1 » » """"■ "' .... . "" .... "."' "'"" ....... ' " '"'■ ... .................................. -: ■ . ' •■- ■■■■■f- •■■■<..̂ ■'■ -.■ ■■•................ , ifltiiLlS&wSS Q U A L in-.M l«U PN G S^R *iIE N 4J^^ Local and- PersonalhimsMikpm jjEM'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUITS and TOP COATS--Hand Tailored to your individual meaaure. See our Iarg« range of aainplva. 1412 MARINE DRIVE i^t^ANCOUVERMcLEOD'S mens wear 1516 Marine W est 710 F u rn itu re Recovered, Repaired and Polisiied , . Baby Cai"s Renovated. ' Loose Covers Mattresses Repaired and Covered Needlepoint Mounted. S T .^ A T R IG IA S C H O O L F O R G I R L S CLASSES if^SENipR MATRICULATI9 N , : SCHOOL TERM OPENS THURSDAY SEPTEMBE 8th. 1009 20th Street Miss JOAN DURBIN.'Principal Mr.- and Mm. Ernest-Blacky. Calgary, Alta,, Accompanied by Mrs. Ida Fraser are siiending the month of August at" 1215 Duch ess Avenue, West Vancouver. ̂ * * * ■ Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Kennedy and their daughter, Mrs. Jessie K. Berkeley of Yakima, Wash ington, were recent visitors at Sunlit Lodge, West Bay. ̂ iii •' •' Miss Lorna, Thomson of the , nellyburn Postal staff, who is . on her annual vacation, has left for a trip up coast. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins and family have moved from Van couver into a house at 1336 Clyde Avenue. ■',.' ■ """■ '♦ ■'■ *"" '■■'*■ Mrs. S.'Paton and Miss Mar jorie Paton, 774 15th Street, have returned from a holiday at Half Moon Bay, where they were "ihe guests of j^ajor B. If . Harri- , son. , . Jack- ̂ Shaffikd, ̂ . .1460 .M.21st „ Street, who spent the week-end In Portland, Oregon, has left for Gibson^s Landing, where he will remain for the rest of his an nual vacation. ■■■ /l|t' ■ ■ ■. ■ <N : ;, ̂.V ■■■■■■■ Frank Dodson, father of Percy Dodsoii of 2105 Haywood Ave nue, died last Sunday in the city in his 64th year. The funeral services were held yesterday, in Vancouver and interment was made in Ocean View Burial Park. * * ♦ . Reginald Wendt, B.A., of the Royal Air Force Educational. Staff (Late I.C.S.), is on a brief visit to his sister, Mrs, H, B. Gi*ay/2P35 Marine Drive.' Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE ""mmrnnbmmlnmmlr"* FUBSU DAILY Ten varlotioa to »u!t e very U ste Moat Ploo Cooklon Ercloo Cnkea -- Pintrlon ... Bunn and Kolia Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Dr. G. D. H. Seale has return- cd from his vacation and has resumed his usual hours at his office. W endy H ouse Nursery School 2397 Bellevue Avenue' R e-opens T u esd ay , Septem ber 6th . DAY AND RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL John Allan of tM Hollyburn School staff, is having a new home built on, Esquimalt. Ave nue, between ,15th and 16th Streets. '■" ' *\ ' *'•'* "' Douglas Reid of San Diego, California, is the guest 'of, his mother, Mrs. R . W. W. Reid, 1115 Fulton Avenue, * - * Dann--Smith Last I'hursday in Christ Church Cathedral, the Rev. W. R. Armitage united in marriage Muriel Rae, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eustace Smith of West Vancouver, to Frederick, son of Mrs'. Dann and the late Frederick Dann, of Victoria. , Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINI5E AugUHt 18th, 19th und 20th KATHERINE IIE l'BUUN 'Quality Street' also "A PERFECT DAY" (LAUREL & HARDY) SAT. EVENING and MONDAY August 20th und 22mt LESLIE HOWARD JOAN BLONDELL MYSTERY CRUISE <¥ 2 - 6 Years Old Mrs.. A. P. Hannan has re- tiim^d ' from -the Vancouver The Mystery Cruise arranged * by.' the ,1 West Vancouver Sea Scout Group last Sunday was -a Phone Kerr. 3450 General Hospital to' her home at 17th and Marine Drive, bringing with her her new bAby daughter. H o l l y b u r u T B U S I N E ^ S ^ C O L L E G E " 14th®and M arine.D rive, ' ,P H < »E WEST 341 . New T erm S ta rts Septem ber 6th , 1938 - DAY and EVENING CLASSES Individual Attention t|c ♦'*. Id C. E. Morris, 2495 Lawson . Avenue, is a patient' in the~ ' North Vancouver. General Hos pital. DEATH OF DONALD GRANT STEWART Ernest Busst, Charlie, F orest id '■-Brine returiied^' last_ 1'day""from="a="si-X"="weeks' motor at trip up coast. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Harker, who Mve'been spending the past =mo.nth~at-th[eir--summer=home:at: Book Your Passage to the Old C ountry CUNARD WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Full particulars,, sailings and accommodation. J . T. W A T T ' 1744 Marine Drive ';Phohe W. 141 (Cypress Park, returned on Mon day to Vancouver. Hunter's Coffee Shop -LUFNGH-EON^ , T-EAS- DINNERS Fresh Daily Home-made Bread,■ Pies &'Cakes - Jams and Jellies' , 2423 Marine Drive, West 610 The passing of Donald Grant Stewart dast- Thursday..in his :25th--yeai^-al_,the; . home of Jiis ̂ parents, Mri "and'~Mrs. John Stewart of 1297 Gordon Avenue, came as a distinct shook to the whole community, where he was well and favorably known. The deceased had been con- huge suocss, taking place as if did under ideal weather condi tions. The beauty of the scenery of the many small islands passed ..during--th€-:aft€rnoon.jdeUght€d.^ everyone. One,hundred and fifty friends of the ' mOivement em barked at 1 p.m. at Amble'side, - a call-was - made-at-Eas tbaum, where there appeared to be a shortage of ice cream, which sit uation was relieved from the supply taken along by the Moth er's Committee. : Arriving' at Seaside Park-lunch was partaken- " Stand In" aluo. "THE MARCH OF TIME" "HOW TO VOTE" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY • August 28rd and 24th WILLIAM POWELL " THE EMPEROR'S -CANDLESTICKS'̂ V (Onco only a t 8,;15) . , . also "DANGER PATROL" of under the trees, while, leav ing ,an hour later the return . journey was made over a differ ent course. _ . '~i The-grateful appreciation of ( the (^roup Ooimmittee is given West Van. Motors, and was one of the original delivery boys of this newspaper. He had been ill for- only two oi* three months, but failed to recover. » j i « x ...... , --------- his father and mother, is one brother, Clayton, at home. The funeral services, which, were -very-largely-attended,-were_held_ a t 2 p.m. last Saturday from the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Har- ron Bros. Md., the Rev: William Vance officiating,-and interment was made in CapilanoView Cem etery. ' . to Leslie Dawson, to who.pL the success o'f venture was mainly due, assisted ably by th^ Moth er's-Committee;^ which^ worked hard during the afternoon dis- nensing soft drinks, ice cream, West 190 1578 M arine Drive * W est 190 DELIVERY Rolled Rib 25c lb. Cross Rib 20c lb. Rump Roast 2 0 c Ib^ Short Ribs . -10c4b. Pot Roast ' ____ ^ 1 4 c J b . ^ Rolled V Pot Roast _ -iSc; Jb. Tirst-Grade. 3 lbs. 81c PLUM P YODHfi FOWL - ~65c. each-- Burns BAKEAS7 2 pkts. 23t. 0 - Hunter s MARNALADE Large Jar 30c Shoulder Lam b 2 0 c l b Breast Lamb ______15c-lb. Roast Veal _ I 8 c l b . etc., and to the ferry crew .̂^hich oo-operated most generously with this worthy cause. The. Group, a little over three months ~old" which" hasrover-forty-b6ys^ enrolled, received its Charter last w eek.' The Scouts and Cubs wore their new scarves, red, 'White -and .green, representing the lights shown by a" ship at night--red, port; green, star board; white, masthead. NELSON'S :FJ[RE^EIJELS 1894 Marine Drive SAWDUST We handle Only One Grade of Sa'wdust (THE BEST) 100% old growth flr, Range or -- Furnace.- ' -- 84.00 per unit. ~-(guaranteed'"-meaBurenient) ■. WOOD (Bushwood)) Hand .Split F ir , old growth.............. : $6.00 cord .Alder.:(Special)- 6'60 ' Bush F ir ................ 6.50 ... .................... 5.25Bark "MiltwDodh: Inside Mill F ir ......... 5.50 Furnace Blocks ......... 4.25 Slabs (B ark y ),........... 4.00 2 Cords ............... 7.50 Slabs & E dg ings....... 3.75 " "2 Cords ................. 7725- Edgings ..................... 3.50 2 Cords ................. 6 .7 5 ^ Slabs, Edgings and Inside F i r ............... 4.50 GOAL We handle all grades of Coal. By the ton or sack, * Phone West 783 , Your local dependable dealer. --- £>------ Same Language DEATH OF THOMAS the language..,of. business wen ^S§AB4UEE--\\TIITElfiBAD^^™ ?-'.-:rr̂ '?'=vsjprj -- II 'll ■■I4II f î r ^ i ii I II I ii'i I IW~ ■ 'mini-- 7t il lU ■ nn .!■ i iw n the" Bank-~of-~England' and asked to ̂ consult-someone about her..war-'loan . *h'0lding. The clerk to whom she talk ed Tiapperied to be rather a grave person. "Is it a case of conversi^ or.redemption, Madam?" "Gonversidft? Redemption?" fal tered the woi^an. "Er--pardon me, is this the Bank of England or thj ,̂ Church of England?" Resident in .Ckhad.a twenty- five_years __Thomas_ Sam uel Whitehead, 85, died at his home, 1105 Marine Drive, Saturday. Mr. Whitehead was born in Leeds, England, and has resided here four m onths.' ; Besides his Wife, he is sur vived by a son, Thomas Russell Whitehead, in Vanpouver. West Vancouver Scbools' Band Annual PICNIC and EXCURSION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24fh, to KBAT'S IlSLAND Leave Ambleside'Dock.lO a.m.,__Eeturn_here a t 4:30 p.m. A Garden in Wes t Vancouver , Dishes, Tea, Cream ahd."Bugar provided" Tickets, 50 cents. Veal Stew 2 lbs. 25c BXPBET . . W atch and Clock r e p a i r i n g T . CHRISTENFSON (formerly with^Birks Ltd., Montroal) 1522 Marine DriTe Burrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRYFOR iDEPENDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative 'Phones -- VVest 691-L or North 1310 A