O cW ber 18. 1S38 ......"jji^ Phone West 46 RED AND WHITE f^one ^ W est 46 f?'? M eats-- Phone West 370 1*UICICH (iOOI) for FRIDAY & SATURDAY. (k tob iT 14 & 15 V' l i f -f ;$ f' 11r tI f 4,t» ,«.( SWANHDOWN CAKK FLOUR I'kf. . .............................. 32c Red ^ WJiiU* TEA An OraiiKt* pound 49c KEI.M )0(;'H RER ........2 pkt«. 25c One lllue Juif FREE. . Red & VVIdte ARRICOT JAM 1 III. tin ...................................... 49c RANCAKE FLOUR Aunt Jftnlinn pkl. 17c H e a l t h o a ik 'MeloKrniii , ,l.............3 H>. pkl. 25c COFFEE. Aunt M«i >'h ..........lb. 25c Red & AVIiile RROOMH ...... eucli «5c LAIJ.NDRV .SOAR. Royal Crown <i cakcM 27c Red .V While OREEN CUT REANH . 2 t itiN 21c , Red While REAS ......... 2 No. 2 TiiiH 23c : ' M ' Sieve 4 ......... 2 No. 2 TiilH 23c i.'ii-F-WH tsM O K R n a VVI,il.. KKAiri', .Solid l•»cl<. ■ Liirjfe No. 2*/i t in ................ . 15c Nabob REH RLUMS. Kqiial tin lOc EIMK^A'I'OR CUAX......H oz. pkt. 15c INe" M EATS SHOULDKUS OF LAMB (W hole) per lb.................. 17c LlXiS OF IdAMR, per Ib........2He HRKASl'S OF LAMIl For UoastliiR........2 lbs. for 25e imUASl'S OF VKAId 2 lbs. for .............................. 25c IMrr ROAST'S from Prim e Reef From per lb . ........................... 15c MAPIJO I.F A F PURE l>ORK SAUSAOE, per Ib................. 25c SMOKED ALASKA COD. Ib. 22c SEA SEA L G EN U IN E HADIME FILLETS, per lb................ 22c POINT GREY K IPPER S 2 ibs. for ............................ . 25c FRESH FISH DAILY a p p l e s * per box 95c; 8 Ibs. 25c 'MACS'̂ per box $'l.39; 0 Ibs. 25c If ■ . i ' : 1 : * ' '11"';,**. Would Rest Up Firat . Vi.sito'r:, "You, have very nice furn- Mrs. NaK'K'<-'r: Huppose if I were ilure in your house." 1̂ 1 (lie tomorrow, you'd marry some /" Ijittle .lohnny; "Yes. T think the oilier woman immediately." mail we hought it from is sorry he Mr.' NaKj^er:; "Not rin^ht away. I'd „ solijî it to us now. He's always call- take a little rest first." ■ ! .! i' ̂ c ■ ■ i irr-i y i . ■ ,'d, This season couver M erchants F<k)lball Club have entered a team in the 2nu division of the Vancouver -and. D istric t league. The team has b een formed toennble tl(ie young er members of th e municipality to engage in organized soccer. The en terin g of two team s in the league also provide.s the c iti zens of .the com m unity w ith a soccer u ttraotim i every Saturday a t Ambleside Park. W est Vancouver made a very good s ta r t to win th e ir first fix tu re in the V. & D. league last Saturday , the 8th instan t. I he game was fairly good for an opener and hard for a few of the local team , who vvill iiecd a game or two to g e t into tip top shape. Taking every th ing into consider ation the boys did well. V arsity , who are alway.s it seems, in good shape, are a very hard team to beat. Ilowevei', th is vyils accom plished. The gam e whs fa s t all the way th rough . Blair Ed- : w ards scored first goal but even t ually V arsity c(|ualize(l and the 'sco re stood- at .1 ,goal each a t half time. The second half was a ding dong affair, W est Vancouver g e t ting the lead agaiii a.s the re su lt,of ano ther goal by Blair Ed wards.' B u t Todd o f. V arsity scored to p u t the score even and' so it continued for some tim e until T. Donaldson a t outside. WPlEUfc ▼ i lw w J h i I h r jL vJH liffB S lJblili SASH & HQORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS l a t h THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUILDERS* SUPPLIES ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE , ' Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone WeŜ 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate' for CIaa»ifi(Mi Advertisettienta is t cents per.word, minimutn 25 cento. Except in the case of thoee haring regular accounts, all dassl. lleda are payable atrictly in advance. ̂ , i.-- .11 * R e m e m b e r ClaBBlfleda in the W est Van News, gel immediate reaults. GORDON ROHSON - - .Solicitor, GIO W. IlaBtingH, Sey. 4199 uL West Vancouver any time uy amiolntment. West 403. -- ilANDY MAN Do anything, would like few days' 'vvork a,w eek, 30c luiur. We.st 555-X. ______ _-- . H. A. ROBERTS LTD. List your property with us nj>w* clients waiting. M-17 Marine Drive, We.st 540. ■ ' WINTER FIRE HAZARDS Consult US for protection in Highest. Standard Companies. We will iii.speci without ^obligation, Homes, tkinteiits, Auto.s, Business Stocks ahd Kiiuip. merit. Safety Boxes to Rent.." C. .f. ARCHER LTD. ' W est 226 FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Sutlier. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-L. ' . MONEY FOR MORTGAGES at 6% -r Any amount. Apply J. ^keasgreen, P. C. Gihbens &fio„ Ltd., West 704, evenings at W est 547-L. • MASON'S 'I'AXI Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. r ig h t put over Ni lovely centre whibh B lair E dw ards headed into FOR FAINTING, PAPERHANGING, phone V. Herprandez. West, 122-L. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W, Hastings, Sey, 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. Vancouver Weil di W elcom es At WELFARE VIGNE'ITES Vancouver Welfaro Federatioir Community Chest, October 18-28. --T--- Link^vl- \vitlr^West-V-aneou\H'r rWi-'ti--((̂ l-os«dy-4-h{W-̂ Gvaj- with the opening of the.First.N arrow s Bridge so®e_lose at hand, w('lfaro workers jn Vaiicouver lopk upon the admission of thejn Vancouver lopK upon West Vancouver Welfare'Association into Federation as?an.other - -- sigiIificantLbond_between the two eitieS.___________ ;_________ To both Vancouver aiid West Vancouver the building of this groat^ bridge brings many advantages. To-Wo-st Vancouver it wifi naturally bring at least a few disadvantages--disadr vaiitiiees which a closerjanL-W(d-£nre nrogram will go far t ^ alleviate. For across that bridge into the suburban beauty of. the North Shore will_no.t only go many average-income families seeking the residential charm it has to olfer,but many of the social problem.s which its closer physical connection with a large urban centre wijl pi'csent ' ,, To meet these increased problems of health,, recreational needs for its you'ng people, well organized social facilities for tidiing care of indigent rcsidenrs, as well as the economic and emotional problems of families in 'a ll income brackets, West , Vancouver will, through F'ederatibn, h.ave neces.s to all those agencies in Federation that-are already set up and working smoothly along all those lines. The Vancouver Preventorium, tile t'riiipied Children's Hospital, the Alexandra and FMrst United Fresli Air Camps--all these and many more will now be avail- tho„liet th u s com pleting his h a t trick and a p re tty good after-, noon's work. John Fiddes played a^good gam e a t cen tre half also J. Moon b u t the p layer who was particu larly noticeable was Geo. Henderson a t le ft back, although, , all the team did welh F ix tu res fo r th is week-- ^West Van. 2nd Div. team vs. M alkins,, a t Am bleside P ark , 3 p.m. South Vancouver U nited vs. .'-W est Van._M erchants a t Wilson Park , 3-p.m. McCLARY KOOTENAY , , „ , type'. Evor-ready nil.burner installed. Phone West 387-R-l.________ J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phonê .. West 21, or W est 663-R-l. ' ' liOST -- Round black brooch set with tiny pearls. Reward. West 248-R, HANDY MAN' wants work -- Floor polishing, window cleaning, garden ing, odd jobs. West 759-R-3.______ A REAL REST for Tirjcd Folks -- Restawhile Convalescent Home, 130 27th Street. W est 86-L-2. FOR SALE -- One o p e n faced heater. . Apply Thomson's • Transfer, 1312 Marine Drive. : LOANS ARRANGED -- Dominion Housing Act and other .plans.i Gor- "don Gray, Seymour 4991, or West 92-R-2. FOR s a l e -- One all-cast iron stove $10.00. Phone West 182-Rc'l. PAINTING , and DECORATING - J _„J. H..JW:edley7iforaa^^^ C. L. Konings. Phone' 'West 818. Esti- - mates free. FOR SALE --Quiet well-bred Scottie .pups, reasonably priced., Phone North 551-R-l. _____________ isJe m ( MRS. JA N E LOUISE ROBINSON PASSES FOR REiNT -- Furnished room, board ̂ optional. West 863-L._____ FURS- REPAIRED and REMODEL LED -- Dressmaking and Altera; tions; Milady's Lingerie Shop, 147f Marine. . Sr--Jan e--Lou i s e^H^obi h son, 2396 M arine D rive, passed away last Monday, aged 75, years. She leave's to m ourn h er passing her, husband, one son, R. F. F . a t SPECIAL OFFER -- Personal greet- ^ i f i -g^TTt^H l̂li.Same-varue-as last-year-- phone West 682-L, T-8 p.m._______., LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- i---WestW-anGOUv^r-rMachine-Shop.JiiQ-- --"Marine. ' ^ LOST -- Black cat Avith 4 white feet and white chest. West 562. Reward. WANTED -- SmalLiurnished or un- CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intalled; -furnace repairs. Phone, G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 822. McFaidane of N o rth B u rn ab y ; also h er tw in b ro ther, R obert -Fishei"- of--Galt,-- Ont.- --F uneral - services were held a t 3 t)Tm. to day in the city, th e Rev. A. M. Sanford officiating, aind initer'-" \vti^^^ntde-4i4 th ,e -f-a ffliiy burii to Dundarave. West 676-L. W. BREMNER, PLUMBER -- Prices ---- reasonable73396-M'arine-Drive,-West- 69-Y-l. EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con-: tract.-'^Experienced men, modern machinery. Rush jobs. Kissick; -- West 252-L.,:____________________ FOR RENT -- Comfortably furnished ^-room modern - waterfront - home, -Adults, $45. II."Et" W. H. VASS, ■ Chiropractor, ,^uite 4, .. Hollybum Block. plot, M ountain View Cem etery. w h i f f i n AGENCY, WESTERN" WOODWQRKERSrtlaF JlU O BY FOOTBALL. LOST -- New shoe, between West " Vancouver and City," Finder "phone " 'We"sf"624-L- penter and Joiners--Wood work of , all descriptions ; cu{Jboards, drawers, . alterations, etc. Glass and glazing. _ 1478 Clyde_Phones: _Shop_JV_esL_i ,740; Residence W est 443-R. iiblo to. West Vancouver cJiildjxM;. Y.M.C.A.,_Y.W.C.A. and Boy . '!alvead;V "drga^uzod-; ■'Tiil'tifirtioivr i < i * * __ • W I he _ni u 11 or o L silbsp r,i ption s JioJ ts wel f a re :progrnjn, We.st, Vancouver residents wlio work in- Vancouver will now be spared the annoyan.ee, almost unavoidable befpre, of being appealed to on two counts. In this connection, West Vancouver sub scribers, if they so wish, can indicate on their pledge, cards that their .sub.scriptions are to bo "applied to welfare "Avork in their owil municipality,- This designation of their money gifts __ jo par.ticular agencies, incidentally, is ̂a privilege given sub- " .si'rituM's to Federation throughout (Jreater Vancouver. V -l ' ' . v i ' V ' ,1' l i p . . - - The Vancouver Wtdfare Federation feels in all sincerity that West Vancouver's entrance^ into FY'deration this year, coming a.s--it -diies almost simultaneously with the opening of the First Narrovv.s Bridge, has exceptional significance. In fact, campaign workers, facing a ten-day drive to raise $385,000 are already referring to their community umjertaking as "bridging the gap in social work." • i m . . -Fronj the Vancouver News Herald, October 12, 193S. p i ' M S ' •! IsS.;; *. Greater V ancouver S'IV; £4 COMMUNITY CHEST DRIVE October 1 8 - 2 8 . ■»* -Hi i f C ' t Despite several la s t m inute changes in th e ir lineup th e team fielded by theJB arbarians on the. oval la st S aturday ag a in st the All Blacks, whose w eight fo r ward and experienee7t6j^l"m the end, only, lost to th e tun^ of 11-3. A nnan plunged OiVer th e line fo r 4:he™ .B arl)ariansTifrp^ EXPERIENCED WOMAN w a n t s work by day. Phone evenings. West 260-R. -- JlfNK -- WE STILL BUY Every thing of value: bottles, rags, sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. . Call West 91 and we bring the cash to your door. Burrard Junk Co. West 9̂1. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam , Permanents; only best material. ̂ -- used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. WANTED--^li^rniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. We buy,. sell and exchange. Phone North .'431, Vinick's Furni ture,' 66-70 Lonsdale Avenue. Blacks in I m stride. B'̂ b r e half- . 'tim e the Blacks dreAv level with an unconverted try b u t i t was jio t until late in this gam e th a t they scored th e ir rem aining e ig h t points. d'E asum w ho,w as w ithdraw n ITorm -tahe pack iir fh e last m inute changes p u t in some fine defei.isive kicking a t five- eigh ths and L indsay brought in to filLa vacancy in th e th ree line' well justified his inclusion. --On-Thanksgiving Day in prep-, aration fo r th e e n try o f, the "N orw esters" in th e second div-- ision composed ' of B arbarians and All Black reserves the spares of th e two clubs had a strenuoiisr w orkout in a downpour on Con federation Park . \ Saturdiiy gam es: B arbarians vs. U.B.C. a t V arsity Stadium , 3 p .m .; N orw esters vs. V arsity a t Confederation P ark , 2:30 p.m. A rrangem ents fo r th e dance in the O range Hall on October 2Tst ai'e now well under way under the capable and efficient organizing of th e G irls' A uxili ary . - W est Vancouver B arbarians G ir|s' A uxiliary Second A n n u a l. Harvest Moon DANCE Friday^ October, 21. 1938, Orange Hall, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m . M arie A bram s' "O rch e^ ra Admission 50c. s.tone repairs. North 811-R-2. Palmer, Capilkuo,, LOST -- Pair of spectacles, light brown tortoiseshell rims. West 632-K FOR SALE--- Double bed, complete $15. West 83. FOR SALE --- McClary Combination and Ever-ready oil burner including copper coils and pump. West 42-Y-l FOR SALE -- 1 Electric Range, G. E. Hotpoint; 1 Mahogany. Victorian' arm chair; ' 2 ' Ivory- dressers with bevel mirrors. 1590. Marine Drive. POPULAR PIANO PLAYING HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL Mondays 'and Thursdays 7 to. 9:30 14th & Marine; West 341 'Papa, what's a grudge?'-' 'I t 's what you keep ̂ automobiles m. Short te rm courses in: popular piano playing a re now available in W est Vancouver, Jack Gill P reston of V ancouver hav ing es tablished a studio here fo r 'th is \ purpose. Mr. P reston guaran tees results, and h is ra te s are reasonable.. Those in terested are asked, to kindly phone F ^ s e r 9 0 5 ; . t h e h a r d w a r e m a n SAYS: We owe an apology to the ladies of'W est Vancouver for not getting our bargain tables set iip yet, but you know what moving is. Any way we will do our best in the next week* or so, and thank you for your patronage meanwhile. CRAWLEY & BARKER,' Hardware.- / Elt'll m t - >'■ V