S u it s ^ jU id J l^ p - C o a t s for MEN and YOUNG MEN, Hand tailored to your individual measure. See our larinre rang^e of samples fo r̂ I* all -and - Wintorr - AU - Garments • earry th e r Union * l:jal>el. Oidcrs completed In 6 days.................................. Price $27.50 and $35.00 McLEOD'S MENS WEAR H; B r L indskok of Caulfeild, has moved in to u house a t 8366 Radcliffe Avenue. a a. * W EST VANCOUVER T E N N IS CLUB ANNUAL DANCE in the ORANGE H A LL, TOMORROW, (F rid ay ) Toby' Kent's Orchestra , Daiu'iiiK 0 - 1. R efreshm ents A dm ission, 50 cents. '"*"*""L i|V S u n d « |^ w e n in # ^ th eT h o iT " of'-, t h e '. W e8 t/;V an ^u v er '.'.'U.nited Ohui'chl'eame""eh ■ "m asie: to:' '..'Wish' Mr.s. J . E . D urbin well and m ake Mr. and M rs. Charles W augh a p resen tation of tw o lovely have re tu rned from Gabriolu travelling bags. The prosenta- Island and a re occupying a su ite lion w as m ade by Jim fnie Fiddes. a t th e F o rtu n e Cup Inn. • v ii< * * * Mr. and Mrs. S tevenson of N orth Viincouver, have moved into a house a t 2182 Argylq A venue." .""' " "r';7Mr';":':"'M'd":""::Mrs','l':'.Shn moved from J 6th and Bellevue A venue i i i tb "" h " h Pa'rk 'L ane. ...' Mr. and M rs. J. E . Condon Mr. and M rs. Joseph Sheas* green, 23rd and Bellevue Avenue, spen t th e holiday week end on a v isit to th e ir son in Ladysm ith, Vancouyer Island. Stratton's BAKERY B R E i i m D rU ESlI DAILY Ton varlotics to nuit ovory tasto Mi'nt Piva -» Cooktoa Kccli'8 CnkoH -- Paatrioa nutta and Itulla Note A ddress: M68 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Mrs. Jenk ins of N orth V an couver, has moved into a house a t 1364 Inglewood Avenue; ' Betty Cavendish DANCE STUDIO WEST VANCOUVER BRANCH LEGION HALL Hiillnioin Dancinjj correctly taught--Beginners Clusft, Wedncsduy.s'7 p.m.. ■ V I ' ■ , ■ Seymour 8023. ' " \ Residence Phone, West 308-R-2. ' Mr. and M rs. Burrows have have movdd from Appleton Court moved back from CapiUnio into into th e ir hew home a i 21 a t and th e ir home on M arine Drive a t W est Bay. M iss Sm ith and Misls Wilson Gordon Avenue. >x a M rs. J . E, Durbin le ft V an couver on M onday 'evening for have arrived from Qualicum and England, a re occupying a house a t 2808 ^ ' Bellevue Avenue. • ............ ♦ : Hi POPULAR PIANO Short Term Courses, R esults G uaranteed, Reasonable R ates S tudio in W est V ancouver . JA C K GILL PRESTO N Inqu iries a t F ra se r 905. . ♦ ♦ ♦ * * i(< ■ \ Mrs. J . E .'D urbin was a t home - hist Sunday afternoon to her friends who came to wish lier bon voyage, a t the home of Mr. and M rs. H. A. Eager, 825 22nd S treet, w here she hud been stay- Mr. and M rs. Mackenzie of W est Bay have moved to. Van- sCouver. Mr. and Mrs.- Hatfield have ............................... .................. moved from M arine Drive, W est ' ing fo r th e p as t th ree weeks. Bay, in to a house a t 24th a n d M r . ' Nelson and daugh ter, Bellevue Avenue. 22nd and Fulton Aivenue, have * * " * t , moved to ChilliwacK. Jirionef In our last, issue we carried a news item concerning a . bear i ' u : 1 • 1 V ' . rt Vit; V' ii/»rAhAi* V rirh. iri T.h#which invaded th{i verandah of l̂ tHWAk VVAJl K/Vrf , **V»avi. w î taaAt Tuesday; October 26th," in th f S o m e B u r n e r s a r e G o i n g I Some people have^^already started u p , their sawdust., burners to take off that noticeable chilj tha t c o ^ s i on in the evening. Knill is still selling his Kingi Mill 100% F ir^ S ^ d u s t a t $3.|j0 bulk, $4 sacktid --but it won't be for long. The derng^d for sawdust is steadily in- -(u^ea'sing------ ;------- _̂___ ____ _____________ __ ___ .KNILL'S.. FUELSx - ■ SAWDUST -- WOOD -- COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS - West Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine Drive. Phone West 794. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Russell's cabin on Hollyburh Ridge when both w ere a t home. I t tu rn s out th a t Mrs. Russell w as alone in the cabin, h e r 'h u sb an d being aw ay '^at th e time. . _ . _ * * * . ' . Donald E vans, 1870 M arine Drive, has moved into, a house a t -.2512 H ay wood Avenue. ■Legion Hall. There will be a dis4 cussion 'on transpo rta tiqn and ̂ niunicipal problems. Everybody welcome. J ■ I J .0.; p r . « Iho home of Mr. and Mrs. B ert F ro u d ,'1 9 th and Bellevue A ve nue, in honor of Mrs. J. E. Dur- -bin. -.Th-Oseipresent--were': . M rs. Ben H arrison , Mrs. K. Savory, Mrs. F arm er, Mrs. A. B. E d w ards, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray, M rs. H. B. Steyens, Mrs. Phil Chapm an, -Mr. and Mrs. Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY ami ' SATURDAY MATIN ME October 13tli, Mill, and 15th AldCE FAYE " Sally, Irene . and Mary " ........ I also ■ * ■ "GOING BYE BYE" (LAUREL & HARDY) SAT. EVENING it MONDAY October 15th and i,7thf a KN SOUTHERN .IA( Iv HALEY " Danger-Love at Work" also "SI»ORTS ON ICE" "SONS OF TH E PLAINS" rilESDAY and WEDNESDAY October 18th and ISftfl* CLAUDE'ITE COLBERT " Bluebeard's 8th Wife " (Once only, at 8:15) also "̂'HEART OF ARIZONA " W endy H ouse N ursery School V 2397 Bellevue Avenue RE-OPENED TU ESD A Y , SEPTEM BER 6th . , Day School - ^ - 6 years old Transnortation Provided W est 867 Reeve J. B. Leyland has been elected to rep resen t th e Province of B ritish Columbia on th e Can-, adian M unicipal Union and .to Secretary . Gray, New Westminstei-, - -and M ayqr^eor^g'IVfillefTof V a n ^ u - ~Mi's. H! A. E ager. D uring ih"e ver, h as been elected to th e evening the .guest of honor was N ational Executive, and G. G. presented w ith a dressing gown. McGeer, K.C., -M.P., to abt aa ----------------------r chairm an of the Dominion Parli_ .LEGION W. A. THE HIGHLANDS 1393 Marino Drive - Plume-WcHt -671 - Tea Cup Reading] Professor Griffiths ̂ i ; Tuesday - Wednesday. - Friday 2:.30 to 5:30 p.m. . . jm e n ta iy Com m ittee .' J _ * * , " ' ■ The W. A. Canadian I.^gion Mr. and Mrs! A. P. H annan of are holding an afternoon tea a t H ollyburh Dairy, 17th and Mar-' the hom e of Mrs. T. E .'Batchelor, ine Drive, have moved ;to 14th Gordon A venue, on Friday, 14th ah~d Xolisdale" AWhW^ N orth " October, '2 :3 0 ' to 5 p.m. There Vancouvei:,, will also be teacup read ing. CYltOMA TEA and COFFEE SHOI* • 1706 Marine Drive 'J'ea, Coffee -̂ Cocoa, Spices-, Elc. Visit your local store for goml"' (|U/dil.y aud UloW jniCoH. ' Free Delivery, West '65' ' Res. West 280-R. Q fQUi M ^Fooo M a n k e f s ltd. West 190 1578"̂ M arine Drive W e s t 190 -!(!„ . . ■... . ■ .. The engagem ent is announced of Miss Evelyn K. P\ Dickinson, eldest daugh ter o f Mr. E. J. Dickinson, 2347 K ing's Avenue, W est Vancouver, and th e la te Mrs. Dickinson, to Mr. Thomas A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all to a ttend ,' W EST VANCOUVER TOWNSW OMEN'S GUILD Hunter's Coffee Shop Luncheons . - Teas - Diiinern Contract Bridge ." Every-Friday, 8 to. l l "iT.m. 2423 Marine Drive, West 610 _________ ̂ ___ _______ The ,"talk and dem onatrations L. Chignell of T atla Lake, eldest of fall' fash ions - given by Miss son of Mrs. A. L. Chignell of M arie M oreau of Hudson's Bay D orset, England, and the late Company, .jyere g reatly enjoyed Dr; A.'L. Chignell. The wedding by m em bers of the Guild a t th e ir will take place early in N ovem -. m eeting on F riday , October 7th, her. Mrs. W. B. Small spoke on "the W elfare Cam paign." "C hristian ■Dem oeracy th|ire{'rok 'TlromsoH==^Lajnriberl Action--now! % FREE SPECIALS DELIVERY " A .quiet wedding Was solem- R eports w ere given by Mrs. B. l i i ^ d afHT-30'^a;hi7]ast"Monday" Steh€lin,T'M rs. AT~T." CiMiirig^ in the ]\?Ianse-of'the W est Van- '_Mrs. E . N ightingale, Mrs. S. Rolled Rib 2 5 eA h ,CrossRib 18c lb. Rump Roast 20c Ib. Short Ribs 9c lb. Pot Roast I4c lb. Lamb Slew ^ lbs. for 25c. Hunters Marmalade j a r s 28c each couver U nited Church,; when the_ Mackay, M rs. E , Ford and Mrs. Fresh Hlashrooms 25c a lb. Shoulder Lamb 16c Ib Breast Laihb 15c lb. Rev, William Vance; B.A.,-'united in m arriage Miss A lberta J., youngest daughter of M rs. |^~~~M#rgarefHLafflh e rt, -2-361- wood Avenue' and Mr. Jo h n M., only son of Mr. and Mrs. D. MacN. Thomson of -1150 E sq u iif .malt Avenue. Miss Ifelen DalzelF; w as ' bridesm aid, while th e best man was Mr,. E vere tt Brenner. Following a wedding b reak fas t : a t the Willows Cafe ineVancou-^ ver, the happy couple le ft fo r a m otor trip in the south, and on the ir return will take up resi- 'dehce'lTTWes^T'Vanpuver. i 7\ J. Fox. The N eedlecraft .group will m eet a t the home of Mrs. S. Lowrie, 576 17th S treet, on Oc- H ousehold F urniture For Sale (Overstocked) (Chesterfield Set, mohair, 3 ])iece»,- splendid -condition, Rever cushions, .$.32.50; Pair of chairs, wing arm, $18 rev. cush,; .^Dining Set walnut fini.sh, 'oblong table,' '2 leaves, 6 chairs, slip leather seats. loy.e,Iy_shar>e,--$27.50; Dining Set, Mission, round, table, 0 chairs uph. sbats, buffet, excellent, telephone :q.' Call by long-dijitance tele phone if you want word in a -huFiy--ffonTL-a-fer^way-point-- In one conversation you can ask questions and receive re plies. -'You avoid the delay of waiting for an exchonge of ' letters. i W rite and you w ait^tele-. phone and yoju get action now Roast Veal ^ 18c lb. Beggar: "Have 'you got enough money for a cup.of coffee?" Freshman; "Oh, Til manage some how, thank you." Veal Stew 21bsr25c EXPERT W atch and Clock = REPAIRING JT. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks ,.L^.,- Mbntreal) 1.522 Marine Drive $35.; Fayveett Range, perfect,'w ater front, $28.60; Beach Compeer Range with Pullgon Oil Burner, snap a t $50; Victor - Console Radio, -$25;. Kol.ster Radio Cail^inet, ,$13,75*;--Vanity Dresser triple mirrors, $10; Cream Dresser,' oval mirror, $11.50; Chests drawers, $8,50, $10.50, $11.50; Child's Crib with ■ good m attress, $6.50; New Enterprise ■Ranges from $09.50. $15 to $20 allow ance on your old range, Aetna Oil Burners from $39,50. .. All kinds of New and U.sed Goods " a t Bargain Prices. H o lly h u rn . F urniture 1476 Marine Dr. Phone West 711 B. C. TELEPHONE CO. Hot'Dog:- A'baloney's papoose, sun burned.