/ ' •■ ./S3[ WEST VAN. UNITED CHUflCB Cor. 21st & Esquimslt Av«. UEV. w; VANCE, B:A„ MInl*(*r 2047 Gordon Avenuo Phone West 244«H Bumlsy Servieesi lltt.m , A7it'20p.tn« Strsn^fers and Visitor^ ore welcome Upswept Hair ! Fashion demands it! BAPTIST CBUBCB Minister Iter. W. L. McK«r, aA., aD . Sunday Serrirea 10:00 a.m.--Church School in* • - ............. cludinji Adult dooff. 11 tt.m. & 7:80 p.in.--Preaehlnur Services. ' A hearty welcome to all 1I'.' " * it in ' ̂h An cjccc'licnt foundation for tills now t'Oiiruro is one of our OUAHT, PERM AN ENT WAVES out und styled to stay up. Por uppointinenl Phono West 117 Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe » I li' .̂(t, ',! Creators of Exclusive Permanents, 1546 Morine Drive West 117 H O L L Y B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S 1890 Marine Drive PHONE WEST 583 MISS D. II. HORIE HOLLYBDRIf HALL I4th and Duchess SUNDAY, Sept. 25th, at 10 n.m. Sunday School and Younjf People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 g o s p e l a d d r e s s i Speaker; . MR. I). L. POLLOCK TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prhyor and Ministry of the Scripture.s ' WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CBUBCH EDIFICE 20tb *nd Buiuim dt. UoUybnrn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mnssschusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. ̂ . Sunday, Sept. 2.5th, SUBJECT: . "REAUTY" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meetinir Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public Is cordially In vited to attend our services and meetinKS. h a n d y A lW s h o p , Marine § p ^ i S i l ' S i a l C H i '6 % '" 4 i i ^ 'S i M arfhalljW eJ|£ P a io ts , E o s m els, V^mi$hes, One week .Only--Scptcmber 23rd to 29tti. ' MRS. F. KNIGHT-HODGE Teacher of PIANOFORTE VIO UN THEORY RcHumed lessons September, 12th. . Special attention to. beginners. Students prepared for any exams. .' Studio und Residence: 1332 Duchess Avenue. Residence*Phone A * " ? 1 •V'„ D /i. G, D .H . SE A LE D.D.S.,,aD.S. DENTIST May Block', T4tli and Marine Dr. Oince Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evsnings by appointment. ^ l^one West 72 »1 . l' ■i,' .7 • + [>' DR. McRAU D E N T I S T ,ji formerly o f -705 Mcdicul-Dentul Building Hours; 9 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. I r 1800 Marine^ Drive WcHt 432 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay • 1545 Duchess Ave. The church school meets at 10 o'clock and „ Rally. Day will be observed next'Sunday. It is hoped that every member of the school, young" and old, will.be on hand. There will be an , open se.s.sion and Miss Winnifred Francks will speak. . ' 'Phe pastor will speak,on the subject, "The Value of Enthusi asm," at the morning service, aiid in the evening, "The .Main Is.siur." Strangers and visitors are cordially invited.. r' 'Phe Yioiing People's Society will meet on Monday at 8 o'clock, 'i'hose who attended Kent's Is land Assembly will be respons ible for the program. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. J. Millay, O.Prem. Pastor MARGUERITE. WILCOX, A.T.C.M. Silver Medalist PIANOFORTE and THEORETICAL SUEJECrfs Associate teacher of Kenneth Ross and i attendant of Stojowski Master Classes ^ PLAYING lOLASSES - RECITALS - MUSICAL FESTIVAL ' * Any Exams. Studio: 1488 Inglewood Avenue. Residence Phono Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon :-- 10:15 a.m. / / _ 'Rosary and Benediction ■-- 7:45 p.m. •' Catechism and Bible Class-- 2̂:00 p.m. Week-day. Services Mass -- 7:00 a.m. , . , Fridays--Rosary, B^nedicti^ 7:45. Saturdays,,-- Confessionso;-7430 to 8:30 p.m. D0F=10THY MURRELL T E A C H E R O F V IO L O N C E L L O (Associate Teacher of Edgar C. Glyde, .L.Mus.T.C.L., L.T.C.L., L.R.A.JM,) ̂ STUDENTS PREPARED FOR EXAMINATIONS 2303 King's Avenue, West Vancouver., West 770 ' MAVIS W lL|.COX Voice Production * Interpretation . . Pupils prepared for Exams and. Festivals. EDWINA WILLCOX, L.R.S.M., Assistant Teacher . > Accompaniste Studio: 174 Queen^s Road W., North Lonsdale...............Residence Phone- "KEEP-FIT" CLASS FOR WOMEN. \ [ Jl'ir: I 't; 3 r̂tnrrrT; EMtablishod on North Shore_ 25"'Years" I7 UNITED CHURCH __21_st' and Esquimau Ave. Rev. William Vance, Minister (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS'. LTD. funeral iire^tors -Hoi lybu rn̂ «̂ -uher̂ PHome- 1,8th and Marine r -------- West-434---- Next Sunday at 11 a.m. the minister will have as his theme, -"What Makes an Ideal Church ?" In the .eyehing wCsaVe initiat ing a montliV service which will |)"e_of--ispeG-ial--̂ in4ei- North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street. Phono North 184 Vancouver Parlors -&6-Tonth- -Avbnue~Ea:8t~ lovers and to young people. Rev. Mr-- Î̂ urldi older,--secretary_jof Young People's*" work"' in B.C., will -be" the special speaker and .the music will include a male -solOr-and. 1 WQ-iD>-(.fu îrtetter-a- Spme time ago enquiries were , made of Ian Eisenhardt, Pro- . vincial Director of Recreational and Physical Education, as to . the - possibilities of having a_._. " gym," class for wom^n organ- . ■ dh~"West""ViuicouveTT His " - reply in part reads: "I wish to inform, you that if this Depart ment can be assured of a good enough registration and attend ance ̂jLhls__,,cpmm̂ . _we s^uSlHhe-only" t̂© l̂ad4o-est-ablish-S ;'keep-fit" exercises for wiOimen in West Vancouver; in addition to the classes we have for men." ' and h.lso"The time of the class will be one which will best suit ERNEST E. BARKER, Registered Optometrist announces the opening of'the W E S T V A N C O U V E R O P T I C A L P A R L O R S EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED - OPTICAL REPAIRS Executed Quickly and Accurately 1446 Marine Drive ' Telephone; W est 702 -all-ithê ladiesT • r !A School for Boys, Grades 1 to .12; Fall Term ' opened September 12th, 1938. ^Physical Training to all pupils; Temporary location in the Legion Hall, '■"r Phone Fair. 134 ' t ; • 'i The French Beanty iSalon For Work of Quality Wii Hjieeialize in line, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 thems by twehty-five voices.. "The Present World ,Out|ook" will be the; title of an address given by Mrs. J. Stuart Jamie son, of ̂ the "Current Events Club," at the annual Tall Tea-' of '-"j ' 7 ,\. GYKOMA TEA und COFFEE ____SH()P 1706 Marine Drive See Our Sjiecials: 'I'ea - Coffee - Cocoa - Spices At prices to suit all. ---- ^D e 1 i very l i p the Women's Association, on the afternoon of Friday, Sept. 30th, in the__Church fiall. Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, president and general convener, is responsible for th"e program which is of more than usual interest at this time. Vocal selections will be given by Mrs. Bert Stockdale. Mrs. Norman Harris will convene the tea ar rangements, and the decorating ̂will,be in chm*ge of Mrs. W. Tin- ney and Mrs. A.̂ Garthorne. 4N#-.ohly-members' all vvpmerrP :b£±:tEklcbmmWj£^?sbaMdL^ In order to find out how many women, married or single, older or younger, would be interested in the formation qf such a class, a list of names is being drawn Tip"at thF BTC."Electric Co. store, " 18th and Marine 'Drive. The Principal, ME Ernest G. Allen, will be in attendance a t the Legion Hall every day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to meet parents and enroll " pupils. - ---- . ' ____ Phones: West 573;. Evenings, Douglas 1795-L. corner 16th and Marine. If any would like to "k-^p fit" this winter, they "are *asked to please s/ign theirjiames and pref erences for an afternoon or even ing class before the end of the week. W. M. S. Gardenia Cleaners 2162 Marine Drive CLEANING . PRESSING Alterations - Hats Cleaned (.:iothe,s called for and delivered The regular monthly meetings of the Women's 'Missionary So ciety of-t-he'";ynited Church jive're resumed Tuesday, thre""'20th in- ' i?^as."a4go(^ w hearing .such a timely topic dis cussed by one with the Intellf-' ^ n t grasp of present day events possessed by Mrs, Jamieson, attendance. Arrangements were made"for the autirmn"tbanlcsgiv- ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd'and. Fulton Rev. F. A.'Ramsey, Rector ing^and word for answer to roll call is "thank" - or "thankful ness." ance meeting followed in dialogue form: - -. . - - The subject of "TempeT- " held over from the June .. '-p.'irte'VS!, ji; mmp:^ BARCLAY PHO'i'OGRAPHERa SPECIAL One 5 7 Colored Portrait in folder for ?1.00. _ Phone West 710 .-We do amateur finishing.' Mrs, Barclay, formerly of Hud- - sou's Bay, Company Studio. -THE West Van News Sunday,' September 25th, 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. _ ,11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. ^7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. ' ' Thursday, Sept. 29th, 10:15 a.m. --Holy ;(ik)mmunipn. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.-- Ŵ.,A. Study " Meeting. ------St.Francis-in-the-Wood------ ' Caulfeild DEATH OF KENNETH McDONALD B . C , B ie c X iA ic x x i / i x ih A J u 4 A ̂ LnxJzeA ^^ m o /x leA - CuFixi. a H Q -ilie ^ M tQ A xx4 4 d ^M j. .̂ :Aed:Jzed xijpteA i20 ^ i30 JixudAA. Kenneth McDonald of 1497 A e / i iU o e , Published Every Thursday iSunday ̂ 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Prayer and Sermon. MS-;-' Publisher WMrS P. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 , Business and. Editorial Office; 1704 Marine Drive Pjhone West 55 _no rth : sh o r e_local-- COUNCIL OF WOMEN Bellevue Avenue, passed away last Monday in his fifty-fifth year. ,He is survived by three brothers, Neil D. in New Jersey; -Fred--in- York,- -J r̂ince--Edward- Island; and James A. in West Summerland. Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m. yesterday in the city, the Rev. C. C. Owen ofKciating, .and__interment__was_ • 't North Vancouver OflFice: . . 123 Lonsdale Ave. The genei'al meeting of the . North Shore Local Council of Women will be held at the Elks' Hall, West Esplanade, on Mon day, Septeniber 26th; at" 2:30 made in the Returned Soldiers' Plot, Mountain View Cemetery. p.m. $1,00 a year by carrier: 2̂.00 a year - s hy mail All miembers are requested to attend,-^ Mrs. Fi'ank-Nicholson left on Monday to rejoin Capt. Nichol son in Vernon, where they will reside in the; future. Mr. and -Mrs. Eric Husband have taken , the residence of Capt. and Mrs, Nicholson in Wost Vanbouver. 2 /te A a ^ed i yt̂ ĵ lace. A n A iA a e t Ad xpn XI 3X/ie,et Qa-7 xiA B ud-! J A'"'