•* vâ. ■ 1 ' --»'tf- ^-c- f . ê r /••■J^--\^fJi»jt.*i_ >41̂ HiaiKMii HIM attjiui'Il.' iS" I tf I I ? -̂' i" e'. i\ i n I'i 1!̂ i; • il 0 r 1 ;. r ll, 1̂ A "l•'■̂l W 4-'* } { . t : - i j , - ' ' i f, ?'• ■'̂ ' j I 1 1 - r ^ f si' i--'"I'r '•>f p/fv >'i 'lAyi.'̂ r'y' » te i i i i fa' i ̂t/' " ' I m M 'fl ^ . '.il-' -'-^f,i'P;r:rS'-i<' ̂> t "f̂ . V v5 r? ii-"'iJTTvr̂ FTr i 1 ? IIP if ft-' i*>>4 viiVX 'i i W i d ii? ̂Vn- < V.\- S) ?\lM -H _tf! .it .V* - "'■3fg-'i'-'N.! MrA; few > ■4'fe4>'fi-'*' I ■*■ v"( ̂f iSCSilî ̂>i P «r̂ 'I t i p ' I H i ' -W3a}M-V4 ' !,{ ; # # # '/-:< i W l : TEE WEST VAN NEWS■iiMlHM > ......... C O R R E S P O N D E N C E Meats-- Phone West 370 Economy Food'Valuco FRIDAY & SATURDAY. Aug. 12 & 12 PUKBJAMB ■ . ' lOd .nd W hit. STRAWBERRY 4 lb, tin ........... ..................... ..... 54« lied and Whlt« lUBPIlBlUiV 4 Ib. tin ........ file lied and White BLACK CUIIRANT 4 Ib. tin .................. 67e lied and White AIMUCOT, 4 lb. tin 49c lied and White COFFEK. Irradiated Save the Coupona.........1 Ib, tin 33c COHN FLAKBB--Quaker, 3 pkta. 25c A treat for the Dick Tracy fana. Red and White Brand HOURS I Tomato -- Veitetable.i.....2 tina 17c Red and White TOMATOES 3 Htjuat T in a ..... .............. 25c Red and White FORK & BEANS 2 tIna 17c Red and White LOBSTER, Via, tin 20c •/iH. t in ............................................ 33c Red and White 8(K:KEYB SALMON •/jM, tin ......................................... 19c Red and White I*EAR8, Lurge Juicy halvea ............... wiuat tin 17t.. MEATS LEGS OF CH O ICE SP E IN G LAMB, p e r ib................. 30c SH O U LDERS OF CH O ICE SPR IN G LA M B (Whole) ]K*r Ib, ................ 20c SH O U LDER RO ASTS of Milk- Fed Veal, per Ib .............. 18c FRESH F ISH D A IL Y COD, per lb..................... He SA LMON, per Ib.... ......... 22c SM O KED A LA SK A COD, Ib. 22c SM O KED K IP P E R E D SALM O N per Ib......................... 22c b a k e a s y s h o r t e n in g 2 fo r ...................... 21c Beef -- Pork -- Lamb -- Veal AbHoluiely Top (Quality Editor ■ West Van Kew^̂ . Dear S ir:--In the present chaotic s ta te of society it s<^ni» pathetic th a t most of our efforts »eem to be spent in critioisni of those who happtMi to he in power a t the time. , It would seem better for us to devote our mind to the cure and by doing so, make ourselves cure minded. This cure comes under two dif ferent headings,,"Financial and Moral." The fliiandal cure caiS be brought about, more or less by legislation but this will not be corripletely effective unless we have the moi*al cure to sup port the spirit of the legisla tion in its puiiiose. 'J'he moral cure is therefore the m ore im portant and the (luestion arises,.. "What must we cure," and "How to go about it?" The" first great evil we find in S e rv io i ̂L U M B E R pAiMr SASH & DOORS 'SHINGLES'™""' PLYWOODS LATH TE * th NO SUBS FOR QUAUTir Afinlas" ' CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD, WALLBOABD \^EST VANCOUyER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & M arine D rive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED A D S 25 Tht-cute for ClmiBiflod A d r^ M m e n U I« 1 eimU. per word, ralnima« eenta. Except In the case o f thoM hav ing regu lur accounta, all dm|I ® ^ ^ im e K r% a t^ !^ a i!i S t̂ ^̂ Van Newa î et Immediate reaults. GORDON ROBSON -vD arrlB ter & Solicitor, 510 W. Hustings, Sey.'4199 ut West Vancouver any time by ., ' uDDointment, West 403. Demonstration Burns' Hormel Brand Canned MeatsSATURDAY^ AU GU ST 13th LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Special machine; repairB, parts. West Vancouver. Machine Shop, 1449 life, -is> tha t in all lines: of ,on-,. . ... Murine..: .,.... : \ / deavor "victory' is valued more J U N K -- W B S T I L L BUY EverT thing of value: bottles, rags. sackV metals, furniture, stoves, tools .i.' Call West 91 and' w . btlig your door, Burrard Junkto W est 91. FLOOR SURFACING land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, Mrs. Harry Huff, 25th and M arine'Drive, is able to b,e out a f te r a long illness. . . , LAW N BO W LING CYROMA TEA & COFFEE SHOP ., 1706 Murine Drive Now under new management; will'bo pleuBod to aerve you. « Free delivery. * Keeve Leylana presented the "U'yland" Cup, a very hand some trophy to the West Van couver Lawn Bowling Club last Wednesday evening;,., and con- gi atulated^the Club ion being .the first winners ofT'Hhis êy_ejnt., C(fmpTJt1tio'n~for~possession-calls- thah justice," and the second .is , the. idea, growing very fast, that* "the state owes the citizen a living whether they do any- > thing in return or not." ' Our progress in cleVerness without its accompanying wis dom, is responsible for this, and the further we progress in this .cleverness without becoming wise, the worse/S.tate society will fall into.» "How shall we. go. abou^it?" I--be--naiiiH-ally- SUMMEIt GUESTS Apply MIbb B. J. Campbell, "Sunlit. Lodge, West Bay. West 379-Y-2. ______ ; MASON'S TAXI -- Hay and nlrtt. heated car; pasaengera fully insured W6Sl» OlSfa CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawduat burners intailed; furnace repaita. Phone G. Meldrum, 1103: Lonsdale North 822. ■' * GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister * Spliciter, BIO. W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t Weat Vancouver any time bv appointment. W est 403. ^ EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con tract; Experienced men, modern machinery. Rush .jobs. Kissick, West 252-L. * J. EDWARD SEARS. Barrister, Sol- icitpr, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone W est 21. or W est BBS-R-i; A. % F e tr y L Lending L ib rary for a t least two inter-club-games home and away annually and the winner is decided on games won and not aggregate points. The Reeve in a brief and complimen- 'taTy"speeoh"stated~it-ashisrwish -The--process--wi 1 b __ „ o a 1- A REAL REST for Tired Folks- A. C. WHITE, Barrister & Solicitor, Restawhile Convalescent Home 138 1447 Marine, West 64^ Vancouver 27th Street. W est 86-L-2. ' ' associates: Russell, Russell, Du- " MWlin &--"DuMolilin, 850 West" TChina, Pottery, Indian Curios, Greeting Cards, View Cards Subscriptibni SOc f̂je month; 8c per d,a l a n d s c a p in g Designing and Contracting Expert Workmanship in all branches Designs submitted without obligation M. D. BURGESS. West 530; After 6 p.m. 778-L- to .see a closer accord in sporting circles between the -North Shore Club.s to whom the cup is limited, -(^rcat- expitement .prevailed be^ fpre West Vancouver won the competition, as ih June in North Vancouver the club won 4 and lost 3 games, and last Wednes day this was reversed, winning -3-7and-rlosing-^4--games^t=^,Jlfe slow as the elders of the present generation have been .steeped in the tradition ,of physical pro gress iand irresponsible individu alism to such an extent that -thfey-arer-d iff icOl t-tb- change------ We mu6t therefore work on Hastings. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor,/Suite 4; Hollybum Block. ' PAINTING AND DECORATING - J . H. Wedleyi formerly with C. L. Konings. Phone West 651-X Estimates free. ' WESTERN WOODWORKERS, Car- __penter. and Joiners--Wood work of alTdescriptibns; cupboards, drawers, playing the extra two ends to break the tie the club secured thb necessary margin. West Vancouver enjoys the .privilege of one of the. finest greens in the the young people by including^a special subject of behavior in- the curricu l u m .At_the..present._ time we are spending one third of our income on an education of extreme individualism leaving many scholars when they turn out into the world, with no op- -portunityg-_except^theirT^--ow4i- shre'wdness along questionable lines of business ethics. alterations, etc. Glass and glazing. 1478 Clyde. Phones: Shop 'West 740; Residence West 443-R. C. JORDAN -- F irst |for Window • Shades and A-wnihgs.' Small down' -- payment;_easy_terms.-W,-V-Blm(i- & Avwning . Supply. Phone West 719. " ' . CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coah- try way; Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. HANDY ANN SHOP. 2442 Marino- Notions, Sewing Cotton, Sheen, Silk, --T w ist--RihboiirrrEIastic,- Children ̂ Socks,. Men's Socks,. Ladies Stock- * ings, Darning Wool, Eye Shades, Summer Hats. MARCEL SHOP Thermique Steam Peripanents; only best materials -- usedr---Expert--operatbrsjt--Phone- West 304; Royal Bank Building. BLACK CAT TEA ROOMS, West Bay --Lunches";, leas, ice ^ream, tobac- cos7i:rgarettesrgrocenes,-etc;------ LOOK at This! Brand New Enterprise Range, Regal Models with high shelf and Aetna-Oil Burner in s ta ll^ complete with copper" coil and pump. Friday and- $9950 Saturday «ily Easy terms Nothing else to buy. .. SEE Mr. H. MacKay, Agent FORST*S LTD. 1473 Marino Drive JKftpcouver^̂14i^"s-F^^M-343i--Nerth-52Sr "creased membership arid .m any seasoned bowlers oan be expect ed to maintain a high position in this field of sport. ALONG THE AIR WAVES . Society is completely out of balance between ' "cleverness" andj, "wisdom." Cleverness is :owiug--by:He^ps--andHhounds- but wisdom is only crawling by inches and we niust take especial care to cultivate wisdom in order- to reap the full' benefit of our cleverness., The natural inclina.tionVf--the- PHIL CHAPMAN -- For.all forms of Insurance. Eire and Auto accidents . ; take their daily toll. A small-prem ium protects you." For rates- apply 2557 King*s Avenue. Phone West • 42-Y-3. ------ -- ^ :-------- WANTED -- Row Boat to rent «r buy. Apply W est 430-L-3. ~~~ WANTED--F u rn itu re ; Stoves, Tools, etc. We buy, sell and exchange. ___Phone.,North-431> Vinick'.s Eurnitiili. "66-70 Lonsdale Avenue. FOR SALE -- 1929 Essex Sedan, good tires.^ Cheap for cash.. . West 321__ Toronto Promenade Concert Charlotte Symons, lyric sop- ' rano-pf the Metropolitan-Opera Association, who was born in Chicago and brought up in a family of musicians, will be" the giiest soloist when the 15th broadcast in the series of 24 Promenade Symphony concerts . is heard-over CBC's. national net work, Thursday, August 11th, ,.9lP.Q t o 10:00 p.m. EDST-_Reg- ' human'being is gregarious but his present education and train ing is predatory and "Wisdom" -is- the -cultivation - of a-desire to eradicate this .predatory tra in ing. When we. realize the im -. portance of progress along moral or- spiritual lines, in conjunction with the progress along physical lines, the small amount of five per cent of our ̂ educational ex penditure would n'ot see'm a great .lamoUUti HELP WANTED In private home, 3:30 to 7:30 p.m., daily; 10 to 12 noon _S'aturday; state wages requir-.-- ed; Box 52, West Van News. TO. RENT -- Furnished ; Camp at - White - Rock,- from August 17th. Phone W est 13G-R. GRADUATE NURSE -- Open for en gagements; wide exsperiencej mater-; nity specialist, R. Bentley, 1925'BUICK -- Touring in fine' run ning condition. What offers ? West 581-R. 837-R. WANTED SEPT. 1st -- Small heated suite or rooms suitable fo r , light housekeeping, by business girl; near bus line; Box 51, West Van •News. - ' GUESTS -- Transient and Permanent "Sunlit Lodge," West Bay. Miss Campbell,~Westr 879-Y-2: ; W A N TED SEPT. ■ 1st--Bly bufflhiess girl, room and board, near bus line, must .be warm. Box 53, West Van News. WANTED --: Five„ roomed cottage with good Igarden. between Caul- feilds apd Hollyburn, about $2500 cash., Box 50. West Van News, _ IF ANYONE FINDS a Roll of FitaB on North Shore, please phone West 606. JLarge--auto t r n ^rpUflclgnWestr IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHRISTINA READ. ---------- DECEASED. States, will again return ,to the -podium,- conducting the 9(Lpiece orchestra a t the Toronto Varsity Stadium. The broadcast will open with the orchestra's repdi NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 28 of the TRUSTEE ACT that all creditors and others having tion of Ludwig von Beethoven's "Symphony No. 5," fallowing -whieh-MissrSymons-wiM4)e-heard- and the quest for .money being strong - as ever-it -was^-this- de sire should be Used ,as an incen tive ip study on these lines. If, in all the schools, every month, there was a prize offered for the best essay =>on, for example, FOR SALE -- 19 Square Yards light '• green and red inlaid linoleumi used' only two months.. West ,14l! FOR r e n t --- -Furnished house, 4 - teoms, nbok- and- bath.--Inquire im mediately, 1373 Haywood. ' WE HAVE a cash buyer for approxi mately five acres with creek! Ap- P)y P-.G. Gibbens & Co. Ltd., West ./u4. claim.s or demands against the estate of Christina Read late of Whytecliff in the Municipality of West Vancou ver, who died on or about the 14th day =of May, 1938, are required on iii; the "Jewel Song" from Gou- - nod's .'opei'a "Faust." This selec tion will be instead of the one originally scheduled, from Char- or^efore-the-15th-day-of-September-,--iJpp.n.Uer!s__operafe^Louise.'I. _ T h e 1938, to send by post prepaid .or de livered to Bessie Egan and Hillis Wright, 501 Standard Bank Building, Vancouver, B.C., the executors of the last will of the said deceased, their full names and addresses and "full particulars of their claims and of the securities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said executors will-proceed to distribute- btoadcast portion o f the concert will close tvith two orchestral ^elections, Sir Alex. MacKenzie's "Beaedictus," and the "Russian Sailor's Dance"" from "The R ^ Pojppy," by Reinhold Gliere. ^ a t - 4 u : e - t h e - i n o . s t - d e s i r a J j l e -- FOR-SA1.-E-- Lovely dean appTi: t l a its of character fo r .good green bedroom suite complete;..best citizenship?" i t would create a offer takes if; Also beautiful large com petition am ong the children P^im. West 414-L-3. to g iv e the best o f th e ir ab ility , and th ey in turn would ani3^ i LOST--At West Bayrhlack and white Pox terrier, rough coated, answete L'to name of "Gyp." Tag no N«tD Vancouver - 155. Phone Cardinall, North 728.' ' __ FOR SALE -- Upright Piano wth bench, good condition, $75.00 cash. Phone West 443-H-. I t is really astonishing how THE flllUILAIIDS the assete of the said deceased among fellow can\ get out of a second the parties entitled thereto, having h an d car regard only to the claims of which ' they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have bben re ceived by them a t the time of such distribution. fe . DATED a t Vancouver, B.C., this 4th day of August, 19^. -- , GORDON ROBSON, Solicitor for the Executors. a 1393 Mariiie Drive 871Phone W est 8^ Tea Cup Hitadiiig ' 'P ro fe sso r G r if f it h ' ^ e s d a y - Wednesday -"Friday 1 :̂80 to 5:30 pan. to Iheir parents for help, with the result of getting the great q^jority of people interested.. In our conversation we may speak withoutjdue thought, but when we put pen to paper we - ^ e fa r more careful about leav ing. ourselves open to ridicule so we give of our very best. We oan never have improyement until we are improvement mind ed and unless we progress along moral lines to supplement our cleverness aJobg: other lines, so ciety will fall into greater unrest than it is a t present. . f "GIVIS" H. A. ROBERTS Ltd. -- List your. ProP-gjity--with-us.--Clients--'waitingr- 1447 Marihd. West 546. FOR SALE ~ Child's playhoop; walnut"bed complete: small kitchen sink. West 769-L. WANTED -- Reliable girl for few __ hours a day. Phone West 95-L-2. STRAYED -- Prom 27th Street, Wed- nesday afternoon, half-grown Mal- white throat and paws, very friend- 5 W B e w a ? i° ! i l a r g e CLEARED LOT - south with hrooK dose in, terms... LaWsoh, Walker & . opp; P.O. i^West 55. -- $27.5.00 PULL PRICE -- Cleared Lot with one'room cottage, on car Capilano. C. ' 3.' Archer Ltd., Nw Marine Drive^.. W est 225. __ Miss Harkness and her sister are occupying a house a t 2360 Marine DriVe for a few weeks." r a i l T H W H I T I ^ 2444 Marine Diive A fterno^ and • Cotton. Dresses, - Dimdl Dresses, Sports Wear Children s and Baby Clothes S to ^ n g s, Underwear Towels, Notions" ' All -.at City IVioes. . - (Phone See New Directory) GIRL 'FOR HOUSEWORK -- ^ weeks; "sleep out: West 86-L-3. ^ W ^ T E D ^ M V e s t Vancouver home i» exchange fo r 'c ity home. Bayviê 1865y. ; V. fe- LOANS ARRANGED -- Domimoo | Housing Act and other .plans, uo ^ "dori ,Grayr-Seymour 4991, ", 92-R-2. ___ _ w*t*WANT .TO . RBNT -- Cottage on erfront, from August 14th to ^ ' accommodation' for 4. Fair® - 949-R; - ' - ' ' \ t 'Jr