w m ' - y g ^ ^ t T M rf w Sftj^ itY i ^Sl*-ti9 * - t f , ' i i i j i ^ ■< : WEST VAN. UNITED CHURCH C<ir. glut & g»qnlm«lt A m ̂ KEV. W. VANcik k w n te r 2047 Gordon Avenue Phone We«t 244-K Sunday S e rv le t* n t HM. & 7:80p.m. iSirifn|;er$ and Vieltors are 'welcome (>.'(► u WKBT VANCOUVEIl " TABERNACLE on Mtirlne and 25th' Paator Rev. RolK'ft IL Birch.- B.A. (^oimnencinK Sundoy, Oct. 0th Mornlngr Hervice U :00 u.m. , Subject; "The Up-look v«. the Outlook" Independent Evonxelical "If any man thirat let Illtn come ' unto Me and drink." BAPTIST CHURCH r Mlnlater Rev. W. 'a McKay? "B.A.* B.D. 10;00 Sunday Servieea a.m.--Church SchooL in* ........cludinjC Adult dami 11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.'--Preachinjf Servieea. A hearty welcome to all r.- t ^ For Salt and Pepper Hair '.I 4."'. We have a new Hlmnii)op for thin unbecoming, Htujfc, which will blend in' Uie jfray with your natural ahade until you reach the attractive Kray color. If you dlKllke K>*ny» -you may cover it comi»letely with this Hanie Khanipoo. Call, and talk it ,oven - . - Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creatura of Exclualvo Permanents,^ HOLLYBDRIf HALL 14th and Ducheaa * UurinK the month of October Mr. .lack Anderson will conduct special BerviccH for boya and KlrlH every Friday eveninK at 7::io., *■--« Subject for Friday Next . October 7th, Is " r i lE FUGITIVE PROPHPri" IlluHtrated by lantern vle'ws. -SUNDAY, Oct. iHli, a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and YdlinK People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 d o S P E L ADDRESS " ■ Speaker; MR. T. McLa r e n FRIDAY at 8 p.m. prayer and Bible Study. tj. WEST VANCOUVER Chiiitian Science Society .......... CHUBCa E0IKICB 20tb and Baquinialt, Hollyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service; 11 ;30 a.m. Sunday, October 9Ui SUBJECrr: "Are Sin, I)isea.s<*, and Death Heal?"i Sunday School at 10;00 a.m. ThaiikHRiviiiff Service 11 :;I0 a.m. Monday, Oct. 10 'restimony Mectinir Wednesday a t 8; 16 p.m. The public is cordially In vited to attend our services and meotinirs. , «« • The W est V aii Stationers a N ow In N ew Location .... increased-Lihtsif3 L ominodaRon.-. WEST VAN STATIONERS and LIBRARY 1644 Marine Drive %'*.**?»*• * % Phinid'^CNst 687 Mr. Burt who has been spend* jiiR the Hummer at 121G Argyle Avenue, lum returned to the city. *'!)• UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Ave. Uev. William Vance, Minister ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH (AtiKlican) 22ml and FulWn Avenue HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES 8 a.m. 11; 15 a.m. 7;15 p.m'. 7; 15 p.m. Preacher The Rqv. T. W. Scott Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector. The French B eauty Salon For Work of: Quality We specialize in fine, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Driye Phone W. 2 12 Xif CYROMA TEA and COhFEK SHOP / X V 1706 Marino .Drive Tea - Coflf^ - Cocoa - Qualities and prices to suit nil. Ŝplct's Free Delivery, West 55 Re.s. West 280-R, 1546 Marino Drive West 117 I 5 ' t > 1 V'H *< D R . is. D . H . S E A L E D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay-Block, 14th and Marine.Dr... Ofiice Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Rhone West 72 Thanksgiving Sunday Kov. Gfeo.̂ Hamilton,. M.A., chairman, of Vancouver >Presby- t(!ry, will be the preacher a t the inoniing service at 11 a.m. The ------ . . pastor will have charge of the where should, be crow d^ with - venimr -secvice.-and. will speak grateful .worshippers to „Gpd.aor-- on "The -Grace of Gratitude." all His.blessings. The m orning... BAPTIST CHURCH ...... Rev. -WilfS-id L, McKay.- 1545 Duchess Ave. The pastor and choir will,seek to bring appropriate messages in song and in address on Thanks giving Sunday. Churches every- VERNON FEED STORE ' A..O-SEARLE Phono We«t 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone West 89 Furnace and Range Repaira Sawdust Burners Ferguson's TRUCK LINES Lv. West Van. 8 a.m, & 3 p.m. Lv. Vancouver i l a.m. & 3 p.m. Lv. Van., Saturdays, 1 p.m. only West 85 - Doug. 429- S H',? . 'Fhere will be appropriate harvest- ,,subject will he, "God's Mercies," decorations and thanksgiving and in the evening, "Forgetting -xrrwf rinA'a Pilp.cs.ciiTurs." Sundav i , L V' i rl ̂ ' DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dentiil Building ' IIourH; 9 to 0 ~ Evenings by appointment.' 1860 Marine -Drive West 432 juusic. Not God's Blessings." Sunday Op Wednesday evening, a t 6 :30 ; will be observed as harvest ho^^ a Thanksgiving dinner, -will be Sunday, also, and the church will ' s e r v e d in the.Church hall; This be fittingly decorated, will be ..followed by a program of The church school meets, a t 10 r. n rlrlt'acici : V\xr D.PV.' SPECIAL Inside Fir....„.....V..$6.60.per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & I Edgings $3.75 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 THE HARDWARE MAN SAYS; We owe an apology to the ladles of West Vancouver for not getting our bargain tables set up yet, but ■you kno\v--what'-moving is. Any way we, will do our best in the next week or so, and , thank you for your patronage meanwhile. '■ CRAWLEY & BARKER, Hardware. ------ 1 i j ' \ r x ' - J' "".r A:[if-j ' M 'k l 3--T WEST-VANCOUVER OPTICAL PARLORS Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs Executed (Quickly-and ̂ Accurately- 1446 Marine Drive, ■ W est 702 mu'sio and an address by Rev. Geo. Turpin on "World Condi tions." This is the n in e t^ n th anni versary -churchiunionijn^WesJ Vancouver arid all old-friends as. well as newcomers and visitors are cordially invited to un ita on o'clock. Wednesday at prayer meeting. 7:45 p.m . Mr. and^iilMrs. A.; Gromar Bruce, 2 I^ a n d A w le , were the hosts on Saturday evening a t a . ___________ __ ___ , Coming of Age Party a t Mrs. Sunday and Wednesday evening B. M. Grady's home, "Salutaris," in observing this event. w^of Von_ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2 4 4 2 Marine P u t t y - - P a in t E n a m e l aRd V a r n is h c a n s "15ceachi"'"=--- ^ 'IV.J , r:r? i ' ? ' 5 V 'X' '• 'T' 't i ■V f. ^ sO . . Estublished. on North Shore 25 Years- ^ ^ . (iJSdy A ssistan t). HARRON BROS. LTD. jrunrral Sirectors Hollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 134------------ North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street _Phone North_184___ Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. J. Millay, G.Prem. Pastor , 24th and Waterfront, West Van- in honor- of-their daugh-. ter, Stella. . Invited guests included: Mrs. B. M. Grady, M rs.G. 0. Wallcer, Mr. and Mrs, J. Moncrieff, Mrs. M:-Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. -W. S. dVIm"5e7i VlT:~aiid~dVh'S7T^^ NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. . ZORIC (odorless) DRY CLEANING C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative PHONE WEST 782 NOTE:--Parcels may be le f tja t WILSON'S 'GROCERY, 1409 Mavin?. WEST BAY STORE, DUNDARAVE LIBRARY Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon - a.m. Rosary and Benediction ■ -p.m . .-'■fV' iSfS --X HOLLYBURN D RESSM A KERS . 1890 Marine Drive Catechism and Bible'Class p.m. Week-day Services___ Mass -- 7:00 a.m.- Friday s--Rosary," Benediction 7 :̂45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. son, Mr. and Mrsv P. Corp, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wight, Mr, and Mrs. J. Harker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ashworth, Mr. and Mrs. T. Currie, Mr. arid Mrs. A: E; Young, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fiddes, 2 ^ 0 0 ^ ■arrahMrS. E. Therrien, Reeve" 10:15 - 7:45 Land Clearing - Excavation Work Sole Agents for ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT JlE A K O R A SON, 1427 marine drive -PH 0 N E W E S T -8 ^ ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton * Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Haiiives t ..ThankOcLift y .'T S K S g ^ } . and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Capt, and Mrs. D, Graham, Mr. and "Mrs.~ J"." MitchellrMr." an"d~Mrs7- Colin MacLean, MF. and Mrs. J. LaWson, Mrs. J., iDhomas, Alan , Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. T. Sewell,, Mr. and Mrs. A. Searle, Mrs. I. Dolman, Frank Dolman, 'M ajor and Mrs. F. Bayliss. . The . Misses Rene Ashworth, Francelle . Drier,' IJrsula Bain- bridge, U nity, Bainbridge, Ann Iving,,, Hellm gsr "Betty 'GdCrlay, Joan 4 ; | f r ------ -i/ m ftf I f i l i ' BARCLAY PHDTQGRAPHERS SPECIAL One Colored tfe Mounted Piclnre of your home for 75 cents, ~ Phone West 710 We do nmnteur finishing. Mhs. Barclay, formerly of Hud son's Bay Company Studio. ^ __________ _ _ , - - - 11:15 ami.--Morning Prayer and Tye,.' Dorothea Parkin, Dorothy ___ Sermoin ____ ______4 _̂____ XQurig,__Ella , M a th e sp n . Vera .7:15 p.m.--Evensong and .Ser- Forster, Stella Baker, Janet Mc- mon. * Kenzie, Janet McIntosh, E'velyn Preacher: The Rev. T. W. Underwood,'M arjo ry ^ to n , Mar- Scott, B.A. jory O'Donnell, Lulu Ray, Lila St. Francis-in-lhe-Wood . R^y, Joan Sheffield, Jean Cush- Caulfeild ing, Doreen Bernard, Bubbles 9 ;45 a.m.--Morning Prayer and\ Bernard, GeVtrricle . Thompson, i'i i The~^News i i t e p i (-Vi:;-: ^Jpan Thompson, iyfefi'jory Banks, :a Banks, Dorothy, Bibbs, 'trude Bibbs, Bessie Lomas, Pe^gv Bai'ker. Cliff Wigh]t, Jack Pres ton, Jim Harker, John FTddes, Bert S ^pson , Jim Brown, Don m'Fr' | p ' « ' iM b U >■ Sermon. Harvest Festival Services The Annual Harvest Festival and Thanksgiving Day 6ei*vices will be held in St. Stephen's Anglican Church on Sunday, with services a t 8 a.m., 11:15 a.m. and 7:15 p.m.. The special Tyrrell, ^pouglas Moseley, Ray preacher a t Evensong will be th e ^ Casson, Robin Taylor, Ernest Scott, Rector of 3t. and Rupert Harrison, Ted Shef- v v e s t v a n J S e W S Nkolas' Chm-Ch, . Vancouver, field, Paul Cushing, Jack Mc- Special music will be sung by the Leod, Jack Ray, Bob and Tom choir. The usual b ^ a tifu l dec- Robson, Jack Dorchester, John orations will inspire worship and and Donald Broderick, Hugh thanksgiving. -F arm er, Phil Brine, Charlie Bald win;, jVincentBracewell, Herbert TH^ Publiahcd Every Thursday Publisher F. F, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office; 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 i w i mmU: North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. - J Bibbs,^ Charlie Miles, Bernard $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year> ' -by mail ON INY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1B42 MARINE ORIVC WEST 36S MwiiIxsh .X.R.T. nf B.C. P ico t. Mr. arid, J. Gledhill of Vancouver, are occupying the a ja ie of Mr. and Mrs. F .^peck, 1320 Gordon Avenue, who have Joft on a visit to Chicago and Florida. ■ H- 1,00-WATT 60-WATT TWICE TUs umr ECU Vs csurMatE A 60-watf lamp costs three-fifths of a cenf for 5 hours (on the 2-cenf rafel. A 100-watt lamp costs 1 ceut for 5 hours and gives double the light \ llVrII i S e n d f o r ' th e g irl w i th th e S ig h t-S a v in g K i t , P h o n e B .C , E le c p ic , S e y m o u r 5131. u a P4-M