PBdViNCIAL l ib r a r y T A Weekly -N ewspaper V o l XIII Circulating in the District of West Vancouver*-Ambleside, hhllyhum , Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per yew. CyprCSS Park, Cuulfeiid, WhytecH/f, EtC. fc per <SPpy »t newMtendi; ■ ' • ■ ■ ■ » ,...........- - 7 ,.. H O L L Y B U R N .'P .O ., W EST V A N C O U V E R . fi.C ., T H U R S D A Y . A U G U S T j^ h . 1938 BRITISH COIXINIZATION SCHEME The new proposal beingr put forward to settle British families in Canada ̂ in connection with which, Sir Henry Page Croft is at present in this provinoe, will be probably received with mixed feelings by Canadians generally. The British parliamentarian has been investigating an area of approximately 1>000,00.0 acres of fertile lands at pres ent uncleared and unsettled in Northern British Columbia between'the junction of the Nechakp and Fraser Rivers and '( ĵiief Lrfikê He is to shortly approach the Saskatchewan Gov ernment about a similar settlement for that province, and later New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, ___Three, conditipn^ :have. been Jaid_.down,..by..hini as neces sary to any such scheme, these being as follows: Selection of the settlers must be made carefully so as to secure the right type. There Tmist'be provided for these settlers sufficient cash to ensure their welfare for. the.first two years. . ^ Those failing to succeed must be repatriated at the ex pense of the governments interested. BAND CAMP & EXCURSION TO KEATS ISLAND 1. 2. Canada ia a part' of the- British Empire,; her traditions, language and laws are Britjsh, and, therefore, it is altogether desirable that; if there is to be at this time or later any im migration at all, it should come from the Old Country. Can ada's gates were thrown open far too wide in the boom days -4)efqfe-the-War7^^e-know-tqi-our-^cost;iand-as_a_r€siiltJWe_ have on our hands, especially in ̂ the prairies, a. number of racial problems which have been and are likely to be a thorn in our sides for hiany years to come. We allowed then/to .settle amongst us, a hodge podge from Euro,pe who'did not understand our language and .whose ways of life and thought ' were not ours. .They could not and very many would not conform! to our custoims and laws. rnTmatiy^instances they- Next Wednesday fifty to sixty boys will leave for camp at Kent's Island. Any boys intend ing to join the band in Septem ber and wishing to go^to camp should get in touch with Mi\ Condon. AU ex-band boys are also welcome. There are still a few tickets left for the excursion which may' be obtained from any member of the band, 'Mr.; Condon' or" at'the Hollyburn Dairy. This is a de lightful two hour cruise follow ing the shore line of West Van couver to Point Atkinson and then encircling Bowen Island to KeaPs arriving in time for lunch. There will be two or three hours. ashwe,. giving* the parents an'd visitors aniple time t o , inspect the camp or enjoy a walk or a swim on this beautiful island. The ferry will-arrive back in West Vancouver at 4:30 p.m. .,.^ea,umilk_.andlsugar_wjlLbe_ provided at the camp. 22ND ANNUAL DUNDARAVE REGATTA : Thu 0 SWIMMING CLUB MASS MEETING The 22nd Annual Dundai*ave Regatta will be held at 2:80 p.m* on Saturday of this week, Aug ust 20th, at Dundarave Pier. The events are closed to resi dents .'of Wept Vancouver only (resident over two months), and entries must be handed to G. Gillespie at Dundarave Pier before iiQon Eriday. Admission, -adults," 20- cents {--childi'en, -10 cents. The program Is as fob lows': 1. Tads Race--Boys and Girls under 8--Width of Tank. 2. Boys 10 and under-r-25 yds. Free Style. 3. 'Girls 10 and under~25 yds. Free Style. 4. Boys over 16--75 yds., Med ley Swiin. 5. Boys under 15i--Diving,; 1 Metre, G. Grirls i 6 ,and under-T̂ SO yds. Breast Stroke. 'blip West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club is holding a mass meeting at 8 p.m. next Monday, 22nd August, at the (!)laclmn to reorganize the ,club. The Reeve w ill attend and it is s|x*cially requested that all lii'esent and past members as well ns all West Vancouver resi dents interested in the club make a point of coming to the meeting,-- , - .....•........... . ---------- ! POURING CONCRETE , ON THE BRIDGE ̂ On Tuesday Stuart Cameyon & Co. started pouring concrete for, the roadway on the rnain span of the First Narrows Bridge but were stopped by thqheavy rain which fell in the aftehioon. How> long it will take to plote fhis work is i^ t knowi hive'a .but the weather will 'a,gr^ WENDY HOUSE NURSERY SCHOOL even gathered.themselyes together in little communities and froze all those of British extraction out, in order that they might continue to live the life of the country of their birth. -As4t-i'srseWiral generations ^ust-^be born-and-die befpr^ ̂t h ^ will be fully assim ilate. Meanwhile, a verv largeipropoftion of the' deeds of violence coming before the courts' are per petrate by them.*and .their descendants, come from, stock ' whqrbMy'kheW^tlte = i t o i f e ' i o r W ^ ® t ■.is bre'*'- - in the,bone'will come out in th e "fleshV ._;___• ... - 1̂ .. r,. .r , is-r. • , -,.0- Vi; ".....kV..,,-. , Turning, to, the three ̂ conditions- referred-t^above, i t is ta k e for granted that the .cash necessary to ensure the wel" j . . . ■ -j? j.1. __ __4.fare o f the settlers .for the . first' two years will be wholly provided by the British Government.. j Biit, . however .careful the:selection, who^shall say with any de^^^bf accuracy: just exactly what individual or family of individuals will make ' "'1 -1--^ 1 L-Li ■ TTr:: ; ^ .1 I vi w Vi ; Wendy,House Nursery School, 2397 Bellevue Avenue, will re open for the fall term on Tues day, September 6th. It is a day and residential-school- for -chil- drenTrom 2 to 6 years old, and is a branch of the Nursery , Craft Centre., .̂ .t,, 69,75* Adera .* Street, Vancouver: Any interested are asked to kindly phone Kerrisdale 3450 or-call-at the-above-ad- dress. 7. Boys i2 arid under--2T ^ s . Free Style. 8. Girls over i 6--75'yds„.Med ley Swim. 9. Boys 16 and under-^50 yds., " Breast Stroke. 40.--Girls-under--15--^Diving-;-!- Metre. deal to do withdt, ari|l;it is.g- ■erully consicter^ u^ 'atnrt^tn time of the year a"month probably elapse before, the - j is finished, ' ": J L. According to Reports th ls/is only the secon# time that ĉbn.-. _ci^e_has4ieen4aid..pn.._thejTT- 11. Public School Boys Relay. 12. Girls 16 and under--50 yds. F reesty le . f 3. Life~ Saving "arid ~InhalatoT" Exhibition and R. L. S. S. Comedy Crew. 14. - Girlfr 1 4 and-undePsrr50 ' ■ / Freestyle. . . 15. -Boys 15 and over---Diving, -S-̂ Metrej- grid" steel foundation,,-^' the roadway of h large bridge, the first being in the casC>of the Island' of Orleans bridj^e near Quebec-Gityr------------------------- HOLLYBURN HALL KNIGHT'S TEA AND COFFEE good settlers? .' We,, who have done a little pioneering "OUr- JKnighifs--Tea--and-^offee--of- selves, know of only one test, which .is that of having by actual experience proved otnê s self to be- of the stuff that makes pioneers.' Ofteii the most unlikely, succeed, and the "most likely fall, because it is the will much more than , the body .which, is the determining factor. It should also, be remem- case of sticking it out or starving to death. Furthermore, , Vancouver, have opened a branch at 1429 [Marine Drive, where they-will ca^ y the same blends and the ! same* "quality goods as in their. Vancouver - store at city prii^s. Tbcy are --rputiing-on- ,J..6. Boys 14 and under--50 yds. Free Style. 17. Public School Girls Relay. 18. Boys 16 and under--50 yds. JEree^Style 19. Beys over 16 IQO yds. Free Style. " - . 20. Girls 15 and over--Diving, 3 Metre. 21. Girls 12 anri under--25 yds. Free'Style.' There will be Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class at 10 am. next Sunday in Holly burn. :-HalI. ̂ At the 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday. _a jGf.ospel 'nddtess will be given, the speak er "being J, Y. tM. Aitken. Tues- *day_at--8-4)jQi--prayer-and-Bible. study. «<3,GEROW ARRANGEMENT" OF "STARDUST" in view'iof the fact that many Canadian fam ers have beerr forced off their farms for lack of returns, it should be dis tinctly understood by any such new settlers that' they-must .come prepared,*^farm for a liyirig and not for profit. As to the third condition, we note that the unsuccessful are to be .repatriated at the cost of, "the governments" and not "the government" interested. I f this means that the Dominion and the Provincial Governments concerned are to share any siich cost, we should be opposed to it. Canada has no money at present to spare for fhe jpurpoee, and, if, as we presume, she is giving the land, that ought to.be sufficient. =::;=We-do-Tiot wish to throw any ;cold wate£ , We wish it to specials for particulars of which the public' are asked to kindly refer to the advertisement in. this issue. :==;te^stiHctiyrunderst6od that we are whol^eartedly iiTfavor "Tree Tops," the West Van couver home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johns, was the setting on Sun day afternoon when \a farewell party was arranged in honor of Miss Frieda Colson, who leayes this .'week for Torontoi.via the Panama Canal. of British emigration to this country. • But, because of the impossibility of selecting the type of whom pioneers are ma4e,lt,seems to us that any^"such wholesale'"schemei3"doom(^" from the'first.to produce a.far too heavy; percentage of fail ures to be good .for_eiUier.Cattada':or the Old Country. - For the repatoated will .be necessarily bitter, and the bitter always talk. ' • / ; The most friendly relations, now obtain 'between the peoples of the 01d"~ L ^ "ahd"crf̂ 6 ariada7--4ust-at-this-tim e- . . . 1 _______ .j' . ■ ' . ' "__________ ' Gladioli and sweet peas Were arranged in . the living-roorri, _ while_the_tea _ table _was_centred_ with pink snapdragn and flank ed with white tapers. Pouring tea were Miss B. Keeling and Mrs. W. Munton, while assisting the hosts was Mrs. Dop Jordon.* Blindfold Swim. * 23. Girls over 16 -- 100 yds. Free Style. ____ ____ 24. Girls 14 arid under--25 yds. Dry Towel Swim. 25. Exhibition Divving. 26.. Boys and Girls 12 and under Sweatshirt Relay. 27. Boys and Girls High School Relay i A Regatta Dance will be held at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the. -Lynnwqod-Pavilion-at-the-Second- Na^ows., Admission, 50 cents. Music by Russia's "l^imsky- 'sSifTMward Elgar, and Bohemia's Anton Dvorak.wjll be complemented by , songs, frorri several of the- most successful United States and British writers of popular melo dies during, "Music For You," Sunday, August 21, 9:00 to 9:30 p.m. EDST.' Geoffrey Wadding- ton, will conduct: The caller knocked .at the door of the suburban villa. "Is Mr. Smit-h-in ?"-he askedr Ran Across It - Affable Waiter; "How did you , find the steak, sir?" , •Guest: "Oh, quite accidently, I moved that piece of potato^nd there it was, underneath." "Yes, he is,'* replied the lady of the house. . 'That's finei" saidjthe__yisiti>r._ "Maybe I can collect the money he owes me." "You're an optimist,"-she saidi "If my husband had any money, he wouldn't be in." when it is more than ever .*es&entia;h that the various parts of the empire -stand .together as one! man, it would appear to be the height of folly, to do anythfng which inight endanger that solidarity. ' .. 7 \ ' ST. PA'TRICIA SCHOOL Parents intending to .enroll children for vthe. fall .term com mencing September. 8th, are asked to register same at the earliest possible date;/Miss Dur bin, h e a d m i s t r e s s , g l a d to give full particulars to any who may be interested. * DEATH OF f MRS. W. C. THOMPSON . . /Jjlrs. W. C. Thompson, 2058 Argyle Avenue, passed away last ̂ ̂ r il^ t in the North Vancouver ' General Hospital. Besides her, ' - hiisband,_she is survived by- one -Ison Jri Seattle,4ive stepsons and . one step-daughter. Fuperah services vvill be held "p.m î'pn ' Saturday o f . this Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Bmith.and family, with Ruth Parnum, have returned to their home' at 992 20th Street after .^ehding a va- .cation at Qualicuni Beach arid bii a motor tour of Varieouver Is land. . w ^k in the West Vancouver/ .̂tlrilted Church, and interment I wil| be'made /n Mountain View ̂ G ^etery. ■ , , ^ e Hollyburn Funeral Home ■' ojf/liarron Bros. Ltd,, are in charge of the funeral arrange- , .irirints. Sunset Off West Vancouver - ' V- : \ ' "i , - V' ^ ----- ---------------------------;----------- - p ~ -------------- ̂ ---------- ------ --------- ----------- - ------ ------------ ^ ^............. . r _......... • _ _....... ............ _ . _....._.......,.... V - .--A---