'--- 1 4 '^% ^ "*fT 1 THE WEST VAN NEWS • m m m x i s w **THE ANGEl. OF THE , HABVESr* Phone West 46 RED- AND WHITE -Meats-- Phone West 370 •UICl'i^GOOl) for FJUDAV & SATIIHDAY. October 7th & 8th THANKSGIVING Tt; 4 f FIKSTA CHANimUHir SAIJCK 12 ox. Un .................................. ^7c Hid a Whlto TOMATO JUICK LiirK** 2^̂ -ox. tin ....................... •• lOc Kfd & VVliitv CAT8UI*, 12 ox. l)ot. 14c rASTItY I'T/OIIU -- Wild Hohc 10 lb. Mucii ................................ .. 3l>c 811k SlfU'd. 1'uckt'd in U.C, UtHl & Wliltf rUMPKIN No. 2V, tin .. ............................ l ie MINCKMKA:r-- .......... Kxlru <iiu' quallly ...........2 Uih* 25c Wed Hi >Vhlt€' JAM ' IMiro ItiiHiilicrrv... i t v't' 11 t i I r >. «tt « -1 H I'nro itUHoberry.............4 lb. tin 49c I*IJKFHI) WIIHAT--<luukor, |>kt. 9c Itcd A White COFFBE. 1 lb. tin HSc irriidiuled for Ilcnlth. BidMFULL HIIOBTKNINO .'■ 2 ■ llw....................................... i57c Bitl & While BAKINO FOWDKK 12 ox. liii,. . 17e; '̂V: lb, tin..,. .̂ >.1c Uî d & White CORN,. . No. 2 tin 10c BihI & White FBAClIBB Sliced or halved...........Squat (in 10c u I I FRESH CRANHERUIES, lb. 28c APPLES MEATS" FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER Milk Fed ROASTING CHICKEN per lb........... *...................... Milk Fed ROILING FOWL ,)er lb................ 22c to 25c f r o z e n a l b e r t a TURKEY per lb................................... 22c FROZEN AUtERTA GEESE . per lb..... ................................ 22c BuriiH' r,.|*oint TENDERIZED HAM, Half or Whole, lb. 28c UNION COTTAGE. ROI.LS, A real treat, per lb,...,...... 29c MAIM.E LEAF. PURE I>ORK SAUSAGE, per lb. ..............25c All our Beef, Pork, /.amb & Veal ' is AbHolutely Top Quality. " I'Yesh I'MhIi Daily. Bed At White TOMATOES 2 No. 2'/i tiiiH ...... f....................... 21c "KINGS" per box 95c; 8 lbs. 25c "MACS" per box $L.'I9; (> lbs, 25c On W '̂etinesday and Thursday evenings, September 28 and 29, the ' C hoir ' of West Vancouver . Baptist Church, oonducted by Ben S. Short, prcsenled mo.'it intere.sling performances of itlle known seventi'cnth centujy Cantfita--^T h e , Angel of Uie Harvest" by Krne.st Cympsoii. The church choir was augmented for the occasion by a number oi North Shore .singers-rrounding out in particular Uie bass and tenor section,^ and solo.s were taken by Mrs."l<\ b'l Lovegrove, .soprano, Messrs. John Hall.and J. Fiddes, tenor, ami Me.s.srs. A. J. Atldy and R. W. Froud, bus.s. The accompaniment was by Mrs. W. J. C. Taylor, A.I.C. M., a t the piano, ami a group of strings consisting of Mrs. 1. b. Snelgrove and Miss M. Muri'ay, violins, Mrs. S.' A. Coloopy, viola, and A. McIntyre 'cello. E. Hum phries as.sisted at the orgaii. JnterHiierscd (le.scriptive readr in̂ TH in ' verse were given very acceptably by Mrs. A. Skerton and Rev, W. L. MacKay. ■ The Cantata is a very melodi ous thanksgiving piece, some w hat light in style and'wordinif, yet with plenty of variety and cplor and a splendid climax de- SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH i THERE IS NO suBStinrre FOR QUALITY PAINT . BUILDERS* SUPPLIESt '5' • «•**»» , WALLBOARD TILE r . Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD., WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED A D S ' Thi* rale for Claaailied AdVerUseitieiits l« I cento per word, ininlnmhi 25 cento. Except hi the Ciiae of Uioee having reguU r accounts, all dassi. Ilemember C U ssiti^s in the Wpfit Van Newa get immediate results. GORDON .ROBSON -- B ^^ister & .Solicitor, 510 W. HasimgH, bey. 4199 at We.st Vancouver any tune by aooointnient'l'West 403. _____ _--^ HANDY MAN Do anything, would like few days' work a week, dOc hour. West 655-X. ______ ■ ---' JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every, thing of value: bottles, rags, sucks metals, furniture, stoves, tools, oti" Call West 91 and we. bring the cuali to your door, Burrard Junk Co West 91. FOR SAIiE -- V4 Acre and Small house ill Altaniont .-iDistrict with I ■ lovely tree.s and shrubbery includ ing scores of dogwood trees,Jt>l»0U, easy terms. Lawson, Walker & Pride, West 55. ' -Immediately, 4 room mod- W. BREMNER, PLUMBER -- Pricos reasonable.' J?39(J Marine Drive. TO RENT -- Modern Bungalow will, furnace, 19th and Waterfront. Phonoorso...... ; 'Trinity 5903. TO RENT- ..... - -- „ ern house and garden on Mathers, Dundarave. West 414-R-2. ' . LOST Sunday night or Monday" ^orning; pure gray half-grown kit- Reward. 1332 Argyle Avenu{,ten. I * > * ' "-I.'..' -•'t : H I'j1 r. f-i l: M . /y'! :i .i Wiley--Sharpe Gladioli and chry8anthemums in bronze shade.s adorned the altar and chancel of St. Francis- in-lhe-Wood,. West Vancouver, at high noon, ye.sterduy when Rev.F.A.Ramsey united in mar riage Alice Catherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Middleton Sharpe, and Mr. Frank Mac- Ken/.ie Wiley, son of Mr. and Mi'.s. Frank il. Wiley. Only immediate.members of the principals' .^SimlLies v^re prc.sent, and there \v<n*e no^at- 1 » , f V'* ̂5 h temiants. The brid«l>nva.s given in marriage by her father. ~For"thlTcereTho"iW wore a i / i r - ' - ' wool frock iir~soft 'marine blue, with . twp-tone * wine accessories of-suede, and a model hat with .wine ostrich feather tips. " Her corsage was of gardenias._____^ )■ i ^ , <■ " i'.f ' . til Following the ■ ceremony if small reoeption was held a t the home of the bride's paren ts.., 1-yt̂ aving on a honeymoon trip .Jto the Cariboo, the bride topped RUGBY FOOTBALL At, the "Barbarians" recent annual meeting the following of fice I'.s" were elected for the season* now luuler way: President, A. J. ('lialmers; Vice-President, ' Vic Johncox; Coaches, IstXV, Frank Liifting, 2nd XV, Vic 0)ppin; . Secrclary-M^anagcr, J. C. Os wald; and prior to the opening game on Saturday> Jack Chap pell was chosen Club Captain. Despite finishing up on the short, end of a 20-3 .score" vvth tile Meralomas on Lower Brock ton last Saturday and considePr -ing' that J 7 ,ofYhese_,ppjnts._wer.e_. givorf away in the first half, the team created quite a favorable impression wit](i"the critics.- The . "Barbarians" score was regis tered in the opening minutes of "^Clie'secoH(i--hal-f-afid-i4:--was not scriptive of the approach and chimney sw eeping -- Clean and pa.ssing ot a storm, which called thorough job done, local references,' forth all the resources of choir and orchestra. The choral num bers were , well rendered, with satisfactory precision and shad ing, cpp.siclering the. fact that West ,348-Y- FOR SALE --- Lovely Scottie pups, championship stock, real terriers, Gillespie, Lower G^apilano P.0, h ! A, ROBERTS LTD. List your property with us clients waiting Wbst 54G. now, 1447 Marine Drive, FOR SALE --- „One gentleman's chit- fonier, white enamel^ bevel plate . " glass, cheap. Phone West G1)-1j-2. the choir is somewhat lacking in for sale -- "Spic-Span" Vacuum -h4?r--wedding fâ cl^-with-a-^a-pfe until the closing minutes of the -gnme th a t the Meralomas were again able to tally. Unfortunately the second team on Account of lack of numbers has-not yet been able tp;function. loiigth jacket of saWe. -- ^^ntative ' arrangements, how-. On their return Mr. and Mrs, ^ i , experience and has only been under Mr. Short's training for a very few mo^lthH, This in itself speaks volumes for the kindly tact and ability which has gone into the conducting of this* work - in rehea(rsalff"knd - fo r"the en thusiasm; „ of the. choir,, soloists and injjtrumentalists'which, has been so well maintained through-: out. Special mention must be made of a number of very beautiful. chorales, sung by the choir with full accompaniment, ana of an unaccompanied- chorale sung-by-- Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, Miss W. Brealey, John iHall and A. Addy. - The soprano-solos were partic ularly beautiful, Mrs. '.,Love-^ ■grove's hi;gh'; "cIo t ■:voice"being- Cleaner, 744-L." almost new, $10. West WANTED TO RENT - furnished • ' cottage winter, near ferry. "Van News. - 3 or 4 rooiiicj or' suite ■ for Box 3, Weal FOR RENT -- Furnished room, board optional. West 8G3-L. RELIABLE WOMAN has 2 day.s open ' thoroughly clean, good on fioora, . West 97-X. ., MONEY FOR MORTGAGES at 6%--- Any amount." Apply J. Sheasgreen, P. C. Gibbens & Go., Ltd., Wost 704, ' evenings a t West 547-L. LOST - ward. - Glasses- in- blue -case.. ..Re-, Phone West 510-:L. WANTED Girl for lighf-house keeping, sleep out. .JBox 4, West Van News.. " - -____ PRACTICAL NURSE, Copk, house keeper-open for engagements by week or month, terms reasonable. Weat --497-X. -- ■-ir FOUND --• Gum boot. 210-L. Phone Weat YOUNG GIRL wants work a Tew hours a, day. Mother's help. 2046 Marine. " FOUND ■ A ,zipper purse ' a t Dim- darave on Saturday. Apply Weat 312-L._ ____ ___ _ FOR PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, phone V. Hermandez. We^t 122-L. HANDYMAN WANTS WORK--Any kind, painting, decorating,, garden- ing, etc. West 759-Rt3. _________ FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue7_.North , 1458-L. f A ̂• ! 'l 1 ' ••'t *■, / ) Wiley will live in West Van couver. V'L' -t" .i",■x t ̂ Councillor G. D. F lgar is ill ever, have been made with the, North Shore All Blacks,- whose reserve team is up against sim ilar difficulties, to put a joint willi l u;.. 1.?__ i - . J __team in the field commencing a ' thoroughly well suited to J the -tuneful character of her twp songs, which-were, however, by' no means easy and displayed her careful technique b"6 good ad- vantage., ____________ • TcnrsALET^TGesd- ' ̂heater, $15. West 590-Y. MASON'S TAXI -- Day and .night; heated car; passengers fully insured-- ■ _5-1.2;--- ------------------------- nue. Ipliif 1 1 t l l . Phone West .534 ' CONTEST Send in a New Name for our aluro and W in First Prize I , " 'Vx"'-"V * 4 Sisiif slip: -4'.' V,' Entry Tiilum" by"Driver with every, dollar's worth of --Gleaning, --AH names submiLied to be property oT • ■ • RONNIES CLEANERS Contesl do.ses November G, 1938 the approval of the ..Rugby Union. In preparation for the opening g§me"'of - th is--joint team -en-" tieavoi's are being made To ar range a fixture with the - All Blacks Thanksgiving Day, Oc tober 10, of which team members will be advised in due course. Weekly practices from now on will be held a t the Inglewood High Sc*hool gym between the hours of 7 and 8 bn Wednesday •TTightei^hen : - out. Last year,the benefits from The allegretto, "Then Cheer ful Spring," a short tenor solo in the second chorus was sung most acceptably" by ~ J.~ Fiddes, " and~in the tenor solo; "Ye Sons of Labour," John Hall gave a very, fine performance, technically ac curate and full of feeling, build- „ ing-up to a splendid climax in conclusion.. The bass and tenor -responses, ""The Beasts Have Laboured" were sung'by Messrs. R. Frond and J. Fiddes j ~^^H e lgsbrorWb^ __; "-WINTER FIRE HAZARDS Consult us for protection- in Highest Standard (Companies. We will inspect without obligation; Hornes^ (Jontents, Autos', Business Stocks and Equip- -mont.----------------------------------------^ :-------------------------------------- GORDON . ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor.TlO W,JSastings, Sey. 4195 aT ~ West " Vancouver"' any time" by appointment, West 403. " J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- _-ieitor-T-JAfl5_Jk[arine-JDr4v&i--Phene- Safety Boxes to Rent. C. .7. ARCHER LTD. West 225 West 21, or West, 553-R-1. BARGAIN *=• Uprighfpiano," mahog any case, with Ampico electric re cording movement, recently tuned and overhauled; $150 only, or rea sonable offers, including. 150 rolls. , Original cost $1500. We.st 75-R-l, A REAL, REST for Tired Folks - Restawhile Convalescent Home, 135 --27th Street. West-86,-L-2. - - - LOANS ARRANGED -- Dominion Housing Act and "other plans. Gor don Grayf-Seymour-4991, or West. 92-R-2.-- Thoroughly Cleaned Free Delivery Men's Suits .......... 50c Men's Ctmts, Lightweight,!.. 50t̂ Ladies' SulLs. Plain............. 50c Ladies' Coats, Lightw'eight.,,. 50c Hats .............................. 50c Ladies' Sweaters :........ 40c Men's Sweaters ................... 4()c Silk Blouses ......................... .JOc Men's Pants ......................... 30c Ladies' Shicks....... ............. .̂_30c " Ladies' Skirts ......................... 30c These price.s do not include white garments. r ALL A n ilT E HELP H a a i ^ a 8 { 8 B 5 S B i B a E 8 the weekly practices were well -reflected" h r inTp'rbvcd"t"eam play and with still more attention be ing given to .the weekly 'Work outs this season, it will not be long before the combined play of ̂ the - team will stand favorable comparison with the other teams in the Senior Division. Next Saturday's fixture is - against the Norths Shore All Blacks on Brockton Oval a t 2:30. solo "NarOre iî i Great Diapason" sung by A. J. AtTdy. This is 'a song requiring considerable force and much technical ability, the vocalist receiving little assist- ance~fronT-irh(r -accompanimenl, particularly in the agitato sec tion. The allegi'p, "Like Sqme Titan," b ro u g h t' out the full power of Mr. Addy's very fine voice, and formed a splendid climax to the song. An item of special interest in CARD OF THANKS -1. Miss Bessie Frame and Mrsl.J. B. Oswald wish, to thank their friends and neighbors for-kind ,.en- (iuirie.s a~nd4~e3^ression.s hi'td passing of .their sister Mary, PAINTING and DECORATING J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. ■ KoningS. Phbne W est 818. Esti mates free. FU RS'liEPA IRED and REMODEL- M-ari-ne7 HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE n i o h t s c h o o l Mondays and .Thursdays . 7 to 9:30 ' 14th & Marine. West 341 LAWN-MOWERS SHARPENED - "Speci'ali machine repairs, parts_________ , repairs, . West Vancouv.er ;Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. , - - CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intalled; furnace repairs, Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lon.sdale North S'22. W. C.7T. U. The West Vancouver W.C.T. U. will hold their regular month- EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con tract. • Experienced men, modern machinery. R ush ' jobs. * Kissick, -- ^-est_252iu ______________________________________ _________________________ J. T. G. ^The Junior Townswomen's Guild wiILnieet_at the_home of. Mrs. F. C. Coleman, 2008 Belle vue,Avenue, on Thursday, 13th of October^ a t 8 p.ni. Plans are- beihg made to, have a talk on . "Photography." These meetings ' are open to all girls 18 and over. connection with this presenta- ly meeting at. the'-home of Mrs. tion is .that this is the first pro- . J. N. Gillies, ,1365 Clyde AvenW, duction of the cantata in Can- on Thursday afternoon; October I • 13th, at 2:15 p.m. All women r.B.H. interested are cordially invited. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. i l l « -V̂i. LISTEN TO "THE BASIC OF WORLD ORDER" The second of a series of weekly Radio Discussions entitled; 5J MONDAY GOO kc. W ORLD O R D ER EVENING- -- 8:30 ,o'clock -- ■ OCTOBER 10th '-C J O il . .:. . . --------- 600 ,kc. W be depfended He WEST 7 9 4 SAWDUST D ep en d on K n il l to see y o u thi^ough th is w in te r inch comes (and it nearly always does) Jack Knill can to. keep his customers supplied with 100%-Fir Sawdust, f iq the past -- he will continue doing so. NorthKNILL'S F U E i^ W est WESTERN WOODWORKERS, Car- pe'nter .and Joiners--^Wood work of all descriptions; cupboards, drawers, alterations, etc. Glass and glazing, 147'8 (jlyde. Phones: Shop West 740; Residence W est 443-R. . MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steain, Permanents; only - best .materials used. E xpert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. W A N T ElL Fum iture,. Stoves, Tools, etc. We buy, sell and exchange. Phone North 431, Vinick's Furni" ture, 66-70 Lonsdale. Avenue.-------- CHIMNEY* SWEEPING -- Old Coun- ] try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. " Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2." ^ „ . ^.V-- -tr.-S' I'