* W T t r t ^ . _ TRUNKS , W,- < |̂(«ni?'«iMer #!♦#$' «»<l ' IS.^^-*' * -- « MKN"i5 SPORT SHIRTS, plain ghades. P^ice...... ........................... 86c MFN'S summer caps in Checks and Plain Shades. Price..*:....... 26c Local and personal EDITH -2 ,4 4 4 :M ariiie Afternoon and Morning Dresses, 2-Pie«e Suits, Sheers and Boleros. Slins Nightgowns, Lingerie, Hosiery, Ankle Sox, Bathing Suits, Towels, Terry' Cloth Sweaters, Halters, 2-Piece Bench Sets, Shorts, (Jift Suggestions and ^Notions. All a t City Prices. * ' , CHRIS STAMATHS, formerly Chef of ScotCs Cafe! ' has opened t h e c o u r t e s y c a f e at 625 West Pender Street Speoializing in Breakfasts, Luncheons, Afternoon Teas and Dinners a t reasonable prices After your shopping drop in for a . refreshing cup of tea or ^ a tem pting dinner. ... British Columbia Department of Mines NOTICE I t is theinteiition to .cancel the surveys 'field-notes and official plans of survey • of "hll reverted Grown-granted mineral claims appearing on th'rprinted lisrof'suM 'revierted'claim s,-except those in-respect-of-which an application to lease has been received pursuant'to Section 161, "Tax ation Act." " - - - l_ _ _ N o -a p p lic a tio n - fo r .:a J e a s e _ o f^ a _ x e x e r te d „ c la im _wjilJ_^ j|^ep ted-after_ the 25th of August; 1938. ' . ^ A copy of the pnnted list of said reverted Crown-granted mineral claims may be,seen in the. office, of^any G dd Commissioner or Mining Recorder. . ■ ; , , • , ->• HON. W. J. ASSELSTINE, - Minister of Mines. JO H N .F. WALKER, Deputy Minister o l Mines. State Senator W. T. Vinton, A daughter w a r born on Sun- attorney-at-law, of MPMinnville, day a t the- North „Vanc^hV^L Oregon, with his wife and Miss General IlospiUU to Mr. aim Newton, was the guest last week Mrs. Donald > Smiln vntt of his nephew and niece, Captain Margaret W risberg). and Mrs. W. J. Kane of ;25B * ♦ * . Marine Drive. Senator Vinton Dr. and Mrs, R. A. was a t one time Acting Gover- who have been the nor of Oregon. two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. J. i>. ♦ • * Davidson of Caulfeild, have re- Mrs. Collins and family of turned to their home in Vancou- Vancouver and Mrs. Yorke and ver. , .w * family of Vancouver have each * , 1 ^ , ? rented one of the Clachan^wibina Miss'Jean Ward and are now "in possession; holidaying a t "Sunlit Lodge, ♦ ♦ ♦ • ' West Bay. Four gentlemen's rinks and * * / one ladies' rink from the West Miss Eileen Hampson, 814 Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club 20th Street, is in Victoria at- recently jout*neyed to Chilliwack tending the Summer School in for a match with,,the looal club, that city. Although defeated, th.ey had a ^ very pleasant outing, w Mr. and Mrs. C. S, Downing.,, ♦ , ♦' 1991 Inglewood. Avenue, are Municipal Glerk 'and Mrs. W. spending a holiday in the Can- Herrin have left for a holiday boo. in Alberta,:going by motor, ............. vr*̂ >r ** *110 wu i -♦ ♦ * Mrs. J. H. Maxwell-Smith has Mrs. Stanley Ross of T6i*onto, ̂ returned to her home a t 241 h Ontario, is the guest of her and Bellevue .^venue,. a fte r ̂ sister, Mrs. W .' D. Watson, 1328 extended trip to the British lalcs Gordon Avenue. and the Continent. Mr. and Ms. Robert Hunter of W. Gentleman was appointeil Vancouver, have purchased the Acting' Clerk by the Council, Hall property "a t Caulfeild. with the usual powers . ♦ * * * behalf during the absence ol W. Mrs. Hally pf Vancouver, is Herrin on vacation. occupying a suite at the Fortune * * Cup Inn - . Mrs. J. MoiTison mf La: Jolla, ♦ ♦ California, is staying with her Ex-Alderman and Mrs. F, C. sister, Mrs. HufL 25th and Mar- - Clark of Twickenham, England, ine Drive. ' \ areHEfie guests this week of the ir * cii 4 daughter, Mrs. R. W. Hyde, 2517 Frank Smifh',vi)D2 20th Street, Lawson Avenue. • They vyill has passed b^rphysical tests ni leave next Monday for Calgary Ottawa, and is leaving there to- -en.^-route.. for.-.Edmon.t.Qn._.,and__.,mpxrqw for England to b e ^ n his_ Bowden to visit their other four years' training for a coni- daughter, Mrs.' E. M. Catley, and mission as pilof in the K .A .f. several sons. Mr. Clark, who On 'Thursday of last week was a member of Jthe Twicken- tw en t^six members ot ham ' C o u n c irW oyer twenty Stephen's A.Y.P.'A. gave him a years, is an estate agent and is surprise p arty , when a presenta- much interested in the develop-' tion was made to him ol a genu- menta-here, particularly in con- ine morocco pocketbook with Jiiy flection with the British Pacific monogram. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ----------.]y[^g_H_0_H-uflh-of-25i-h-and~ Miss Agnes Paterson of Moose. Marine, is slowly convalescing a t Jaw, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. • the North ^^Vanoouyer General ' J.. M. Stratton, 1468 Marine Hospital after a serious opera- Drive.- - - --- - - -- tion. _ _ __ ̂ ^ ■ ■_____ ... .̂... • -- Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE BREAD FUB8II DAILY Ten variotios to suit every taste Meal Plea -- Cooklen likcles Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY. FRIDAYauHl SATURDAY MATINEE ,luly Mlh, 15th and KHli EDMUND LOWE ".The Girl on the Front Page" also TH E SHEIK STEPS Oll'l .SATURDAY EVR & MONDAY .Inly* 16th and IHtli FRED ASTAIRE BOB lUJllNS " A Damsel in Distress" > (I'l'om the novel'by P. (5. WodehouHe) also ' , Cartoon in Color, Nevva, Ete. 'HJESDAY and WEDNESDAY .luly " l'.Hh and 20th . MADEiiElNE CAUROLL Ht's All Yours* (Once only a t 8:15) also. ■■ "1 PROMISE TO PAY" THE HiaHL&NDS , 1393 Marine Drive ̂ Phone West 671 -i^a-Cup^Reading- Professor Griffiths . ^ Tuesday - Wednesday' - XTiday 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. -- ____ _Major F.;' W. Gerrard of: Hello,TQm! -Mac,spealdnff;-- -baeje^ Mr. and Mrs; C.. W. Hunter- -M r . and M rs. P . Jenner_ o f , shanghai, has moved into the Kave~returned-to"tiieir*home-at -Vahoouver,- are_haying ' a_new-- ^new-Henshaw-house-at-Caulfeild, 1294 15th S treet a fte r spending house built a t 23fd and Lawson .yy^jeh he recentjy purchased. a holiday ifi Portland. - Avenue.' * * A new house is under con- had a swell trip"-- put 2,050 miles on --speedO'̂ niTSter'~==5==-̂ ̂but--sweet-- Mother held down the back scat and : sure enjoyed herself -- said she, had never known the car to run so well. Ct-touaulteild- for Mr. * iQ(J|JJng"after*"it fately. She said she. and .Mrs. Cowan of North Van- ^hat. i t seems our next COUVer: - ■ , ' door neighbor has hci' car serviced .'ll ' 1 _* __ '____. ____with _Bob_and _she_js M^ays telling The R'ev. J. p; Dingle and Mrs. mother what fine service she gets at ANY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON M.-(iili(>r« A.U.T. of n.O. West 190 1578 Marine Drive West 190 Dingle of South Burnaby, are occupying the Downing house a t 20th and, Inglewood Avenue.* ♦ ♦ The Council ordered the steps a t the foot of 22nd S treet re modeled. IEE= TORONTO CONSERVATORY . his place and th a t her cur never gives bother any more. Bob's doing your service work now isn't he? A rent you glad you' took my tip and went in to see him? Sure are pleasant and sociable down? a t Motor Service aren'dr they ? I 'm- taking my car m for another 1,000-mile servicing and lubrication tomorrow -- going to have them fix' my rear fender too. Yeah. A-fellow smacked into it while I and CRAB MEAT for Summer Salads Mariae Fish Market 1429, Marine Dr. West 722 Y#1 Charles Burbridge, 23rd Marine-Drive,--were successful in . Rolled R ihJ 25c Ih. Cross Rih 20c Ih. Rump Roast 22c Ih. Short Rihs . 10c Ih. Pot Roast 15c lb. Rolled: Pot Roast 18c lb. First 3 lbs. 84c Shamrdek Bacon Empires Finest 'bib. backets Hunter's ■ MARNALAbE Large JaPSOc Shoulder Lamb 23clh re'57=ifeadjĝ a-̂ annoy.;:;;:;Qn&j=eiiilfigan£igP^^ on jiiF^in^rance corhlTaTiy':and=i=know-- -Bob and his boy's can repair and duco"it~'so~i.t""Will^never'"show--wh.y-iose .the recent examinations * of the . one's temper and spoiDthe day. Sure, Toronto Conservatory of M usic: th a t's the idea! Remember Bob Seeds' G r ^ p - ^ 8 - ^ W est_6U for r> . automotive service and you 11 get more Cole ̂ honors. . "pleasure out of life.' Well, I rea.lly .Grade 4, . Piano -- Dorothy ^ursier4:ionors.--:-----::-- r-r--------- -Going dow n u. pii;;as>UrC A/UL ux: Xixp# f? phoned to see if you are going to the -baIl-game_O.K^^-eni-gD-jdy.cr_tQr. JAMES JACK PASSES ' gether. Yeah! See you in hali an hour Tom. So long. - Pacific H ighw ay Saturday OPEN FOR RETURN LOAD. Thomson's Transfer ----------W E ST -no- Brejisl- 15c lb;; each 23c FLETCHER'S PURE LARD 12c per lb. Roast Yesil IScib. Jam es Jack, 1425 Gordon Ave nue,^ died on Sa^turday a t th e . Vancouver General .Hospital in his 51st y«ar. He is survived --b y hisu-wife, two sons, Mervyn and Sidney, and one daughter, Yvonne,' all a t home. Funeral services were held a t 2 p.m. last Tuesday in the bity,.the Rev. C. C.' Owen officiating; and.'com- m ittal was made in Forest Lawn . MemoriarPark:^ " ICE S e r v i c e m il k \ WEST VAN._ICE & MILK' SERVICE ------ --Original-.Distrib,utot._for . • , TWIGG ISLAND MILK . ICE BOXES FOR RENT OR SALE Cl'TY PRICES SERVICE . Phone W est 4 S 6 q o a I ; it y - Patronize the only Local lienian. Keep Our Money at- Horae Platform Ice at Ridge Service Station. ^ lC E M A N :-4-R idley-------------. MILKMAN H. Stephena Ve^ Stew 2 lbs. 25c EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON , (formerly with Birks Ltd., - - Montreisd) 1522 Marine Drire Burrard Laundry Ltd. l a u n d r y s e r v ic eDEPENDABLE HAVE ANUERSON,-West Vancouver Representative - Phones - West 691-L or North 1310 *, t . >'