0 . i w i m r i i w i i s w WiiltM M EN'S W O O L SW E A T E E S "M̂='K'*«rBEtJSI!ro-Wd0MIf^PBE'€0At'1lWBA«ES*"'"̂*̂ "*-*̂*'T " in Blue, Brown & Grey Check Patterns........................ . Price $2.95 MKn ' s FiNE RIBBED ALL WOOL ZIPPER COAT SWEATERS in Blue & Maroon C olo rs............... .'.............. ........................ Price $3.U6'%frM»S%NlVBB«AL*ZIPPE»4<X>AT.tSWmTEES':«*-w,*«̂ .... ,̂., .̂... ** in assorted combination colors........ .....................................Price $4.% McLEOD'S MENS WEAR r 'i Local^and EersoAal , P. W. Phipps has moved into ' a house at 2483 Bellevue Av^ nue. b a p t i s t f r e -t h a n k s g iv in g s e r v ic e s Angrl of tljr BararaL" c.S'* will be given on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, SEP1\ 28th and 25Mli in the Church - Admission by. program only; obtainable from any choir member. WEST v a n c o m :er a m a t e u r sw im m ing clu b SOCIAL at 8 n.m., FRIDAY, SEPT. 23rd, in the Clachan, 4> h I ' ' ■ . 1 ■ ' ' ■ . ■ V ■ ■ ■ ■ J ■ ' ■ . . ■ . ■ ̂■■.,■ ■■ ̂ ■■ V.■■ ■; ■■ ' Dancing - Games - . Cards - Refreshments .........................Admission, 25jjents P U B L IC M E E T IN Q LEGION HALL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 8 P.M. MRS. STEEVES, M X.A. C. G. MacNEIL, M.P., will give ah address on MYOUR BUSINESS AT VICTORIA AND OTTAWA." BA D M IN TO N ̂ BENTLEY RACQUETS........ ."............. $2.70 to $6.50 INDIAN RACQUETS................... -...... 95c and $1.50 SHUTTLECOCKS................ ............ 25c and 35c RE-STRINGS ..................... ....... ........... $1-50 to $4.00 TENNIS BALLS a t HALF PRICE FRED7J0NES, Bicycle Shop; 1439 Emne W A K May he in the offing. Be prepared. Stock up next week at our Serni-Annual One-Cent Sale. Sept. 2S - 29 - 30, October 1st. McNEIL'S REXALL DRUG STORE 1402 Marine-Drive^ ̂ . Phone West ^ 8 , . . . West Vancouver, B. C. I . - ̂ i I 0 Major Law has*returned from the Old Country after an extend- eti trip "and is staying at "Salu- taris," 24th and Waterfront. Miss Loma Thomson has i*e- sumed her duties at Hollybuni Pot Office after her annual va cation. L. A. Brideaon has moved -into a hou^ at .18G5 Bellevue Avenue. 41 * «• The steel rails belonging to the P.G.E. Railway which were taken up last, year, are being moved to North Vancouver for shipment..V . . - 4 1 / , A. C. Sutton of Vancouver, has moved into a house' at 3084 Procter AvenuO. 4i ■ 41 - '41 ... J. Firth is occupying a house at 2696 Bellevue Aveue. 4( 41 41 Major and Mrs. S. S. Penny, after a period of temporary resi dence in Vancouver, have re turned to West Vancouver and are living on Fulton near 14th,41 m 4< Mr. and Mrs. Bricknell who have been spending the summer at Cypress Park, have retumed to Vancouver. ...' 41 4« ■ '■■41 - - ■ '• Mr. and' Mrs. Simpson have moved from 19th*̂ and Bellevue Avenue, into a house at Garrow Bay. 4« 41 41 __ Mr. -and - Mrs. Ewart of couver has taken possession of their new home at Cauifeild.' 41 '♦ 4« Dr. Frank E., Dorchester has " cmhpleted'^arrang^ments to give At the recent convention of the B.C. Municipalities held in Nelson, all Past l^sidents of the Union were elected as Life Members. Among those honored was Councillor.rS. Gisby who was President in 192(5, and Reeve of West Vancouver in 1924 and 1925.*, 41 ♦ 41 , ■ Mr. tmd Mrs. Jim Holt of Vernon, B.C., aie the guests of - Mrs. Holt's parents, Mr. and ■ Mrs. J. M. Stratton, 1468 Marine Drive. ■ 1 0 4< 41 A youth was given six months , in Oakalla yesterday by Police MjigiSjtrute Gordon Robson ̂ for breaking and entering. Stratton's BAKERY h 0 M e :a ia d e JBJHkeLljflk-SJr Ten varietlcB to suit every taste Meat I*le« -- . Cooklen KffleH Cakes -- FaKtrieH Buns an4 R oIIm Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive Phono Weal 27 , Engugcmciti An announcement of excep tionally wide interest is made today by Mr. and Mrs. Adam Middleton Sharpe, 26th and,Hay- wood Avenue, telling of the en gagement of their eldest daugh ter, Alice Kathryn, to Mr. Frank MacKenzie Wiley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Wiley, 124 31st Street.' The bride-elect is a graduate of Vancouver Art School. The Church of St. Francis-in-the-Wood at Cauifeild will be the'setting for the quiet ceremony, which will take place at high noon on, .Wednesday, October 5. ^I ' 41 4t 4< ' ' Graham--Harrington, 4- Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY; FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE Soptoinber 22nd, 23rd and 21th MAKTIIA KAYE "The Big Broadcast of 1938" also NEWS, CARTOON, Etc. a health lecture ii^the Strand- Theatre, Kamlopp^ ̂ at 8 p̂ ih. September 26. He will also at tend the Conservative conven tion to be held in Kamloops,- September^23-and"24;-------------° -♦ 41 ♦ ̂Miss .Peggy Hardman, 21st and Marine Drive, left yesterday to resume her-studies at the col- Jege-in.jQpr.vallaa,.. Oregon. - St. Stephen's Anglican Chur'oh West Vancouver, was the scene of a pretty wedding at 11:30 o'clock Saturday morning, when Evelyn Rosa, second daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. John Harrpigton ol Ardath, Saskatchewan, was unit ed in marriage with Mr. An̂ gus Clarence Graham of Hatzic, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil W a ir^ " Vandufa7" Saskatche-- wan, Rev. Canon G. C. d'Easum officiating. Given in , marriage* by her cousin, Mr. Thomas Almas, the bride was attended by her_sjster, Miss" R ^ a Harrington^Mi^ SAT. EVENl'NG & MONDAY Scpte>»>hc5i' 2 'lth and 2 (Uh LESLIE HOWARD ' BISrrtE DAVIS "IT'S LOVE I'M AFTER': also "UUBINOFF AND HIS VIOLIN" "BOAT BUILDERS" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Scpic'inbor 27lh ..and 28th ■ CLAUDE RAINS GI.ORIA DICKSON "THEY WONT FORGET" (Once only a t .8:15) also "MAMA STEPS OUT" I Mr. and Mrs. Purvis who have Mrs. Simpson and family h^ve xt [been summering at Sandy Cove, moved from 2939 Marine Drive- K.-MaoNaughton has moved [have retumed to their home in and are occupying a house at froi^ Vancouver into a house a ....... 15th and Duchess Avenue. ' ifioo ManriA Dnvp Howard G'ole was the best man. Following the- ceremony a recep tion was held at the home of Mrs. M.^lmas, great-aunt of the -bride TBE HIGHLANDS 1393 Marino Drive Phone West 671 dCeadCup Readings Professor Griffiths Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. iNorth Vancouver. fQUALITy ^€ATS <vo M o r k e f s l*.F 0 0 0 West 190 1578 M arine Drive Sattirday 1590 Marine Drive.♦ ♦ 4t Mrsi A. MacAulay with her 4ias-retur-ned- After a honeymoon spent in, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Gra ham will live in Hatzic. TABLE TENNIS --' I,' ■ ___^ ----- 7.. - '....... ' , Rolled Rib 25c lb. BUTTER first Grade 3 lbs. 78c Fresh Mushrooms ' 25c' a lb.Cross Rib 18c lb.... ' ' -> Shoulder Lamb 16c lbRump, Roast - 18c ib. J. * s if t i is i i i is i i Breast Lamb -iSc lb.0 ' ' SharFRibs * 9c lb. Pot Roast T3c li^ ^ftesh kilkd ̂ F0WL> 50c eaicE RdastrVeal- -- "' 18c Ib. ■Lamb Stew :' 2 lbs l^r 25c. Veal Stew ^ 2 lbs. 25c to her home at 1618 Esquimalt Avenue, after spending the sum| mer _with. her mother in South Dak6ta7 the Tatter o f whom has been ill. . ♦ ♦ ♦ ' . Leslie Mallett of Capilano is a patient in the North Vancou ver General. Hospital owing to a motorcycle accident in which he sustained a broken legT, . 4< ♦ 4< Pi ̂J7rRpbert^nr^'T65^ r^tre^T^lr^j ^ eft forizl^mlO-Qpa,.: The Table Tennis LeagurwiTT open its coming Winter Season, October 6th. It is the intention -of-the-League to encourage-new- teams .and generally further the game in the Municipality, and to that end strong teams will be handicapped. Make up your team now and phone either Jimmie Baxter, West 156-Y or Harry Wells, West 548-X, who are attending.to^the registration of new teams. Book Yoiir Passage to th e Old C ountry Through Your Local Agent CUNARD -- WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full particulars, sailings 'and accommodation. J . T̂t-WATT 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 HOLLYBURN - BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY and NIGHT CLASSES Individual Attention, ~ Phone West' .341 ^__^ 14th and Marine Drive T̂Vjlh- , hunting trip. 7* The.request made by the resi dents affected for an extension pf letter cairrier delivery in the area between lOth and 15th Streets from' Inglewood to Mathers Avenue, has 'been turn ed down by the Post. Office De partment in Ottawa owing to the fact that all the conditions under which delivery i.s, granted' have not been met. __Sunday_School ___and_Young,. People's Bible Class-will be held -at 10 a.m. next Sunday, Septemr her 25th, in Hpllyburn Hall. At the 7 :30 p.m. service ijext Sun day a Gospel addresfr will be given, the speaker being D. L. PoU'oek. Tuesday at 8 p.m. -prayer and, ministry of the Scriptures;:------------- ^ -- Contr^erRridge: FRIDAY,. SEPT. 23rd, 8 p.m. Admission 35c.■ ... Further information West 010 Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Barne.s, 25th and Marine Drive, have left for a motor trip to Alberta. d ; V. A. The next meeting of the D.V., = A., West Vancouver-Branch, will be held at the home of Mr. Rankin, 2322 Inglewood Avenue, at 8 p.m. Tuesday, September '27th. - 0 0 0 EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON - . (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine'Dririe INSTAL DELGO nowIf# Goal (PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS J , AIR CONDITIONERS - Oil Q to lc r p u Can be installed under Home Improvement I B u m e r s d tO K r e S - » Plan or National Housing Act, _ _ on Display, a t ' R . E. JO H N S tO N CO. LTD. B. C. |>ISTRIBUTORS ^ 1070-H om er-S t.j-V ancouver, B .C . -- ---------^50_0._Ff>rjLSt,jyiciorm^ "Esttmates cheerfully furnished by BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING CO. LTD. ENGINEERS & CONTRACTOR^ HEATING AND VENTILATING Tinamithing, Copper-Smithing, Sheet Metal W o rk ,________^ Specializing in Air Conditioning G. W. H. JACKSON, Manager x nt 1483 Marine Drive '__________________ ____________ '■--I