T : ~ a ^g r asr r a « rMiM>iiWi(Ŵi)ii ■'m g "W C T 'V C T .'N E W B * N o w I S i i o w i n g f o r F a l l MKN'S w o o l/ SWEATERS -- A largre rangt) to,cKoo»® from ' I 'r ic e ....... ............................................. ;........................ $2.95 to $0.1»5 MKN'S ALL WOOL MRLTON ZIPPER JACKETS, sm art pleaU^ MKN'S t w e e d 'RAINCOATS, BELTED STYLES. Price........... $0. McL'EOD'S MENS WEAR 50 Local and' PersoB^ Mr, and Mrs. T. Jeremy of R E X A L L O n e C e n t S a l e Only 2 Days left to stock your Medicine Chest ̂ ut Special Prices ]MiCFil!<iMK.i S ' K b iJK L A L I j D K l J l v 9 a i J K I ! i ^ 1102 Marine Drive Phone WestJ28 West* Vancouver, B. C. W e s t V a n c o u v e r L i b e r a l A s s n . A N N U A L M E E T I N G at 8 p.m. TUESDAY, OCIOBEK Ith, in the LECION HALL BUSINESS: Election of OlTicers. All Liberal members are requested to attend. M R S. ROSS JO RD A N \y^ Pupil of Seveik, Prague. , . Authorized teacher of "Seveik Semitone System for Violin,", as used \ 'by Kubelik, Marie Hall and Seyeik pupils throughout the world. ]{f>s. Studio: 2530 Bellevue Ave. City: 'luesday and Saturday L IS T E N T O ^ "THE SECRET OF CIVILIZATION" . The first in a' series of weekly Radio Discussions entitled: " W O R L D O R D E R " MONDAY EVENING -- 8:30 o'clock -- OCTOBER 3rd 000 kc. ' . Q JO .R 600 kc: '.00'INSTAL D E L C O NOW- Goal AIR r n M n iT in N F K S Oil tPRODUCT-OP GENERAL, m o t o r s ; AIR C O NDITIO NERS S f n k r p « i Caa.be installed .under Home Im provem ent-- R u r n e t S Plan or National Housing Act. onJttisplay, a t R . E. JO H N STON C C L JiT n B. C. DISTRIBUTORS . . „ ^ 107D Homer,St., Vancouver, B.C. 500 Fort St., Victoria, B.C. Estim ates cheerfully furnished'" by ___^ f-BRtftSHhPACIFlC HEATING ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS, HEATING AND VENTILATING Tinsmithing, Copper-Smithing, Sheet Metal Work. Specializing in Air Conditioning y " G. W. H. JACKSON, Manager H 33 Marine Drive _________ ̂ West 41 "Hillcrest," 14ih and Xawsoh Avenue, have retunied from HooheHier, Minnesota, where Mr, Jeremy underwent an operatioii. He is getting along very well but will have to take it very easy from now on, -- The Seventh Annual B.C.. Artists! Exhibition, is now being held at the Vancouver Art Gal lery and of particular interest to West Vancouver residents are pictures by M. A. Bain, Unity Bainbridge, Ivy Cowley, B. A. Fry, J. Van der Gracht and Gert rude Lawson. Fire broke out at 2 a.m. Mon day in the cellar of the building' occupied by Lawson, Walker & .Pride and the Hollyburn Dairy. Had. it not been for the prompt âction of the B.C. Telephone Company's nii^ht operator ..in, giving the ahtrni, as well as the (uiick arrival and good work of the fire brigade, it is likely the, whole building would haye been burnt, to tĥ . ground. As„ it -turned out, little damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Gritrin of 1489 JeflPerson Avenue, have returned from a trip to Vancouver Island. ♦ ♦ ♦ *, A daughter \vas born on Tues day at the Vancouvei' General " Hospital to Di\" and "Mrs. W. Elliott Harrison (nee Freda Gar- thorne) of Vancouver. Mrs. Kelly and daughter, 1156 21st Street, have moved to Van couver.. . . >l< ' . ■■ Mir. and, Mrs. M. 0. Watson, who have been the guests .sof the former's 'mother, Mrs. W. D. ~Watsbn,~1328^Gordon -Avenue,- "have left to return to their home in South Bend, Washington.■ . , * H*. ♦ j Mr. and Mrs. Hartley have moved from the city into a.house' --at-2433^el-levue^A-venue.----- School IVustees W, N. McDon- "ttld, D. McTaVlsh, G: E.'BiTaiey, Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell and J. Richardson, attended the conven tion of the B.C. School Trustees' Assticiation in KamhMips at the iH'̂ ginning of this week, Mrs. Mary Ann Drummond, mol her of Mrs. Horace Collom of 2317 Marine Drive, died last Saturday at Oakhurst in her 75th year. Reiiuiem Mass was celc- bated ut 10 a.m. Tuesday in St. Augustine's Church by the Rev. Father A. Jordon, and interment wa8 made in Mountain View Cemetery. Her husband, who pre-deceased her, was one of the Royal Engineers whojlrst came to this pixwince.4> * .... C. H. Beall, 2480 Haywood AVeiiue, is very ill in the Sea-' view Nursing Home. ■■■ . V' H« 'Hj Miss Edith WHitey.2301 Jef ferson Avenuer~hnk returned from a holiday at Cowichan Luke, where she was the'guost of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wjlsou (ne<3 Florence Gracey). Stratton's BAKERY H O M E -M A D E • "f r b s u . 'm a il y IVn variotlea to suit uvory tusto Mint Pli'S -- C(M)klc« ' Ikclca Caki'8 -- PastrloM Buns and Rolls Note Addi'ess: ----- -- 1408 Murine Drive I*honc West 27 Hollyburn Theatre TIUIILSDAY, FRIDAY nml SATURDAY MATINEE , .Sopl. 2P, !l(Uh, Ovloboi- t "Handy Andy" SAT. EVENING & MONDAY Orloboi' 1st and 3rd " Hollywood Hotel" V . DICK POWEIili ItOSEMARY DANE, IIlie II HERBERT RUGBY FOOTBALL ■ The following are the Barbari ans lixtures for Saturday: ■ 1st XV vs. Meralomas, Lower Brockton; 2 :30 p.m:. 2nd XV vs. Arts, Dougln.s ' "̂ Park, 3 p'.rnr " ' LITERARY SOCIETY The opening meeting of the society will be held, on Thursday evening, October 6th, at 8 o'clock in the lower hall of the United Church," when the ipaugural ad dress of the session will be given by Rev. W. Vance, B.A.' ^11 " friends"who are- interested are cordially invited to be present. 'TUESDAY, OCTOBER 'llh. " DR. RHYTHM" WED., TIIDRS., aiid FRIDAY " " T)(Tul)(;r' 5UC nth' and 7th •" "Adventures of Marco Polo" Y. W. ( > f c u . THE HIGHLANDS 1393 Marino Drivo Phono West (571 Tea Cup Reading Profc8.sor GrifTitliH Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday __JChfi_Yi>un ĝ Wom ei_i's_Ch«sl7ian__ ̂ Temperance~Gnitm"hxr}d̂ he fjrsf'~~ - . E. S. Chapman and Tom Mc Carthy caught two salmon yes-- terday mbrning,. the. former landing a 15 lb. fish and the Jatter a 12..pri'und.€ii------- :------ meeting- of the season~-at-,Jihe_ home of Mrs. A. Brown, . West ' ;Bay. Enthusiastic plans, for the "'-coming year were consummated. Delegates, for the W.C.T;U. coh- vent-ioH-- â-t"4̂ -ew--Wes-femln̂ fter-' Book Your Passage to -- th e OTd Gorrntry" ' were'appointed^-alsb-mehibers to WEST VANCOUVER S^OOL jyj Young People's BAND AUXILIARY program held o<n second night of Throijfirh Your Local Ap - CUNARD WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full "particulars, sailings.and accommoda,tJon; ̂ - J. T. WATT 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 ̂ ,, convention. The regular meeting of the ^^e presentation of a • life I, inucTT~̂ usual, Wednesday, October 5th, jjgr surprish and pleasure, in the Pauline Johnson School brought the meeting to a close, lunch room at 2:30 p.pi- ' »The next, meeting will be held ___Mothers of_ new. ban_d_students__at the home-of- Miss-Eva-Qamp-- are cordially invite^to come and bell, 25th and Marine Drive. join the auxiliary. For informa tion desired, please phone** the president, Mrs. Wm. Green. i t o t e f V € o f f e r S l i « | r Luncheons - Teas - Dinners Contract Bridge Every Friday, 8 to 1.] p.m. 2'i23 Marine Drive, West OJO West 190 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY LADIES BRANCH The 'News - The mind-is a bank that pays compound interest on the know ledge you deposit in it. The annual business meeting of- tb^ abo.ve Soc|b|y.:wilL^h -in-the- -Clachaa onjCuesdaY.JQe' FREE DELIVERY Rolled Riib 25c lb. BUTTER■j. First Grade 3 lbs. 78c Fresh Mushrooms 25c a lb. .Cro$s Rib I8c lb. Shoulder Lamb 16c lb. Rump-Roast 20c Ib. BAKEASY lOc per lb. Breast Lamb ISc Ib. Short Ribs 9c lb. RoURoast l4c Ib. K-9 Dog Food 3 tins 25c. Roast Veal 18c Ib. Lamb Stew 2 lbs for 25cr Veal Slew 2 lbs. 25c -cr-; <;w -of- officers -and -other necessary business will be dealt with. New members will be enrolled.' I. 0. D. E. The I.O.D.E. regular monthly meeting will be held at ihe home of Mrs. W. B. Small, 2047 Fulton Avenue, on Monday, October 3rd, at 1:45 p.m. Has tak en over neW prem ises. Glasses opening on M onday, O ctober 3rd. Enquiri'es--rPhone W e s t 573 Evenings, Doug. i795^L W.V.A.S.C. SOCIAL The West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club' Social held-last Friday- night in the Clachan, turned out to be a great success. Games, cjards and dancing were enjoyed by all. The cluî wish to express their appreciation to those--who_ so . kindly donated. WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL' TItUSTEES.; N igbt School B andllhstructioii \ Thqs<L-jntorested in" the formation of a Senior Band are^aslced to enrol a t 'th e Pauline Johnson Annex on WedncBday, October 5th> a t 8 p.m. Pee.<i- will he $5.00 for a six months', course. -. . ̂ .. ■EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522-Marine D rire A N N U A L F A L L T E A of the WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION OP THE UNITED CllUItCII ' on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER .30th, a t 2 :.30 p.m. Speaker: MRS. J. STUART JAMIESON of the Current Events Club. Subject: "THE-PRESENT WORLD OUTLOOK."- ' , - Admission 25c. '