'n S C T r i w r THE WEST VAN NEWS 3 F P E F A J L l . ' \ f l O T *f» QUALITY FURNISHINGS FOR MEN AT CITY FRICES G.W.G, WORK SHIJkTS, IRON MAN PANTS imd OVERALLS MKN'S and YOUNO MEN'S SUITS and TQP.qOATS, l|(ind Tailurt'd ' to • y<mi" Individual measuror ̂Orders comr>let^' >n 0 davh. s" t- our larKO range of hew samples. McLEOD'S MENS W EAr itl? Local and Personal Over tb e First N arrow s Eridge on.,a B icycle ECONOMICAL -- HEALTHY -- FUN New C.C.M. and English Bicycles in stock at City Prices.' (Juuranleed ro'-condiiionod bicycles as low os $15. Badminien Kacqueta and ShutUecocks FRED. JONES' BICYCLE SHOP i439 M„,„e .. 'v..' ! '■; . - .... ,...■..'... ;........... M ore M iles per Dollar! -BEGGS' ' C ertified Cars ECONOMY SPECIALS '37 FLYING STANDARD 10 SEDAN..................... ......... . $895 '37 WILLYS DE LUXE SEDAN........................................ $775 '38 FIAT 4-DQOR SEDAN...... ........:.................................. $825 REGULAR SPECIALS *36 GRAHAM 6 SEDAN .................................. :................. $775 '35 CHEVROLET STANDARD SEDAN .....:.... ............. $650 ' Terms ' ' Trades Call your Local Representative. FRED DOVASTGN, : / JIMMIE MoINTYRE, ' 2174 Argyle Ave., Cypress Park, .. West 576^ - " , West 586-R-3 _ _ ■ ' ABEGGS ' The Home of Certified Cars 1056-West Georgia Street Open Evenings. Seymour 3161 Mi*, ami -Mrs, Jeiivey and family, 14th ami Inglewomi Ave nue, have moved into a house at 2270 Hayw<K>d Avenue.• * ' ♦ '■ Miss Bernice l*aton, 151h and Fulton Avenue, left on Monday for an extended stay with friends in San Aimdmo, California, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pearce, who formerly resided at 19th and Bellevue Avenue, have returned from England and are now living in Vancouver. /• ' ■ Mr. and Mrs. Appleby of Van- eouver, have moved into ajiouse a t 1156 21sl Street. Mr. and Mrs. Warren have re - ' turncil from Roberts Creek and are ^occupying a house at 2423 King's Avenue.■ *> • Miss Chamberlain, 3715 Mar ine ^Drive, has returned to the city .after spending the summer here. y , INSTAL DELCO NOW 0̂ (P R O D U C T O P G E N E R A L M O T O R S; Coal AIR CONDITIONERS , Oil S t o k r e S - "an be installed under-^Hoihe Improvement B u m e r s Plan or National Housing Act. ___- on Display at RTETJOHNSTON CO. LTD. - ■ B. G. DISTRIBUTORS * 1070 Homer SL, Vancouver, B. C. 500 Fort S t, Victoria, B.C. ' ■ j - Estimates^ cheerfullir furnished by ' 3RIT1SHTACIFIC HEATING C07 LTD: ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS, HEATING AND VENTILATING ' Tinsmithing, Copper-Smithing, Sheet Metal Work. Sp,ecializing in A ir Conditioning G. 'W. H. JACKSON, Manager 1483 Marine Drive _ _ _ West-41_ : • Mr. and Mrs. Louchter. have moved from 1487 Gordon Ave nue into a house at, 1202 Ingle wood Avenue. V', > ■ )|< - 4. * 1 .( ̂ 1 '•r ^ ' > I I > •• If * ' •> On Saturday afternoon a deer was seen swimming strongly across the F irst Narrows in the direction of-Stanley Park. I t passed-within fifteen feet of^one , of the'ferries. , Mr., and Mrs. Ted Russell had' an interesting experience last . week a t their cabin on . HoJJy- burn Ridge. Hearing a loud 'noise of sniffing and snuffling on the verandah, they looked through the little glass window ' in the front door to find aj large bear there. Turning on the radio, thby__ happened to strike the stac(:ato accents "of "̂ Hitler recit ing his second great speech7 which so scared the bear th a t he took to the woods in' a huiTy. Mrs. J.--H.-Mijler, who,.has_been convalescent at"'^*Sunlit Lodge",'[ West, Bay, has returned to her. home in Vernon. B;C..--- -----; * . ♦ The-ferrie» will nittinlain u . half'hourly service \thnnighdul next Monday, Thanksgiving Day, , The first boat will leave Amble-' side Dock at 6 n.ni. and the last a t 11:30 p.m. The first boat from the city dock will be a.ni., the lust btmt leaving then* at midnight.. West Bay buses meet all bouts. The Sunday ser vice will be maintained by the upper level biis. , .■' V. ̂ ■ If ' "■ ' ■ t _ , Mrs. lx>gnn, who has been spending the summer mo'nih.s a( her home in ("aulfeild, has re turned to Vancouver for Un* w inter..,.. If If If Last week L. O. Brown, 25tli and Manne Drive, caught a 19- pound cohoo abyut a (juarter of a mile oft l.)undai*ave IMer, whilo a halibut weighing 65 lbs. waŝ s(*eui*erl by Mr. Harris in the waters off Weston.i If ♦ ♦ - ' ■ ' Mr. and Mr.s. A..Croinar Brpee and family, 21st' and Argyle Avenue, are nioving (Ui Satur day into their, iiew homo a t 3553 Marino Drive.' ♦ If ' - The Standard Oil Co.mpany are building a standard garage ami, oil station a t the northwest cor- ncr of 16th and Marine Drive, which will b e . occupied by Bill GroiH of- the West Van. Motors'. , Funeral services for Ji X Pol-. lock, inspector of schools from 1924 to 1935, were held last Sat- urady ■ in . the city, interment being made in Ocean View Cem etery. Many school inspectors and teachers were in attendance. The deceased^ inspected the ele mentary schools here for a num ber of years and was well known" and deeply . respected . by the teachers... and_.many_of_ the. resi dents of the municipality. HOME-MADE - JPIA%JEi4ra^wF' ^ FRESH DAILY Ton variotiesTo ault every tftsto Moat ,IMoh Copkie* EocIoh CakoM -- l*aatrtoM Buna and Holla Nolo Address: 1168 Marine Drive Phone West 27 D I lJ Mj j D D Wo liuvo a Kood .solootion of ItulliH for hooMo or j;m'<h'n uho, inoUulinu' Tulipa, DnlVodilH, Nar- ■oirtHiiM, li'in, IlyaoindiK, (,'roouH, t'lc., also Hull) Fihro, West Van Florist IHlIi .V; Marino ■ 305 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE 'Oftobor Otli, 7th and Htli . . JJARY COOPER ^ " Adventures of Marco Polo" SATURDAY EVENING ONLY Octobor 8th IJEJTE DAVIS " JEZEBEL" MONDAY, OCTOBER lOth • THE .lONES FAMILY LEGION* NOTES The next general meeting will be held tomorrow (Friday), at 8 p.m.: sharp. The membership rail" 'will be called. _ ' . 'Mr. and Mrs. Burgess, 90 21st StreetTiiave "moved~into a house:;moy^d~into"a' a t 675 2 ls t $ t r ^ t .* ' „if * ' Mrs. M. Weller of 25th and Marine, has moved to North Van couver. ■Engagements- CUB NOTES Howard Fletoher, the genial owner of the HuHyburn ThealreT' played the part of host to the Cubs of the 2nd and 4th Packs last Friclay evening. Seventy-five boys came and thoroughly enjoyed'^ the cven- ing's entertainm ent. "Off to the Races" also "BORNEO" (Special Matjnee at 2 p,;m.) ' TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY October 1.1th and 12th SPENCER TRACY 'They (Save Him a Gun' ^(Once .oiily a t Hi20") also THRILL OF A LIFETIME' 1393 Marine Drive Phone West 671 r Tea Cup Reading Professor Grigfths West 190 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Warner of -2129 Bellevue Avenue, annpunee the engagement of their eldest daughter, Jean Marion, to David Gordon, only son of Mr.-and'Mi's. T. S. Armstrong of 6351 Chester Street, Vancouver. The weddihg. will take place on the evening of Saturday, October 22nd. •sf ■T'he appreciation of the-boys and their Cubmaster are hereby extended to/him for hi.s kindness. Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday ---------2t30-t-o^6:30 p.reh----------- CANADIAN LEGION W.A. Shower ^ J ^ i ^ , , ^ ^ : a n t ^ a n d . M i^ L . ' The W.A. recently held a ve-ry successful luncheon at the home of Mrs. E. C. Sharman, when the table- decorations were yellow ■ and bronze chrysanthemums. Much credit is due.tc; Mrs. M. Philips, Mrs. F. Ramsey and Mrs. "E..-(i'rSrharman .who wpid<edz" DELi-V-ER-Y- Rolled Rih 25c Ih. Cross Rib 18c Ib. Rump V- 1 Roast - . .____ 20c lb. Short Ribs 9c lb. Pot Roast 14c lb. _ Lamh Slew 2 lbs for '25e. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 75c Fresh Mushrooms - 25c a lb. Shoulder Lamb 16c Ib BAKEASY 10c per lb, Breast Lamb I5c lb. . cellaneous "shower in horiof of -Miss -M.- Burhiston^an-October- . bride-elect. Games were played during the . first"part of the evening; light refreshm ents being served after the presentation of the gifts. The invited guests were: Miss M. Ashton, Miss Z; Manuel, Miss D. Nichol, Miss E. Grant, from Vancouver; Miss'D. Bibbs, Miss E. Douglas, from .North Vancou ver,"Miss M. Burnfston, Miss D. Burniston, Miss E. Body, Miss M. Gibson, Miss G. Johnson, Miss.- M. Platt, Miss V. Platt, Miss J. Sheffield, --Mis&,__ L. Smith, . of West Vancouver. ^Mr. Worth-Frasei* of Vancou ver, is staying a t the Clachan. - •'a great event. Covers were-TaKPT for thirty. This_ was the first^ luncheon put on by the W.A, and .it is- hoped to have jmore of them. Ladies in the group were Mrs. E. C. Sharman,. Mrs. M. Philips, Mrs. F. Ramsey, Mrs. C. St(3wart,_ Mrs. E. Robbin.s, Mrs. .. Grange^.^ Fresh Killed FOWL 50c each Roast Veal 18c lb. The Misses Wilson of Vancou.- yer, have moved into a house a t ' 29th and Bellevue Avenue. ̂ SOCCER Reeve J. B, Leyland will kick off, to open the ,V. & D. League F irst Division season .at a foot ball match to be played a t' Ambleside Park on Saturday, October.Sth, a t 3 p.m. - .. Varsiiy will be the visitors on this occasion;, and everything points to a grand Well fought game, which these two teams are quite capable of producing. Sup porters please tu rn up in good numbers and make i this opener the best ever. Book -Your-Passage to th e Old C ountry Through Your Local Agent CUNARD -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full particulnrs, sailingB and accommodation. J . T. W A T T 1744 l^rlnc Drive Phone W, 141 WcHt 582-- FHOi^E -- West 582 ------ *̂812 -16th-Slreefc_ i Wood, Coal, Sawdust ̂ TOPSOIL-- GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside............. $5.50 Cord 'Mill li'lri'-insidc.....5,50 " Fireplace F i r ..................... 4.50 " Green Alder ............. 5.50 " Furnace Blocks".:.T:.~.::y.~4T50 " SP E C IA L - No. 1 F ir Edgings..... 3.50 Cord ^3 C ords................... $10.00 " C Cords (5 Loads) $16.50, Slabs & Edgings Barky ...................3 Cords $11.00 Bark ........ $5'j00~Cord~ Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ..............$3.50 peTfunit B u lk ................... $^00 per u n i^ CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office at 1436 Marine Drive Veal Stew 2 lbs. 25c ' EXPERT W atch and Clock ^REPA IRIN G T. CHRISTENSON (formerIy,.jwitt .Birks_JLitd. Montr^) 1522 Marine Drive HUNTER'S COFFEE SHOP 2423 Marine Drive ' West 610 LUNCHEONS -- TEAS DINNERS SUNDAY AND MONDAY ' - Snecial T hanksgiving D inner, 50c and 75c. CONTRACT [BRIDGE EVERY FRIDAY 8 - 11 p.m,