Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^Amhieside, Holij/burn, Weston, Dundarave $j.oop«ryMr. - ', J Cypress Park, Cauifeild, WhytecHffy Etc. Vol. X l l l HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 14^h. 1^3S No. 15 EUROPE AND ASIA The most serious news last week; was p rpv id^ by Pales- .;„A vvhei'e indications point to a inore disturbing sta te of olvniis than has b ^ n given out by , the British Government fs a a S "f the increased violence in th a t country fresh L m have been ordered there to join the already l a r p S ia ^ n g a g e d in try ing to keep the, peace between the Arabs !nd the Jew^. Among these was one battalion of the Irish Tnards and i t has been axiomatic for generations th a t the rnnnis'are only sent out of England in the case of a national pm??gency The repatriation of the Jews was a t beat a doubt- S exoeriment, in fac t from the standpoint of hard comrnpn sense a ^ r t from humanitariari reasons^H^ *r!rv t r e b le th a t has sinpe ensued; As i t is, our hold of.the Mediterranean is nov^threatened a t both. ends, ^o^^o^er, n f-ir -IS the Arabs -dre concerned', our new friendship with iSe T uits is likely to be much m .the-nature of a red rag to ■ " ^The Anglo-italian Treaty is proving a boomerang to both Oharriberlain and Mussolini, in each case person^ly, The former's appeasement plan, which is his own dhild and not that of his p arty ,'h as turned o u tr to ^ ^ the useless chimera b r s » . * s s s » « X "2, Kf the Pyrenean frontier closed, so much the (fuicker oould they brfnff about Franco's final victo(ry and the permanent occupa- Hon V the country. The British Premier, is faced with a Hobson's choice. He m ust either make the Anglo-Italian " K t y effective w ithout first requiring the withdrawal of the --Italian troops,~which~herno\v~knows-w.illTnever be-done,-.(^-he_ must wash out the trea ty entirely, and by »o dom§ adm it his appeasement plan was wholly wrong. E ither for him political esttinction am id the execrations of his own p eo p le-A nother diffioulty^^^^^^^^ S f w h i c h is m aking hi^,h6^ ̂of the leadership weaker every , day^ Muskolinii too, is eh'uaUy up a t r ^ .d He needs the iU g l^ Italian Treaty verv badly as a club to use on Hitler, which Italian irea ty y, j .fmnna from Spain: Molly Edwards is holding swimming and diving.classes for all ages, beginners arid advanced, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1 to 4:30 p.m. a t l>imdurave Pier. Any intorest- 0(1 lire asked to kindly phone her at West 208-X. COMING EVENTS Monday, August 1st r-- "Fun 0 ' the Fair," West Vancouver . Townswomen's Guild. The Lions from Capilano Italian irea ty very oacwy- «-» w -wuw. w q . . "■ -- r'--- r = =^------- :vgim ld^;feg h is -p iB s t i g e - a U i y m . ^ J ) A l ^ d r s - y « ^ r but with th is difference. Mussolini is at .winmng pon- . . . 11 j- ___fU,QmKp.r1ftiTi isi OPIV losins rHOLLYBURNHALL HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN With home owners making plans for repairs and improve ments to their dwellings in pre paration for the coming winter, Canada's Home Improvevment Plan is again to the fore, both aniorig owners and dealers. - -Up- to - Ju n e 3 0 th - a. -total of $16,790,084.86 has been-loaned under the Act. An analysis of hcAv this money is spent is of interest. According to the Can- adian-Jnstitute of-Plumbing-and- Heating, the .proportions going to /th e various trades were as ' fdllows; General O ontractog 51%.; Plumbing and Heating, Providing telephone service for the area between Caulfeild - Sunday "School - and . 23 People's Bible Class will be " as usual a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, Under the heading of "General 'ancivHorseshoie Bay, the British July-47tlir^nr-bHollybu:pn-JlaH-- Contracting,"b h o o v e r , are a - . Po^^anv'cj A t the 7 :30-p.m .-service-next, number of unspecified items Columbia. T elyhone Com pany^ Sunday Messrs. William Mason a^.-rfifficult of claesiflca- -- 1. w r v i i r W i i f l F w ill William Rae will be th e ' l---- speakers and will bring Gospel messages. Tilesday a t 8 p.m.' prayer and Bible study, when Dr."" Bryson " wi ir~gi ve" a" l€ctur€" on "The Furniture of thd Taber- nacleT""" """ T":t -- sid^able iierritory in Spain, while Chani^rlm ri is only losing England her prestige and control of the Mediterranean to an-extent th a t can hardly, be: made, up for .by any-additional armaments that may be created during the de l̂ay. -- lEfler, :whose-qui^l®§s^hasd5een;nmki^^^ "Has niow^ddled to th a t uneasiness by fu rther fortifying oi tne Rhineland rirea. Evidently he w ants to create as far as pos sible an impregnable barrier froni an attack (>n his western "bordersr so~that" he- cannfUng -most^of--his- strength-in to - the inevitable struggle w ith Russia when. he ag p n attecks C^echo- -SlevaMfc--Bgitisih-and Enrppean-milifary-eimes-figaire^h^ .wi i do this in August a f te r 5the harvesting of the crops, th a t is, if he strikes this year a t all, , . ' " - . ' In the F ar E ast Japan, a f te r a year of fighting fihds h ^ - self gradually lo sin g jh e w ar as. w ^l as the world J ra d e she has so painstakingly built up.' A s . in the previous case 01 Germany, no amount , of impudent, denials will convince other nations she was not the aggressor;;*' I t is one thing to over run a large slice of territo ry , b u t quite another thing to hold it ill. the face of a hostile population skilled in g u erilla war fare, as Napoleon found o u t . to bjs cost. And Germany, ̂ ̂ __ _______ ____ _____ Japan's only p(>ssiblfe saviour, hardly dare sen^assistance with » ^ ^ side of Marine services Were, held a t 11 Q^«or^are^^ a Russia th a t is no longer (xmfronted. with a Japanese m enac^ Drive, opposite the Gleneagles -yesterday from the Jlollyburn their houses up to date, and, for ^ --liT-South- China "there_atilL goe^Qn-the--terrime uinkBi::^t'-~î „ra.~,:Qrierst̂ Q]̂ y--̂jga^eya]^3Hbm.e^of-3Harron -Bj;o3.̂^̂--̂ .?of-"4ii*i[i!y?fen~'̂ î(I~"ch'ild3̂ n ând-HU&n̂ -6ombafantSy....,wiuch|-- -- fireproof--"Sti-uctuKŜ --.--bu.ilL-.g:â .̂i.ny,.n̂ d̂,---.-thê R̂ew-J^Best'̂of&',-- »evs55̂ %he=e3̂ i^ ^ P ^ c o m p l is h in g anyfRing, -called-'Christian "nations :prepare g^eat-air-fleets-to-be-usecu-----Cadifornia7^ueeo-exteH oir--and-^0 ^iian(Y-^iew"Gemetery^-^^:r:r-^"- : j ^ | ^ : f^aris ■for-a"similar'purnoser - r gjass block windows.-^ Outside new-Whytecliff central' otfice will begin operation on Thursday, July 21. It will be a dial system, serv ing a t the" commencement,- 52 subscribers^ It will be a area, and, therefore, there will be free • calling between Whyte- cliff subscribers and.those served by the W est Vancouver tele phone .office; The existing charge will be maintained on calls be tween Whytecliff and North Vancouver or Vancouver. ' To house the automatic equip ment a small-building was ereet-° ed on the east side of Marine tion. I t is estimated by the G.I. P.H; that about 12 % of the 51 %: under General Contracting goes toward plumbing and heating, bringing the total~bf"this trade to well above 30 %. This figure s_^4jppoFtedJiy-^experienc^^ the: ---------------------- . ■ JJnited-^ States,- where it was DEATH OF '■ i ,estimated th a t 31.4%; of loans N. H. STRICKLAND.. for impovement of homes went to the plumbing and heat- The death - occurred in the North Vancouver General Hos pital last Monday of N. H.. Strickland of 1336 Avenue. -The deceased was in his 75th year.' Private funeral ing industry. ' Increased house building ac tivity is also, of course,_haying_ an effect on the demand for mod ernization. In order to keep their place in a competitive field, Civilii^ation fears extinction fr<)m the air fate do they deserve- who-do such, thinks"? W hat other "glass_____ plant work in connection with the joh has includfed'the string ing of 12,000 feet of 50-pair cable MUSICAL SUCCESSES 'DEATH OF-VIRGINIA WARD _ their object. In the initial six months of the year, 689 new dwellings were^ --------- -- / ̂ put under construction in Van-/^ The finals of the annual clubi '̂- couver, their total cost being WEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB NOTES. ---A t-th -e 'fe c W " 'Ju n e^ -------m Iexaminations th e following sev^n-year'old daughter oi Mr- pupils of Mrs. F; Knight-Hodger arid: Mrs. Earl Ward. ot. 23blTTit /̂ niT ' - .,1 AxrAnn̂ . TiaSS Up to the present time, .only pupils of Mrs,.F; Knight-Hodg^^^ and;;̂ Mrs. J^an lonff-distance service has-been lU.L.C.M., were successful w ith M a ^ e ^ Avenue, p a s ^ Mav^ a v a i l a b l e in the area to be served v«y high mari®;: . , E ^ h S b r t h r n e V .office. W est Van- '-Miss Ida Brealey wdn Diploma ,. Mirin. Besides her s ^ M Associate (A.L.C.M.), ̂ in leaves to *«orirn her 1 ^ ^ ^pianoforte, harmony, and form ., brothers/ B ^ Royal Schools of the Associat-^ Earl,^at home, _€d Boarct--Iritermediaf^ Violin,- w e r e held y e g e rd a y ^ ^ ro fe B re a le v TiOweî Division from: ■ the Hollyburn ___ ___ __ Pianoforte Norm a'M i n i o n s * Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Chris Stamatis, fc -W ^amett-QffiiLi_a.Gn&_ofiSc^^ Oafe,_has u% H arvey-Sm ith;Transition infermeht was made in Courtesy Cafe a t dition to the placing (ji a num- tournament, postponed from last, approximately two million dol- ber of new poles and the string- Siihday_Qwing_io_thc rain, will lars, an increase of more than Irig/of open wire. ■ i-- - i -----1 -- i. cguver has direct telephone con nection with V ^couver through .ajsubmarine cable laid in 3,928. THE COURTESY CAFE formerly: chef opened the a t 625 West ^ J p a n o fo ^ ^ -3 ^ ^ __ Pender Street, where he is Collinson; 'Theory,' Grade IV, " ' be played next Sunday, July ; h a l f a million over last year.The 17th, commencing at 1 p .m ;'* opening weeks of July, the Build- sharp. AH those, interested are ing Department repc>rts,"show'a invited to come and watch the .. continued demand for house per- games during the afternoon. - m its, indicating a strong sus- - r r ----------------- ^tain^ m arket for new homes A Few ^̂ Howlers" here. "Tom Thumb was the-invent or of hitch-hiking."., . ' "A knapsack is a _b_ag/' ..uv/ii, xiicuj-y, vyx«»vit; i , j^orge Brealey; llieo ry . Grade., ' Norma Minions; "Theory, Grade II, Dorothy Harvey- BRITISH - ISRAEL specializingin'breakfestsrlnnch^ eons, afternoon teas and din ners. Heasonable prices. Mr. Mr. and Mrs; E rnest England sleeping of Beverley Hills, California, and ___________ ___ ___Mrs. _Carla_Crumbb of Eugene, 'A battledore is the main en- Oregon, left for Southern Cali- trance to a college mess hall." fornia on Tuesday, having^sperit " 'Bathos!' (short for "bathe five weeks in West Vancouver, those" ) was the war cry for the where they occupied the Hudson Knights eT tH T B ath ^when W y ~ -hom e-a r20 th"and Bellevue. Conductor of London Sightseeing ,us: "We are ju st passing the larg- in London." . 'uiiutsi . Thirsty American Visitor: '̂Why?" Federation. R^milar Monday evening meet- Stamatis, who has lived, m West in??at 2Mh and Marine Drive, Vancouver for many years, in- Md1)y"-th6-Kingdom Crusaders. yitesIocM 'r e s i s t s to oome to Eve^one is invited to hear thes* the C p u ^ y Cafe -for meals y o S e r speakers who . speak when m the city or to drop in .mda? the A p ic e s of the B.-I. for afternoon tea or a tem pting ■under tne auspices v dinner a fte r shopping, . attacked-the-peasants." In the Flea Circus In amazement I watched the trained"'* flea do his stunts. 1______________ ____ ' "Did you educate that flea your self?" I asked the man. , ' , -- "̂Tfes," he replied,proudly, "I r a is ^ him from a pup." The grocer was making out a list of his requirements to. send to his wholesalers. - - "Bill," -he-^shouted-tp^-his as-_ sistant, "do we want any new- laid eggs?" "No, sir, we've enough to last a month or more!"