*■ ».»iV'#is>:'«̂i"', ,,>•<« * » • > i.- -V* , , 1 .' - ;i ̂ j! w J *ifc«. 11,- - . , - m ?i f " , I THE WEST VAN NEWS ^ - 4 ,v : i, ̂ ' » , "i f c » * f ;i'^ '̂':' ' * * "I »%■**»■> ' . . , I ;j WEST VAN. UNITKII CHURCH Cpr,J5?»t A Ave. :„ RKV. W. VANCE, HA., Mkl*t*r 2047 Gordon Avenue Phone We«l 244-U Sunday Hervr£e*ril¥.mrA!7t30p:wV Hlrariiferii ami Vinltora are welcome BAPTIST CHURCH Miiiistei' / "RevT'W. X"M«K«yr H'Ay* HD. 10:00 Sunday Servicea a.m,--Church School^. In- "'\ "'f, *4 J ' ' •t'i'.n'fjoi' •Ia I ' 4 Hats 'Forward! Hair High ! cltkiinir Adult CItaa ' n a.m. & 7:80 p.M.--Prt»achin«: Servicea. A hearty welcome to all i • • ' Advance inilHnery'iiewM for full mid winter indIcateH that the new hnlrt'are dcBlKned for the liij»'h hair comb! ! :* •- 'J'Idnk how utterly wron^r lonif, ith f i ; h« ! * i f i I '̂'iv j> I-, 'S fV'M i . droopinjf hair would look wit! thcKe fi'i>̂, little chapeaux! MaVe a t*la«Hle upHW'ejit collfure created by . ,,j'. ■?' ? ̂ f , * Gvoendolpt V Beauty Shoppe 4 4 i CreatorH of Excluaive PcrmanentN ̂ < 1546 Marine Drive '■■4 W c a t ' i n ' ' " ' : c 4,,i4.. i ■ 1 4 ! ,wi ; " • -•„■ uVi J t !/'r 1, , I, - -A .f , i !h 'I H O L L Y B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S 1800 Marine Drive PHONE WEST 583 MISS D. II. HOIUE HOLLYBURN HALL H th and Duchess MI;NI)AY, t)ct, 2nd, a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 g o s p e l a d d r e s s ■ ■ . •>* if ..... Speaker; MR. A. SIMPSON TUESDAY at 8 p.m. IVayer and Bible Study. ' ■ WEST VANCOUVER "Christian Science- Society .w .-»w(-sWn, I3H U RCtt ED IP IC B 20th and Baqolmalt, HoUybarn . This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in, Boston, Masaachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. S u n d a y , O ctober 2nd SUBJECT; " U N R E A I4 T V " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teatimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. - * witMiaiiwBWittiifrjWii 'r i-s-aj't*,. • The W est V an Statioiiers § h a v e NOW MOVED -«.̂ ,.-,̂ -To4ai'ger .audv CO0ycn|ejt̂ q'Û t̂£|'S to ^ l a r g e r l ib r a r y and to provide an IMPROVED SERVICE YOUR SUPPORT has been app^»ciated,_^ '" d̂ cnlarired our servlce in HOME and OFFICE STATIONERY, BOOKS, {ng'cauds'!'*!.&., A visit from you nt our new location will be appreciated by WEST VAN STATIONERS and LIBRARY 1644 Marine Drive Phone West 687 I. ' . ' T : Vt'4" DR, G, D. H, SEA LE D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST ilny Block, 14tb and Marine Dr. Offleo Houra 0 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. IMiono West 72 UNITED CHUKCH , 2lot and Esquimalt Avo,.. ..... Kov. William Vance, Minister At the 11 o'clock service next Sunday the (luarterly communion will he observed and a number of new members will be welcom ed. The minister's theme will be ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHUKCH 23rd & Inglewood Avc. Rev. W. J. Millay, O.Prem. Pastor HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 MarineI .j b /' T «S ' * ' P u t t y - P a i n t E n a m e l a n d V a r n i s h c a n s 1 6 c e a c h . ; Sunday Servlets" Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. , , High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m., , _ _ Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 'T M iss th e W a r N e w s For RADIO SERVICE Call B R O W N a M U N T O N , isiz Murine drivc West 366 Munibcrs Associated Riullo Tcohnlolans of U.O. • , " j<i* ?'?ie 4"mr'< : s mrfle.sh";n"d C a teS m and Bible Claaa-2-.OO di-ialfath my blootl--" ' , . ' Sorviccs "When you pray--- What Hap- pens V" . (Jood music and a welcome. nrtnf/»coinn«- 7*R0he Sunday School has.l/oen Qonfe.ssions, 7. ' newly graded,and next Sunday , . r " ^ . - Fridays---Rosary, Benediction •7:45. P U B L I C M E E T I N G LEGION HALL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 8 P.M. MRS. STEEVES, M.L.A., and G. G. MacNEIL, M .P. Will give addresses on "YOUR BUSINESS AT VICTORIA AND OTTAWA and THE FOREIGN SITUATION." DR. McRAE ^ D E N T I S T "formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building ; Hours: 0 to 0 .-- Ef'enings by appointmenti I860 Marine Drive West 432 will begin a new series of graded lessons. Begin now if you are not attending el.sewhere: CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST IlL .J . BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. 1 -5 ".b WEST VANCXIUVEK OPTICAL PARLORS Eyes Examined - GlasHos Fitted Optical Repairs Executed Quickly and Accurately IMG Marine Drive, West 702 "UNREALITY" Iwill be the subject of the Le.ssoli - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Sci- 'riie pastor will begin a series enlist, o-n Sunday. of sermons on the Ten Com- The Golden, Text is: "Let not maiidments, Sunday evening. . fv„af in _Can ahoy. Jje_ related to life.to-... h™. is deceived tiu^ day? Or are they obsolete? In vanity: for vanity shall be his the morning service there will recompence." (Job 15.: 31). ' be a recognition of the members Among the citations which , of the • Young Worshippers co^iprise the Lesson-'Sermon is i-iCague who have a good record ̂ 4.1. „--of-atteiidance.--The-choigy-under i-b^- l̂O-Wing fi o ^ the B --. C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S Land Clearing - Work •• u ^ Sole Agents for < ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT T E A R O E S O N , p" - r " R A D IO G O N E P H O O E Y ? 'ar'ir/UVfJ,' "i'"*,"' 4:' Eatabliahod on 'N o rth Shore 25 Yeora (Lady Assistant) ___HARRON BROS. UTD. Ifuitrcal Birretora llollyburn Funeral Homo 18th and M a r i n e / ^ West 134 \ 4 P»iff*1nra XNorth Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 the leadership of B. |S. '̂ hort, . "The work.s- ^ the" Lord- are with Elmore Humphreys_a.t_thegreat, sought cut of all them organ will lead in the worship of that have . pleasure---therein, song. - J " ' • (Psalms 111: 2) The church-school meets at 10 The Lesson . Sermon also in ally invited. ' from theyChristian Science text- . The Young ^People's Society book, "Science and Health with has got off to a splendid start. Kev to the Scriptures-" by Ma,ry They will meet on Monday at 8 Baker Eddy : "When we realize o'clock. Miss Jessie Brook will that Life is Spirit, never in nor address the meeting. Her sub- of matter, this understanding ject will be, "Mission Work in will expand into self-complete- v; Just sort o f gather 'round'and pour forth your radio woes. -- Whatsamatter-with- your present-radio, anyway-?--Troubled with "gate-crasher" stations? Tune 'em out with a 1939 ♦ model. Umpteen stations at once? 1939 radios won't a llo v iritr Kadio giving you the works? Then it's time China."-- ̂ ■ , ness, finding all -in God, good, .'The prayer meeting is held and needing no other conscious- each Wednesday at 8 a'cjock. ness." ' - . for a new'one! .4444 ,5- M i l i The French B eauty Salon . For W o rk o f Qyality We specialize in fine, grey and ^white .hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd arid Fulton' Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, October 2iid. UNITED CHURCH YOUNG - PEOPLE'S^SOCIETY PULL UP A CHAIR A N P LET'S TALK THESE WONDERFUL NEW SETS OVER! On Monday, September 19th, 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. jthe Young People of the United 11:15 a.m.--Holy Communion fc"* Church opened their Fall season Sermon. with a Harvest. Home social. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- Those taking part in the evening T̂ irm _ . ___ of garA€SLaiid:dand-ngLJKere-D-iana m itte e , ̂ r id g e , M urie l S to n em an , Shirley- V~4nake your head spin-,. ; but it's ' worth it to see the S t, F ran c is -in -th e-W o o d N o rm a W are , M a rg a re t ̂ ------" Tleverest jobs* ever turned but. C4me in and be converted. C aulfe ild______ ^______ JR am sey,JD oreen-A ddy-,-M argaret- N ow here ate five famous makes that really have some thing T . . in fact, they have everything.! N O RTH ERN ELECTRIC, ROGERS, PHILCO, GENERAL ELECTRIC, and STROMBERG-CARLSOfJ are leading names in the radio world. Contrary to the old adage, there's a lo t in a name. You can tie to any one o f these five with, perfect -safetv-L The amazing improv^ements -.---- such-as-^kevboai ITj iii III--III I- i s t e l 1706 Marine-Drive 'I'ea - Coffee - Cocoa - Spices Qualilios aud in-icea to suit all. Free Delivery," NVost 55 Res. 'We.sl 280-U. > _»r_ I M f e i l ® w a w ® Ml#:. 44 . : BARCLAY PHOTOGRAPHERS SPECIAL One Colored & Mounted Picture of your home for 75 cents; Phone West 710 We do amateur finisliing. ■ Mrs._BaR'lay, :fonns;rly_of_Hud:^_ son's Bay Company Studio; Sunday, 3 p.m.--Evensong and McMillan, Nettie Sherbina, Flora Sermon. Lowe, Winnie Eagle, Helen , j:-- ■?___ Vanoe, Dora and Marjory Banks, CORRESPONDENCE . Hellings, Gertrude Thomp- „ , son, Margaret Richardson, Stella Editor, 916 W. Broadway Bruce, Ernest Harrison, Rupert West Yan 'News, Harrison, Davis Metcalfe, Alex.̂ 5 FAMOUS MAKERS TO CHOOSE FROM mmm iS iW i M i THE - _ F a n N etvs ' Published Every Thursday Dear Editor,-^Would you kind_ ̂ Chalmers, Leslie Stone-, Bob ly print the, following in your Twyman, Jim- Bloxham, John paper?-, ' Wright, Ted Sheffield, Ed.-Mil- We would like to express our ler, Jack Grant, Charlie Baldwin, appreciation for the vei'y effici- Douglas Colquhoun, George Har- ent woii'k done by the West Van- ris, Ken McNair, couv^Xpolice and particularly The election-of-officers-was Constab3|Kruger rerarding our held last Monday in the Church recent robbery at Fishei-man's Hall. The selection is as follows: President to be elected mexf Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 . Business and. Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive l^one West 55 t A p h ' North Vancouver Office: - 123-lion8dale-Ave. Thanking you for your, co- meeting; Vice President, Jack operation in this. .. Grant; Secretary, Flora Lowe; MADV A* WRTPTTm Treasuiei, Doia Banks; Mission«,._ M ill T TP A Gertrude Thompson; Recre-MISS L. JEANESTEVENS • ational, Ted Sheffield; Citizen- ship. Bob Twyman; Christian Fellowship,* Charlie Baldwin; ̂ Press and Music, Helen Vance; Membership, Stella Bruce. , Those taking part in the even- ing were (^rtrude Thompson $1,00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year " • by mail - HOLLYBURN BUSINESS, COLLEGE DAY' and NKJHT CLASSES Individual Attention. ' Phone W est 341 14th and Marine Drive alid Rev. Vanoe. The retiring president, Anne Hellings, was in the chair. . West Vancouver N O T IC E '.,A_^eward of $25.00 is offered for information leading to the con viction of anyone found guilty of dumping garbage or refuse on any public or private property within the Municipality, including boulevards, parks and th e , Pacific Great Eastern Railway Right-of-way. Sept. 20, 193,8. W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk,