. 1.̂ * k '■> .« ; ■I f e f ^V» iMjiilia>i<sl| i 4 !t'i' -t ' - i ... '• ■ I'l ',\V'; i-*'■; d .6w.nn*.w. I'i.; ' ' ) ' ̂< r ) 'i ' 'i i , L- :t J.d':iil J.'lt i/.., 4!f^'. * ( 1!HB WEST VAN NEWS A v m B t IS. %mm Phone W M r 4 6 RED. AND. WHITE Meat8«<*»Phone W est 370 P h o n e W est 46 l»iyCEH GOOD for FRIOAV & SATUROAV, Auir, 19 and 20 Htd and White BA LAD DUEBBfNG 6 ox. Jar... 13c; 12 ox. Jar.... 22c ' 32 ox. Jar ....... ..'..... . 4Sc Ked and White BIIKJMJ* Wet or Dry .........tin 22c SlIltEDDED WHEAT........... p k t 10c Red and White TOMATO JUICE Large Zii ox. tin........................ 10c Red and White JEI.LV ROWDER8 Btrawi>erry, Ix>niuii, Orange, Lime. Etc.......................5 pktM. 23c Red and White HROOMH Extra .Value. Htrong and Durable. Each........... .............................60c THRILL HEALTH HOAR, cake 5c Cieunaing, AntiKeptic. .................. REARL WHITE, HOAR . 4 cak<*a 17c WILD Ro h e r a h t r v F L o u i r ' Rucked in H.C.......10 l|>. Hack 30c M17 ATPei V l l S / l L 1 13 CANN.Hi) FOODH Red and. White REAH, Hleve I ....... ....................... 2 Una 25c Red and White WHITE (.'ORN No. 2't i n ...... lOc" Red and White i'ORK & BEANS in Tomut<> Sauce, 2 18 ox. tina 17c CORNED B E E F ...................... tin Hlc I.BGS OF CHOICE SPRING IAMB, per Ib......................30c*̂ SHOULDERS OF CHOICE SPRING LAMB (Whole) ' IH.T Ih. ........................- ...... 20c SHOULDER ROASTS of Milk- Fed Veal, per lb............. :.... 18c FRESH FISH DAILY COD; per Ib............................. 14c Andensoit--Patterson - An interesting' wedding twk place" Saturday evening in St; Stephen's Church, where the bride's father, Mr. Fred J. Pat terson, was'first principal of the Iligh School, with Miss Irene Elizabeth PalterHOii and Rev. Alexander Anderson, B.A., B.D., as principals. Rev, Barnett officiated at tlie ceremony, the bride being given in marriage by her father, and attended by Miss Betty Watson and little Mary Condon. The groom was supported by Mr. Robert Stokes, .with Mr. Murray Watson and Mr. Ken neth Bruce ushering tKe many guests into' the white heather and ribbon marked pews. A robe of white silk chiffon, edged with a wide band of French lace at the .hemline, S £ i ? v i e # -- *' SASH & M9B§ "WiN6Lb s *̂" PLYWOODS LATH .THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY PAINT ■ ■: S M F supplies * '■ Ageatisb""" CANADA FAINT COMPANY LTD. ROOFING W ^LBO A R D TILE WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 .SAIiMON, per Ib................ . 22c SMOKLD ALASKA,COD, Ib* 22c ' « Hliy'htitrnin "was theuR«/Rv/i.'rv f/ f̂ o A T XMrkiwr iWAinniK « n u > ,iit 'u u in , whs uk. choice Of the bride for her W6d- CLASSIFIED ADS Thu rat« for ClasBlfied Adv«rtiMmenU Ii I eSnts p«r word, inlnimi. 25 conU. Excopt In the cuso of those hsTliig regular accounts, all c S fleds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classlfleds in the West Van Newâ get immediate resulta. SMOKED KIPPERED SALMON per II)............ :..................... 22c Beef -- Pork -- Lamb -- Veal Absolutely Top Quality' Rnl and WhiU* HI'ACIIhriTI " Hi ox; <in ....9c" SARDINES, Canadian....... 4 tins 19c Rfd and White CHICKEN HADDIE . No, I (in ............:.............. 14c ding ensemble, s ' The fragile lacy banded the shirred waistline of the gown, and collared the high neckline, which opened to show a gold CHIMNEY SWEElffNG -- Old Coun try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. FOR RENT -- Furnished room, board optional. Now home'close to bus, garage. West 8G3-L. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marin*.. ■ Cotton; Sheen. Silk TVist, Ribbon. Elastic, ChildrcS Socks, JMon/a Socks,' Ladies Stock mgs, Darning Wool, ISye s h X Summer Hats. ■ cross on a slentlor chain, the gift of the groom to hi.s bride. - Mi.ss I.«ouise Sixiiicer, whose marriage to Mr. Kenneth New bury next week has been occa sioning a. great deal of enter taining. was guest of honor for luncheon at "Kew House" today, when the Misses Margaret and Kathlbcn Tayloj-• were c(i-host-, - ------- ---- .Co-vers-W-i 11 -aiso-be--laid--foiv- Her veil of bridal net was hip length, held at the head by a coronet of orange blossoms, While red roses and lily of the valley blended in her bouquet.. ' Misŝ Watson was attireil in ro.se pink georgette, her gownl-W'--f -- '1 •..... i"'t 1 • FOR SALE -- Wuhtel Radio, late model; drop side couch and niat- trcs.s; cheap for.,cash. West 770-L. BLACK CAT TEA ROOMS. West Bay ...-rr>Lunches, .teas,.. ice. cream,- tobac. cos, cigarettes, groceries;-etc. the Misses Trudeau and Barbara Spencer; IMss Myfanwy Spencer, from Victoria, iMss o,Jan Suth erland, house guest at "Kew House," Mrs. Harry Boyce, Mrs. ..George-Andersoii,_Mrs Jl"-_CL Chappell--Gowans Miss Catherine Miller Gowans, oldest (laughter of the late Mr. iiruj Mrs. Robert Gowans,of,Clov- having a sfiirred bodice and,full (M'dale, wa.s married to Mr. Ed-„ skirt.. Accessories were in ward F, Chapixill, youngest son French blue as was, her veiled of Mr. and, Mrs. B. T. Chappell velvet turban. Blue and rose of \viiinip(3g, formerly o f' Van- e-olorecJ asters were in the bou- couvijr, at West Vancouver__------------------------------------------- Unirod ChuFch bF"Rev. Hillis ̂ A dainty Kate Greenaway Wright, bn the afternoon of fvock, floor length was w()rn by FOR RENT' -- Cosy furnished cottage with plumbing; close to this "office. Phone Geo. Gourlayl West 2. WANTED TO R E N T -2 «r 3 furnlsl,. ed rooms'near bus, reasonable. Box 60, West; Van .News. FOR SALE -- Sideboard, dining ' room chairs, couch, carpenter's-and. garden, tools. West 232-X. WANTED " Girl for housework; good with children. Sleep out. Roy 61V West Van News. * Wa n t e d FIVE DOLLARS REWARD will be paid for the return of a half- grow nm ale kitten, strayed from 27th Street on August 10th, Smoke grey, white on throat and -paws, smooth Haired, very friendly.--IP^-----bnni-"airT't3»' formation to Claxton, West 543-R. * ^ t aALri!< WANTED r~ Cottage for year from October 1st; monthly $8 to $10 Boy 63, West Van News. ■ - Experienced Rirl for housework; two children; sleep out West 694-R. ' ' August IG at 3 'o'clock. Mi.ss Charlotte Gowans, sister the little flower girl in bide net over eilk. Flowers adorned her FOR SALE -- High view Lots 64 x 155; $400.0Q each,..,, terms. Light clearing. C. J; Archer Ltd., West 226 Steel Grib with Mat- tress like new; tea wagon; etc.-West 633-Y,': of th(. bride, tvas bridesmaid, and' carried a Colonial GOBOOW'BOBSON -- Barrister & Mr. Ku.s.seli. Stewari. wa.s his »<>Wuet of Pmk and white Gale and Miss Biittar from Scot- best man. land. ' Following a short wedding * * * ti*ip to Seattle, the couple will -- A--young- defei'̂ was recently- -live a> the-locatibn-of-the-Wind--- seen on the corner of 11th and pa.s.s Mine where Mr. Chappell is Jefferson Avenue. ' Vrnployed. -nation sr car- Mary O'Donnell sang the solo, "0 Promise Me," during the signing of the jj^gister, aceom- pariied a t tHe organ-.Idby Albert Kendrick. --' ' A formal reception was held at Appleton Court where the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Patterson,-who have re- turned-=t6-live - in~Wesr-Van^~- Solicitor, 5110 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t 'AVest "Vancouver any tim 'e ^ y YOUNG WOMAN - cooking, serving, luncheons,, parties; work. W est ^8 -Y . - _ Experienced; dinners, teas, waitress, day appointment; West 403. FOR; SALE ~ Upright piano in good condition. Price $65.00. West 213-L LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- 2- :-.Sp_emaI - machine; _repairs,^ iparts-_: West Vancouver Machine Shop; 1449 Marine. , • HIGH CLASS WILLIS PIANO and __Stool-for, sale;, best ."offer: West 29-L CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners intalled; furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale " North 822. ' ' FOR SALE -- Coal West 95-R-2. heater, $10.50. WANTED TO RENT -- 4 Roomed house West , Vancouver vicinity, from September. Kerr. 1153jiR,., ver after spending foui^years in the Yukon, received with the bridal party. Captain arid Mrs. G. Binning also -of the Yukon, received guests. M-rsr-Pa-teerson~nvag~cna'rm'iTig' EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con- FOR RENT -:::̂ "'Five room modem tract. Expermneed men, modern ° bungalow, near ferry, $25, Phone machinery. Rush jobs. Kissick, West 790-X. ' r-- West 252-L.. - ---------------------------------------------------- ::------------ in a' gown .of black georgette, .a floor-length model with long- sleeved jacket, brightened by a corsage of deepest crimson car nations. Her- hat was a large black picture model. 'A . C. WHITE, Barrister & Solicitor, 1447 Marine, West 546.' V ancouver ' associates: Russell, Russell, Du- Moulin & DuMoulin, 850 West Hastings." ' . FOR SALE -- 1925 Star Touring caif, good motor, licence, running condi- __(•.TQn,-$40-- West .396. _______ W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybijm Block. " LOCAL CHIMNEY SWEEP -- Re- | pairs, eyetrough .cleaning: For clean . chimneys, less .risk of fire, phoiie W est 348-Y. Sweet *peas in an array of pastel shades centred the tea table oh a_ lace_ cloth, 'while the three-tiered .wedding cake _was on a, separate table, surrounded by pink, lighted tapers. , ^ Mrs. William Blair and Mrs. G. Binning presided at the urns, assisted by Miss Ruth Blair; Miss Betty Blair, Miss Marion Blair, ' Miss Ann Clegg, Miss Mary 0 Donnell, Miss Margery 0 Donnell, with. Mrs. J. Condon A V E S ^R N- WOODWORKERSr~Car= and Joiners--^Wood'work of an descriptions; cupboards, drawers ^^sss and glazing.'. Phones: Shop West 740; Residence West 443-R.' „ f o r : RENT -- Furnish< 4ng ^oom,' near ferry. 1358 ' Avenue, Hollybum. _____ eep- C I ^ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam P erm an^ ts; '* only "best materials operators. Phone West 304,. Royal Banlc Building. WANTED ,Tp RENT -- 4 or 5 room ' . furnished ; cottage; permanent, by 2 ■ adults, September 1st.' Box 61, West Van-News. - _____ RgMnga5rgatf*ifc«»T«*-n <* .* . y * i ■■w m ciKOm O XS* • PHIL CHAPMAN -- For all forms of nsurance. Fire and Auto, accidents-■ tEke their daily toll. A small prem- you. For rates apply J I ^ T ^ i n g s Avenue. . P h o n e 'W l4 AMAZING . b a r g a in . $20, terms. if desired, guaranteed 4-hole Moffat Electric Range with oven. Phone West'165-IA1 or West 546. ____ WANTED -- Capable Mother's Help, . 2630 Marine Drive. ■ - - WANTED BY OCTOBER 1st -- By ----v»dow-;witfar:ga:j7:r;Jf6~yeag^^ ' urifurnishM-̂ suite=±bfe3-̂ ^̂ ^̂ ™'"̂^ 'p '-/ \-'is h ? al ̂ = 'J' , f - u ^ b' T ^ e p H o n f o r a short Clients waiting.trip before leaving'Tuesday bv Marine, West 546. , "train for Montreal, from' where . they will sail to Belfast, Ireland, ^ to visit the groom'^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A--Anderson, for six months. Later, they will return bo-the Yukoii4±fter-a^eaFri-leavT and reasonable. West 508-R. ;=•£ ' v; ri V ■■ 2- of absence. An ensemble in blue, blue travelling suit, topped with a red tox fur, white blouse and cor-' sage of red roses and heather was-worn by the bride when she lett, while oyer her arm she carried a top coat in'navy. A ugust SALE - ■ SPECIALS J U N K :^ W E STILL BUT^Every^j thing of value:'.bottles, rags; sacks, metals, furniture, stoves, tools, etc. ̂ Call Y^est 91 and-we bring the cash to" your .door. Burrard Junk Co. W est 91. ' I : . Ranges," W asheis Furnitfire :___Refrigerators _ FLOORTSURFACING^=^:"Suther- V land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. , MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured ___West-.612.:___ ___________ _ YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE. Easy terms. . ■ * . ' r ' ! ■5'.v The purchasing agent sat list- ening to a salesmian. "To sell goo(ls," said the latter you must be a psychologist; you must be sf:,psychic>-.NowT- am psychic.. I can read the minds of rrieir t calLqn, ;„FprJn-. stance, ~r know, what's °on your mind right now." "Well, then;" said the P.A. stifling a yawn,", "why don't you go there?" _ : • Mr. H. MacKay, Agent FORST'S L ^ . 1473 Marine Drive GORDON ROBSOIT -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W.'Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t W est, Vancouver any time.^oy appointment,'W est 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- ." icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or West 553-R-l. West Vancouver.- - -- _ I Hhones: West 343, North 525 A REAL REST foc-TiferYolks--Restawhile' Convalescent.Home, i«V̂ -27th Street. W est 86-L-2. Worse Still Two men had a cheery "night S e s compared PA R T IN G AND d e c o r a t in g - , .J.,,:.H. .Wedley,,; formerly with- ' Cl ii. Konings. Phone West 651-X. Estimates free. ~ __ A - ' nt'4i Rags make paper; paper makes' money; mt^ey . makes hanks; banks make Ic^ s; ;Ioans make poverty; poverty makes rags. " ̂ riô mis take sâ d one of them: "Do you ■ t e n . - l!«»" GUESTS -- Transient and Perman«®J ^'Sunlit-Lodge," West Bay. 31jss ' Campbell, W est 3 7 9 -Y -2 ._ J _ _ iiy - ---- -dog!--said the other I found my way home!" ' Uomiainh Gor;LOANS ' Arranged -„ Housing Act' and-other plans. 0° don . Gray, Seymour 4991, or w ̂ 92-R-2. ,1 m m i