West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Sep 1938, p. 6

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-- PPfM '"■ ' r «> >-̂ . / •*, IIi»k S I--' H -*-fu 't./̂f»M»-?fi'f*«v,< , y xt -rfMSNp̂' w•̂-F■ "'M I. ^ THE WEST'. VAN NEWS •WlWlWltiBliBgBi'SIWWWg iP ilO T ir lg lB»jpff!i'.)B'ii'«iiigi)ttiHa'Eii'ifaaiMwi|tattBMî ^ SMITH'S'M ARKET Phone « RED-AND WHITE West 4j> P h on e W est 46 M eats-- Phone West 370 KICUH wool) for KKIDAY & SATUIIOAY, Sept. ZDrd & 24lh MEATS rugby f o o t b a l l Oct. lOr 1̂ » ij. > ̂ fi Kid & White WIHTK aJH N 'No. 2 Till .................................. Ked Ai Whitt* l*KAK. IVnder, Hifvf 5................... ............ 2 tln» 2.V Itfd i(i White rt)MATOKS New rack . H Squat TIiih 25c Ited Ji White SOCKKYK SALMON *//N, 'J'iii ...................................... 18c Hed & White CIIK'KKN HADDIK No. I Till He HONKIHT LKMONS li for 13c SUNK 1ST OUANtiHKA' ' Medium Hize ............... . dozen 25c l.arjfe hize , dozen 3lc ( ullfornia (lUAl'KI'UlilT . 3 for 13c lied Sc White ('OKKKK, Irrudialed Seaietl in Viicuum... pound tin .'Me ■" Save tlie ('oiipoiiH. •. SmiKDDKl) WIIICAT....... packet 10c lied Sc White MAKMiAI.ADK I Ib. Tin .'............ l ie lied Sc White I'ASTKY KLOIJK 7 II). Sack .............................. 27c CANADIAN SAIIDINKS . ,.T tiim Me lied Sc White DltOOMS........each «5c lied At White CA'ISUI* 12 oz, Hqttle .... ......................... 15c BIUOAST OF LAMB 2 ll)S. fo r 25c BUFAST OF VEAL, per U). 11c SlKiAK CUHEl) COKNEO b e e f ....... per Ib. 15c and 17c FOT ROAST, from........... L5c Ib. SnOUIAlER ROASTS of Milk- Fed Veal, per Ib............:.....Itle FRESH FISH DAILY (;OI), per Ib. ....................... Accordirig t̂o tb<̂ wjhedule juBt released by the Ituffby union, the foilowing are Uie 1st XV k'umes for Oie first half of the Miller Cup competition. vs. Mt^ralonms, 2 :3 0 ; Lower B iw k to n VH. All . 2 :3 0 ; Brockton Qval vs. U.B.C. 3 :0 0 ; Stadium # v s.' New \V cstm inster 3 :0 0 ; Queen's Park, vs. V arsity 2 :3 0 ; BnK'kton Oval N ov. 5. " Vs. Row ing Club 2 :1 5 ; Brockton Oval 12. V8. Occasionals 1. 8. 15. 22. 20. Sei^vice.^- SASIl & 'DOORS " SHINOLBS""""" PLYWOODS LATH TKIRE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY I PAINT |U^L^|3*. 8UPTUES. WALLBOARD TILl - • ' > . At^atai / ' ' CANADA PAINT COMPANY lAJD, \̂ EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO.TTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone WeBt 115 In preparation for the oi>ening, games on October Jst, a strenu­ ous workout for both tlie first ami second XVs will be held at C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rat® for Claaslflcti AdrurOwments ia 1. conta p«r word, minimum 2:15: liiocklon,Oval 25 €«.K E»«1P' *11 i'» U*. w«it V m New, n t ImnudUU reMiu. ||. oo,. and secoiiti ..ws wm wu SAi.MON, per Amblesidc Saturdtiy,' September SMOKED AldASKA COD, lb* 2̂c 24, at 2:30 p.m. SMOKED KH>PERED SALMON per II)................................. |h>ef-- ̂ Pork ;--'̂Lainl) -- Veal Absolutely Top Quality GORDON ROBSON - - Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by unDointment. West 403. DIVINE HEAUNG. » . Believing in the power of pniyer as the cure for the ills of . the world, a ^roup of those ' WEST VANCOUVER The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Ferry Office tomorrow night at 8 p.m. to which a cordial invitation' is ex-' tended to prosjiective players and supporters. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED ~ Special .machine; repairs, parts- ■ West Vancouver .Machine Shop, 1449 Marine,- _____ _____________- JUNK -- WE .STILL BUY Every, thing of -value: bottles, rags, sacks metals; furniture, stoves, tools, etc' Call West-91 and we bring the cash tb your door.' Burrard Junk Cn West 91. ........ , .. . . . he Sewing Club will meet at of tbislhind, willlKieet for study tlie home of Mrs. Bigham, 2175 TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD WOMAN'S BODY COMES . ASHORE AT AMBLESIDI CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intailed; furnace repairs. Phone G. Metdrum, 1103 Lonsdale North. S22. _____________ ____ FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, Nortli 1458-L..-,- ..................... - .......... , MASON'S TAXI ~ Day and niĝ it; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. ItiJ* .̂ <4̂ ,pi and prayer at 3281 Marine. .Jefferson Avenue, ̂ at 2 p. m Adrian Phillip of 1352 Argyle EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or cow- tract. Experienced men, modern machinery. Rush jobs., Kissic.k, West 252-L. _______ _ GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Soy. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 408. Diq've, West Bay, on Thursday Sept. 28th,, instead ,of Mrs. ■Y" ■' '4 .'T'V ,;r afternuon, the 29th' instant, at p.m. Any wishi.ng'prayers,.for the siek or troubled in mind or body, may. write or phono West 3G4-R-3 Lowrie's'home as previously aiir- nouneed. West 21, or West 568-R-l. >4 ,y, "It's wonderful what some in- made to the West Van .sects .can do. A gras.shpp'per can coaver Police; who tookJtjtp. the the77T7r7/vKr A • 200 times it own length. Hollyburn Funeral Home on I.EI.ION W.A. "That's nothing. 1 once saw a Coroner PI. Dyer. The Canadian Legion W.A.' .wasp raise a 200-pound man The body is that of a woi ill liold their first fall'meeting three feet off the ground." nhoiit fiO. trrev'haired. dresse Avenue, found the body ̂ of a W. H- VA^, Suite 4, ̂ b^WARD SEARS; Barrister, Sol w om an ly in g on A m bleside B each l..ollyDurn_ui-- ----------- ^ ^ -------- icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phom near the Municipal bathhouse. WESTERN-WOODWORKERS, Car- ....................... about 7:46 a.m. today. He ran penter ".ad. . . * ii . «j:-i _irja-i„ all descriptions; cupboards, drawers, "'■"alterations, etc. Glass and glazing. 1478 Clyde. Phones: Shop West - 7 4 0 Residence West■443-R.~'- ' C.4, .«.W ^ ^ ----- home to his mother Uiid notificar- A REAL REST for Tired Folks - Restawhile Convalescent Home, 13C 27th Street. West 86-L-2. f '• r 1. '! Will imJd their lirsi laii 'meeting in the Legion Hall on Monday, 2Gth September, at 2^30 p.m. "sharpr ' ' * 7 '............ / It is hoped every member will be present to work in co-opera­ tion with the diitioH of the W.A. m. tliese anjdpus-tir|ie>s._ _ woman about 60, grey haired, dressed in . . ,.■ 7 ,.' ' , 2- XU i. a pink slip, navy.blue skirt, tan JiiHle hrcddie: Look at,-that black shoes, and wear- rhinocm-ousr ■' ' ' V"idg a plain gold wedding ring. iLiUlo .Alfred: lhat am t im cut'and bruised, but rhiiidcerous, that's a hippopota-. thought' by the police that nuts. Can't you see it amt got the pounding on ̂ ,_the.beach,-the wind being high MARCEL Sh o p •-- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Roval Bank Building. LOANS ARRANGED ; -- Dominion Housing Act and other plans. Gor­ don Gray, Seymour 4991,-̂ or West - 92-R-2. WANTED---Furniture, . Stoves, Tools, - -etc.-,W e.. buy,-selL.and .exchange. Phone North 431, Vinick's Furni­ ture, -66-70 Lonsdale Avenue. PAINTING and DECORATING - J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Konings. Phone West 818̂ Esti- mates free. " ~ - CHIMNEY s w e e p in g -- Old Coun- try, way; guaranteed; /brick, And _ stone repairs.!,...Palmer,--tCapilano, yesterday. Death was apparent- North 8il-R -2r __________ ly due to drowning, and the body lawn MOWERS " SHARPENED, had not been in the water very • cleaned, oiled. Will call and deliver, long. , " Mack's. West 7 3 8 - R . ________ _ According to the police nobody ' a. ROBERTS LTD.. ' BUSINESS GIRL has bungalow, West Bay; wishes to share with one or more business girls. West 23-L-2, evenings or week ends. FOR SALE -- White Rotary Sewing machine, ' $12;50; General Electric Radio, $4^.50. West 196-1^-1, morn­ ings. a - :-ans.w_eri ng-to._:th ejLdead̂ ^̂ ^̂ deson'ption has been I'eported as . m issing in the d istric t. Inqu ir­ ies are being m ade of o ther dis­ tricts, bu t a t the tim e of going to press the.body had not been identilied. ■ 7 7 -List--your---property with us now. Clients waiting. -1447. Marine Drive. West 546. FOR SALE ^ Upright Concert Grand Piano and Bench, $80,° or near cash offer. West 457-R-3. RELIABLE WOMAN will thoroughly. ' ^ ea n , wax and polish floors, A1 EASY TERMS OPEN FOR IN SPECTIO N ___ Sunday, 3 to .5 p.m. ,. 2389 Bellevue Avenue 5 Room ultra modern bungalow in almost new condition. Spabious living room, dining room- dandy kitchen.. Tile_. sink, and everything dpsirfihlp. Mark Twain, duiring his early days as a San Francisco news­ paper man, found things were pretty Jean. Mark holding a ciu-ar box under bis jn*rp, was local references. Leave phone num. her a t West 149-L-2i li'OR RENT -- Furnished three room house with bath, $18. Lajvson, Walker & Pride. West ,55. ; standing gazing into a^iop wunT dow. - -A-lady friend approached apd- ~ ~ said :~"i~always "ŝ ee"yoir \yith-a~- cigar box under your arm. Tm . afraid you're smoking too much; Mr. Clemens." ^̂ r-7-4-v 'Tt isn't tfhat," retOTted Mark. "I'm moving again." ■*'. ■ *; * * * ."Does ycHir son burn the mid-v night oil?" "YeSf and a lot of gaŝ oline Tile bathroom -- Pembroke bath Extraordinary value a t $3,500; cash; balance $30 monthly, including principal and interest. Mr*; Hill, West 597-L, or . A. E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD., Sey 9131 833 West Hastings-rSt. _________ Exclusive Agents FOR SALE -- Double bed, spring and mattress, good condition, $6; Steel bed couch $2.50. IL43' Jefferson or /Bost 100, West Van N e w s .------------ FOR SALE -- Kitchen table practic­ ally new,, 4 ft. by 2 ft. 9-in. West 66 NOW IS THE TIME to plant Peony Roots, for best blooms, 30c each; 4 for $1.00. Mrs. Rhodes, 1269 Esqui- malt.' West 450-L. WANTED -- Woman or g irf for 2 to 3 ' hours" Kousework7"dailyT." Phone~ West 272-X. FOR SALE -- Round Oak 6-hole kitchen range, equipped with major sawdust burner. A bargain for $25. Phone. West 757-X-l. . ' FURS REPAIRED and REMODEL- LEE) -- ■ Dressmaking and Altem- tions. Milady's Lingerie Shop, 1474 Marine. FQ.R- SALE -- Mendelssohn Piano, good, tone, $50. Phone West 150X3. CARD OF THANKS i f S I ' l < ? - fewiSS; F ish in g In d u s try o f B r i t i s h C o lum bia. 'Ml'. ■ Aubrey ' A. Clarke of' 3056 Procter Avenue, wishes to thank hisr friends for their many kind­ nesses during, his recent enforced rest,-and-to-announce-tha t-his-f oot, hurt when struck by a. nail (not gout) is on the mend. FOR SALE -- High School Boy's Winter Overcoat, size 38: 2 Walnut * ' ___ SEPTIC TANKS -- Installed, cleaned ^nd_.repaired'; reasonable. -AppJyT- u- , . J FOR. RE1NT ~ . Fine six-roomed house M 'v modern, on bus route. WestFOR SALE7 'dition;: ge___ Plione West 234-L. KepresentvS a capital invc.stmeni of over $22,000,00.0; Finds direct employment for oyer 18,000 British Col­ umbia Workei's. \ Tlie value of the output in 1937 was over $16,225,000. I lf ... "SipEI This value has reached $27;000,OOQ,in a single year.> . . Sc YOU CAN HELP jjRITISH COLUMBIA PROSPER BY YOUR INCREASED PURCHASES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA FISH."" A newspaper account of a:-. disas- trous shipwreck states:: "The^-wssel-^ sank with all aboard except one lady passenger. She was insured for a large sum and was loaded with pig l^OR SALE -- One-^dal-'Heater. Ap­ ply Thomson's Ti'ansfer, 1312 Mar­ ine Drive. CARD QF THANKS Mrs, Ernest J. Sayers and family also relatives, wish to.thank their many friends for the beautiful floral tributes, and kindness in their recent sad bereavement; also to thank the officials and staffs of the Pacific Stages- Limited, the ■West Vancouver Feri'iei "Limited, and the nui'ses.'of the North Van­ couver General Hospital. iron,' MONEY FOR MORTGAGES at 6%- ̂ Any amount. Apply^ J. Sheasgreen, P.C. Gibbens. & Co. ,Ltd. West ̂704, evenings a t West 547-L. "I 've got a wonderful family tree," said the. languid young man. "Really," drawled the girl; "'and what are'you--the sap?" . FOR RENT -i- 5 Room Bungalow, partly furnished, good location. Seymour 4991 or West 92-R-2, The News 7 ROOMED HOUSE -- With V2 acre of , beautiful garden, laiyns and shrubbery, with . creek.. ' _Gan ■ be handled on term s of, $1500 cash, bal­ ance aErang^. 'Full price $4300.00. O. J.' Archer Ltd. -W est 225. I'tfh TRaVlN<3tAL DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES ' Vidom,;B.C, t e i - - t e r f e ' i a i l T r r r f f - >r-~ •, /. ....-- Geo. J. Alexander, Assistant Commissioner. " . Hon. Geo. S. Pearson, Commissioner of Fisheries. WHAT IS f u l l MEASURE? When sawdust sacks are new, 50 of them should hold 200 cubic feet of sawdust. Used ^ c k s that have been wet shrink as much as KniU will g„?(rantee 200. cubic .feet if, it- hes to take 60 Tacte S do T t and .whaU -moro -- Knill delivers Fir Sawdust that IS F ir Sawdust not a gram of eedar or hemlock in a carload. ' ,̂ . K|I1LL*S. FUELS. SAWDUST ̂ COAL - - HOME OIL FUELS West^ Vancouver pffice: 1528 Marine Drive.* Phon4 .West .794. W eek 's SPECIAL SNAP A BRAND NEW ELECTRIC WASHER ' SSlv - $5 9 : 5 0 Fully Guaranteed. Easy Terms F O R S t 'S L T a 1473 Marine Drive ^ . Phones: West 343,* North'3*5̂