West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Oct 1938, p. 1

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;i •; U i *;» > V iC T O W I A , B . c miMM «.vifm Cirtulatingin the District of West Vancouver-^Ambieside^ HollyburnyWestotiy Dundarave % OyPt̂ ĴtjF*ar̂ t Cctulfjeild̂ Whytecliff̂ Ktĉ ̂, Sc per copy at newsatands. HO LLY BU RN P.O ., W EST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSI>AY, OCTOBER 27th. 1938 . N o . 22 TH E OUTLOOK " LEST W E FO R G E T ' 'J'he old san c tity of trea tie s has gone. T h a t is th e essence of the trouble in th e world today. I t w as Anally buried a t Munich, and w hat has once been buried may be exhum ed b u t cannot be b rough t to life again. For th is we can thank Ger­ many, which from 3914 on has been m ainly responsible fo r I lie decay of all decency in in ternational relationships both in war and peace. She dirtied th e sea w ith an un restric ted sub­ marine cam paign, she d irtied th e land w ith h e r use of poison gas, she d irtied th e a i r w ith th e bombing of defenceless cities aiid non-com batants, and since 1918 she has d irtied and made mill and void all fa ith in trea ties between nations. I t is a vile record, which one d a y will be her Nemesis. . U nfo rtunately , i f inay well be th a t of all civilization; too, since i t has gradually fullowed h er lead. 'F o r ne ither th e law of God nor of m an excuses a m an fro m th e commission o f crim e, however m uch he may have been forced into, it from hav ing to deal w ith evil companions.' ' I t is a s if in th e world of commerce all honesty had ceased. That, as every business man knows; would end credit. And with credit, gone w ould-go all business, th a t is business as we know it today. The only nation who cam e out. of the M unich A greem ent with thefr escutcheon unsm irched was the Czechs, although they lost alm ost ev ery th in g else. We of th e B ritish Em pire, it is true, had no t d irectly guaran teed th e san c tity of th e ir borders,.as had PYance, bu t indirectly We had done so, when we became signato ries to th e T reaty of V ersailles'w hich created the republic of Czecho-Sloyakia. , M anifestly any plan b f world peace built on such a ro tten foundation is condemned to fa ilu re Buy a Poppy .The W est Vancouver Poppy Campaign will commence on S at­ urday! October 29t)i. For Vet- c ra f t w reaths and poppies please phone W est 23C-Y or W est 229-Y CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW ■ D on't fo rg e t the G hrysanihe- nium Show to be held from ' 8 to 10 p.m. on Saturday of th is week in the Inglewood School, Annex. Admission is free. E x­ hib itors desiring transporta tion of p lan ts should phone R. Holden a tW e s t7 9 2 -L . SPECIAL SU PPLEM EN T On or about the middle of November w e' propose to bring out n special illuBlraied " P rogress Supplem ent" to th e regular issue in connection w ith th e opening of th e F irs t N arrow s Bridge to traffic . I t will be sim ilar to the special issue we published in 1929, and will be printed on th e ' sam e book paper. ' Any desiring, to obtain ad­ ditional copies of th i s , supple­ m ent, which will be available a t ten cents each should pu t in th e ir orders to th is office as soon possible. F . FRANCIS LOVEGROVE COMING EVENTS Annual W inter Garden P arty , Duncan Lawso.sn Chapter, F ri­ day, Nov. 8th, opening day, of "Lions' Gate Bridge," ten ta ­ tively. Bazaar during a fte r- n(H)ii and a gala d an ce and bridge in evening. Wedjiesday, Nov. 9ih -- Fall Bazaar and Tea by the Naomi ("Impter No. 2G, O.E.S., in the "Miiaonic Hall. > ' Social. / Thursday, Nov. 10th -- ̂ W est Vancouveri Community A.ssk)c- intion JDance in Orange Hall. Thursday, Nov. 24th -- W est Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club BRITISH - ISRAEL DEATH OF MRS. ̂ MARGARET F. LOVE C.C.F. BROADCAST M rs. M argare t Pulton Love of 1483 Duchess Avenue, passed aw ay a t th e Sea view N ursing Hom e last. F riday; She is su r­ vived by one daughter, K athleen, and one son, Jam es, a t home, also tw o sisters, Miss E. Temple-from the firsL __ _____________, ____________r-- ' C hrist did not live a'-safety-first., life ,or He would never here, and Miss K. Temple- have come to e a r th a t all. N or did He believe in passive sub- xon, W innipeg; and one bro ther, E. J. Garland, national oTgan- ' izer, w h o ' speaks a t 8:15 p.ip. tom orrow over C.B.R. w as M.P. in A lberta fo r fourteen years. Ho will also be heard a t th e < Grand CiC.F. Rally on S atu rday , a t 8 p.m. in th e Vancouver Audi­ torium . He is a r well knowh orator, and has draw n larg<6 crowds. !' Regular Monday evening m eet­ ing of-the D undarave Branch of the B ritish -- Israel ,W6rld Fed­ eration . i t : 25th ; i m M arine mission to th e dem ands . of b§,ndits, else, would H e scarcely have called fo r sw ords ju s t before s ta r tin g fo r Gethsemanje, the road to w hich fro m Jerusalem was in fested w ith m u rd e r - , ous robbers. Therefore,, in bur action a t M unich the re is little for which to be th an k fu l, b u t a g re a t deal fo r w hich to blam e iiurselves and th e devil. 'The ̂ Archbishop of G a n te r ^ r y said with tru th in a recen t .address we "might th a n k God fo r ,the. present peace, a lthough hard ly fo r th e m eans by w hich th a t peace w a s ,ob ta in ed .,, , . ............ " ' However, i t is useless to cry o v e r,sp ilt m ilk. We know now; , th a t fpr all p rac tica l purposes the world is back once m ore- in - th e p re-h is to ric .-d ay s ,-w h en -th e law -p f-the ,".jungle_- held sWay and th e f irs t and' la s t a rb ite r in air~disputes was th e stone club, w ith th e s tro n g es t .wielder of th e sam e th e victor. Only th e re is a change in the. weapons used, and th a t fo r th e worse. ' ; T . . H itler has a lready broken th e M unich A greem ent. H ^ Jan ies R. Templeton, .Prince George. F uneral services were held a t 2 p.m. from th e Holly- burn F uneral Home of .H arron Bros. Ltd., th e Rev. W. Vance officiating, and . in te rm en t was m ade in Capilano View Ceme­ tery .;; HOLLYBURN HALL NAOMI CHAPTER No. 26, O. E. S. broke - it, a-s wasLorily_;to be exi^ 'cted, alm ost b e fo re -th e ink was d ry ofi th e docum ent. "And soon he is to be asking fo r the re tu rn of h is lo st colonies. The questioinTfor7us"of the~B ritisH ' Empire^ to ""decide"i"s~ Naom i C hapter No. 26,'O.E.S., celebrated its seventeenth b ir th ­ day recently in th e Masonic.Hall, Holly burn. The th ree -tie r b irth - m y cake was cu t by th e W orthy atron , Mrs. J. w rN eifi, R. Mac- A Young People's Service il­ lu stra ted " b ^ lan tern view s will ,be held a t 7:15 p.m. tom orrow in H ollyburn Hall, when the_speakn. e r will b e Jack Anderson. "ITiere wilLbe.Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class a t 10-a.m . n ex t Sunday, October 30th, and a 'Gospel Service a t 7:30 p.m., -the- speaker -being- A .- M orning. - Tuesday a t 8 p.m; p ray e r and m in istry o f the Scriptures. Drive, j, The speaker is John G raham !)df9 Whijg^ > Rock./ Mr. G raham ils .d th e Pro- vind^Jf,^E xecuB w and a fine .a p o fe r ; I t witf be an , excep- tibjfl'tfiiy,' in te re s tin g m eeting. Come and h'ea'nflVIr. Graham.- Sub­ ject, ' "N ational H eraldry in Modern 'Km es." This address was given'on the Island and was greatly appreciated. . W ILSON'S GROCERY CHANGES HANDS W EST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE , The M isses.Aileen McCloy and M argare t Grah'ain announce in th is issue th a t they have-taken over W ilson's Grocery a t 3409 M arine. They a re carry ing there "a full stock of groceries, tobaccos' and confectionery.- H ikers' sup­ plies a specialty. The patronage of the.public is solicited. , , how much longer w e a re going to accede to h is continual de­ mands, realizing, a s we m ust, th a t\e v e ry demand- g ran ted _ -- m akes-him -stronger-and-ourselves-w eaker-.-- O n c e -h e J ia s _ ^ Vean acting as T oastm aster. Vocal solos were given by Mrs. J.- G--L.- H unt-and-duets'-by-M rsr 'H u n t and Mrs. R. P. Gruchy. M embers ,of B urrard C hapter No. 3 we^re special guests of thfi Cr. M arine & 25th HOLLYBURN TEM PLE •7^ 'A little tim e fo r w inning souls .for~Jesusv -Evangelist and Mrss. Ralph come th e stronger,' our. f a te will be th a t of Ozecho-Slovakia. A fter all th a t h a s occurred, we a t le a s t should have no illusions on th a t point. A nd i t would be well to rem em ber a lso -th a t the death of the-Germiaon d ic ta to r wouldTnake little difference, since he is n o t Nazism , b u t onlj^ its prophet. ' H aving exchajiged ce rta in v ictory fo r an uncertain peace, as Lloyd-George recen tly s ta te d , 'a n d lost both our friends and our honor, we m u st henceforth fight our ba ttles alone, -because th e re a re c e rta in reasons w ithin h e r borders w hy the United S tates could do ,no niore [than d efen d 'h e rse lf. .That means th a t henceforth -w e-m ust have arm anien ts huge enough to-m eet those o f a n y ' co n ib in a tio n . th a t "may_ come ag a in st. ~ u s r^ n d ? g p tic h Ia f Iy T 's h o n ld 7 w -b e -w a re of^HitTei^^?„e~n^^ ^Fyening. Following, the reg u la r com­ m unication last Tuesday even-- ing, a social evening was held.- P rizes fo r M ilitary W hist were won by Mr. and Mrs. John Sm ith, Mrs. R.'M acVean and Mrs. F . R. Gorlioh and presented ̂ by the W orthy M atron, Mrs. J . W. Neill. L as t W ednesday evening, N a­ omi C hap te jyp em bers were the . guests of J ( r a r d C hap ter No. , , 11 TT- 1 i n Irw in. Cranston have taken oveF E re we behold His beauty face pasto ra te of'-'the Hollyburn A X? 1 1- 1 , Temple, corner of M arine andA iittlp tim e fo r healing souls' 14th S treet: -W est Vancouver.- diseases - - - jyfj, Cranston, who 1s an ordain- By telling o thers of a Savi- m inister, has retum etL-from ,T h e H appy H our Club will W ales, Holland" and F rance and F riday .evening from j^as now taken .over completely th e Hollyburn • 'Temple where tifu l lan tern slides, and hi'̂ b̂ ht Full Gospel m eetings have been sing ing and a happy, tim e for all. held. The new pasto r intends P a re n ts and children are cordi­ ally invited. . , to reside in W est Vancouver and will commence his m inistry here w ith 'a n Evangelistic Cam paign,, w hich opens in th e HollyburnTRUCKING, FUELS, ETC. ^anm nt-5-ahd-^4hose4H -G anadar-w ^d% ith--H ie-best-of-inieH -tions-'~ a t v e x e e p t^ a f tmlay-m4lTe^^^ truck ing . He also deals in Temple,, Iwhm pasto r s ta te s ^bils, e te . P W est 521-Ik , - x«n'U'la/apnmo n Y*biiW*h Y>f Y*rkn1'.inil- lireach peace. _when th e re is no.peace.■ ■ t ' M / HALLOWE'EiSl M ASQUERADE ROLLER FRO LIC ____ LEGION W ; A. P lans a re under w ay for^ the forthebm ihg -Fall ..Bazaar and Tea to be held in th e Masonic H air on W ednesday afternoon," N ovem ber--9th;-- Mrs;-- George- POLICE W ARNING wilTbecorhe a church "of continu-^ ous revival. M r. C ranston has w itnessed the conversion of A. M asquerade R eller Frolic will be held under th e sponsor- ship of St. S tephen's- A.Y.P.A. T he W. A. are holding a.Poppy P ayne is th e general convener. Tea in the Legion Hall on S atu r- , Recent hostesses of the Sew- day, November 5 th . ' ing Circle have been M rs. J . W. The W. A ; 'Canadian. Legion Neill, M rs. G. Payne M rs E hundreds of men and women 5§xt Monday (Hallowe'en) from Fiddes, Mrs. J. G. Fiddes 8 to 12 a t the Bollerdrom e, 17th wiU. hold th e ir usual m onthly ^ Lester-Taylor and Mrs. and Bellevue Avenue. , Special m eeting in the Legion H all on fea tu res will be a floor show, Monday, O ctober 31st, a t 2:o0 n 0 V e 11 i e s and re fre sh m en ts , sharp . .Will every fnem ber p le a ^ Everybody will be welcome fo m ake an e f fo rt to be presen t, come and join th e f u n . ' Adm is- .hno'^^ip^ im portan t duties Mrs. R. P . RECREATION CLASSES W e have been reque.sted' by during his campaign and s ta les C hief of Police Squires to warn th a t while w ith one Revival Hallowe'en revellers th a t, while P a r ty in England blind eyes th e re is no objection to innocent ^ e r e opened, cripples walked and fun, any wilful dam age of any th e deaf heard in answ er to kind to public o r p rivate prop* pm yer. He will tell of his ex- ferty . or in te rfering w ith the .periences and of conditions as s tre e t lights-w ill not be perm it- he found them abroad. sion for skaters^-35c, and spec- th a t have to ^ done on th a t tators, 10c. ' ' " date. * West Vancouver- POLICE DEPARTMENT Notice is;hereby given that anyone who on Hallowe'en commits .any wilful damage of any kihd to either public \ o r private p roperty ,, interferes with the street lights pr lets off fireworks on any public street or lane will be prosecuted. W omen's Recreation Classes a re now under way w ith a reg is­ tra tio n of 130 women. Classes a re free to. all over 16 years of age. The schedule is as follows: Inglewood High Sohoolf-Tues- day evenings from. 6 :45 to 10^15 p.m.!^ Legion H all'from '2 to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 10 p^m. on T h u rs­ days. Classes include conditioning exercises, basket ball, tap s, ball­ room, old tim e' and n a tu ra l danc­ ing also lim bering acrobatics and group gyninastics. Men a re in­ vited to th e ballroom class on Tuesday evening a t 9:15 p.m,' ted, al^o the le ttin g off o f fire­ w orks on any public s tre e t or lane is s tr ic tly forbidden. Any offenders will be 'p rosecu ted . N EW BABY W EAR SHOP TO OPEN LEGION H A LLO W E'EN W HIST AND DANCE Noble and Chapm an announce th e opening on W ednesday, Nov­ em ber 2nd, o f th e fr 's to re a t 1846 M arine D rive in"^the new Sin­ c la ir Block,, w here they Will- The local branch of th e Can- , - . ad ian Legion wish to inform c a rry full lines o f . bab ies '. and th e ir pa trons th a t on S atu rday ch ild ren 's wear, wools, and ac- of th is week they are holding cessories. The ladies are invited th e f irs t '"of a"sen es o f M ilitary to come in and enjoy, a cup of W h ist D rives and Dances.-Cards tea. . - - to s ta r t p rom ptly a t 8:15. Mak^ up your tab le early . F o r fu r th e r p a rticu la rs please s e e advertise­ m ent. Everybody welcome. Ad­ m ission J25 cents. "Is McPherson in?" ■"Aye, but he's very busy; he's sharpening the gramophone needle for the party tonight." • ' ' .1̂ 't' , ,, •