wsĵir I I ' :1 11 #ltS * f WFJST VAN, UNITED CTfUBCR L .V • V (\ir, 21st A* Ksquimalt Aw, S I 4', « REV. W. VANCE, B.A., Mlniattr SI! ̂ . J ^ 2017 Gordon AvenuePhone VVfHt 214-li Hunday Hrrvieeat 11 a.m. & 7}30p.nttj III 4:-' 1'."' Strangers and Vinitoj-H are wtdeomai l l ' To Achieve I i - - : : . Irue Lhw TOE WEST VAK NEWS ^ W T T BAPTIST CHUBCII ' Hinbiitr I • B#fr Wr li" M eltrr BiAir »•»• Stmdtty SfrvkiNi 1U:00 a.m.--Church School in- Sindian -Adult-CliMui* 11 «.ro. & 7:30 p.«j.--Preaching Services. A hearty welcome to «U ¥ J i ^ 'I'lic* roilfun; imuiit Urnt be be- to the wearer, the IlneH of your bairdresH mu«t luir- inonize with your featurcH. Only by KtyJing to type can MUcceHM be asHUred. W)|y not rail in and let uh give you advice on your BUrn- iner coilfure? HOLLYBURN HALL Uth and Duchess V Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe r 'Si * U OeaturH of KxcIuhIvo Permanenta, 1546 Marino Drive West 117 I - i • 1 Hollyburn Business College ritb ,aji(l Murine Drive, - DAY uiui KVENING CLASSES ', Individual Attention PHONE WES'l' .'ill SUNDAY. July !7th, at 10 u.m: Sunday .School and Young PeoplojB Bible CiasH SUNDAY PIVENING at 7:30 GOSPEL MESSAGES S|)eukera; MK. Wil.LIAM MASON and Mil. WIUJAM UAK TUESDAY at. 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. Lecture on the "Purniture of the Tabernacle" By Dr. BryHon WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science " * Society - EDIFICE . 20th and Eaqulmalt, HoUyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ. - Sclentlat, in Boston, Moiaachuaetta Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday. July 17th, Su b ject: " L I T E " WEST- VAN S T A iro tlE jO 1080 Marine Drive ' Open Till 8 P.M.*..............................West 68? ,M()I)KHN UltllAUY -- Over 1,000 GOOD BOOKS MAGAZINES -- ami American. Books, Games, Playing Card, Etc., Etc. Offici* and Household Pâ >or Supplies at City Prices, l^ively West Vancouver Viewsl -- Framed'$1.26. Sunday School at 10:00 a.m, ^Testimony Meeting Wednesday • at 8:16 p.m. \ The public is cordially In vited to attend our services and meetings. Ferry Lending Library (at Wharf) GIFTS AND CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS .Sulwcription, 50c a Month All the Latest Books landscaping Rockeries, Pools and Flngglnr" Gardens built by contract ' Specializing in Lawns Have your old lawn reconditioned Moderate prices. H. E. WALKER West 345 CHUKCHEE OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Important to Prospective Home Owners! U N IT E D CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Avo. K(!V., William Vance, Mini.ster \ \ ' ( h o l l y b u r n D R E S S M A K E R S 1800 Marine Drive' . 1'IIONE WEST 583 MISS D. n . IIORIE D k , G, D . H . ^ E A L J i D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST liny Block, 14Ui und Marine Dr. Ollico Hours 9 to (i p.m. Evenings by appointment.____ Mione West 72 Sunday Service.s at ,|1 a.m. mid 7:30 p.m. , ^ . Note the chanifc in the hour '..or worship. The minister will conduct both .service.s next Sun day. At 11 a.m. the theme will im "The Go.spel According t o -- " and at 7 :30. "Religion la Like a River." ■ . ' 3'here will be * no ' Sunday .Soliool ,se.s.sion,s during July , and but the children are urged to attend morning wor- .'<hip, when a part of the service will 1)0 particularly for theni. HAPTIST CHURCH •Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay --̂ 1545 -Duchess Ave.i-- "LIFE" will be the .sub.ject of the Lesspn - xSermon ' in all Churches of Christ,, on Sunday, > - - - - -......... The Golden Text is: "As the Father hath life in Himself; so hath He giveii to the Son to have life in Himself." (John 5: 26). . . Among the citations which comprise fhe Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "For as in Adam all die, even .so in shall all be made alive." (1 Cor. 15: 22). . i \ The Lesson - Sermon , also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health wth Key to the Sd® îptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: , "The belief that existence is contingent on. mat ter niust be met an/l mastered by Science,'before Life can be -understood-and-hurmony-obtain--- ed." - v.)d When you have n bad toothache do you run to your next door neighbor to get it fixed? No! You see a dentist quick. Why? Very very .simple, you instinctively know he is the man to .-jce first, not You' have confidence in him. You know he. has been trained and' knows his stull'. Alright, why not give~that new home the 'same troatrl menl? 'Why stop and listen to a lot of idle prattle from sorhebodv who I couldn't tell a piece of iwo by four froifi"a"piece "bf~shiplap; ' Time and time again 1 have people .say to. me,-■ "I hear ;̂ ou can't do this and you can't do that, we would like to* build bu,t we don't know what to do." sohiebody who lip* Time and 0 this and you ear so many stqrits we Now my advice is to consult a good reliable competent builder and toll him what, you have in mind. , It will save you much time and money,and in many cases, many regrets. Another piece of sound advice is to "get. a signed statemtuit from any loaning company that they will •loan on a lot you may choose to buy; remember a signed statemenj., not verbal, Remember also, for every 20c you put up .you can- borrow 80c; also bu.ild under a builder who will not plaster you with extras, get your joi) complete with linoleuni, light fixtures,-blinds, sawdust burners; - ' C. M. SHARPE, , ' V , 1 Contractbi* and Designer, Phone 719. '1395 Murine Driive, ND, NOT THERE! i 1'- s ,■'. i;' T ) J _______i -s.' , t l«' .J. ' DR. McRAE ̂D N-T-l S T - .formerly of 705 Medical-bentul Building 11 ou rs :-9 to -0 -- Evenirigs-by- appointment. t I860 Marine Drive West 432 Dr. Orville E. Daniel, recently ret urned from India, will addre^ l.hc Sunday evening'service at '7 :"3() "u'clockT Tlie~pastor-will- conduct the service in the rhorn- illg'-. 'Wanted-: In. August, for shoot ing- tenant ^at Barrock House, -scullery--rhaidr^ome experience-.- --^̂ Clas.sified from Scotch news- paper. ( Th'o lawn and the paths and tiie basement floor are not the places for Sawdust and Jack Knill .has heen very pleased to hear the coiti- -pliments-froni-many--customers-on--the-cleanlyjtl^yjJn-which-hisJoys- cleliver sawdust to his customers. Make your arr^gements now to take advantage of sumrnei' price.s -r- $3.5p/(^ulk; $4.00 carried in sacks to your basement. ■ , , ' , WEST 7 9 4̂ KN1LL*S FU iX S NORTH--9 4 - SAWDUST -- WOOD -- COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS West Vancouver Office; .̂ 1528 Marine Drive. Phone West:,7M. - i 'l* . i f T - ■ } ENtal)liHhcd on North Shore ' 25 YeurH _______ (Lady A.ssistant)____ ^ HARRON BROS. LTD; J F u l w r a I r S i r e r t o r f f Hollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine -------- West 1.34 N orth Vancouver Parlors . ,122 West Sixth Street Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 The Church . School will meet at 10 o'clock. We cordially in- Ĵ?L;«_who d ^ ire to at tend a SabbatlT SchooL toHcdmer along. T'hero are classes for all ages including a splendid adult rBibterOlassr The midvyock meeting for and praise meets on Wed- nesday at 7 :45 o'clock. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH -(-Anglican)^-- . 22nd and Fulton , ,8:.00 a.m.-- Holy Communion. -Matins and Sermon.-rrm I 'v Xfi' Y , 4 ; li!. I I-) -f p Vr , The French B eau ty Salon For Work of Ciyality' We specialize in lino, grey and while hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 10 a.m. ............ .................. 7 :1 5 'p.m.-- Evensong and Ser mon. SI. Francis-in-the-Wood, * Caulfeild 3:00 p.m.-- Evensong and Ser- mon. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev.-W . J. Millay, O.Prem. Pastor , Commencing July 21, a dial telephone system will serve" the area between Caulfeild and Whytecliff, as part of the West Vancouver exchange. The new office will be known as WhytecliH,' ' " ̂ ' - - . - Free calling will be given between West Vancouver and Whytecliff, and the existing charge will be maintained on calls Between Whytecliff and North' Van couver or Vancouver. ' . ; rW Sm^ To call a Whytecliff telephone .from a West'Vancouver, North Vancouver ■ ©r=A^ncouv€i ' ' lp^i3B E i|E :^S Sr Builders & Contractors Homes of Distinction. - __ Alterations-- - -- Repnir.s Re-^Roofing 825 - 22nd Street ' '̂ High"Mnsg -^nd'S^rmdrt a.m. T0:I5- 7:45 vkj -.1 > V v *•> I -"T-'-S- 'Xi l l ,I"-- 41 ' I/'I'JAi I- • " •jiSilii t 'i V" r r 1 ■ . i l p t ; Eagle Harbor l»icnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, Bathing. Boating, Fishing, rea-roonis, llbnie-Cookcd Meal.s Sandy Beaches,' Cottages for rent by Month or Week - Rosary and Benediction p.m. ■ Catechism and-Bible Class~2:00 p.m. - . Week-day Services Mass -- 7;00 a.m. * --^Fridays---Rosary--BenedrctioTr 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions ; 7:30 to 8:30 p^m. ' ' ' 5 THE W est Van N ew s _ Published Every Thursday Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVF m m s x j ! : . ■fS ifl-; m Phone West 363 --Bu.siness and Editorial Office: 7704 Marine Drive Phone West . 55 . , _ CUB NOTES The Second and Fourth Packs will meet a t Ambleside Park on the following dates: July-19th, 10 a.m .; July 26th, 11 a.m.; August 2nd, 11 a.m.; August 9th,, 10 a.m. If the weather is hot Gub caps and light clothes will be wwii, except on August 9th, when uniforms must be worn. Don't forget the lunche.»=;. Home about six'p.m. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1.00 a year by^carrier; $2.00 a year by mail ^ IN MEMORIAM . In loving, iqemory of our dear Patricia, who - passed away 17th July, 1937. Always in our hearts. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dawsorc ̂I ____________ and Family The subscribers who Have alreaHy contracted 7of the new service are as' follows:- Aubney Frederick C r Marine- Bainbridge G P r Marine.. WhytecHff ...... ......'546 Bayly C H r H orseshoe Bay. B C. Telephone Go All Departments 1718 M a r in e _____ _ Brooks L Mrs r: Marini- SOI .401 Brown Fred r H orseshoe ^ay .. . Carson N J r H orseshoe B ay l. ....0 ..531- .591 Caple Harold H Mrs r Gleneagles. Clements H B r Marine. Cliff House tea room W h y tec liff. Cunnitigton A L r G leneaglesJ --.596 -...621 -.536 1.75M -.321 Jackson A rth u r r G leneagles- Ja y n e Basil J r-G Jeneaglcs........... Jones F S r H orseshoe B a y ...... .. Whytecliff ......471 ___ -'....-....,.556 _______581 -371Downey F M Mrs r Horseshoe Bay._ ^®® Eagle Harbour..72M , Elliot S. Graham Dr r'Marine--1_________4H English A M J r Gleneagles______________ 431 Fisherman's. Cove Store grocers Fisherman's Cove ________ ..73M 76M 516 Gwrow Bay Store g ro cers G arrow Bay, Glen John r Marine___ ___:________________ Gleneagles Golf ^C ountry Cluh Gleneagles-231 Hall T P Mrs r Garrow ~Rav » ' __001 -Hamptpn-E-Br rr-Gieneagles; Harvey Percy r Marine .351 Heasman S r Horseshoe Bay- 511 Horseshoe Bay Hotel Horseshoe Bay__ Horseshoe Bay Resort Horseshoe Bay- Hvdson W S r Copper Cove_________ -- 361 -74M -- 221 -- 576 K ennedy H end ry r Eagle H arb o u f.-l- .............'.521 Kolthammer Harry r Fisherman^s Cove--i-...i291 - t iv s e y E truck ing h a g l e j ^ r b o u r ..... --L.____211 MacDougall A t F isherm an's Cove.'.__ ______ 271 M acK ® chniefM argaret, A ;M rs 'r ■■Marin'e-i^ M orrow W J , r H orseshoe B ay ____ --:...381 N ield R D r S N e ls o n ....... ....... ............____ -.... 566 Odium Victor r W h y tec liff_____ _____ 1 Olmstead Harry r F ish erm an 's 'C ove-l; Robertson G S r Eagle Harbour..r;.-- .... : Rodgers. Howard o H orseshoe B ay Showier BirT r Eagle Harbour--'.^.__ !___ Smith C P Eagle H a rb o u r____ .1__ Sm ithX W r M a r in e _____________ _____, Stevens L C~r M arine_____ 1__ Swanson E T r Lome___________ _____ 441 541 -611 .-.221 ;--42i -.-.526 --.451 .341 -.571 Taylor A J T r M arine . Taylor Fred r Jifarine.; Tri*l>ram Miles Colonel-rTMarinei .391 -391 .261- Whytecliff Lodge H orseshoe B ay- Wight T r Jolly_______; ' Wood C A r R oseberry . ,;.7lM .,351 w^l!l® Gleneagles Wylhe YYilson r Gleneagles_ ...561 -331 -281 BRITISH COLUMBIA TELERHQNE-CO.