V M V., . ------ ---------- . ' / . . "•.^Jv«'* •-^SVj: -̂' vr.,- v. ̂ ' *«. , ' '«?*••«'■ /?-S ■*•'« '■t' 1̂ r 0m n fH B WEST VAN NEWS 22N D A N N U A t SW IM M ING G A L A A T W E S T V A N CO U V ER M e a ts --* P b o n e W est 370 SuRgestlcMiH fo r F R ID A Y a tid SA T U R D A Y , Au«r. 2 6 th a n a 27 th r l i > CANN £11 FOODS GOLDEN COHN, No. I tin ........ : l ie ' Tender BnnUm, Cream Style. Del Malx COHN NIBLKTS No. I t.in ................... .......... ;;:.... h c Hed and White FEA8. Sieve 5 2 No. 2 Una.......... ............. .......... 21c Hed and White TOMATOISB Squat tin .................................... 9c SALMON...................2 No. I Una 19? ' Hed and White PEACHES'^ JIalvea ................... ....Squat tin 17c Hed and White PEAKS. Uniform halvea......... ...Squat tin 19e Hed and White COFFEE Irradiated...................... I-lb. tin 3.7c Packed in n vacuum Mealed Jar I lb. Jar .... i...... .......................... 37c Save the Coupona for Valuable Premiuma. AUNT MAHV'S COFFEE..J, lb. 2.5c Hed and White SOUPS.......3 Una 25c VeKetoble -- "'roinato.- ------------ - ,- Hed and White Brand TOMATO , JUICE ........................... i 10 ox. tln« 21c MEATS The W est Vancouver Swim ming . Club and the Provincial Recreation Centre com bing to successfully promote the 2 2 nd Annual Gala a t J^u^i^rave last Saturday, August Reeve J. B. Leyland officially opened the meet a t 2:30 and ex cellent performance.s kept the large audience on the ed g e or.. " ' __i... -ni„uii..*4!rt« ihviMOrLEGS OF CHOICE SPR IN G ^ iheTr' s^T«7 'ExhiWlion diving Id* ....................... avtA 11 finfshed dis-LAMB, per SHOULDERS OF CHOICE SPRING LAMB (Whole) per lb. ........................ 2 0 c SHOULDER ROASTS of Milk- Fed Veal, per lb................... 18c FRESH FISH DAILY COD, per lb.......... :...........-..... 14c SALMON, per lb......................22c SMOKED ALASKA COD, lb. 22c SMOKED KIPPERED SALMON per lb.................................... 2 2 c Gcef -- Poirk -- Lamb -- Veal Absolutely Top Quality by Ed. Kelter and a finished dis- play of life saving and swimming by. the Royal Life Saving Display team leadership of Miss Violet Mellish rounded out the program. Iro- phies and prizes were presentAHl to the successful competitors by Mrs. J. B. Leyland. The detailed results of the events Ore as follows: „ ̂ 1, Boys, 10 and under, 25 yds. P'jpee Style-- 1, Bobbie Currie; 2,>, X 1 .. ___ J 1ft on/» Senrice; THERE IS BUILDBES* SUPPUEq NOSdBSTItlJTC-- ROOFINQ SASH & DOORS S H IN 0 L E ^ ~ ^ ---- PLYWOODS roRQUAUTy WALLBOABD l a t h t i l e ■' . " . Y ' '. ' ■ j • CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. \|^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO . LTD. IBth i Uterine Drive PJuwe Welt 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rata for CloafllBed AdverUMmenli la i em to per word, minimum 26 centi.: Except In the cow of thow having regular aceounta, all daMhza cenui. «.*v«Fe •« t--, " 7 - - - nceounti, all claiU* AmIh atm DBvable atrlcUy In advance..:., , Remember Claaalfietui In the Weet Van Newa get Immediate resulto. ■ ■ __ - ■ .......... ..... I........................... '• ■■■ ■ - - . - GORDON HOBSON -- Borrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4190 a t West Vancouver ..any titne by appointment, West 403. ' * WANTED--Furniture, Stoves, Tools etc. We buy, sell and exchange' Phono North 481, Vinick's Purnl.! ture, 06-70 Lonsdale Avenue. MELOGHAIN HEALTH OATS 20 oz. I*kt.......................... .......... 15c Qu a k e r PUFFED WHEAT pkt. 9c Hed and While MARMALADE , 4 lb, tin ............................. .......... 41c 1 . j■ ' i . I H . . . I-::!.'? ( */? CANADA PACIFIC . ^ EXHIBITION (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. A. D. MpKae, Lieut.-Col. George M. Endacott arid Mr, Norman Drysdale. O f,far reaching interest and u .major event of the Exhibition will be the impressive ceremony COUNCIL NOTES John Smallwood. Time, 18 .sec. , 2. Girls, 10 and under, 25 yds. PYee Style--1 . 'June Penn; 2,, Fina Smith. Time.l8--l/5 sec!...... 3 . Boys 12 and under, 25 yds. P\ee Style (Taylor Trophy) -- 1, Jack Fordham; 2, Dick Wood. Time 16 sec. 4. Girls 12 and under, 25 yds. LAWN MOWERS SHAKPENED ~ Special machine; repairs* parts* West Vancouver Machine Shop, 144S Marine. ____ FOR s a l e -- Bath tub $9; McClary . Kootenay Range $5. West 685-L.i CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- SaWdust burners intalled; furnace repairs. Phone G. Moldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 822. , FOR RENT -- West Van. furnished 8,room.-cottage, modern, low rent ' Sept:::ist; Box" TOrWest Van Ncw« He stated it was th^ intention of 'the owner to operate a kinder- .............. .. garten and asked that the Coun- oif unveiling the memorial erect- would permit the building to , W. Brooks appeared -before the Council to speak to bis letter . -* - . . 1 7 0 /K of 13 August re 2397 Bellevue Jocelyn-Simpson. Time 17 3/5 avenue (owner Miss R* Elliott). Free Style (Gordon Gray Tro phy) -- I, Lorna Greenway; 2, EXCAVATING,' Clearing; day or con tract. Experienced men, modern - machinery. Rush 'jobs. Kissick, West ,2B2-L., FOR SALE.,-- Toronto Couch in ex* eollont condition. A bargain. Apply to 1744 Argyle Ave., West 407-R. .'■̂1 iJ ,̂.-LM "> i ed by members of the 29th Bat talion Association in tribute to late comrades and in perpetua tion of the name of the 29th Battalion, C.E.F. Hundreds of veterans from B.C. and outside be altered as proposed .in the plan. 5. Bioys 14 and under, 50 yds. Free Style' (C. .Hoss Tate Tro phy)--!, Don Penn; 2, Billy Reid. Timie 31 4/5 sec. 6 . Girls 14 arid under, 50 yds. Free Style (Col..Savory Trophy) A. C. WHITE, Barrister & Solicitor, " 1447 -Marine, West 546. Vancouver associates: Russeil,. Russell, Du- Moulin & DuMoulin;. 850 West Hastings. . *, • WAR PENSIONER wants to rent 4 room house, neighborhood Dun- darave, no rth 'o f Marine Drive'pre ferred, from Sept.,-permanent. Rent - about $12..- W est: 866, or letters to M.K., care* of 2411 Hay wood. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor,, Suite 4, Hollybum. Block. * WANTED -- 4 rooms furnished by Sept. 15th or .doth. Phone West 776-R, between 5:30 and 7:30. S e -h o u .se r th a M iie re -^ The Council replied that only one large class room with ade- S ta in^y . Time 35 4/5 sec. , quatc lighting would be allowed ^ under, .50 yds. in the basement, tha t it have ac- ® • T " cess on the level to the front of Pom fret; 2, Bud Kissick. WESTERN WOODWORKERS, Uar- penter and Jpiners--^Wood. work of all descriptions; cupboards, drawers, alterations, etc. Glass and glazing.. • 14TC Clyde. Phones: Shop" West 740; Residence West 443-R. WANTED Suite! or small cottage, furnished, Sept. 1. 'Phone West ' 448-L. LOST -- White Canvas Boat from 29th And W aterfront. Reward. West 147-L-2. ; 'V-.ft'n '.'■f I * *- ' protection between it and the 7-^ ' furnace room, and that there, bê ^̂ ; "" no other room or sleeping quar- Uiana . ters in the basement ; , . '-- ----------- ----- -7---- - 9 . Boys over 16, 50 yds."Free , , , ri I ̂ i-u T̂* J Style (Vinson Trophy)--!, Jud -- ' . , , w ^u* Diamond Armstrong;- 2,p Boss Rathie., stage-will include bands, vocal- Itealty Co., was present a t the - xime 29 4/5 sec ists, dancers and the Versatile ; request on qj Ĵs over 16, 50 yds.. FOR BENT --* Furnished housekeep* __^ingLr-Oftm,_nejar-Jfia*rj^__13.51_CJyde. 31st, a t 2 p.m., when L'ieut.- Governor Eric W. Hamber un veils the seven-ton memorial hewn from finest B.C!-granite__ Afternoon and evening pro grams, presented on an outdoor MARCEL SHOP Thermique Steam Permanents; only: best materials hsed. E xpert operators* Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building^' Avenue, Hollyburn. WANTED Girl for housework. Sleep out. Box 71, West Van News. [ ' • I-} J i i Vets Show. iV^sic contests dur-" behalf of Chas^ Pree* Style "(Lady Alexandra :ing:the-liabor~Day::weeIr=endiwillr:irPf L.-1065, vv.'/2 of 5V^-2-l be -,rp^Q^pi^y_^j Martin* also be free to the public, . divided into two equal portions. - 2 Bernice Barbour Time 33 sec Additional entertainm ent will , He was advised that permis- ̂ n " T o y s 16 and be provided in daily horse races - •"•op pouid not be g r a n te d ^ the ^Breast Stroke--1, Bill Simpson; and along the Midway for which would ̂be a 2 , Don Montgomery. Time 39 PHIL CHAPMAN ~ For all forms of Insurance, ̂ i r e and Auto accidents take their daily toll. A small prem ium ;protects you. For rates apply '2557 King's Avenue.' Phone West 42-Y-,3. V- *- JHIzA/-ROBERTS--Ltd--r---List:p^onr~ property with us. Clients waiting.' 1447 Marine,-West 546. FOR SALE -- Cosy compact 4 room- fully modern new bungalow, furn ace, glorious view, fenced garden, fruit trees,* completely furnished brand new .furniture.! Ovmer must > sell, sacrifice house and furniture, $2700 with ■, $506 down, -balance -- monthly yH.~E:*W-HIFPIN-AGENCY- 1520 "Marine" Drive. absolutely, hew shows and rides municipal 275 sec. - I I, ̂-ar̂ \ have been secured. •hy=taw r i I > ' in ̂!S * I Mjss Strawbridge has-recenl- ly arrived from England on a visit to her neice, Mrs, H, B., Gray, 2985 Marine Drive. W. C. T. U." The W est' Vancouver W.C.T. U;' held a very pleasant Garden -A r ir . 12. Girls 16 and under, 50 yds. Breast Stroke-- I," Diana Chapman; 2, Betty Marentette. Time 45 l /5 "sec, ' ' ' ' ' 13. Boys river 16, 75 yds. Medley Swim (CripelandTrophy) Xr - - - BOARD AND ROOM in - lovely new ' home, ideal location, all home'privil- eges,. excellent meals', reasonable. --West-863=Ijh=':-----------------:----- ^ FOR RENT -- 4 and 6 room Suites, hotwater heated, electric range, fireplace. W est 655-R. ^RLJEL0JR_JH0JISBK0J8K^^ -• 'W" ,ol &lf Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, Bathing, Boating, Fishing, Tea-rooms, Home-Cooked Meals Sandy Beaches, Cottages for rent by Month or Week Beamer, 17th and Ottawa Ave- The Freach iiue; on Thursday afternoon, A ugust 11th. " Tea was served fro m , tables set on the lawn. Master Roy Hendrickson delight ed everyone with his selections on the accordian and the young people enjoyed games lof croquet while the older ladies explored the gaixlens and alpng the c^eek. Mrs. James Gray, provincial W. C.T;U. president, snokp a few. Fagan. Timp 57 1/5 sep. 14. Girls oyer 16," 75 yards _._MedIey Swim (Mp]ly_ Edward.s_ 'IVophy)-- 1̂,.Diana Chapman; 2, Pauline Grebr. Time 69 2/5 sec. . 1 5 . Boys' Blindfold Swim -- - 25 yards--1, Fred Foster; 2. Bill Simpson. T6. Girls' Dry Towel Swim-- 25 yards--1, Jean Allen; ;2, Betty Marenfette. 17. Qirls-under 15 -- Diving XG_W€lq Clay Trophy)-r-l, Muriel. WANTED TO BUY -- Advertiser wishes'to setUe in.West/Yancouver;- wahts 5 or 6 room modern home on- large lot; preferably with view; will make substantial cash payment. Reply, giving full details to Box 72, -West_ Van Newa;:--I--------------- ------ hours in morning. ' Phone West 367-R-3. ' FOR SALE--Singer Sewing Machine, good cqpdition; - West 645-R. TO RENT -- Furnished three room cottage. W est 159-R-2. WHYT»AYi.RENT? _When_.this, well-builtjiew.five roomed - stucco bungalow Can be . had on easy terms. Two bedrooms, .living room with fireplace- and oak fioor, kitchen with tiled sink and ample cujjboards, dinette, vfulPsized .'concrete basement with laundry tubs,' furnace, elegant . view, close in. Full Price $2900.00. C. J. ARCHER Ltd., West 225., , HANDY ANN SHOP. 2442 M a^ n ^ Notions, Sewing Cotton, Sheen, Silk, , Twist, Ribbofi, - Elastic, Children's -- / Socks,--Men's Socks, -Ladies-Stock ings, Darning Wool, Eye Shades, Summer Hats.' JUNH -- -WE. STILL BUY Every- ̂ thing of valuer^ bottlea^ rags, sacks, metals; furniture;, stoves, tools, etc. Call W est 91 and we;bring the cash to your ;:dpori<wBurrard Junk Co. West 91." '.A- J(?f. J* , ,, »■■ ̂■;;; --b~r J •* -i.' 'jtI ! m tmI * ^ Wo Bpecmllze in fine, grey and, ,whito-hair.- 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 serving Were:-Mrs. McPherson, Miss. H...CpIpitts,^Mrs._.Hawkes,_ Miss M. Richardson, Mrs! J. Husband and Miss Phillip. feysn3ifder^i5"^ '^ p iv m :,(B.C. - Electric Trophy) ^ T, - Fre.d^Foster-;-2,-Don-Pennr yi ivi 1 - y.iaVi-H* i i J = \ ¥'rKj4C'-5-oĉ"Wt ̂ ̂ ^ l i i i l l l l •' >'4mWdv -r I S l M '! m im M i l i i ; ; / '/ I ; l Hi I. M ' ' I •! ?i L- i; 'Jr i ,<r|' ' ' I < •'! i n i ' I m m h ' i p i B l'. i ' .H 'j■■HiriSiiili;,:-: \ , DAVID SPONGER U m iteil Now offers you Vancouver C ity P rii^ on Fuel Purchases "tt A continuous supply of No. 1 Fir Sawdust Is carried Summer and M^inter By ordering now you can assure yourself a fair price throughoutihe entireReason. ° For Wood and Coal Ranges Try. our special delivery of Fresh. Cut Fir Edginigs 3 cords for $9.00, Remember: Extra-delivery charges on Wood, Coal# Sawdust arenow eliminated. Avoid extreme-winter pficea by dealihg with us excluaively.-- - TeIephonG_lD:iDity_1112 . . Fuel Department DAVID SPENCER II A tw ap» th9 B e s t a t Sp«ne«rfa o 19. , Boys over !5* -- Diving (Pacific W ire T rophy)-- 1, Phil Brine; 2, Jud Armstrong. 20; Girls !5 and over'-- Div ing-- (Anderson^^Trophy ) ^ = -V laroilA; FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- . --.land,._£U44;:JMahoh.5^Asaeaue, North nrid"gff^& G o if tra c t ^ ^ Homes of Distinction. Alterations " Repairs MASON'S-TA XI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured -- West 512. - - -- . --------------- 825 Re-Roofing 22nd Street . Maureen M artin; 2, Bernice Bar bour. 21. Public- School Relay (W. V.A.S.C. Trophy) -- 1, Girls' Team: Lorna G r^nw ay, Pamela Haslam, Eva Turvey, June Penn, Greta Haley, Peg Milner, G. Haley. r>r - ' 22. Mixed Relay -- High School Boys and Girls (Ian ..Brown Mem. T i^ h y )--1, East Team: Jud A m strorig, Maureen Martin, P at Fagan, P at Staans- by> Malcolm Douet, Betty Wood bury. 23. Tads Race_-- !,iB arbara N eil; 2, Lorraine-Townsend.----- w Aggregate;(C. Ross Tate Trophy)--!,. Maureen Martin. The infant son of Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Shellard, who has been for some time in the North Vancouver General Hospital, is now back a t his home a t 1457 Duchess Avenue; TUEL SUPPLIES West 582 PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street , Wood, Coal, Sawdust TOPSOIL -- GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside......... Mill Fir. Inside .... Fireplace F i r ............... Green Alder ............... F ^ a c e Blocks........... SPECIAL-- .$5.50 Cord . 5.50. ** - . 4.50* . 5.50 . 4.60 II 41 No. 1 F ir Edgings..... 3.50 Cord 3 ^ r d s ............-..^..$10.00 ... 6_COTds (5 .Loads) $16.50 --; Slabs & Edgings ;..................3 Cords $!i.00 " V* -T'j..................... .$5:00 CordLimited amount. * o * -f^WDUST SPECIALS S a ^ r a ......... .............$3.50 per-unit' -------- ----------?3.00. per unit CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office a t 1436 MaHne DiWe 3 ' GOBDON ROBSON -- Barrister & "Solicitor, 510 W; Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t W est 'Vancouver any time by appointment," W est 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405- Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or W est 553-R-l. ' A REAL REST fo r Tired Folks - Restawhile Convalescent Home, 136 27th Streets 'W est 86-L-2. p a in t in g AND DECORATING -- J. „H. " Wedley, ' formerly wiA ' C. L. Konings. Phone West 651-X. Estim ates'free, • . ' - GUESTS -- Transient and Permanent "Sunlit Lridge/' West Bay. Miss Campbell; Wrist. 379-Y-2: LOANSI/ARRANGED -- Dominion Housing A c t o t h e r .plans. Gor---̂. j - r i j 4tint r\t' West-don/'Oray^CSeiririour 4991, or KNOWLTON.&; PERRIN ' T. .*1 1 jV' o p t o m e t r is t s ■;H«Royai;;Bai& Wedsi'-and Saturdays--2 - 5 p.m. 'Tuesdays and'W eds.--7 -9 p.m. . We^t'375-L-2 ' Seymour 2635 - Seymour 8II0 -V