l̂ ^̂ î lî ^wftŜ iwttpSSfSfP̂ ■It,, ,..,,.1 ,.̂ «,y.«̂ ŝ j-,„>n,4f,;,j.-v îi.vs,«.r'"». i»e-„.Jf, , . ,„ -V, , , :' ~"";<M ?̂ ®»?|f|5|3S||ilfiSi||SI||§î î ^ A ~ W e e M y ......................................... .............. ............................................................................................................................................. . . . , • • ■ -- ̂ ............... ........... ........ _.................. ^ C i r c u / a t i f i g w t h e D i s t r i c t o f . W e s t V a n c o u v e r ^ A m b l e s i d e f H o H y b n r h - , W e s t o n i i D u n d a r a v e $1.00 per y®*r. ̂ ff. {(V-- ■ Cypress Park^ Cau(feil^i Whytecliffi E.tc. fi(&;ptT copy mt new»»t»nd«. MkllMlAMilllli Y o i.x in H O L L Y B U R N P .O .. W E S T V A N C O U V E R . B .C .. T H U R S D A Y . A U G U S T 25th . 1938 N o . 13 EDUCATION HOLLYBURN HALL At this time of the year, when the lionff summer holidays rh-Hwinff to a close, the thoughts of Canadians generally " Ki turning once more to the question of education. S n e d by the efforts of th e educationaliste, who have become f «tp years one iof the most vocal bodies in the land, the subject has begun to bulk very largely in the popular imagin- ^^ '̂^^Education is not .an end, but only a means' to an end. It no powers of creation, either of. mind or body. The most !f ,.nn do althiough this is a very important and;indeed a most ■ i r f u n c t io n to the well being of any nation, is to develop in iho farthest extent the^ physical and moral and intellectual powers of its~'citiz€nEr'of^all;,agesrbut~especially, of course, - the young. ■ ' Mother N ature is very sparing in her distribution of ..nnmifll irifts. else hum anity would become so clever, and s o strong tha t the race would destroy itself. Only a few are born with the talents necessary to reach the heights, And in most instances these, will scale. Ihern in spite of'̂ the initial handicaps of a lack of education, or will fight for and obtain, flt anv rate in Canada, that, knowledge which is.necessary fnr their progress. One has-^only to turn to the careers of mir leading men today for verification of th is statement. There it will be found th a t the-most of them earned the fees ' necessary to place them a t the bottom of the ladder of success. -W ho^is-an-edueated-nian - That-isone-lof-therhardest Sunday School and Young People's Bible Classavill be held a t 10 a.m. next Sunday,' August 28th, in Hollybum Hall. A Gos pel address will be given a t the 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday, when the speaker, W. Woods, will take as his subject, "Some- Songs of Zion." Tuesday at 8 p.m. prayer and Bible study. FERRY TO BRING BAND BACK Brown--Davis lie of the loveliest weddings cvlsr solemnized a t Canadian POSTAL DELIVERY vs. .. REAL ESTATE AGENTO our jiex t issue. A special ferry will leave M ^iorial Church was held F n- Ambleside Dook a t 10 a.m. on day evening,. when in a double Saturday, Septemfeer 3rd, for wedding ceremony, which oc- Keat's Island to bring the W est casioned much interest all over Vancouver School Band back the province Where the principals from their annual camp. I t will are well known, two sistera^were reach Ambleside on the re tu rn married, Mias Margui'et Eliza- trip about 4:80 p.m. Any think* both Davis to Mr. Thomas Jack ing of making the trip aiMj asked son Brown of 2478 Nelson Ave- to keep the date open. , nue, and Miss Catherine Joanne Full particulars will appear in Davis to Mr. John Ew art ol Questions in the world to'answ er. Certainly it is by no means necessarily a m atter of university degrees or certificates of standing obtained in the examination halls. Most of us have met some graduates of well known universities to whom we wiould never apply the term , while there are others with no handles to their names who by reason of knovdedge obtained -otherwise wp. certainly regard as educated.. Tha t indeed is the crux ofi the whole matter,- the judgm ent o fh is f^lows, for no man who is iteally "educated would ever describe h im ^lf as such, since he probably hardly re a liz e s '^ w hat he has unconsciously- attained- or--else-fbels_his_-knowledge to h§_bMt_ a drop in the ocean of m aterial available to the student. Canadian education' is concerned or ought to be ooncerned chiefly in the.makiiSg.\bf ̂ d iealthy ^ d normally .intelligent citizenry with sound"idea& ^ righ t and wrong. W hich,,of , Toorse, 'raise^he"'#ie»fci&ih'trfritist"*w]lrAt*'shouldrb^ |= o u r^ sd if io ls ? An-Oxford-don-^pf--many-yearsLexperienc€:once Jealous of the success of the West Vancouver Real Estate Agents in defeating the Merch ants for the Lawn Bowling Cup, the W est Vancouver Postal De livery service have issued ̂ a challenge to the realtors for its possession. The challenge has been accepted and the match , . will take place on the local bowl ing green, by courtesy of the Lawn Bowling Club on Tuesday, T^A ugiist 30thV""'at"'̂ 7 :30 rp.m .' THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar Priiicotdn; Throe sisters of the brides- eloct were in attendance, Mrs. Raymond'Helllwell as matron of honor and Miss Helen Davis and Everybody invited. CANADA PACIFIC EXHIBITION When the curtain 'rises on the _38th-iannualjCanadaJPacific_Ex-. told us that it m a t te r^ little V hat s a b j^ ts th e student took up, so long as they wci% sufficiently difficult to<force hini to think, and further, th a t a thorough knowledge of the English language must take precedence over'any study of the dead languages. . . 7 ' ' -- ; * . ' / - : . ' -r 'e~wiiPbe^ew'Canad~iahs~wherWi'll-notrh.eartilyTcndprse-- these . opinions. The first implies th a t the student must learn hibtion in Vancouver on August 29th, it will reveal the most com prehensive picture of natural re- - - sources,_ ..agricultural .interests,. manufactured products, hobby . activities and entertainm ent ever assembled fo r' a W estern . Canada audience., s^en-day-ex^^ __hLbition will beja cqloHul cayal-^ cade of nearly one hundred elab- Some chap called Brockington ' Miss E tta Davis as bridesmaids, made the law laugh a t the Bar Mr. David P. H. Brown suPPOi*t- Association dinner dast Friday ed his brother, and_ the ushers by exploding a few dry ones, wore Mr. Raymond Helliwell, Mr. They've got to be dry to* appeal Peter Bird of Prince Rupert, and to lawyers, and not like the lOines Mr. .Alex, de la Mare; Ih e you and I spiH, brother, * in the brides, whio are the daughters cool of the evening. You'd want of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Davis, your jokes dry, too, if you pored/ were united in marriage by the over law books every day:.andr:R ev.- G r-H arrison-V illettrjand drew lip hundreds of diocuments . the Rev. Hillis Wright. every week all starting with:. , gowns were Medici models with "whereas." ' The whole of law is high collars and girdled waistr built up on th a t word, and hot .lines. Full, wide shoulders top- on the police a t all, as most ped long, tapering sleeves. Their people think. W ithout i t the . veils weris of bridal net, one emr lawyers would be jjompletely broMered in loveFs knots and fliimmuxed, so to s^ak ', and all " the other with sprays" of lily ot legal documents would disap? ■, the valley, their shower bouquets Not th a t that; wicmld hot ^being^ of rapture roses and -A be a. great blessing, I fancy, be- fwainsonia. Both wore s t rm p cause many a man gets his style, ro f-p ea rls , the " gifts f"® badly cramped by some docu- grooms. m ent he once signed and -forgot Mrs. Helliwell was charming about. Soine ;lawyers try to in a light delphinium blue suede pulha j<h6e4»aipeisonwheh,hh'A.^imd«tehanUUy., " 2̂ ** up before the ,l^ak,^_but_ jJi'aP sJfeng th w ith jh e suggestion of a , the privilege Of judges ^and^=-train^ A-short jacquette toppea- orate floats, sixteen bpids, trim marching units' and .distinguish ed v isito rs '^ the Parade of Pro gress which will follow a-route gavlv m ark ^ - igHth strings of to w ork for his knowledge, a lesson ^miore valuaWe than the know ledge itself, while a thorough Imowledge of English and E nglish literature is a real education. As to the physical side, th e British races have always bpen too fond of sport to fafl-hi-this-^espect; ' colored lights, flags and banners. ■ Buildings and grounds will. ' off er a multitude of interests and attractions from the. great Forum Building, where „cxten- sive displays'lof flowers, honey, m agistrates, who won't stand her gown and She wore a large for any opposition. I found th a t blue straw ^hatr trimmed- with ou t when one of them tried to roses and rose colored^ velvet put over a joke bn me, and, not which fell in streamers. Her feeling very, bright ju s t then, I arm bouquet was of blue corn Remains thk t which, as it seems to us, is more important than education, namely a study of the child's natural procliv ities. I t is a responsibility which falfe as much, if ho t more, on th e parents than the-school;. Mdst_of ..us_are bc^:_.with the capacity to do ^ irie th ing le tte r, than can the average person, and. it is usually- w hat we prefer doing to anything else. And, if th e child is t,o m ake a .^uccess of life, it..will be in th a t line which he likes and in which "he naturally excels, For most of life's failures are th q result, of putting square pegs in round h o le s . . ' " • . ■ fruit, field anch garden produce JCENNIS ̂ ST, STEPHEN^S-INGLEWOOD 1 . W.A. g a r d e n PAR'TC Open Tournament will be held on Sunday afternoon starting at'. 1 p.m. The public are mvited, and som e good tennis is assured. P artic ip an ts are requested to take no tice of t h e - following seipi-finals: Saturday-- :̂30__q Grisedale vs. C. Sharpe d'Easum and ;d*Easum v s .. Fairhead and'Cbx/ ̂ i*'0O p.m.--C. Sharpe and J*. Moon vs. winner, of "fli'E ^ - um & d'Eas'um and Fairhead - & Cox. Sunday-- / / . ̂ -̂ * 10 a.m.--Miss Tofft & L. McLeod vs. Miss W f i^ t & C. Sharpe Mrs. Lane .A.^U/ Stonjer vs.: * Miss D. Gleathero & , G. - Grisechile. ' , I The Handicap / 't r ia ls , w ere %ed> Sunday-,-^August -14th,^ îth the following resu lts; ̂ > ^dies Singles^M rsi E. Searle. ên's 'Singles^Z-'^i^bel^h/t^^^^^ ■̂ dies Doubles--̂ Miss B." E llio tt. &'Miss P.' PoweUi7^^/:%r|fi|;:^:: Doubles--D: 'rilley & G. ' Magee. ̂ ~ ^xed Doubles^kish -HVlElUQtt 7 &D. Tilley. / - ' ' ^ The St. Stephen's-Inglewood \W;:a J held : a""very - successf^ garden p a ^ y /la s t w eek-at the home , of Mr., and Mrs. Geo. New- . man! ? Pouring tea clunng the afternoon, were Mesdames Mil- will be shown, to the big live stock barns which will hold the largest -exhibit of horses, cattle, sheep aitd swine ever entered io r a Vancouver Exhibition. Horses make a notable comeback with the greatest number of. entries for many years. Every district of British Col umbia, the prairie provinces smdi various eastern, a i^ United States points will be represented --^TFthe'different .departmentsr-iB;? ^gold- " ' m n S e ^ e W l told him he had better .crack a simple one. I t .cost hie five pounds ndcre fo r contempt of court and the lawyer such a wig ging he sat down;! You , see a few. of u s , had landed back in London from a desert cSmipaigm .and had madb a n ight of it. Under the circumstances fldwers afid"rosie'pnik carnations-- The bridesmaids wore lovelypi 'Empire style gowns, one m orchid and the other in prim- taffeta. Tiny Juliet capsrose ' adiprned their heads while they -carried pastel-yellow-gladioli and - w. pale pink sweet peas and mauve uxiucx m e ___________ _ the gladioll; Mlss Winnifrcd Tliorn m agistrate didn't want to be too sang "Because" and "My World, hard on us, but early in the accompanied by M r.-J. Welton-_ evening we had kind of got the a t the organ, idea we were still in the desert, A t the wedding reception in and. the police had had a rough the Hotel Georgia, the parents of time. And the th ree battered the brides received, a l ^ Mrs. police helmets produced in court Brown, mother of i p . Thomas were a tougher proposition to be Brown, and Mr. John Ew art s, up against than any amount of parents. Mrs. Brown had chosen 'W hereas" documents. a distinctive honey lace gown. ♦-- ------with bolero-Gi^, m atchm g- T he~^bstllp"^^'ct 3oy-^Kas~.^ t e . Herrh^t"""wa^-~ln~contrast-, ;i__" u r lard/Johnson, Parkes and Jack- son, Sr. Mrs. H, Nesbitt, President of .ihe W.A., w as. assisted by Mrs. Newihsn io receiving the guests. -The attractive home-cooking ; tableiwas in charge of Mrs. Geo. Arnold, and Mrs. Geo. J a c k in ' supeiwisedthe tea arrangements, assisted by members of the W.A. -Ruth N esbitt and Helen Jack- son Were fh charge 'of the candy . aiid lenionade. table. , ----- The following artists rendered a delightful program, which was much ehjdyo(i"~byrall7 p re ^ n t .- Mrs.?Hunt and M rs. Lovegnwe, , vocal solos, accom pani^ by p s . Snelgrove and Mrs. Sheffield a t reci&tion; .Boy Hennekson, piahd accordian, Mrs. Vickery a n M r s . S tark added to the en- ipypknt of th e : aftem aon byj reading tea-cups* samp._„, .. saale than ever before < and _lngh;; J ig h ts of other annual d isp lays. will be the egg-laying contest in .the poultry section, lectures and working demonstrations in the honey, special gladioli show in ^hortieultural-ahd-demonstratiions of various handicrafts 'in the needlework and household arts ^ n d u s ti^ T a h d agriculture of this province as seen by the B.C. manufacturer will be p r i n t e d for the first time in a vast uni form display in which one hun dred enterprises will be repre sented. B.C. Products- Bureau of Vancouver Board of Trade has co-operated in introducing this im portant and attractive exhibit. Special features, include th e , cat, dog, cage birds, and rabbit shows, Indian exhibit, natural - history,- av iation- exhibiL^and„ demonstration, first annual ex hibition of amateur photography stamp collections and the first showing of light ■ horses an4 harness class for heavy horses in many years on the evenings of August 31st aiid S ^ tem b er 1st when judges .will include - (Continued on Page 4) - shape of a 9-year old weighing 59" lb sr"and^ tand ing ' 4~ feet 4 inches. This kid , doesn't- eat _____ were- ,___ __ series', while her corsage was oT gladioli-and-rosennred-orange*- shades. Mrs. Hugh B^iVn .and meat, ifish, eggs or bread, walks "Miss Dorothy Hparfe presided at* ten miles before breakfast, and the ums,^assisted by M i^ Ann then has one slice of pineapple p r f i s o n , ' Miss p ^ o th y Brown, -I- expect Mr./Hore-Belisha will Mids Grace Cuthbert, Miss j^g^y_ be afte r him in jig time to know 7. M o p , Miss Gladys Frost, how he does it, because, if the * • Mr. and Mrs. Brown left by British Army could be" trained boat for Seattle a f te r the recep- to march ten miles on a slice of tipn, the la tte r wearing a dress- pineapple, i t would simplify the maker suit in green nubbly w ^ l, commissariat a good deal and topped, with coat with red fox save the taxpayer a lot of money. W hat I should" like to know, though, is what he _<^ts after, the pineapple. I've tried these. Vegetarian meals a number of. time, and found them, a complete _ washout. They fill a persjon up . dence in West Vancouver, .to the^ ears, and.Jialf an hour ' a fte r you feel! as empty as a_ collar. Her tricorne hat was of -natural green and her acces sories brown. Both couples will re turn to the city for the post- . {nuptial reception, when Mr. and Mfs. Brown will take up resi- G. L. Fraser,' accompanied by ^eve. Before man goes vegetari- Kolthammer, came before the an he's got to have as many ' Council re Kolthammer Devel- stomachs as a,cow, if he wants o p m p t Co. . -- ^ , to live. And considering th e . A fter a full discussion on the trouble most of us have with the project Mr. Fraser, undertook to one stomach nature has given • secure a favorable memorandum us, I'd like to m eet any person ^ who would willingly add another D.L. s 772 and 774, and also to or so to theione nu isan^ he has .. bnng in parDculars. of proposed* already. Why, the doctors would/ ^expenditures together with spec-, be making a fortune. ,;ifications and plans '"1