4 1 ^ 0 ^ '4-Ĵ»< '» "̂ ' k ' " ^ ' 4 f'! H*< •"ji ,f v1« i, V i 7M '• s »«/**« ^ "i!* j -V■̂ ' ■'r̂ ̂ " »tite%» ij- w» ̂1 ̂ ~̂' 'S "* i {̂•■h-** ^ i> ̂ 'vi^ in. ^ ^ ' '■ \ 11̂ ^ ' ^ '» j i ( f f ^ ^ * i. u , ' 1- '< Si I I ' I . ' AWeekly-Newspaper V,«~̂,•<.*«>« Circu/dtifig in the District of West Vancouver^ Ambleside,. Holly burn ̂ Weston y Dundarave $1.00 per year. CypresS Park, CaulfeildyWhytecliff, Etc. . & per copy at newBiUnda Vol. X !II H O L L Y B U R N P.O ., W EST V A N C O U V E R . B.C., T H U R S D A Y . SE PT E M B E R 29tli. 1938 No. 18 wmm IMIUNICH FIRST NARROWS BRIDGE OPENING AND TOLLS COMING EVJ3NTS Today democracy and fascism are fading one another ;i(*rosH the^confei'ence table in Munich. Just who or what cJi It is hoped to open the bridge fixed, but it will probably,be in Friday, (X*l, Hlh--West Van- circumatance hr combination of circumstances caused Hitler 10 so suddenly change his mind is not known. It is sufficient for the present that he did, and* that the world is spared the agony of war for at least anothijr twenty-four hours. I It seems to us, however, that Czecho-^lovakia should have been represented at that confereqee, not by President Benes (\n account of Hitler's personal aversion to him, but by some high official of the little "republic. After,all, it is they whose allairs are being discussed, and as such they should be entitled lo representation. Moreover, a nation, which after a period of long tension has resigned itself to light fo-the death is not always inclined to,listen to any proposals. • ' i" Again, it seems a mistake that Russia has not been in- oludedj much as we .detest comnrunism.' For, if the hopes of llio, world^are fulfilled, thisLconference will be the beginning of a real peace settlement of Europe. Indeed,-should it not turn out to be so, it were better that it never took place'. And .there can be no peace settlement which does not (include aV ii3 v\/. VF|..rVrli v&nj ^llvl^V> 11 A.V7\1« - IJ i4 V IL Will |/1\/LFC4 IL/î v •*' for traffic on November 8th, but the early spring; When it is hoped I this will depend on the weather to have proper dedication cere- and its effect on the paving and ■ monies. roadwork whiOh has yet to l>e „While the bridge has thm' done. lanes, in all probability only two There will be, no official cere- lines of vehicles,,will be allowed, monies of any kind when the controlled by a traffic line dniwn couver Tennis Club Annual Dance in the Orange Hall. PUBLIC MEETING A public meetipg will bo held bridge is thown open. The date .'down the centre of the roadwivy. In of the' official opening ia not yet Toll.s are a« follows: S U a n i^ .I . i ! niul cIt ,. Mae- PASSENGERS: Passengers in or on any vehicle "Siiigle ticket (each) .05" 25 tickets (book)......... .......................... :........... 1.00 MOTOR DRIVEN VEHICLES: Neil, M.P., will speak on "Your Business at Victoria and Ottawa . and (he" Foreigii Situiition." (a) (b) (c) liussia, seeing that she comprises, half of Europe. There isr1>c , also the danger* of such exclusion causing a rift in the pact . between her and France, which might, be calamitous. We have little doubt that'Hitler had this in mind, when he re frained from sendiiijg her an invitation. . But most of all, it is to be hoped that Chamberlain and Daladier will present a stiff and a united front to Hitler's demands. Their original ,pr.oposalsr-to which the,( ŝseohs have already agreed, should be the absolute limit, remembering- that England and France are as treaty bound to support the little republic as they were; in the case of Belgium in 1914. Apai;t even from! questions of national honor to concede more would be'merely putting ,off the evil day, when the odds in -Iheir-favor-wilL.-most.-probably-big-less. -^For,- if war should - c.pme now vi^h the set-up against them, it is Germany and , Italy who wii^face, extinction and not the Czechs. At this moment of going to piress the results of the con ference are not kpown. We can only -hope*' that it will bring peace,-but-peace -with-honor, if ' such a thing-is now possible. (d) Anything less would be unworthy of us, besides storing up a legacy of disaster in the perhaps not distant future. Motor Cycle (without side car) and Rider...... .05 Motor Cycle (with aide cxir) and Rider.!.....•...... . .10 Automobile (paskenger cur) aml Driver, Single ticket ............ .......................................... .25 12 trip ticket nOn-'tranafcrable'-for private ■ - automobile and driver only............ ;................. .̂ * 2.06̂ ^ Weekly ticket non-tranafemblo for private ■ ' i , automobijle and driver only .... .......................... : Stage or Biis ........... .!....... ..................:......... "l.OCi Note: All foregoing classes oftickets are good only for • f?i ........the~pjiaaage of vehicle and driver. Other persons -'.-.:,-in,-or on ..any..vehicle must pay. separate tolls in -• accordance with this tariff. TRU(3KS and other vehicles designed for the carrying of freight.or merchandise: Under 1 ton ............ ............................. 1 ton or over but under 2 tons........... 2 tons or ovei* but under 3 tons............ over but under 5 tons..................... 5 tons over but under 6 tons................... ....... .75 6 tons and over .............................................. . 1.00 (The ^bove tolls include passage of driver.) mSOELLANEOUS: Pedestriaiis ............... ............. ;05 Trailer .......................... .t:............... ...........................25. THE SECRET OF (UVILIZATION" The above will be the subject of the first,of a.series of weekly radio discussions entitled "World Order," which will-he given at 8:30 p.m. next Monday, October 3rd, over C.IOR, (U)0 kc.' HOLLYBURN JlALL (e) .20 .25 .35 ,45 Suiiday School find; .Young People's Bible ClIass'̂ wiJl.neTield̂ at 10 a.m. next.SundayJOctob'eF' 2ii(l, in llollyburn Hall. /A t the 7:30 ]).ni. sej;vico next* Sunday s/aA. Simpson will givc/a Gospel addroHs.---^̂ Tuesday--̂ at- 8 ~ p.m; .})rayor and Bible Study," LIBERALS TO HOLD ............ANNUAL-_MBETING The' annual meeting , of the PROVINCIAL RECREATION V ________ CENTER RE-OPENS NEW BAND CLASS '~TJrTre'w"class ■ of twenty boys - B̂ ioycle and rider ...... •..... ........ .......... .......... ,̂̂ ,.,.0.54̂ . ...W ŝt^Wancpiiycr. Liberal Associ- " - o HOfk -̂drawn vehicle (other .than trucks)-;.....,. ' .25 ' atioh will be held at 8 p.m. Tues- Note: All vehicles not specified in the above at -day, October fth, in the Legion p.r4)_pojrtiQnate_rat€S---- -̂---- -- !-- ___________-̂---- ----- Î-laJUit-whieĥ the-eJeMricui_Qlof- .25 An enlarged program ^ aotiv- has been organized in the school ities is planned by the Provincial band. These are mostly boys' Recreation Centre in West Van-„ from the elementary schools and (■nnver'thi.ct winter.. Free, classes every'section of. the band is Horses, each :........................... ." ...7.:.;.....,...... For other animals an appropriate toll wilt be charged not exceedings (each) ............... .... t.. :25 FREE TRAFFIC: Children under'5 years, of age. . * ficers for the ehsuing'year"wilr take place. All memfbers are req uesteff"lo attehRV will be sponsored'for both nien represented from, the piccolo^ and. women under the direction --the bass it is-hoped to carry this of Gordon D. Gillespie, and Miss class band. Molly.Edwards. All residents of If ariy'others are intending to11 • : \'\ C ' -1 /X■!■»** 4-Li /̂ TT n Vi rviilyl.; ^ LEGION ACTIVITIES During the-week pa.intOrs'have. "been busŷ at" the Legion HaTT̂ BRITISH - ISRAEL Final ■ arraiigements are now the community, 16 years of age ' join they should do so at once, ' complete for the concert and and over, are cordially invited to , so , that all may have an even ̂smoker to be held in the Legion ata;rt. A special class " tunity to" improve their physical, ners onlyJs being held on Tues- well-being by appearing for reg- day. istration at-fhe listed times. The -- ,7. -------- •-------- following ;is .the- proposed pro gram': - . ' Inglewood School Gymnasium Monday (Men)r MRS. J. STUART JAMIESON ; TO LECTURE HERE tober 1st. A very competent en tertainment committee has been . hard at work and promise°a very -interesting - time.---During--the. Regular weekly meeting of the Dundarave Branch of the British Israel World Federation at 25th -and-^ferine--Driver-Mon4ayr-0c-- tober 3rd. Speaker, Col. Pringle; Subject: "The Sea -and the Waves° Roaring." Everyone is in-- -vited to come and -hear7an interr The; exterior stucco- has. been painted and the hafi boasts fresh coat of kalspmine. It will be well christened on Satur day night when the Branch hold their Concert and Smoker British visitor to France num- bei^more than a half million an nually. The Women's Association of evening W. McKinstry, Provin- esting address on a very vital cial President of the Canadian subjebt ̂ - ' • >h>k* Legion, will address the gather- 7:00 p.m.--Tumbling and Ap-_ the United Church has.prepared i«ff with a message that every ^ IS S MARY COWPER FRAME" . paratus Work. ' an interesting nrogram for Fri- veteran should not fail to hear •' - PASSES ,8:00 p.m.-->-Conditioning» Exer- day afternoon o -̂d:his week in It is to be hop^d that every resi- Miss Mary Cowp^ Frame 8:30 p.m.- cises. -Members ~ Basket- balLLeague. ----- . " :30.'p.m asketball Games; 7:30 p.mP-'Taps. theUhurbh Hall, starting at 2:30 dent returned man both naval passed away last Thursday at p.m., when the speaker will be' and military, will avail them- her home, 2596 Marine Drive. Mrs:' J.. Stuart Jflmip.gnTi nf the Selves of the Legion's hospital- She is survived by two sisters, "Papa," says Evelyn, "when you see a cow ain't you 'fraid?" "No,-certainly not, Evelyn." ** "When you see .a horse, ain't you 'raid?" - "No, of course not." ' "When you see a wasp, ain't you 'fraid?" you fraid when it ' ___l_o_u d_ l̂a u ghler.__ ^iTa ^^eSC*^^^T^"^^resent^ in the"-nmnicfpa/rtr'Wnrwmost • J.7H. • OswaTdT^TmWa ̂ "Ain't , * ^ Outlook," is one of vital interest cordially -wielcomed and members were held at 2 p.m. last Saturday., thunders ?." ------ *to- all-andvit -is-hoped that 'alU -are again _remmded _fp_ g_et busy^from__:_l:he_ Hollyburn Funeral - !;!N̂ ^̂ ,jwith___ 8:30p.m.--CJonditiQning Exer- women* of the community will now and arrange to bring along Home, the Rev. William Vance- "You silly child." avail themselves of-the' ̂pppor- a veteran friend .or two. Admis ̂ officiating, and interment was "Papa,".said Evelyn, "Ain't tunity of hearing such a timely sion vdll be free. The fun starts made in Mountain View Cemc- you 'fraid of nothin' in the world ** topic discussed by one who is at 8 o'clock, so capable of handling it. There cises. 9:30p.m.--S o .c ia l Dancing (Ballroom, Nation al). Ly Wednesday-- " - • / " 7:00 p.m.--Barbarian' Rugby d u b Conditioning. 8:00 p.m--Mixed Badminton. Club. , .Legion Hall ^ . Thursday (Women)-- *" 2:30p.m.-r-Special AfternPon Exercise Class. - -Acrobatics a n d tery. but mamma?' will'rbe a musical program and tea will .be served. Admission 25* cents. 7N.... SENIOR AND JUNIOR - < GIRLS' CHOIR 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Men are ' Mrs. Colin MacLean wishes to remind members that the Senior Girls' Choir will meet for prac- Group Gymnastics tice -at 10 a.m. shaip on Satur- -^Dancing and Rhy- day.pf. this week in the United ' thms (Technique, Church Hall; the Junior Gills' Natural, etc.). Choir starting their practice at reminded to bring-- J.0j30„a.m. on t̂he same_.daj/_. rubber soled, shoes and the stan dard costume for ladies will be MOLLY EDWARDS TO explained by Miss Edwards to . . * TEACH I^NCING applicants. . Miss Molly Edwards' Child ren's. Dance Classes will oom- meride . next Thursday, OctoberHeckler; I wouldn't vote foryou-if-you-werean angel. r • tt n - Candidate:-If I were an angel̂ ^Oth; m theT^gion Hall. For in- you wouldn't be in my constit- formation kindly phone West uency. . - , 208-X. ' Capilano Bridge, Marine Drive