-- PPfM '"■ ' r «> >-̂ . / •*, IIi»k S I--' H -*-fu 't./̂f»M»-?fi'f*«v,< , y xt -rfMSNp̂' w•̂-F■ "'M I. ^ THE WEST'. VAN NEWS •WlWlWltiBliBgBi'SIWWWg iP ilO T ir lg lB»jpff!i'.)B'ii'«iiigi)ttiHa'Eii'ifaaiMwi|tattBMî ^ SMITH'S'M ARKET Phone « RED-AND WHITE West 4j> P h on e W est 46 M eats-- Phone West 370 KICUH wool) for KKIDAY & SATUIIOAY, Sept. ZDrd & 24lh MEATS rugby f o o t b a l l Oct. lOr 1̂ » ij. > ̂ fi Kid & White WIHTK aJH N 'No. 2 Till .................................. Ked Ai Whitt* l*KAK. IVnder, Hifvf 5................... ............ 2 tln» 2.V Itfd i(i White rt)MATOKS New rack . H Squat TIiih 25c Ited Ji White SOCKKYK SALMON *//N, 'J'iii ...................................... 18c Hed & White CIIK'KKN HADDIK No. I Till He HONKIHT LKMONS li for 13c SUNK 1ST OUANtiHKA' ' Medium Hize ............... . dozen 25c l.arjfe hize , dozen 3lc ( ullfornia (lUAl'KI'UlilT . 3 for 13c lied Sc White ('OKKKK, Irrudialed Seaietl in Viicuum... pound tin .'Me ■" Save tlie ('oiipoiiH. •. SmiKDDKl) WIIICAT....... packet 10c lied Sc White MAKMiAI.ADK I Ib. Tin .'............ l ie lied Sc White I'ASTKY KLOIJK 7 II). Sack .............................. 27c CANADIAN SAIIDINKS . ,.T tiim Me lied Sc White DltOOMS........each «5c lied At White CA'ISUI* 12 oz, Hqttle .... ......................... 15c BIUOAST OF LAMB 2 ll)S. fo r 25c BUFAST OF VEAL, per U). 11c SlKiAK CUHEl) COKNEO b e e f ....... per Ib. 15c and 17c FOT ROAST, from........... L5c Ib. SnOUIAlER ROASTS of Milk- Fed Veal, per Ib............:.....Itle FRESH FISH DAILY (;OI), per Ib. ....................... Accordirig t̂o tb<̂ wjhedule juBt released by the Ituffby union, the foilowing are Uie 1st XV k'umes for Oie first half of the Miller Cup competition. vs. Mt^ralonms, 2 :3 0 ; Lower B iw k to n VH. All . 2 :3 0 ; Brockton Qval vs. U.B.C. 3 :0 0 ; Stadium # v s.' New \V cstm inster 3 :0 0 ; Queen's Park, vs. V arsity 2 :3 0 ; BnK'kton Oval N ov. 5. " Vs. Row ing Club 2 :1 5 ; Brockton Oval 12. V8. Occasionals 1. 8. 15. 22. 20. Sei^vice.^- SASIl & 'DOORS " SHINOLBS""""" PLYWOODS LATH TKIRE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY I PAINT |U^L^|3*. 8UPTUES. WALLBOARD TILl - • ' > . At^atai / ' ' CANADA PAINT COMPANY lAJD, \̂ EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO.TTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone WeBt 115 In preparation for the oi>ening, games on October Jst, a strenu ous workout for both tlie first ami second XVs will be held at C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rat® for Claaslflcti AdrurOwments ia 1. conta p«r word, minimum 2:15: liiocklon,Oval 25 €«.K E»«1P' *11 i'» U*. w«it V m New, n t ImnudUU reMiu. ||. oo,. and secoiiti ..ws wm wu SAi.MON, per Amblesidc Saturdtiy,' September SMOKED AldASKA COD, lb* 2̂c 24, at 2:30 p.m. SMOKED KH>PERED SALMON per II)................................. |h>ef-- ̂ Pork ;--'̂Lainl) -- Veal Absolutely Top Quality GORDON ROBSON - - Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by unDointment. West 403. DIVINE HEAUNG. » . Believing in the power of pniyer as the cure for the ills of . the world, a ^roup of those ' WEST VANCOUVER The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Ferry Office tomorrow night at 8 p.m. to which a cordial invitation' is ex-' tended to prosjiective players and supporters. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED ~ Special .machine; repairs, parts- ■ West Vancouver .Machine Shop, 1449 Marine,- _____ _____________- JUNK -- WE .STILL BUY Every, thing of -value: bottles, rags, sacks metals; furniture, stoves, tools, etc' Call West-91 and we bring the cash tb your door.' Burrard Junk Cn West 91. ........ , .. . . . he Sewing Club will meet at of tbislhind, willlKieet for study tlie home of Mrs. Bigham, 2175 TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD WOMAN'S BODY COMES . ASHORE AT AMBLESIDI CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intailed; furnace repairs. Phone G. Metdrum, 1103 Lonsdale North. S22. _____________ ____ FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, Nortli 1458-L..-,- ..................... - .......... , MASON'S TAXI ~ Day and niĝ it; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. ItiJ* .̂ <4̂ ,pi and prayer at 3281 Marine. .Jefferson Avenue, ̂ at 2 p. m Adrian Phillip of 1352 Argyle EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or cow- tract. Experienced men, modern machinery. Rush jobs., Kissic.k, West 252-L. _______ _ GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Soy. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 408. Diq've, West Bay, on Thursday Sept. 28th,, instead ,of Mrs. ■Y" ■' '4 .'T'V ,;r afternuon, the 29th' instant, at p.m. Any wishi.ng'prayers,.for the siek or troubled in mind or body, may. write or phono West 3G4-R-3 Lowrie's'home as previously aiir- nouneed. West 21, or West 568-R-l. >4 ,y, "It's wonderful what some in- made to the West Van .sects .can do. A gras.shpp'per can coaver Police; who tookJtjtp. the the77T7r7/vKr A • 200 times it own length. Hollyburn Funeral Home on I.EI.ION W.A. "That's nothing. 1 once saw a Coroner PI. Dyer. The Canadian Legion W.A.' .wasp raise a 200-pound man The body is that of a woi ill liold their first fall'meeting three feet off the ground." nhoiit fiO. trrev'haired. dresse Avenue, found the body ̂ of a W. H- VA^, Suite 4, ̂ b^WARD SEARS; Barrister, Sol w om an ly in g on A m bleside B each l..ollyDurn_ui-- ----------- ^ ^ -------- icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phom near the Municipal bathhouse. WESTERN-WOODWORKERS, Car- ....................... about 7:46 a.m. today. He ran penter ".ad. . . * ii . «j:-i _irja-i„ all descriptions; cupboards, drawers, "'■"alterations, etc. Glass and glazing. 1478 Clyde. Phones: Shop West - 7 4 0 Residence West■443-R.~'- ' C.4, .«.W ^ ^ ----- home to his mother Uiid notificar- A REAL REST for Tired Folks - Restawhile Convalescent Home, 13C 27th Street. West 86-L-2. f '• r 1. '! Will imJd their lirsi laii 'meeting in the Legion Hall on Monday, 2Gth September, at 2^30 p.m. "sharpr ' ' * 7 '............ / It is hoped every member will be present to work in co-opera tion with the diitioH of the W.A. m. tliese anjdpus-tir|ie>s._ _ woman about 60, grey haired, dressed in . . ,.■ 7 ,.' ' , 2- XU i. a pink slip, navy.blue skirt, tan JiiHle hrcddie: Look at,-that black shoes, and wear- rhinocm-ousr ■' ' ' V"idg a plain gold wedding ring. iLiUlo .Alfred: lhat am t im cut'and bruised, but rhiiidcerous, that's a hippopota-. thought' by the police that nuts. Can't you see it amt got the pounding on ̂ ,_the.beach,-the wind being high MARCEL Sh o p •-- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Roval Bank Building. LOANS ARRANGED ; -- Dominion Housing Act and other plans. Gor don Gray, Seymour 4991,-̂ or West - 92-R-2. WANTED---Furniture, . Stoves, Tools, - -etc.-,W e.. buy,-selL.and .exchange. Phone North 431, Vinick's Furni ture, -66-70 Lonsdale Avenue. PAINTING and DECORATING - J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Konings. Phone West 818̂ Esti- mates free. " ~ - CHIMNEY s w e e p in g -- Old Coun- try, way; guaranteed; /brick, And _ stone repairs.!,...Palmer,--tCapilano, yesterday. Death was apparent- North 8il-R -2r __________ ly due to drowning, and the body lawn MOWERS " SHARPENED, had not been in the water very • cleaned, oiled. Will call and deliver, long. , " Mack's. West 7 3 8 - R . ________ _ According to the police nobody ' a. ROBERTS LTD.. ' BUSINESS GIRL has bungalow, West Bay; wishes to share with one or more business girls. West 23-L-2, evenings or week ends. FOR SALE -- White Rotary Sewing machine, ' $12;50; General Electric Radio, $4^.50. West 196-1^-1, morn ings. a - :-ans.w_eri ng-to._:th ejLdead̂ ^̂ ^̂ deson'ption has been I'eported as . m issing in the d istric t. Inqu ir ies are being m ade of o ther dis tricts, bu t a t the tim e of going to press the.body had not been identilied. ■ 7 7 -List--your---property with us now. Clients waiting. -1447. Marine Drive. West 546. FOR SALE ^ Upright Concert Grand Piano and Bench, $80,° or near cash offer. West 457-R-3. RELIABLE WOMAN will thoroughly. ' ^ ea n , wax and polish floors, A1 EASY TERMS OPEN FOR IN SPECTIO N ___ Sunday, 3 to .5 p.m. ,. 2389 Bellevue Avenue 5 Room ultra modern bungalow in almost new condition. Spabious living room, dining room- dandy kitchen.. Tile_. sink, and everything dpsirfihlp. Mark Twain, duiring his early days as a San Francisco news paper man, found things were pretty Jean. Mark holding a ciu-ar box under bis jn*rp, was local references. Leave phone num. her a t West 149-L-2i li'OR RENT -- Furnished three room house with bath, $18. Lajvson, Walker & Pride. West ,55. ; standing gazing into a^iop wunT dow. - -A-lady friend approached apd- ~ ~ said :~"i~always "ŝ ee"yoir \yith-a~- cigar box under your arm. Tm . afraid you're smoking too much; Mr. Clemens." ^̂ r-7-4-v 'Tt isn't tfhat," retOTted Mark. "I'm moving again." ■*'. ■ *; * * * ."Does ycHir son burn the mid-v night oil?" "YeSf and a lot of gaŝ oline Tile bathroom -- Pembroke bath Extraordinary value a t $3,500; cash; balance $30 monthly, including principal and interest. Mr*; Hill, West 597-L, or . A. E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD., Sey 9131 833 West Hastings-rSt. _________ Exclusive Agents FOR SALE -- Double bed, spring and mattress, good condition, $6; Steel bed couch $2.50. IL43' Jefferson or /Bost 100, West Van N e w s .------------ FOR SALE -- Kitchen table practic ally new,, 4 ft. by 2 ft. 9-in. West 66 NOW IS THE TIME to plant Peony Roots, for best blooms, 30c each; 4 for $1.00. Mrs. Rhodes, 1269 Esqui- malt.' West 450-L. WANTED -- Woman or g irf for 2 to 3 ' hours" Kousework7"dailyT." Phone~ West 272-X. FOR SALE -- Round Oak 6-hole kitchen range, equipped with major sawdust burner. A bargain for $25. Phone. West 757-X-l. . ' FURS REPAIRED and REMODEL- LEE) -- ■ Dressmaking and Altem- tions. Milady's Lingerie Shop, 1474 Marine. FQ.R- SALE -- Mendelssohn Piano, good, tone, $50. Phone West 150X3. CARD OF THANKS i f S I ' l < ? - fewiSS; F ish in g In d u s try o f B r i t i s h C o lum bia. 'Ml'. ■ Aubrey ' A. Clarke of' 3056 Procter Avenue, wishes to thank hisr friends for their many kind nesses during, his recent enforced rest,-and-to-announce-tha t-his-f oot, hurt when struck by a. nail (not gout) is on the mend. FOR SALE -- High School Boy's Winter Overcoat, size 38: 2 Walnut * ' ___ SEPTIC TANKS -- Installed, cleaned ^nd_.repaired'; reasonable. -AppJyT- u- , . J FOR. RE1NT ~ . Fine six-roomed house M 'v modern, on bus route. WestFOR SALE7 'dition;: ge___ Plione West 234-L. KepresentvS a capital invc.stmeni of over $22,000,00.0; Finds direct employment for oyer 18,000 British Col umbia Workei's. \ Tlie value of the output in 1937 was over $16,225,000. I lf ... "SipEI This value has reached $27;000,OOQ,in a single year.> . . Sc YOU CAN HELP jjRITISH COLUMBIA PROSPER BY YOUR INCREASED PURCHASES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA FISH."" A newspaper account of a:-. disas- trous shipwreck states:: "The^-wssel-^ sank with all aboard except one lady passenger. She was insured for a large sum and was loaded with pig l^OR SALE -- One-^dal-'Heater. Ap ply Thomson's Ti'ansfer, 1312 Mar ine Drive. CARD QF THANKS Mrs, Ernest J. Sayers and family also relatives, wish to.thank their many friends for the beautiful floral tributes, and kindness in their recent sad bereavement; also to thank the officials and staffs of the Pacific Stages- Limited, the ■West Vancouver Feri'iei "Limited, and the nui'ses.'of the North Van couver General Hospital. iron,' MONEY FOR MORTGAGES at 6%- ̂ Any amount. Apply^ J. Sheasgreen, P.C. Gibbens. & Co. ,Ltd. West ̂704, evenings a t West 547-L. "I 've got a wonderful family tree," said the. languid young man. "Really," drawled the girl; "'and what are'you--the sap?" . FOR RENT -i- 5 Room Bungalow, partly furnished, good location. Seymour 4991 or West 92-R-2, The News 7 ROOMED HOUSE -- With V2 acre of , beautiful garden, laiyns and shrubbery, with . creek.. ' _Gan ■ be handled on term s of, $1500 cash, bal ance aErang^. 'Full price $4300.00. O. J.' Archer Ltd. -W est 225. I'tfh TRaVlN<3tAL DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES ' Vidom,;B.C, t e i - - t e r f e ' i a i l T r r r f f - >r-~ •, /. ....-- Geo. J. Alexander, Assistant Commissioner. " . Hon. Geo. S. Pearson, Commissioner of Fisheries. WHAT IS f u l l MEASURE? When sawdust sacks are new, 50 of them should hold 200 cubic feet of sawdust. Used ^ c k s that have been wet shrink as much as KniU will g„?(rantee 200. cubic .feet if, it- hes to take 60 Tacte S do T t and .whaU -moro -- Knill delivers Fir Sawdust that IS F ir Sawdust not a gram of eedar or hemlock in a carload. ' ,̂ . K|I1LL*S. FUELS. SAWDUST ̂ COAL - - HOME OIL FUELS West^ Vancouver pffice: 1528 Marine Drive.* Phon4 .West .794. W eek 's SPECIAL SNAP A BRAND NEW ELECTRIC WASHER ' SSlv - $5 9 : 5 0 Fully Guaranteed. Easy Terms F O R S t 'S L T a 1473 Marine Drive ^ . Phones: West 343,* North'3*5̂