TOE W1»T^ VAN NEWS August m i0aa. WKOT. VAN. ÛNllTBO, Cor. 2U t & B»quImaJt Ave. KBV. W. VANCB; a A ., Mlatet*r 3J047 GorHon Avenue' '~ " """"rh'6tt«̂ Wttl"'S544-K"'**'̂ ""̂ ̂ Hundny Hervic«»: llu .m . & 7:30p.m. Htrangen and Vl»it6r« are welcome BAPTIST CHURCH u * r , W. a McKaf» K A ^ HD. Sunday Serrieca 10:00 a .tti.-^bu rch * School lio* d u d l ^ Adult d a ta 11 a.m. A 7:30 Servleea. A hearty welcome to all ^ ^ P e r m q m n t Lovelineaa Individual charm In a Perm anent Wave Ib a natural rcHUlt of tho artful t«chnli|uc oif ex perienced halr-BtyllHtM. White hair waved ia-autlfully without dlBcoloratlon, 'Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CreatorH of BxcluHive PermanentN, 1640 Marine Drive Weat 117 f " : : 1, i ' " . , I \ . ' <;: > ■1 '< >>' . H O L LY B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S 1890 Marine Drive PII014K WEST 683 MISS D. H. HOKIB HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchess SUNDAY, Auj(. 2IhI, a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and Younip People's Bible ClasB SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 (JOSl*JB|. ADUHKSS , "Speaker: Mil. J. Y. M. AlTKEN TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. WESX VANCOUVER CinUtiaaf Scwsice .JSeciety_____ CHURCH BDIFICB 20th and BeqniaiaJt* HoUybara This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, AuguBt 2lHt, SUBJECT: " M I N D " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meetlnir Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. Tho public Is cordially In vited to attend our services and raeetinars. . W^st VanctHiver Amateur Svvirnnurig Club 221111 Aiinii;u Duiidarave Regatta SATURDAY, Aug. 2 0 th Admission---Adults, 20c 'Children, 10c. REGATTA DANCE " A d m iss lo i'flOc ............ ..."" - )' ---- ---------- 1-- -------------------------------...... ... " . Ifr-'". ■ " V- UNITED CHURCH 21 at and Eaqulmalt Ave. R(iv, William Vance, Minister There will be morning and evening .services next Sunday at 11 w.m. and 7:30 p.m. C . ' ! /}'-1U, , f ' ( i •'! T .'j D R . G, D . H. S E A L E D.D.S.. L.D.8. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and.Marine Ur. Oillce Hours 9 toifl p.m. . Evenings by, appointment. Phone W est 72 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Kev. W. J. Millay, O.Prem. Pastor Sunday Services "Low.~Mass 8-Tl:5-a»m High Mass and Sermon'-- 10:15 j'liVs' DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formel-iy of 705 Modicnl-Dentul ---------------- Building------------------ Hours:' 0 to 6 ~ Evenings by appointment. ' 1860 Marino Drive West 432 a.m. Rosary and 'Benediction -- 7 :4b p.m Catechism and Bible Glass---2:00 p.m. "W eek-da jr Ser vices- Masij -- 7:00 a.m. ^ Fridays--Rosary, Benediction. ft-titH-r ill'/ ■ ."Z-Ifj; r f ' zr;j,1 -r - r ̂t i Estubiished - on-North- Shoro- 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Bircctors lloliyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver Parlors 122 W est Sixth S treet - . Phono North 134_____ Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 "7̂ t<ij 8:gp-T).m;---------- - BAPTIST CHURCH Rev; Wilfrid L; McKay 1545 Duchess Ave: p êlkar--Batchelor The wedding took place at 8 p.m. Wedne.sday, August 10th, ■in St. Stephen's Church of Verna Beatrice, daughter of Mj. aftd Mrs. T. E. Batchelor "'of 1374. Gordon Avenue, West Vancou ver, to Mr. Lloyd jFelkar, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.xM. Felkar of Listowel,. OntarioN. The • Rev. Canon G. C. d'Easum'-o.flQciated, and the church Was beautifully decorated with pastel shades of sweet peas, blue hydrangea, and white gladioli and fern.. The bride was given away by her father, Miss Morva Batchelor being her bridesmaid and Morva Stokes juhibr bridesmaid. Mr, E, Jones acted as bS3t man,. and Messrs; R. Summer-, field and Jack Batchelor as ushers. . The bride wore an Ann Bolyn headdress and dress of turquoise blue marquisette over taffeta _and.. carried_aJbojLKiuet_jqOaiis^ man roses, and peach gladioli. The bridesmaids had chosen rose beige marquisette over taffeta with short yeils covering the -face,- and--carried- bouquets_:of._ mauve sweet peas. During; the signing of the register. Miss Margaret Owen sang "0 Perfect K night's Tea and Coffee of Vancouver huv6 opened a Branch a t 1429 MARINE KNIGHTS BEST COFFEE FLOWERY ORANGE PEKOE Regular Price 45c Regular Price 75c. SnSrial Sale ........................... 3Cc Special Sale ........................... 59c . SPECIAL COFFEE ........... 26c lb. PEKOE TEA ....................... 44c Ib ., , 3 lbs. 70c Currying the same Blends and Quality, as iii Vancouver, a t City ^ ic e s . ENGLISH RUGBY The opening games of the 1938-39 season will take place on Saturday, October 1st. In antici pation of these the Barbarians will hold practice games on the three ■ Saturdays beforehand comrnencing September 10. . This season the Club will make its first appearance' in the Senior Division and with a Sec- _DndlDivisioniieam_also-ent^ed, many new players are required. These should get in touch with Secretary Frank Lofting, West 358-X. LANDSCAPING Designing and Contracting Expert Workmanship in all bra'nches Designs submitted • .without obligation M. D. BURGESS, 4 West 530; After 6 p.m. 778-L THE HIGHLANDS 1393 Marine Drive --Phone-West-^7-1-- Tea Cup Professor-Griffiths Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday 2:30 to 5:80 p.m. . Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McQuire -and--family,--15th-^and--Lawson-- Avenue, have left for a trip to the east. / ^ ♦ ♦ * . . •• • Mr."and Mrs.Jbne5_anjlfamily -of"Cranbrook,-B.G.rare"visiting - in West Vancouver. ' ' ON ^NYMAKE BROWN-& MUNTON 1542 MARINE DRIVE .W E S T -366 .» Î,»ml)ors A.R.T. of B.O. TBer vices Sunday, August 21st. 10:00 a.rn.--Sunday Schdol-and-,- - - B.ible Glass.-- -■ - -- Rev.dl. P. Humphreys of Kel- -̂ iwnaj--wilL-^tgai-a^-ocoupy- th e- Love." . V 'J^llowing the ceremony a, re- -ception"was rheldrat-the-homerof- the bride's parents, when the guests were received by the ■̂ bride's, mother, who was attired in a-long black dress -with black- and white jacket and large black ̂ « r ; r " < . _ The French^ o 7 ' J ̂ - '^ '7 " l i C A D C J r , D 3 f | [ O D ■ ■ For W o rk o f Quality * Wo specialize in fine, grey and white hair. . 1562 Marine Drive Phone W.'2l2 pulpit at 11 a.m. and ;7:30 p.m. Wetlnesday, 7;*45 p.m. -- ^ eet- . ing for praise and prayer.; speaker, D. 'Willington. hat and carried a corsage of gar- ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev, T, W, Bn.rnfttt--- denias, and by Mrs. H.. Stokos, sister,. _of__the_bride. . The ̂ table vvas prettily decorated "with'a~3=: tier wedding cake"̂ and pastel shades of sweet^peas aqd pink ̂ roses. Pouring tea were Mrs. J. LET'S BE GOOD NEIGHBORS We"b"oth~live~over on-tKe-^ o d old J!iIorEh- Shfir-e.---Y^u-Ra-ve-a-saw= dust burner and I sell sawdust. You don't use much now 'but I still have to sell i t to make a living. Four months from now when most -people will be yelling their heads-off for sawdust Pll have-to keep jumping to meet the demand. -No, I 'll not jump the price on you, b u t l d o think" it"would'be"good-business"if you would .fill up the bint now. In fact -- a t $3.50 per unit bulk,, or $4.00 sacked -- there's quite a saving for you. KNILL'S - FUiX.S'~' . -, " -SAWDUST . _WOOD . COAL. . _.HOME OIL FUELS. 'W est Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine Drive.--Phone=West -794. MmMMm Harold A. Eager & Son jdiiiildks & C ontractors Homeid of Distinction. Alterations Repairs ■ - ̂ -- -- Redloofing- 825 - 22nd Street 22nd and Fulton August I21st. _8:0Q_a.m.-=:rHoly_Communion__ ] 1:15 a;m.-- Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon, , - ' St. Francis-in-lhe-Wood Caulfeild 9.45-a.m.---Matins and Sermon. "White and Mrs. B. b'reestone, while the Misses Margaret Hud son, R. Cowan and. L. Duthie acted as-serviteqrsr CHURCHES OF CHRIST, • SCIENTIST The bride and groom, who were the recipients, of many beautiful gifts, left later for the .south by car, the bride wearing a beige suit wth swagger coat and British tan abcessories! On their, return they will reside at 19th and Bellevue Avenue. 'A' "MIND" wilTT)e the subject of the Lesson - Sermon iji all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday;;;? SCOUTNOTES » i ' : i • ■ V t f e . ' » Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, Pathing, Boating, Fishing, .reo-robms, Homo-Cooked Mea\s^ -Saiidy-Benches,-J- . .Cottages fo t *by Month or Week Jack Bowden hasr„ resigned *as president of the West Vancouver "Swimming Club. ̂ / The Golden "Behold, God is mighty, and despiseth not_ .any:' He is mighty in strength and Wisdom." (Job 36: 5). ,, Among "W e citations which comprise the LessonSerm on is , the following from the Bible: " "Say to them, that are of a fear ful, heart. Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come witJi ̂ Vve"ngeance""^eveir" G o d ~ w itli^ Seventy Scouts and Cubs from .._West__Vancouver_yisited_H.M.S., York.on Monday afternoon in response To an 'invitation from the Commander. -Having spent two hours aboard her, they lined the dock alongside the quarter- -deek-and-gave-hei'-and-diei'-brew- three cheers; which were gaci- odsly acknowledged I by the Of- ficer of the Watch.'vG- 7 . Mr;-Ridden-T- 1395-rInglewood sill •' . "ci-. ■ "THE' ' J ■* A •' * . ■ . W est Van Hems Published EVery Thursday Publisher Ti'rPntoviEGROVBr Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: . , 4704 .Mkrine Drive . Phone 55 recompence; He will come and ■ save you.** (Isaiah 35: 4) * , . The Lesson - SerinoiTalso in- . eludes the following passage' from, the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health'with . Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: /'Mind is the zisoinqoe; p f -a l l - movementr and •' there. IS no inertia to retard or check its perpetual and harmoni ous action."". , Ayenue, has left* for the east. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and'. Clayton wish to thank their many friends and relatives and neighbors' for their kind expressions'of \ sym pathy arid for their, beautiful floral offerings. Special thanks to the Rev. William Varice' fo r his con- soling-words" during-our-late-be- reavem ent . ' , S ill* i i i .North Vancouver Office: ' 123. Lonsdale Ave. Miss Kate Clark of Calgary, and,.Miss Marjorie . Smith of' Vancouver, are staying at Sunlit Lodge, West Bay. .* ■ .Vs' * '$1.00^#'year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail-------- ----- 7_: " Mr. and Mi's. WUkinson,. 15th and Ducheeis Avenue, - have, jn_oved_to_North_ Vancouver.___ Ainiblnllde B t a a n n a ^ p e k s c r iN io n s OUR SPK IA LT Y Comj^lete Stock i* -City Prices Phone West 323 ^ .1401 Marine Drive No'housewife can spend all her timejroning...yet if the rhhn of the 'house do^nTget a fresh', crisp, smartly ironed .shirt wheri He. vyants, it, there U be a blow-up 1 JVVhy not arnazcJiim-with-a-speedy-Job ppsito/ely__professional ? lts-~good,~:cfearirTun with the Thor FoId^A-VVayl -Cash price, $134.50. with automatic switch attachment,for 'linen.' 'cotton,'*' silk/ $114.50 >^thout.Sold also bn easy terms. ' , -- V o' :■ ■