odor that-only 100% fir can give. WEST 7 9 4 KNILE'S-FUELS -NORTH- " 9 4 SAWDUST -- WOOD -- COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS West Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine Drive.' Phone West 794. H O L L Y B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S 1890 Marine Drive 'The Young People's Society following from* lihe-B ible: will hold a Hallowe'en P a rty on **The righ teousness of th e per- MoJiday a t 8 o'clock. . -feet sh a ll 'd ire c t his w ay: bu t The Annual M eeting of r th e wicked shall fall by his own local Bible Society Association w i^ e d n e ss ." (P'roverbs 11: 5). will be held in th e . B ap tist Lesson - Serm on also in- Chiifch a t 8 o'clock.. All those eludes th e '-fo llo v n n g passage interested in the work of th e f^'em th e Christiapi Science tex t- Bible Society a re invited. Rev. Book, "Science apcl H ealth w ith NeIsoriTHaT-l^iegg^i:t^i^g--i-ve^Pad - ^ ^ '^ ^# ^ th eL _ S .c rtp t^ ■' ------ - MOTHERS' COMMITTEE ■ * 'P ® ^ r i n 'W l r a m r n i i s f f T O T e The French B eauty Salon th an j t s equivalent o f pain until »4th \V. V. Sea Scout Group For W ork o f Quality We specialize in fine, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 The News THE West Van News . Publiahcd Every Thursday ' ^ -Publisher F, F. LOVEGROVE Phone W est 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone W est 55 _ . A attended m eeting _of- m others o f the above group, held their regu lar m onthly m eeting a t tlie home of Mrs. M. HaiT)ei\ .1303 Clyde Avenue last T hurs­ day afternoon. The president, Mrs. M. HaiTier- occupied -the ~bhaif, a n d secretaria l reports wero given. P lans were made to-'-hold the nex t regu lar month-* ly m eeting on Monday afternoon, November 21st, in th e Legion Hall. Regular business will b e . discussed*from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. to be follow*ed by afternoon te a and an en tertiiinm ent. Inv ita­ tions ai-e being se n t to all m oth- - e r s of th e 4 th W. V. Troop a n d - Pack to be p resen t. R efresh­ ments were served a t th e close o f the above m eeting. . HOLLYBURN TEMPLE Cor. Marine & 14th St. GREAT RE\H V A L and H EALIN G -C A M P ^ G N Commences SUNDAY, 7:30 p.m. in HOLLYBURN TH EA TRE Continues every night a t 7:45 p.m. (excep t -S atu rday) in the Hollyburn Temple -- HEAR _ Evangelist RALPH I. CRAJ^STON (Returned from-abroad) . --Special Subjects Every Night!! Admission FREE - Gome Early N orth Vancouver Office: 12.3 Imnsdalc Ave. * $1.00 a year by carrier; / * by mailf $2.00 a year TBE fllGHLANDS 1393 Marine Drive • Phone W est 671. LUNCHEONS - TEAS ______ D IN N ERS Catering fUr Parties THE HARDWARE MAN SAYS: A dirty storey to your house is .something you are Bound to have without a good door mat this weather. We have several kinds on display in our window. See which kipd you like. CRAWLEY & BARKER HANDY ANN SH O P, 2442 Marine N O T I O N S - S T A T I O N E R Y S C H O O L S U P P L I E S F I R E W O R K S