m m m m um **W SM ITH'S MARKET Phone West 46 R E D A N D WHITE Phone ^W es^46«tH - Meats---Phone West 370 'PIUCKS GOOD for FRIDAY & SATURDAY, July 20th & .10th* r 1 I,.#» f ll f I t \ H V N 8 P V N SAI.AI>*l)ltESSING 4 o z , J z r .......9c; 8 o*. J»r........ . 19e 16 oz. Jar 38c; 32 oz. Jar. .. 49c FOK SAliAOS ̂ Ktd 4k White BHltlMF Wet or Dry ........................... (In 21c CUABMKAT -- IJ.C... : .Via, tin 24c Ucd 4k White PEAS. Sieve 3 No. 2 Tin .................................... 10c lied 4k White COFFEE . .1 lb. tin 3Sc Irradiated for Health. Have the Coupona. AI.L'BUAN--Kellui; :̂'*, large pkt. 20c Bed & White MAICVIACADE 4 Ib̂ tin .....................::............... 41c COHNED b e e f ..... ...... No..J tin 13c PINEAPPLE--Singapore. ..Satina 25c Blicea or Cubea. KII*PKH SNACKS--NalM>b.....tin. 6c BAKDINEH--Canadian 3 lina 14c TUNA FiBII--Nabob. 'Ah. ., tin 12c •/iH, T in ...................;...:.............. . 17c Bed & White l*OBK & BEANS 'romuto Sauce.......;j iH-bz. TlnH 2ric M E A T S Choice Milk Fed BREAST OF VEAL.... lb. 10c VEAL ROASTS....... from 17c Ve a l CHOPS............ .ib . 25c MUSHROOMS................... lb. 28c MINCED HAM LOAF ...lb. 45c VEAL L O A F ....................lb. 25c FLETCHER'S BAKED HAM Per lb................. -....:......... 05c SHAMROCK BOILED HAM Per Ib. ................................00c All Our Beef, Lamb, Veal and Pork is absolutely top (juality. ' Fresh Fish Daily S U N K IS T C B A P E F B U IT l.argf Hize ..........'............... t for 17c Itc .U ^ WhiU^ I*E A N U T B U T I EB . 2 lbs. 23c WEST Va n c o u v e r SWIMMING CLUB NOTES ►, / \> !. 1 i ,J ■' . - Vt j -.■.j ? \ Weather permittinji:, a water polo ifame will be held a t Dun- durave float.s on Sunday, July 81.st, a t 2:80 p.m. Membership in the Swimming Club^ can be obtained from the various mem ber,s of the e.xecutive: Victor Black, Juddy Armstrong, Maur ice Clements and others.----------- I.OCAL BOXER IN PROV. CHAMPIONSHIPS Jack Martin of We.st Vancou- yevr. North Shore lightweight -a nd - j u n ioi--wel ter weigh t~c ham=- Engagement Mrs. Kelvin Beck of Vancou ver announce.s the engagement, of her sister, Margaret ,Sea- hloorn, youngest dtiughter of the late Mr. and Mr.s. 0. R. Sea- hloom of Calgary, to Mr. Roy Williston* McDonnell, elde.st son of Mr.s. L..E. McDonnell and. the late Mr. L. E. MoDonnelJ. The' bi'ide-elect--formerly attended- .school in West Vancouver, hav ing l<ift here three, years ago to" re.side in Vancouver. The wed ding will take place 'on the evening of August 20th. CO RRESPONDENCE Dear S ir:---May I, friend of the late Mrs, Chinery, pay a tribute to her memory, 'Oniy'the oJd'Te."<idents knew he*« intimately, and tliey will remem- inir that, during the Great War, we being only a small commun ity at th a t > time, were sorely taxed for fuad.s to buy supplies for our Red (h'oss work. We had to resort to teas, garden parties, and dances. Dancing became a problem as we w'ere short of men who could dance. All our young men had volun teered for service overseas, so that the. very young, who had never learned, and the old who had amost foi-gotten the way, W'ere on hand. Something had to be done about it, and .so Mrs. Chinery, being herself a iinished dancer, offered to t<;ach those desiring to l{?ai;n. A cla.s's \vas organi'zed -and nIic in lier inimit-- able way demonstraled to the young ' people how to dance gracefully and eoireclly. TTiose dances were well attemlod, and enjoyed by both young and old, who j)Ve8ented her with a testi monial for her etforts, and tlie Red Cro.ss wa.s troniendou.sly helped , to carry on its noble work. (Thus she did her bit.) In October, 1918, came the tragedy of the "S.S.' Sophia," with, the loss of lier beloved lius^ band. And on' one night iiirNOv- ember, 1918, when the residents of West Vancouver were cele-r b ra ting 'T he "..^rmislicc," the --Princess Alice" brought the-re-- L U M B B a c r a iB I I ty SASII & BOOKS -SHINGLES..-.,..., PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS * PAINT NO'^«BSTfTlim"" ROQWNG^'̂ *̂ FOR QUAUTY TXXm" " ■...■Y.--. CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD.- )VEST VANCOUVP lumber CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED ADS I'iii- rat« for Claasifiea AdTwUaeiiicRts Is 2 cents per word, mbimuiM 23 cents. Except in the case of thoee having regular oecounts. all daiiJ . fieda are payable atrictiy in advance. Bemember aasBifieda in the West Van News get immediate reaults. f '.17 I ; -I I, v 'lrrr^ I ̂ i ipion, will carry the good wishes of a host of West Vancouver fans when he steps into the ring - -on Atigustr~5th" in ' the opening^' bouts of the B.C.Championships. Jack demonstrated in reaching tho finals of the Lower Mainland Chaippionships a t Powell River last spring, where he lost a close jjzd^isiemT^iSam his .second bout in less than an hour, after a tough .semi-final victory over Bob Hickie,-that-he _onlyl needs - a- little more experi ence to be a top ranking Jight- -weight.-- He--is-, impervious 7~The~rnatterTof~the~T5roposed' subdivision of D.L. 771, Block "B," .Lot 1, was referred by the Council to the engineer for a re- "pnrt7-that~of"the~proposed-sub-- division of.;, D.L. 771; Block 1, Lot 3, being,.referred' to the Council as a whole for inspection on the ground. I J' punishment^ and packs a form idable punchy in either hand. He will wear the colors o f the Grandview Athletic Club in the B. C. Championships, and will mp^c-as-clubmates-iQur defend- -Citim-OF-TIIANB- . During their bereavement of a gentle l and loving daughter and sister, Mr. and Mr.s. Thos, Russell andlfamilyTiave learned once again the value of true friends. 'To these ^̂ ts- of- kindnessT-. .. . . ......... ' letters of sympathy, and beautiful floral tributes, they are very grate ful and take this means of ex pressing their appreciation. ' ,mains of. the victims into the Mr. Gharle.s Chimiry's body among them. In her an guish I heard her exclaim, "the War did not get Charlie, biit the sea did," her heart-broke that _n i gJh t_in_Qctobei:.--^Vet-bi-okohly- lived on.. And so on the is th of July, almost .20 years after- vi^irds, six old friends*-- John ,JjaAys.oja,_._H.__Brunch:etL--R.-iiius ̂ band, Av Hastings, Major Ware, Peter. Wait -- surrounded by those who loved her, laid her beside her husband in the Mas onic Plot, Ocean View Cemetery, -VanGouveiy and I am- su re -she- has j o i n e d h i m in that Leaufiful land,^ where there is .- no more „ sea. . HENRIETTA: WAIT.- The Counoil a-nnrovprl fh^ .p^. 1 '7^ >' I ' • 1^4 ̂ i-y^ I "T-" ; , - i. 7-i 1 ,v7'. i ' * t. ' . nig litle-hdldersT" Frank Glover, heavy and light-heaVy weight champion, Gordon Woodhouse,. welterweight champion, and . Iv^nny Lindsay, flyweight cKam- pion; Atnold Bertram, club trainer, expects with this line- Jip to sweep the Provincial titles for the Grandview Club in all weights in w hich. his boys are .entered. C A R D O F T H A N K S . I wish to extend my sincere ' thanks and appreciation to the many friends, particularly Rev. T. W. Barnett and to. those of the Naomi Chapter No. 2'6; o:e ;s:, for their kindness and sympathy, also for the . floraT" offerings tendered during the illness and death of mv beloved wife. A. W. KRUGER tition of the Greater Vancouver AVater Board . Jo the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council to abandon to the Greater-Vancouver W ater Board all public highways Avith- in those portions of D.L.'s 1466, ̂.... ...... ...... -- GORDON HOBSON Barrister & .Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. I.AWN' MOWEBS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, part^ West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Murine. ■ SUMMEIt GUESTS -- Apply Miss B. J. Campbell, "Sunlit Lodge," West . Bay. West 379-Y-2. ___________ _ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust. burners intailed;, furnace repairs. ' Phono G. Meldrum, ,1103 Lonsdale North 822.______________ EXCAVATING, Clearing; day or con tract. Experienced mien, modern machinery. Rush jobs. Kissick,- West 252-L.______ _____________ . * A. C. WHITE, Barrister & Solicitor,' 1417 Marine, tVest 540. Vancouver ... associate.^; Russell, Russell, Dui- Moulin ' & DuMoulinr"'850 - West ■ - ' Hastings.- ■ . ■ W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, ' Hollyburn Block. JVESTERN WOODWORKERS, Car- Y penter and Joiners--Wood work of all descriptions; cupboards, drawers, -- alterations,; etc.--Glass-and-glazing.-.-- ' / 1478 .Clyde. Phones: Shop West 740; Residence West 443-R. • CHIMNEY SWEEPING' -- Old Coun- ___try_way.__Guaranteed.-! -Exick- and--- stone repairs." Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2.__________________ TRANSIENT Housekeeping Accoip- modation. Adults only. References, ; • West'379-Y-2. ~_______ , , M ARCELSHOP^^:Thermiaue - Steam~ Permanents; only best materials used; Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. .FIRST CLASS LOT, Sentinel-Hill; magnificent view; $650.00. - LARGE CLEARED LOT on 20th St. -Sp^did:«-view;--$S50;:00r~:"Ira,'wsTm7 FOR RENT -- Comfortable Suite at West Bay; reasonable. Phone Wesr 161-X-l.________ . WANTED -- Woman to care for coin >- yalescent, $20 per month. Box 30 West Van News. ' FLOOR SURFACING - J. SuthJI; land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North ' 1468-L. . • MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night- heated car; passengers fully insuredW GSv* OXiSa ' ̂ ' GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sev 419Q at West Vancouver any time by - appointment, West 403.______ J. EDWARD Sl^ABS, Barrister, Sob icitpr, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone W est'21, or West 553-R-l, A REAL REST for Tired Folks - Restawhile Convalescent Home. 13G 27th"Street.- West 86-L-2.______ PAINTING AND "DECORATING - J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Konihgs. Phone West 651-X Estimates free. JUNK -- WE STILL BUY Every. thing of value,: bottles, rags, sacks, -- metals,- furniture,-stovesrtools,-etcr Call W est 91" and we bring the cash to your door. Burrard Junk Co. West 91. ______________ ^ ;C._.JORDAN~«--r--First--"for" Wihdbw~' Shades "and Awnings. Small down payment;*easy terms. W. V. Blind & Awning Supply. Phone West 719,______________________ __ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine- __Notions, Sewing,Cotton,-SheeiirSilk,^ Twistjr-^ibbonr~Elasti(r,r'CHiI3ren's Walker. & Pride, West 55. . Socks, Men's Socks, Ladies Stock ings, Darning Wool, Eye Shades, Summer Hats.. '" ' - BLACK CAT TEA ROOMS, West Bay --Lunches, teas, ice cream, tobac- __■Cigarettes.,..gzfigfineŝ jel̂ _______ 704 Marine Drive, - ATS, 792, and Z242-situate, lying and being east of. the Capilano , River, West Vancouver; provid ed' that the.-said Watpr-Board _was ther owner ,oL all .lands ser viced or affected by such public highways. •WANTED -- Furnished .cottage or camp, August and September. West 816-R. ______________ FOUND-----Half-- knitted-skirt left in~ The Council ixjfused permis- ^ ^ n jto VV.̂ J. McKay to operate If You Like GOOD TEA and COFJ'EE % _. tley a .miniature golf-course- -- was refused by the Council. ------ ^ 1706 Marine Drive Full Stocks Carried. NELSON'S FIRE FUELS 1894 Alarine Drive , SAWDUST _W e handle^Only One Grade of --- =tM5rc=0ld;;̂ £&Wth-̂ -- !$A0.{L_perL4irnf7 A u g u s t F u r n i t u r e S A L K .............. ̂ ̂ \ 3 -p iece C hesterfield Su ites silpiMSt- • I I ChaiM 11*̂ " Chesterfield and two large . spring < ônstructod, deep, comfortable ^ _KRQEHIJER_5-Star_Conslruction;------ -------- -- -------------- - Lovely 3-piece Suites, from................................. ............. Easy Terms $ 9 M 0 ?• , •• 'i' ' 'I't-. -"'If ^ ̂ 4 ' p i ^ B edrosm S u ites ^ C 9 CA 4-Piece Bedroom Suite, Nice Vanity and W v M a t / V Bonch, Chiffonier and Bed, well built; Walnut "fini.sh- ^ August Sale Special. ---- (fiTuaranteedii measurem en t ) WOOD (Bushwood)) i ̂ Hand Split Fir old growth......:.......... $6.00 cord Alder (Special) ....... 5.00 " Bush Fir ........................ 5.00 " Bark ........................... 5.25 " Millwood ^side M il l -F ir ....... 5.50 " Furnace Blocks '4.25 " --- Slabs (Barky) :.......... 4.OO " c. \ ................. 7.50Slabs & Edgings........ 3.75 " 2 Cords .................... 7.25 Edgings ....... ;............ 3,60 " -- - 2- C o r d s 6.75------ Slabs, Edgings and • Inside Pir ...... 4 50 " ̂ COAL We handle a l l ,grades of Coal. By the ton or sack. ' Phone 'West 7^7 Your local dependable dealer. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe______ FOR SALE'-- .2 laying hens, rooster, $2.00; ■' ,2 pullets, rodster, $1.25. . Phone West 633-Y. BOARD & ROOM, Residence; reason-' able rates. 'North 1027-L-3.______ FOUND -- Young Irish Terrier, male Fnday on'Marine Drive. Sey. 1468 HOUSE and STORE FOR SALE --. Occupied as butcher'store; vacant this month. West-184-L, FOR IMMEDIATE SALE -- Small -- îSpse,, level--lotr fruit-'-treesr closê '" -j-QW^^cjitpLJiiodffate:price,- mohth INSURANCE A ll Form s Is your home and furniture fully protected again«d-_fire,-m -̂ymtr-pstate against automobile accidents ? A' small . premium eliminates all anxiety. For rates call. Phil Chapman, 2557 King's __ Avenue. Residence phone. _____ Book Yoiir Passage to -the-Old-Goun try Through Yohr Local Agent. CJUNARD - - WHITE STAR and CANADIAN NATIONAL Pull-partfculars, sailings and accommodation. W A T T ggEAKPAST NOOK SETS $13.95 FERNERIES ............. . Spring and Mattress . Combination All SUiel Cable Spring and Spring Filled Mattress $21.50 HUGH MACKAY, Agent Phones: West 343, North 525. 1473 Marine Drive , West VancouverFORST'S LTD VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE. Phone West 9 Fertilizers Of AU Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, ' -- 1 1 1 '*' ' ." Builders' Supplies l^ term s;-- Fotn'--a^es adjoiriing ----- ĝ" .teh-Pacifi-c,-sna^^^ ̂ teVms. ii. L. Whiffin Agency, West 573. _!WAITING FOR A HOME", lot in good location, developed in lawns and shrubs, close in with good view all ready, for you to build; $500, terms. C., J. Archer Ltd., W ^t 22s! L(^T Between Pulton Avenue and .rexTy, Ifiue boi'dered handkerchief ' Phone'498-Y:^"' attached. bOR r e n t -- Room u^nfurnished;. - newly decorated;" use'of'kitchen; near ferry; West 633-Y. <' ; CHAIR; Willow ^ e r . __ Chajr̂ _chintz cushions;-Plat-- Va™Ne°4 ■■■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY West Vancouverites will appreciate the large pi*ofit possibilities in this --.busmess We will-prove satistaction there is very large daily which someone wSh am̂ . - Sno 4. Monthly turhover Available at oncl^ . hS S Confectionery and ■ .. ^ choice location F i l l THE AOTflllATiC IR O N A N COAL lURNER on the' entire" North ShST^for a type. Excellent op- Priced tosell at only $3,500. See Mr'Tfm . once. West 597-L or A F & Co., Limited, Seymour 9131. - • Do you Realize how clean coal really is now.that it is aotomatic? Dusdess, processed coal-prevents coal dust. .Iron Fireman combus tion prevents, smoke. There is nothing to leak. Iron Fireman is clean, inside the hoxise and ouir DOUGLAS STEELE Local' Agent Tel. West 57-R or High. 2420 vt SELL ANP SERVICE the f AMO VI IRON firem an P. ■ . ..•* , -̂ 51 \ I .