West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Sep 1938, p. 5

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0 . i w i m r i i w i i s w WiiltM M EN'S W O O L SW E A T E E S "M̂='K'*«rBEtJSI!ro-Wd0MIf^PBE'€0At'1lWBA«ES*"'"̂*̂ "*-*̂*'T " in Blue, Brown & Grey Check Patterns........................ . Price $2.95 MKn ' s FiNE RIBBED ALL WOOL ZIPPER COAT SWEATERS in Blue & Maroon C olo rs............... .'.............. ........................ Price $3.U6'%frM»S%NlVBB«AL*ZIPPE»4<X>AT.tSWmTEES':«*-w,*«̂ .... ,̂., .̂... ** in assorted combination colors........ .....................................Price $4.% McLEOD'S MENS WEAR r 'i Local^and EersoAal , P. W. Phipps has moved into ' a house at 2483 Bellevue Av^ nue. b a p t i s t f r e -t h a n k s g iv in g s e r v ic e s Angrl of tljr BararaL" c.S'* will be given on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, SEP1\ 28th and 25Mli in the Church - Admission by. program only; obtainable from any choir member. WEST v a n c o m :er a m a t e u r sw im m ing clu b SOCIAL at 8 n.m., FRIDAY, SEPT. 23rd, in the Clachan, 4> h I ' ' ■ . 1 ■ ' ' ■ . ■ V ■ ■ ■ ■ J ■ ' ■ . . ■ . ■ ̂■■.,■ ■■ ̂ ■■ V.■■ ■; ■■ ' Dancing - Games - . Cards - Refreshments .........................Admission, 25jjents P U B L IC M E E T IN Q LEGION HALL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 8 P.M. MRS. STEEVES, M X.A. C. G. MacNEIL, M.P., will give ah address on MYOUR BUSINESS AT VICTORIA AND OTTAWA." BA D M IN TO N ̂ BENTLEY RACQUETS........ ."............. $2.70 to $6.50 INDIAN RACQUETS................... -...... 95c and $1.50 SHUTTLECOCKS................ ............ 25c and 35c RE-STRINGS ..................... ....... ........... $1-50 to $4.00 TENNIS BALLS a t HALF PRICE FRED7J0NES, Bicycle Shop; 1439 Emne W A K May he in the offing. Be prepared. Stock up next week at our Serni-Annual One-Cent Sale. Sept. 2S - 29 - 30, October 1st. McNEIL'S REXALL DRUG STORE 1402 Marine-Drive^ ̂ . Phone West ^ 8 , . . . West Vancouver, B. C. I . - ̂ i I 0 Major Law has*returned from the Old Country after an extend- eti trip "and is staying at "Salu- taris," 24th and Waterfront. Miss Loma Thomson has i*e- sumed her duties at Hollybuni Pot Office after her annual va­ cation. L. A. Brideaon has moved -into a hou^ at .18G5 Bellevue Avenue. 41 * «• The steel rails belonging to the P.G.E. Railway which were taken up last, year, are being moved to North Vancouver for shipment..V . . - 4 1 / , A. C. Sutton of Vancouver, has moved into a house' at 3084 Procter AvenuO. 4i ■ 41 - '41 ... J. Firth is occupying a house at 2696 Bellevue Aveue. 4( 41 41 Major and Mrs. S. S. Penny, after a period of temporary resi­ dence in Vancouver, have re­ turned to West Vancouver and are living on Fulton near 14th,41 m 4< Mr. and Mrs. Bricknell who have been spending the summer at Cypress Park, have retumed to Vancouver. ...' 41 4« ■ '■■41 - - ■ '• Mr. and' Mrs. Simpson have moved from 19th*̂ and Bellevue Avenue, into a house at Garrow Bay. 4« 41 41 __ Mr. -and - Mrs. Ewart of couver has taken possession of their new home at Cauifeild.' 41 '♦ 4« Dr. Frank E., Dorchester has " cmhpleted'^arrang^ments to give At the recent convention of the B.C. Municipalities held in Nelson, all Past l^sidents of the Union were elected as Life Members. Among those honored was Councillor.rS. Gisby who was President in 192(5, and Reeve of West Vancouver in 1924 and 1925.*, 41 ♦ 41 , ■ Mr. tmd Mrs. Jim Holt of Vernon, B.C., aie the guests of - Mrs. Holt's parents, Mr. and ■ Mrs. J. M. Stratton, 1468 Marine Drive. ■ 1 0 4< 41 A youth was given six months , in Oakalla yesterday by Police MjigiSjtrute Gordon Robson ̂ for breaking and entering. Stratton's BAKERY h 0 M e :a ia d e JBJHkeLljflk-SJr Ten varietlcB to suit every taste Meat I*le« -- . Cooklen KffleH Cakes -- FaKtrieH Buns an4 R oIIm Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive Phono Weal 27 , Engugcmciti An announcement of excep­ tionally wide interest is made today by Mr. and Mrs. Adam Middleton Sharpe, 26th and,Hay- wood Avenue, telling of the en­ gagement of their eldest daugh­ ter, Alice Kathryn, to Mr. Frank MacKenzie Wiley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Wiley, 124 31st Street.' The bride-elect is a graduate of Vancouver Art School. The Church of St. Francis-in-the-Wood at Cauifeild will be the'setting for the quiet ceremony, which will take place at high noon on, .Wednesday, October 5. ^I ' 41 4t 4< ' ' Graham--Harrington, 4- Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY; FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE Soptoinber 22nd, 23rd and 21th MAKTIIA KAYE "The Big Broadcast of 1938" also NEWS, CARTOON, Etc. a health lecture ii^the Strand- Theatre, Kamlopp^ ̂ at 8 p̂ ih. September 26. He will also at­ tend the Conservative conven­ tion to be held in Kamloops,- September^23-and"24;-------------° -♦ 41 ♦ ̂Miss .Peggy Hardman, 21st and Marine Drive, left yesterday to resume her-studies at the col- Jege-in.jQpr.vallaa,.. Oregon. - St. Stephen's Anglican Chur'oh West Vancouver, was the scene of a pretty wedding at 11:30 o'clock Saturday morning, when Evelyn Rosa, second daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. John Harrpigton ol Ardath, Saskatchewan, was unit­ ed in marriage with Mr. An̂ gus Clarence Graham of Hatzic, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil W a ir^ " Vandufa7" Saskatche-- wan, Rev. Canon G. C. d'Easum officiating. Given in , marriage* by her cousin, Mr. Thomas Almas, the bride was attended by her_sjster, Miss" R ^ a Harrington^Mi^ SAT. EVENl'NG & MONDAY Scpte>»>hc5i' 2 'lth and 2 (Uh LESLIE HOWARD ' BISrrtE DAVIS "IT'S LOVE I'M AFTER': also "UUBINOFF AND HIS VIOLIN" "BOAT BUILDERS" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Scpic'inbor 27lh ..and 28th ■ CLAUDE RAINS GI.ORIA DICKSON "THEY WONT FORGET" (Once only a t .8:15) also "MAMA STEPS OUT" I Mr. and Mrs. Purvis who have Mrs. Simpson and family h^ve xt [been summering at Sandy Cove, moved from 2939 Marine Drive- K.-MaoNaughton has moved [have retumed to their home in and are occupying a house at froi^ Vancouver into a house a ....... 15th and Duchess Avenue. ' ifioo ManriA Dnvp Howard G'ole was the best man. Following the- ceremony a recep­ tion was held at the home of Mrs. M.^lmas, great-aunt of the -bride TBE HIGHLANDS 1393 Marino Drive Phone West 671 dCeadCup Readings Professor Griffiths Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. iNorth Vancouver. fQUALITy ^€ATS <vo M o r k e f s l*.F 0 0 0 West 190 1578 M arine Drive Sattirday 1590 Marine Drive.♦ ♦ 4t Mrsi A. MacAulay with her 4ias-retur-ned- After a honeymoon spent in, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Gra­ ham will live in Hatzic. TABLE TENNIS --' I,' ■ ___^ ----- 7.. - '....... ' , Rolled Rib 25c lb. BUTTER first Grade 3 lbs. 78c Fresh Mushrooms ' 25c' a lb.Cross Rib 18c lb.... ' ' -> Shoulder Lamb 16c lbRump, Roast - 18c ib. J. * s if t i is i i i is i i Breast Lamb -iSc lb.0 ' ' SharFRibs * 9c lb. Pot Roast T3c li^ ^ftesh kilkd ̂ F0WL> 50c eaicE RdastrVeal- -- "' 18c Ib. ■Lamb Stew :' 2 lbs l^r 25c. Veal Stew ^ 2 lbs. 25c to her home at 1618 Esquimalt Avenue, after spending the sum| mer _with. her mother in South Dak6ta7 the Tatter o f whom has been ill. . ♦ ♦ ♦ ' . Leslie Mallett of Capilano is a patient in the North Vancou­ ver General. Hospital owing to a motorcycle accident in which he sustained a broken legT, . 4< ♦ 4< Pi ̂J7rRpbert^nr^'T65^ r^tre^T^lr^j ^ eft forizl^mlO-Qpa,.: The Table Tennis LeagurwiTT open its coming Winter Season, October 6th. It is the intention -of-the-League to encourage-new- teams .and generally further the game in the Municipality, and to that end strong teams will be handicapped. Make up your team now and phone either Jimmie Baxter, West 156-Y or Harry Wells, West 548-X, who are attending.to^the registration of new teams. Book Yoiir Passage to th e Old C ountry Through Your Local Agent CUNARD -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full particulars, sailings 'and accommodation. J . T̂t-WATT 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 HOLLYBURN - BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY and NIGHT CLASSES Individual Attention, ~ Phone West' .341 ^__^ 14th and Marine Drive T̂Vjlh- , hunting trip. 7* The.request made by the resi­ dents affected for an extension pf letter cairrier delivery in the area between lOth and 15th Streets from' Inglewood to Mathers Avenue, has 'been turn­ ed down by the Post. Office De­ partment in Ottawa owing to the fact that all the conditions under which delivery i.s, granted' have not been met. __Sunday_School ___and_Young,. People's Bible Class-will be held -at 10 a.m. next Sunday, Septemr her 25th, in Hpllyburn Hall. At the 7 :30 p.m. service ijext Sun­ day a Gospel addresfr will be given, the speaker being D. L. PoU'oek. Tuesday at 8 p.m. -prayer and, ministry of the Scriptures;:------------- ^ -- Contr^erRridge: FRIDAY,. SEPT. 23rd, 8 p.m. Admission 35c.■ ... Further information West 010 Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Barne.s, 25th and Marine Drive, have left for a motor trip to Alberta. d ; V. A. The next meeting of the D.V., = A., West Vancouver-Branch, will be held at the home of Mr. Rankin, 2322 Inglewood Avenue, at 8 p.m. Tuesday, September '27th. - 0 0 0 EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON - . (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine'Dririe INSTAL DELGO nowIf# Goal (PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS J , AIR CONDITIONERS - Oil Q to lc r p u Can be installed under Home Improvement I B u m e r s d tO K r e S - » Plan or National Housing Act, _ _ on Display, a t ' R . E. JO H N S tO N CO. LTD. B. C. |>ISTRIBUTORS ^ 1070-H om er-S t.j-V ancouver, B .C . -- ---------^50_0._Ff>rjLSt,jyiciorm^ "Esttmates cheerfully furnished by BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING CO. LTD. ENGINEERS & CONTRACTOR^ HEATING AND VENTILATING Tinamithing, Copper-Smithing, Sheet Metal W o rk ,________^ Specializing in Air Conditioning G. W. H. JACKSON, Manager x nt 1483 Marine Drive '__________________ ____________ '■--I