West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Sep 1938, p. 6

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"* "%̂ "" ŷ'**̂f* mm 'setBg m w gan'Mii'*THE WEST VAN NEWS MW m m m m K m m m autm Bm *"fT ""-'ir̂ i' SMITH'S M ARKET P hone W est 46 RED A N D WHITE M eats---Phone West 370 Phone W est 46 THK BURNINfi Hl-SH Uy SuhJtdar I Un)AV AND SATURDAY, SKPT. .'iOth and OCTOBER 1st'/,. ■ ■ ■ ■ «■ f-i ri f ' f . •. *H i ' ■» • i I i ■•llI I KKIJ.<H;0'S COHN FLAKKH .1 plitK ...................................... 25c KKIJ,O0(;*H AM> HHAN, . pkt. 20c CHKAM OF WHEAT, larRc pkt. 22c (UIAKKH QUICK OATH Nori'-Hrcniiprii...........l^argi* j>kl. 22r Util & While CAItHOrS & l*KAS ' 2 Sijual 'l iitH............ ................. 23c Hid Ac While OOLOEN COHN 2 No. 2 (ItiH ..' ........................ 21c H«*d & White I!EAH. Sieve 4 2 No! 2 TIok . ..................... 25c MACINTOSH AI*1»LES, 5 IhHl,,26c I'er Hox ................................... $1.35 Red A: While TEA Orange l'ek<H' .......................:.ll). 49c Have the (^oupoiiN for Valuable UreiiiiumH. Red Ac While TOMATO JUICE 25 o/. Tin '............................... 10c I in '/i-ox. riuH ..................................21c CORNED BEEF............... 2 lint ̂ 25c IMNEAIM'EE--SiiiKapore, HIIccm:! or Cubed...;...'.... .2 EarKo No. 2 Huh 17c . Red Ac White .lEEEY POWDERS Cherry, Lemon, Strawl)erry, etc. 5 l#ktH 23c MEATS ItREAST OF LAMB 2 Jbs. for 25c br ea st of v e a l , per Ib. 11c SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF.......per Ib. 15c and 17c I*0T roast , from...........15c lb. SHOULDER ROASTS of Milk- Fed Veal, per Ib................ IHc FRESH FISH DAII.Y FINNAN HAHIHE, per Ib. 17c SALMON, per Ib...................22c SMOKED ALASKA COD, Ib. 22c SMOKED KH>PERED SALMON per Ib. ................. :....... . 22c jteef -- i*ork -- Lamb,-- Veal Absolutely Top Quality Hid Ac Whiu* PORK Ai llEANS ^ 3 IH-0/,. liiiH................ ........ Red Ac White PEANUT BUTTER . 2 IbB, 23c Mussolini is feollnK really mml Ihe.He days. He bus Rot to bo centre,.stage. Talkijig of Italians mninds mo.of a little profes.sor of singing of that race 1 encvjunt- erod at a kind o f preview of a new tenor in a continental studio. The song was <nitsi(le my class altogether, but that ttmor had some voice. When he was through,' the jn'otes.Bor ran all over t|ie studio and fell all over himjustilikea niousewith a piece of cheese. . I ha\*e sii|r<-*re(l from many kinds of music in my time, from tom toms up, ami have come to the conclusion that a ptjrsoii is entitled to any kind of music he fancii*.̂ , so long a.s he doesn't try to cram it down the other fellow's ' throat. That's why I hale croonei's, beciiuse you can't j)haso them oven with a well aimed bniile, and they , siipply won't sliui up. You see, brother, they art* THE imople and the rest of us are way liack in the dark ages. If I had their nerve, I oo'uhl make a forliine selling life iiiSiii'ance. ,Ser¥icc„„„ L U M B E R U IM ity SASH & DOORS SH IN G L E S-• PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS PAINT r̂ lO' SOBStmiTE" FOR QUALITY WALLBOARD' JL itJjliM CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER GO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phime West 115 CLASSIFIED ADS iTif rate for CloBsiflcd Advertisementa is 1',. cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except In the case of Uioee havinif regular accounts, all dassi. Ileds are payable strictly in adrance.. • . , , Ucinember ClaBBlfieds in the West Van Newsvget immediate results. H> - ' * i , i '.4.7; r{ ,f »■:, 'i I >' ̂K ■ /,I - 1 1 >f- „ ... . _ ___. / . y __________ ________ _________ _________ AUXILIARY ST. STEPHEN'S-INGI.EWOOD :-----. . VV.A. SOCIAL A m(*etjng.-will be held on _____ 'Puesday, October dth,, and ' all s i . Stephen's - Inglewood W.A. m<miber.sareaHked tohe prmmt. ju-M their fir.st meeting of the ----- --------------- |j Heasoii bn Wed- '^NURSERY CRAFT CENTRE „,:sday. September 21st. Thei-e ---- r- ' was a good attendance of mem- I'he Advisory Board . met at bm-s „(1 the Bresident, Mrs. H. Nursery-Craft Center,',24th St.; ' Nesbitt presiiled.; î'He activities of the coming vvitli Miss Kiliott, the.pimcim^ ̂ season were discussed. It was the advisability ol establishing ôld an "At Home" in siuil.y gi oups concernig the pro- inj îewood Sunday School on .scliool age child. Mis.s Oster- Thursday, October 6th, at 2:30 hout, Ciui iculurn committee con- p p., i^others of Sunday yeiiei, leported that she and her pupils and all friends int- comniittee ai'e concentrating pn jeV(.s(,o(l in the work of the Wom- working out a curriculum which , AnviilMW would set a deimite standard for ~ ' *..........,7, ' 7 -- nurser-i-- sehoolsr--dnd - which might be submitted later to the Ĥ ore.will be a short musical ■ Minister of Education. The school which previously had its -Come and hrinjra friend and .-:/7.j i-"" : ,:;'i under throe headings--Training <lay, Ocfol3lrm̂ Rr̂ t̂ 2T3̂ ^ center for nursery craft teach- ' -------------------- ,ers; Nursery School and Babies C. Graiy/MacNeil. M,.P.7 spent ' , ■ . weekrcnd in Fwell River, Members oi-the-Board attend- where he addressed a meeting ing J uesday were Mrs. Bramwell' in Dwight Hall on Sumlav night.. ■" ji.il"" ' » m III --.1 ...i.i I -- ii. II ■ ■■.■II..ii I 1 I Jf. I, I......11 Women's hair"is now ^ 0 be what 1 see the Vancouver bdauty parlors cal! "u])swept." When a person considers the world now/ il'looks as if this is as it shoukl he, because what's 'going on j's enough to make anybody's hair stand ,011 en.d. The only trouble is that ,tho beauty parlors are .likely to go out of business from the ladie.s,.jiot liaving to. gij ,to, them; in' order to be in the fashion. My hair is very wiry and very thick, and after a igw years in the trenches in the last, unpleasantness t thought I'd never get .it to stay down. T tried everything from pomade to axle grease, but it was no go. Once at'a party-a sweet young thing -said to me, 'T don't want to apr pear tude, but do you EVER use a cbhiU aniOn'iirbrush ?"~T' re-' plied with dignity, "Cert7iinly not. I use a rake and a garden roller with the results you see!" She said, "You had better sit on them," Being-Vm:: 7t"ihby__,pld_ I told her sweetly, "I prefer sit-. '-ting-on-yoLi, my:dear, and ypii can take my remarks any way you like." That tore it. (JOltDON ROBSON ~ cS Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Soy. 4109 at West Vancouver any timo by appointniont, West 403. . LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- 'Special machine; repairs, part^ West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 , . Marine. . CHIMNEY SWEEIHNG -- Sawdust burners intallod; furnace repairs. Phono G. Moldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 822T. ■ . E.YCAVATTNG, Clearing; day or con­ tract. ' Experienced men, modern machinery. Rush jobs. Kissick, West 262-L.________________ . W. II. VASS, Cliiropructor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. ' ______________ WESTERN WOODWORKERS, Car-, ponter and .Toiners--Wood work of all descriptions; cupboards, drawers, , , alterations, etc. Glass and glazing. J478 Clyde. Phones: Shop West 740; Residence West 443-R. MARCEL SHOP'-- Thermique feleam Permanents; only best niaterials used. ' Expert operators.. PhonC; West 304, Royal Bank Building. WANTED---Furniture./ Sbiyes, Tools, etc. We buy, sell/an3~!exchange. Phone North 431,/V inick's Furni­ ture, 60-70 Lonsdale Avenue. ' CHIMNEY SW EEPING-- Old Coun­ try ; way; guaranteed; .brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 8li-R-2. LAWN MOWERS^ SHARPENED, cleaned, oiled. Will call and deliver. -Mack*S:-West-738-R^r----------- :--------- NOW ; s TUB TIME to plant I W Roots for best blooms, 30c I'ac)!; / for $1.00, Mrs. Rhodes, 120<.) I'lstmi. malt. West 460-L. JUNK WE STILL BUY Every. ' thing of value; bottl6s, rags, saclcH metals, furniture, stoves, tools, uic.' Call West 91 and we bring tho cash to your door. Burrard Junk (io West 91. I / FLOOR s u r f a c i n g ' ^ J. Sulh^. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, Novlh■i .< K ¥* ■ il1458-L. pruvincial president, toiclay he spoke' on "Canada Nm\sery Schools Association, . in ; tl^J^^sent Crisis,"-in Har- Mrs. D. M. McDonald, vice-presi- mony Hall, Vancouver, and on (lent, ai,ul.Miss_Osterhout of Van- Thursday,-. September 29th, to- couver; Mrs. V. Cianci, Mrs. L. gother with Arnold Webster, he .R. Gpnt. Mrs, Cromar Bruce will speak in Cullv'..̂ Hall, Vnn- nmi Mrs. II. L. Somerville. couver Heights, at 8-p-m. . FOR RENT--r Furnished room, board - "--optional.--West-863rL, FOR RENT -r-'̂ Furnishsed Apartm ent' $20 monthly. 1433 Bellevue. West 163-Y. - - , " MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully iiisuM West 612.___________________ . GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & : Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, S6y. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403...' J; EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1405. Marine' Drive; Phone ~ West 21, dr West 653-R-l, ' " ' A REAL REST for Tired Folks- Restawhile Convalescent Home, 13C 27th Street. West 86-L-2. LOANS ARRANGED -- Dominion Housing Act and other plaiis. Gor­ don Gray, Seymour 4991, or West 92-R-2._______________ -- ■ ■- PAINTING and DECORATING - J. H. Wedley, formerly with C, L. KTonings. Phone West 818^ I'lsti- - matesdree.------------------- .-------- -- FURS REPAIRED and REMODEL LED -- Dressmaking , and Altera­ tions. Milady's Lingerie Shop, 1474 Marine._________________ FOR SALE -- F awcett Mayfair full - - enamel-range - complete with-Silent - Glow oil "burner. Less than 2 years- in use. Condition as new. West 366, LOST -- Brown 100 Ib. ice bag Satur­ day, 17th instant. W esst 788. FOUND---Wirerhaired7terrier,-femalfi,- ' ............................ ^a-t--Ajnb4esidd»--Np̂ -T^ •FOR SALE--rOne Open-faced Heater. ■'■Apply Thomson's Marine Drive. ■'■.r TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD An •' interesting .lecture and display of Oriental rugs- were UNFURNISHED HOUSEEEEJING Suite or four furnished' rooms. Box . 1, West Van News. FOR SALE -- 2>/2 acres well treed high location close to Sentinel Hill subdivision,, $1500. , t ' season. D A V I D S P E N C E R Lim ited N ow oifers y ou V ancouver City Prices On Fuel Purchases A cuntinuoiia supply of No. 1 Fir Sawduat is carried Summer and Winter. By ordormg now you can assure yourself a fair price throughout the entire For W oo j and Coal RaiigiMi f i l l 5 >72 . - l i i f - c i sppiljl ^ ~ ^ ra s f6r~$9.00 _ _r_ home of Mrs. B. M. Grady, 24th .and Waterfront, on -September -21st, under the sponsorship of the West Vancouver Townswom­ en's Guild. Mrs. F: C. Coleman was general convener.' During the evening a drawing for prizes took place. A picture,' donated by Mrs. A. E. Young was drawn for by Mrs. Bromwell Grant and Miss Mary Eadie won witlr ticket No. 262. A -permanent -wave, ..'donated bŷ Mrs:..JC;ifrg'--of: -the' i^Iarcel Shop, was drawn for-by- ^ _ vvi -n-sr" 3 ACHES, CypressM'ark, with stream and road on two sides,, one block from.Marine Drive; could be devel­ oped into a beautiful estate, $1500. 5 ROOM HOUSE iclose to iCapilano car terminal, $1300; $250.00 down; $20 per month. C. J. ARCHER-LTD. - West 225. CUB AND .SCOUT NOTES HANDY MAN -- Do anything, would like few days' work a" week, 30c h»urr-WVest 55»=-X-:-------- ^ ^ INTELLIGENT GIRL AT ONCE 136 27th Street. apexascc ycTfrcf" 2nd West Van. (Toe H) Troop A "Going Up" ceremony was held last Thursday! when Cu"bs FOR SALE--3 PijilletS:iandi^f Rooster). large table birds, good laying strain. Phone West 647-L.______________ FOR RENT T-- Fully furnished 4-room cottage, electric' rangette, full , plumbing,^ attractive surroundings, ' close in, $20.̂ W est 547-L, West 704. FOR SALE -- % Acre and Small house in Altamont District with lovely' trees and shrubbery includ­ ing scores of dogwood trees, $1800, -- easy term s: ' Lawsony Walkef~& "Pride; W est 55. R em em ber: eliminated,Ex.tra delivery clmrges on Wood, Coal, Sawdust are now elfn ;Avoid„extremo winter price.s by dealing withjus exclusivelv " -- Telephone T rin ity 1112 .̂ . .gFuel D ep artm en t D A V ID S P E N C E R L I M I T E D " 'A lw a ifa th e B e s t a t S p e n c e r s " , mi' Ah m m : WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES N ig h t S c h o o ls E n r o lm e n t Enrolment for cla.sses in the' following subjects will bo made on Monday, October 3rd, a t 8 p.m. a t the Ingle­ wood School:-- MANUAL TRAINING lilOTOR MEGHANl6s^ TYPING BOOKKEEPING' SHORTHAND.- AJKT (Jjanip Shade Construction, Leather Work; etc) Enrolment must bo not less than 10 in each class.' All ai>plicnnts please note carefully--time and date . ' •' ■ 7 \ '; : . , ■ - 7SaTtel -̂-woh7\v:ith-tiGk«t-̂ o.-386.- ■Gli1mr"dbnate^dl)>rPoff ̂ Graif- viile Street, and Buscembe's, Water Street, was drawn for by Mrs. E. Seaward aptl Mrs. J. H. .Smith won with-ticket No. 208. Pianoforte selectioss .were given by Mrs. F. C. Coleman, who also accompanied J. U. Holt's songs. Mrs. J. H, Sihith thanked the speaker at the close of the even­ ing and refreshments wer ̂ served by Mrs. Coleman assisted by Mrs. J. H. Smith, Miss Mary Eadje, Miss May Dawkins, Mrs. S. Willoughby and^Miss"Stella Bruce. The-next regular meeting pf the Guild will be held on Friday, October 7th, at 7.̂ 4̂ p.m. in the Ciachan. A full attendance is requested. ' " ' --M̂ifchelh-went-up^^̂ Û̂^ Five Sea Scou^ came to the . meeting to receive Cubs Hall and Woods who are gQing to their troop. This is the first occasion in West Vancouver, when Cubs of one P ĉk. h^yejgone up to dif- l^TenfTtrOops at the one "cere­ mony,- and tends to show that scouting in West Vancouver is looking wide, and augers well for the future, - Mowgii did not fail fhe pack" ■and produced a turtje stuffed with candy at the eiid of the evening. There are still a few vacancies in troop under Scoutmaster ■ ,S. Dow, who asks that boys of scout-age come up t̂o the meet­ ings in the Pauline'Johnson An­ nex every Thursday at 7;30 p.m! ^ P E ^ i^ r c E D ___w oivrsrr" wants -- Avb^by"day.-Ph6ne-West-260-R.-- FOR RENT -- 5 Room Furnished -Bungalow, vacant Oct. 1st. Phone West 541-R. North Vancouver ^AUCTION T O O M U C H A S H E S I ashes could nulicate some technical fault with hm-n!/ i .794 FUEJLS SAWDUST -- WOOD -- COAL -- HOME OIL F U ^ S West Vancouver Office: 1B28 Marine Drive. Phone West r a f .... . ■ • --. ' ■ . .......... ' • Instructed by Dr. L'. M. Gold, I wilj offer a t his Parlors on F irst St, East. (Bank of Commerce Blk.), Monda.v next, October 3rd, a t 1:30 p.m. sharp Heintzman piano and bench, 6 R* glass show case,' 4 ^ x 9 , pool table complete, (this can be seen at Capil­ ano), National <^sh register to $20.00, 3pe. mahbgany'"l-di'awirig-room suite, ' .Sonora-radio."with~ automatic recording attacKment, Mahogany arm, rocker , and pull up chairs leather upholster­ ed, w icker'chairs, combination desk library table, large library table, 10 - occasional tables, standard -lampSi lai'ge quantity crockery and'glass­ ware (hotels; and restau'rants--please note), metal gectionab.,fiKng cabinet, gas fire place, Sweeper' Vac cleaner, pictures, curtain rods, • % and double beds. Ladies 'and jGents -wrist watches (good order), and many other things which can be viewed morning of sale. Originally the furniture was in the Chalet lounge. " ^ Time/' payments on many of the above if desired and to be announced • when offered. W. E. EKINS, . Auctioneer • .(West-Vancouver Sales Solicited)^ l?5 rth 1838. W - N o r t h 1022r- ■i *'