, ' ' : : : " ; : ^ v „ ̂ : '•: C irculating in the 'D istric t o f West Vancouver^ Atnblesidey H olly bum ., WesUiin, D undarave $1.00 pm y««r;.: - ' , Cypress P ark, C au lfei,ld ,W hytecliffi'-EtC, - < «c per eopy «t nevrsit«nd». Vol. X I I I O.J-r> HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C*, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1938 No. 11 DEMOCRACY rtd .""Demobracy has never been trlbd," That is the statemejit heard time and again these last lew years whenever our social and financial troubles are up for discussion.V Aad curi ously it is regarded generally as a sufficient excuse for the existence of these troubles. Yet in Canada full sovereignty is vested in and exercised by the people a t large. They have the power through their votes to select tho^e representatives who together form the Parliament of Canada and the Pro vincial Legislatures, the city and municipal councils, as these assemblies through* their legislative, enactments and the de partmental niachmery under their control have the power to , rule the oountry in accordance with the will of the people as expressed by their votes. If these representatives, having been given the power, do not use it or misuse it, then they can be or ought , to be voted out a t the end of their short, term of office. T hat is where the sovereignty of the people comes in,,and th a t is why, when we^X^aiiadians say democraejr has never been tried, we only condemn ourselves as unfit for democ- racy* Instead of a good excusej it*is an admission of failure on our part, for which we have .no alibi. J t is a very tr ite and a very true saying th a t under defnocracy a people get ju s t as good government and only as good governmentTas they deserve. Political chicanery or o b s e r v a t io n s ON HARDY ANNUAL EXCURSI0>N CHRYSANTHEMUMS TO KEATS ISLAN . (Experimental Farm s Note) !> LANDSCAPE ENGINEERING Hardy chrysanthemums de serve a place in every home gar- --------- s: E. H. Jupp, B.A.SC., of 2015 The annual picnic and excu»^ Inglewood; AVeriue, announces sion to Keats Island with the in this issue a complete service West Vancouver School Band in formal niid landscape design den. They can be relied upon to will be held on Wednesday, Au^-' and comstruction, including for- produce a wealth of bloom dur- ust 24, The camp will be fw m mal and rock gardens, stone and ing autum n months after mpst this date until Saturday, Sep- wncrete iwalls, flagged and grass warden flow ers. have been de-, tember 3. On' their re turn the terraces, and formal and rustic ' ' ' boys will again take pari In the pools. • Special care is given to three contests a t the Vancouver stroyed by early frosts. Their cultural requirements are very simple, plenty of sunshine, an ample supply of plant food, div ision of plants each spring and perhaps m ost iihportant of all, good drainage, states R. C. Palm er, Superintendent, Summerland Experimental Station. .The chrysanthemum is a sun- loving, plant; given a good sup ply of soil moisture it will thrive in the; hottest'.location. Excel lent blooms oan:;be secured from plants set; in coarse sandy soil, provided they gre supplied with liberal, quantities of plant food. JV. generous dressing of well- rotted/.bamyarid: manure thor- QughJyJncbrpQrMedjwithLthesoil lawns. Mr. Jupp, who is a civil Exhibition. engineer, being a graduate of As only a limited number can (hp Faculty of Science of Toron- bo accommodated " oil" this trip to University, asks that any all those interested should get , interested allow him to submit their tickets as soon as possible, a price and design. All wok by These may be had from Mr. contract, and in keeping with Condon or. any member of the the surroundings in West Van- school band. couver. Phone West 739-R.. For All boys are asked to be at further particulars kindly refer rehearsal tomorrow , (Friday) to- the ad.vertisement in this morning so that all arrange- issue. ' ments can be made. , ------- :------ ------- MYSTERY CRUISE IN HOWE SOUND The No, 6 Ferry hlia been chartered byj,.the.«^,m th€-5th-BjG y-fW €^ COUNCIL NOTES . Harold E. McKay wrote the .Council re the condition of 20th S treet from Marine Drive to the graft may start, i t is tra e rb u tit^ an n o W o n g -co n tin u ^ ex T O p ^ ^ 1, ^ --W aterfront a n ^ Bellevue Xve- " gea Scouts for a Mystery Cruise including any usurpation of authority on the p a r^ of an in dividual o r group of individuals; in their midst. T[brough their votes the people have the power to m ake or br^ak any legislation they,desire or to piihish as they s ^ fit those who flout th a t authority. Canadians, fo r instance, can have po l-. itical g raft ..placed'in the , same category as business fraud and p u n ish ^ accordingly., They can. wash put the charters 4-1.... •u.n.ini.... TvloYtA TYÛnf. Vtfink much to ensurd the success o f 20th to 21st S t r ^ t . the chrysanthemum bed. , The applicant was . advwed Many excellent varieties of th a t funds did not perrnit of any , early blooming chrysanthemums are now available. The Masses hut th a t the m atter would be or next Sunday, August 14th, levy ing Ambleside Dock a t 1 p.m. and returniiig a t 8 p.m. The course set will be only known i. . to the Captain, but an enjoyable considered in the. 1939 tarring trip is assured,' and a stop will progra,m. The same answer was be mode a t a location reSiark- ^ n t to Dr. H. White r e g a l in g ĝ ble for its beauty to allow pas- Pilot House Ro,ad, Caulfeild, . sengers to enjoy their lunches ashwe;; Tassehgers are Yeq̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^ A report on the Cypress Creek type which can be had in yellow. Ip in k i 'J c re p h ;!^ the banfe^ghd'puiTin their place one goyemment bank, flowering^ ^his^^TO^is ve^^de^ as thejr.shall determiilfi;; The above a re only.examples taken ^ at random, bu t they illustrate sufficiently a. tru th so m a n y ' white with dw aif f r& flowering and Eagle Lake watershsed was ___ _ fail to r e u l^ , n a n i e l ^ always ^ t a n d w e l l , . a d a ^ ^ . . f ( ^ . use..as ^ donated by the com- in eqnal i« tm „ to "a« th o ri^ - ̂ an edging to borders. I^ngcup R i^ d h ^ p b c te r , ^ ' pany will -be provided.' There Demberacy has^ chiefly failed Yon. the_reason. th a t man is___ l i s adeep-yellow-of-taller-grov^h nneatioTi nt the niacincr ...m Hfe is today controired by. the ; Which i blossoihs o'ver a long period; ed to bring their lunch baskets and cups, but. Blue Ribbon tea largelyrlwth selfish and tazy. is today-controlled by the jungle law, which has for its b ^ is 'selfishness, and he likes „ to let George do it.. Unfortunately, George, who is only another human" being, most <of th e time does not do it. And so the s ta tu s quo rem ains amid a chorus" of grumbling from "those~~who~-are~-too--disinterested--to -b estir th ^ s e ly e s r - fo r Tbe question of the placing of four nofice&Yn"th^traiIs"Yî as" le f t . for the attention of the what is eveiybody's business usually becomes nobody/s busi- 'ness.--. ' 't, - ■" Baldwin, one of-England's g reatest prem iers and a con vinced democrat, has very aptly s u m m a r i^ the s i tu ^ io n jn these'Words: • i ̂ .. '■ ■. "Demiocracy. is a n awkward system and difficult to work, it will no t work unless everyone does TiisTduty; anu I see very little prospect of th a t happening until we have the King dom of .G<^ on earth ; and 5t do. no t th ink th a t is . going to happen yet. Let us cultivate th a t brotherhood and.individual- - ity of every maUr and-woman-in J^his country, with freedom for its o ^ ^ development. , ^ "To my niind freedom, of the hum an soul is the essence "'of religion, .and th a t is.wh^ I, would fight for i t in democracy. Of course^., I do not think you can be a successful leader unless you have^ a genuine love of the4^op le and a realization of ' what the ordinary man or wbm^h is and stands for. You may have-that, and may s till w ^ l to smack them a t'tim es Bronze Early Buttercup is of very* vigorous . constitution and produces fine blooms but they do irot j a s t well whe n -cut.--O irthe- chairman of the Waterworks and the Engineer. other hand, the large pink flow ers of Rayonante continue to open for many days a f te r they are brought into the house. Mrs. Cartwright is a lso /exce ls lent for cutting. A. E. Copper is a fine, terra-cotta .which blooms early. The flower heads are greatly improved by disbudding. The ■ new- Korean hybrids' ̂ e . very, hardy and. .free_ flowering. All of the above.varieties have been found quite hardy a t the Summerland Experimental S ta tion. They may be left in the garden over winter w ithout pro tection provided they, are p lan t ed in a well-drained location. Chrysanthemums W i t h s t a n d will ;als6 be ice ciea^^ on board by the Mothers' Com mittee. As only a limited num ber of tickets can be sold, any . intending Yo take the trip are ___ advised to get theirs as early -- The--Gouncil--dealt--w-iUi--the --as-pessible-at-the B.C; Electric : Engineer's report as follows: Store, Cunningham's Drug Store .1. Subdivision of D.L. 559, fronrany Sea Sooiits or members - Block l,.L o t 4. .of the Group Committee, or by Referred back to the Eng- /jihoning West 97-X or West ---- ineer for fu rther feportr 499-L. Tickets, adults, 75 cen ts; F. W. Rudolph's application, children, 40 cents. work at 2. July 9th Gleneagles. Road 3. 4. all the same; -because they may be very trying, bless th em ; ___ u 4. a For mainten ance attention. Subdivision oL D.L. 771, Block-1, -Lot "B" (Janet. B.̂ Clements). ' , ' Referred to the Council as a whole fo r examination on the ground. ' A.^ W atts, July 29th, 1938; re easem ent; Dalton to Muni cipality. . Referred back to the Eng- riheerx ST. STEPHEN'S-INGLEWOOD GARDEN PAR'TY The. annual. Midsummer Gar den P arty of the St. Stephen's- Inglewood W. A. will take place - .from 2:30 to 5 p.m. next Wed- • nesday, August 17th, a t the home of Mrs. George .Newman, 1036 Jefferson Avenue. A fter noon tea a t 25o will .be served under the convenership of Mrs. George-Jackson--and--there wilF as soupd -wet soil/ 5 r ^ =sphal gram.rfrrrr- creamand-candyTralso-ar^musical,: ^ , , , 1 entertainm ent has been arrang- __The jy oyk^was^rdere J __^ed-f or/the-pleasuroiofi-thbse- at- a t *a cost not to exceed finding. -The-CounciLordered_the _M.i.n-- ister of I^nds in Victoria be ad-; ., vised th a t they had no objectiph to a yearly easement bein^' granted for float a t Eag% Har-, HOLLYBURN HALL .. There will be" Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class a t 10, a.m. next Sunday, August_ . XU, a.m. next c _bor, as the 14th. At_the_7:30 .p.m. service anil Sunday Harold Summers was d a y ^ t 8 p.m. prayer and Bible would not wish any conc^esslpn; g j g ^ j t y S r J r ^ s o n ^ ^ ^ granted under what is known ap "Foreshore L e ^ e ." ' I---^ ------------------ j--- :--------- ^. -The ferry "Bonabelle'-' touched- The 'Council drdored $1,006 ' a sand bank off .the mouth of ; ^ riasferred from the Ferry iSci- ,:the Capilano River yesterday count to the Corporation Genei>;' afternoon about $*25 o clock, '■■-v-il' Savings Account. . , , , f hile on her. way to Ambleside ♦ ♦ ♦ ' . from the city. She got off im-" • ' X E,. Condon wrote the Coui' i .Mediately under her own power, ' ' .c tt re School Band trip to KSat?" and, it is no t thought th a t any ;Isfand ■August, 24th to Septeraj.,;. damage wgs done. ; , '^ m l 'W t t e r was, referred, t o "Say, J<ie, you work in the the chairman of T ra n s p o r ta M O p e ra House; hoW about getting and the Ferry Manager, with-, a,couple of tickets. 'mm Scenes in West Vancouver power to act, the same arrange^, ments. as in the year 1937 to_ apply.' "Sure, Jim. You w ork ' in^a bank-r~how about getting me a couple of banknotes?"' .d%i