WEST VAN. UNITED CHURCH ....Cof. ,iU«t<ik.JSiauteli^4Ay«« REV. W. VANCE, B.A., Mittistor 2047 Gordon Av«nu« . ,„ ?J?«>niJWe8i^244.R ̂ Sundft^ Service*: lla.tri. A TiSOp.m. Stninfi^er* and VI*itor* are welcome BAPTIST CHURCH Her. W. 1*. UtU Mf, W A^ B.D, Sundi^ Service* 10:00 a.m.--Cborcb School in* dodinir Adult d a i* II a.m, & 7:80 p.m,--PreaeWnif Service*. A hearty welcome to all Character!' ThaCa the Charm of a .UUAUT PERMANENT WAVE Styled by the G w e n d o l y n ' s B eauty Shoppe Creator* of Exduatve Permanent*. 15,46 Marine Drive We*t 117 i f r t . H oU ylinm Business College 14th and Marine Drive DAY and EVENING CLASSES Individual Attention PHONE WEST 341 ~ HOLLYBURlf HALL 14 eh and Duches* SUNDAY. Aug. 14th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People'* Bible Cla** SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 GOSPEL ADDRESS Speaker; MR, HAROLD SUMMERS TUESDAY at 8 p.ro. Prayer and Bible Study. Subject; "THE ALTAR" Introduced . by Dr. .Bryson. WT^T VANCOUVEB "C h riitian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20tii and E»quimalt, HoUybarn ThU Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The FiratJChurch of Christ, " Sclent&t, in Boston, * * * Maasaehttie^ Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday. Auif. 14th, SUBJECT: " S O U h " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in* vited to attend our services and meetings. WEST~ VAN STATro « H tS :M ijjL jB RA»Vi 1680 ftlarine Prive Wt«t 687 m o d e r n l e n d in g l ib r a r y -- Over 1,000 GOOD BOOKS. " MAR a z in e s British "iSd" lS^eH cl2*p^B,PKIjrGatfeari^l^^ Lexicon - OfTice and Heme Stationery - Picnic Supplies, ftc etc At City Prices. , < Post Views of the Lions Gate BrWge, now in. . ' ' Framed West Van. Views, $1.26. Open 'nil 8 P.M. CORRESI'ONDBNCE Associated Radio Technicians of of^B.C., V ancouver % UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Aye. Rev,. William Vance, Minister Radio Owner! i -.f i.4? V, HOLLYBURN DRESSMAKERS 1800 Morine Drive PHONE WEST 683 . MISS D. II. HORIE There will be morning and evening services next Sunday at 11 n.m. and 7:30 p.m. s, ,.i. lil; .... DR. G. D. H. SEALE - B.O;8.t:L.DA----------- DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Or. Office Hours 0 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Rhone West 72 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Avc. ... Itev. W. J. Millay, O.Prem. Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. ' Do you know what your local associated naxlio technician rep resents? . He represents an orgitnization which was formed vyhen Com mercial radio was in itfj, .infancy 'back in 1928, and has steadily advanced with the industry, until today it is the leading ser vice organization in Oana^i. Through , the years „df INS0RANCE T hink of a fire an d No Insurance! We hai7dl/all classes of Insurance and aro Agents for the following Comfiiiniei !̂-^ PACIFIC COAST ST. PAUL LONDON** LANCASHIRE BRITISH & EUROPEAN NORWICH UNION ' LEGAL & GENERAL . NEWARK GUARDIAN NIAGARA GREAT AMERICAN GROUP Get our Rates today -- You can do no better. R. P. BLOWER & GO. , R. P. BLOWER, J.P. ' , V ' Notary Public, Government Valuator, ' REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE and FINANCIAL BROKERS (Member of the Vancouver Real Estate Exchange) 1405-Marine Drive, West Vancouver pro- High Mass and Sermon 10:15 u a.m. I . /if 5 ' V , i I n f M ' u DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building- 'Hours: 9 to 0 -- . Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marino Drive West 432 Rosary and Benediction ---; 7 :45 " p .m . '. ' ■ ' ■ ' ' Catechism and'Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services- Mass -- 7:00 a.m. Fridays-r-Jlosary, Benediction 7:45. -Saturdays-- -Confessions;-7 :30. to 8:30 p.m. i ] v ' 7 V if I 5t:> •i ; ■ . 'I'*-" ■' Ilk I Established^oiiTNorth Bhere 26-Y e a rs ------- (Lady Assistant) . HARRON BROS. LTD. ITunsfal Birectars -flollyburn FuneralrHomi 18th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver Parlors _.122_Weat-Sixth Street Phone North 184 ° Vancouver Parlors __ 55 Tenth AveriuB East Phone Fair. 184 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. Services Sunday, August 14th, 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:00 a.m,. and 7 :30 p.m. -- Rev. gress the organization has main tained a very high and advanced technical - standard---as. .. set_by„ the examining board, in which every member has to pass an examination te.sting . his tech nical knowledge. His business integrity must conform to the standards laid down by the "A. ,R.T. of B.C." and these stand-, ards are such that the public is 'assured of competent workman ship coupled with a legitimate service charge. Th€~district technioian-ef the Company who n^anufactured your radio is a member oL the (A.R.T.), and each member is up to the minute on all the latest radio designs and wrinkles^,. as^ the Association sponsors lectures by designing engineers from -leading set manufacturers, and •"holds Radio Conventions where everything pertaining Lb radio' IS .discussed, LANDSCAPE ENGINEERING Announcing a complete service in. FORMAL, and LANDSCAPE '.DESIGN and .CONSTRUCTION ........................Va;in keeping with the surroundings in West Vancouver FORMAL GARDENS - ROCK GARDENS - STONE and CONCRETE WALLS - FLAGGED and GRASS TERRACES - FLORMAL and RUSTIC POOLS . Special care given to Lawns. Let us submit a pricis arid design. Ail work by contract E H. JUPP,Residence Phone, na, fomerly pastor of this . church, will conduct both morning and evening._ser-_ vices. Wednesday,' 7 :45 p.m. -- Meet ing for praise and prayer; The (A.R.T. ̂ of B.C.) , main- ̂ tains a committee to investigate any complaint ̂ originating from a radio' owner regarding work manship and service charges, and 4his is one of the more im- LET'S BE GOOD NEIGHBORS We both live over on the good old North Shore.;' You-have a saw dust burner and I sell sawdust. You don't use much now but I still- have to sell it to make, a living. • Four, months from now when most people will be yelling their heads off fo r'saw dust I'll Have to keep ' jumping--to meet" the" demand. ~ 'No;~I'll'~not jum p ' the 'p rice on 'you, but I do think it would be good business if you would fill up the bin, now. In fact a t $3.50 per unit bulk, or $4.00 sacked"-- there's quite a saving for you. " ' ' WEST 79 4 2 SAWDtJST -- KNILL*S FUELS WOOD COAL NORTH 94 ~ HOME OIL FUELS ^West Vancouver Office: 1528 Marine Drive: Phone West 79t~ Leader, ,Mrs. A. Hampton. ̂ Mr. arid Mrs. R. N. Bailey have ' Mrs. W." M rH o o d sp ith ^ tt^ moved from 2295 Fulton ' Ave- son,^ CloudsleV, of ,V aric ;^ / nue, into a house a t 2616 Hay- are ^spending' * a ■ vacation 'at ^ 't o t ^ Wices the Assec la t io r T ^ ^ ^ o o d - ^ ^ ----- :-------------- . ., "SunITFEbdg^"lW ^B ay .-^ - ' The French B eauty Salon ;For W ork of Qyality - 'Wo specialize in fine, grey and white hair. -i.. 1562> Marine Drive Phone W. 212 H ai'Q iiL i^_agec-& _SoiL BuHders STContrac tors. Homes of .Distinctioji. _ ____ ..__lAlterations___!__ ----- Repairs Re-Roofing 826 • 22nd Street ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. T. W. Barnett 22nd and Fulton Sunday, AugusTl4th. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 :15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. . ' St. Francis-in-the-Wood CauHeild 9.45 avm.--^Matins and Sermcn. MR. AND MRS. LAWSON The CounciLat^their .meeting on August 1st, passed the fol low ing-reso lu tion :____ '̂'THatr the^heartiest con^'atu- Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, __ BatMng, Boating, Fishing, rca-rooms, Home-<^6ked Meals >' Sandy Beaches, Cottages for' rent by Month or Week THE West Van News lations and the best wishes- of the Council of the Corporation of the District of West Vancou ver be extended to Mr. and Mrs. John. Lawson on the occasion of the-Golddn Anniversary-of-their- m arriage wth a deVout hope they will long be^pared and be bless ed with health and strength to enjojr.the useful years still re maining to them." offers' the public through its menibers/,.-4n other words the Association is an organization to which the public can look to for competent workmanship and hones! service charges.. - We urge you to call on'your ,, local member who, can give you . further, inforniation regarding the (A.R.T. "of B.C.) and the r e - " lation it plays in maintaining'- business integrity between the public and the servicing indus- [.._^u -canJden tify ari (A.R. -T.)' member by his' .member^ip^, button, or car, and display "signs - or sticker in your local member's -- store or window.. "Why grumble" about the ser- " vice industry if you let"some in- ' competent plier and screw-driver man tinker with such a. delicate scientific i'mechanism as your . radio? Your guarantee against such practice is tojcall an (A.R. T.) member. ' ' Ota. 1 9 3 7 r 6 5 4 4 J c u ic o M 4 jie ^ m o io ^ - m e 4 0 , O H j a C 0 4 ijd 4 4 4 zt- O 'f c l (P p ^ e ^ ic d & d tk e d ^ L. H. STONEBERG . Publislied Every Thursday Mrs, H. Barnes of 25th and Marine Drive is a patient in the Vancouver General Hospital. Mrs. W. C. Thompson, 2058, A rgyle. Avenue, who recently , -undei-\\^nt.-a.-seiri6us-operation^.l-- . a t the North Vancouver General. Hospital^ is back a t her home here and making as satisfactory progress as can be expected. 1 5 f 3 5 O f 0 0 0 t f U l e d w lM u u it a n . ciccide4ii. Publisher- F. P. LO VEG RO VE . Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone We^t 55 North Vancouver Office; 12Sf Lonsdale. Ave. $1.00 a year b;^ carrier: $2.00 a year >y mail WEST VANCOUVER SEA SCOUTB ' MYSTERY CRUISE IN HOWE SOUND , SUNDATi A ugust 1 4 th , 1 9 3 8 N a 6 Ferry leaves Ambleside 1 p.m.; Return 8,p.m . L im its Number of PassengeirS Fare: Adults^75c; Children 40c, Tea and Coffee provided. G. Crleci/uc. m.BH a/ie t̂uun-eJl in.