West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Jul 1938, p. 3

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)»v>'#U"." lll̂ v̂ ljiSO"V- , , ., .■■.»̂̂............. ............... . „,.,.,,,..-,,,,̂.î ........ . ,, ......... . , ,.,,, '/niwipiiu 'lSWik0'H mmm ........... ^ ! • ' mmmmmm '""'" "' ........ ' '................ ........... ■ .. ! v,.r "«• I V, ^TTsn m : rnmimiiim̂ imimmmmmmiî WilMi»#i>l MWai mimmiim#miiMim *■» wpir* $1.00 MEN'S SPO I^ SHIE!KS,'li*»ort«d «0lo » ft»d «tyi^ to cI««^66c L l $2.06 MEN'S S X D . SWIM TRUNKS, imsorted colors to clear |1.96 Rpe 35c MEN'S SUMMER CAPS In checks and plain shades to clear 20c 4 . XocM „an(J JPersojial C n H 'Q M P ItfC w i ? A n ! ♦ « marine drive I f lC L f i lJ I / M II II jI i m fV m /AII. wp<r vaNrniivrn , Mrs. M troi 1516 M arine- 1 1 1 7 r I ? I S West 710 SPECIAL SlIMMER Furniture Re-covered. Repaired and Polished Mattresses Repaired and Covered. Baby. Cars Renovated. Needlepoint Mounted. K N O W L T O N & P E R R IN O P T O M E T R I S T S Announce the oj^nihg o f officea for a general practice o f.O p to m etrg ' ROYAL BANK BUILDING, Corner 17th Street end Marine Drive Wednesdays end Saturdays. 2>5. p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. te le p h o n e W est 8 7 5 L 2 Harry P. Perrin „ , , i 205 Medical Arts Bldg.,Ann l̂ nnlfjil ThnJit.rri. Snv ' z6Aii Willson E. Knowiton. 828 Birks Bldg. Sev: 8118 Gull la k e , Saskatchewan,. are ont musician of the San Francia- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. co Bay regnion, accompanied by Fallows, 1856 Gordon Avenue. Mrs. Longmulr, is visiting his ♦ V.i* . . sister, Mrs. W. H. Mehaffey, a t Mr. and Mrs. Cmveat of Van- the la tter's home a t 18th and couver, are occupying Captain Argylo Avenue. Johnstone's house a t 2277 Belle- e * * ' ^ , vue Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey C. M - • * * ton of PorUond, Ore., ore v sit- R. D. Clark is having a new lerton and Miss Elizabeth Fuller- house built a t 26th and Palmer- ing Mias Campbell a t Sunlit ston Avenue. Lodge, West Bay. Mrs. Ferriie has moved into a Miss Jacqueline and Miss new house at*20th and King's Doreen Brake of Nelson, ai^ Avenue, spending a holiday with their * ' ♦ aunt Miss Symes of "Yeovil," Miss Laurie, who has been West Bay. staying with Mrs. Butler, 1765 ♦ * ♦ . Duchess Avenue, has returned A son, Richard, was born to to Vancouver. , Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Dyble in Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE BREAD PRBSIl DAILY Ten varieties to suit every tnat© Meat Pica -- Cookie* Ecclea Cakea --, I'aatrlca Buns and Rolla Note Address: 1468 Marino Drive Phono West 27 A Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gilbert of dalgary, are visiting Mrs. Gil­ bert's parents, Mr: and-Mrs. W. Herrin, 1387 Haywood Avenue. .fT ,. St GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE West 562 ■ 1730 -Marine Drive, SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE ALL DRESSES and MILLINERY MUST BE CLEARED DRESSES from $2.95 up; HATS from $1.00 up PLOUSES. SLACKS . and the TAILORED SHORTS at Reduced Prices -- ............... Few SUMMER COATS and SUITS to "Clearr-.... ........... .HOSIERY " . ̂ FLOWERS Come in and look around; you may see just the article you want. g o n c r eteX on™ a c t q r s Land Clearing - Excavation Work Sole Agents for - ' ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT FAINT TEAROE & "SON, p'hone " wVst 8 4 LaM IJLe.|LB Ill|JiA LPJllJ DUNDARAVE '.Bsf ■SE 2476 * Marine Drive THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED LENDING LIBRARY IN W'EST VAN- COUVER. . Sub^ription Rates;-65c Month. -Non-Subscribers; 3c Day. _____ - Short Term Rates'for Visitors. ■ -■ N®wly Published Books Added Every 'Month. : ALL BRITISH and A M ^IC A N J^G A Z IN E S ON SALE. Gifts, Novelties, Souvenire, Paintings, SUPPORT YOUR. LOCAL LIBRARY Seattle. Professor W. Giv RothmeyJ M.A., B.D., T.H.D., Mrs. Roth- mey and family of Sherbrook, Quebec, .are visiting in West Bob White, 24th and Jefferson Vancouver, the guests of Mrs. Avenue, has returned from a A. M. O'Donnell, twin sister of week's holiday a t Bowen Island. Mrs. Rothmey. Gordon Grafton of Powell , Last Friday afternoon during Riyer, is the guest of his brother -the 41st Annual North Pacific and sister-in-law,' Mr. .and Mrs. Association Regatta held in Coal Douglas Grafton of Sheman... Harbor,- the , West Vancouver * ♦ crew captured first place, in a Joseph Sheasgreen of P. C.' mile race for Sea Scout Whalers. Gibbens & Co. Ltd., has returned Competing crews were from Coal_ -from a motor trip,-during-which-- Harbor, North Vancouver^ Kit- he went as fa r east as Minne- silano and Hastings East, the sota. Coal Harbor crew coming second * * ,* ■ and the North Vandouver crew Mrs. M cTaggart and Mr. and third. The personnel of the win- Mrs. Paririch, alLof Vancouver, ning crew was as follows: Dick and Mrs. McLaughlin, of North Sagar, bow; Graham Robinson, " Vancouver;~are7Tstaying~at~the-E'><^or2rT<5ny"PoolerNo~3';~StaTiT- Glachan. ̂ V Green, No. 4; Mike Cos " * * * stroke; Norman Jackson, cox. Mr. .Richardsoii'of the Anglo- ♦ ♦ ♦ -P e rs ia n . Oil- Oo., :in Bersia,-is-the_---lA -^anoe-occupied by Miss -P a r guest of his brother, and sister- McKenzie and Jimmy Jackson in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Rich- ' upset off 29th Street, some dis- ardson, 2094 Haywood Avenue. tance from the shore. Bud * , *v ♦ . d'Easum went out in a rowboat Frank Yates o f Dundarave, is and brought them in................- rawayEon^a-holidayrcanoertriprup:^-- z~E±r-r^-- t _ - - the coast:. . Mrs. D. Davies, 1040 Keith * Road, has left for a- trip to Jam es Finlayson^ formerly of Manitoba, where she will visit t h e . Dundarave Pharm acy, has- relatives and friends, returned f rom Spotland and is ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ •ntTmesentrataymiriirNew"West=" I f lil V i p i ' g H o l l y b u r i i t h e a t r e THURSDAY, FRIDAY uiid , SATURDAY MATINEE July 28th, 29th ami UOth STUART ERWIN " All American ̂ - Chump" also 'SEA HACKETBEUS" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY .luly JlOth & Aug. iHt LILY PONS ̂ EDWARD EVBREIT HORTON JACK OAKIE ! ERIC BLORE "HITTING A NEW HIGH" A Musical Comedy. Lily Pons actually roaches the highest note ever recorded in a motion picture. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 2nd and 3rd EDWARD G. ROBINSON "THUNDER IN ___ ______^THEJCin^ also 'THE DEVIL IS DRIVING' RICHARD DIX JO_AN PEIIRX-__ ____ THE HIGHLANDS 1393 Marine Drive - Phone West 671 Tea Cup R eading Professor Griffiths Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday 2:30 to 5:30-p.m.r minster; He was visiting friends in W est Vancouver th is week. Newman of. San Fran-^ cisco, has been th e guest of his mother, Mrs. Newman and sister Mrs. Robbins, 2791 Marine Drive; Mr. Day of^ the Keith Block, " for the past week. 15th and Marine Drive, has re- turhed' to Vancouver; West 190 ; 1578 M arine J)rive West 190 "SfTT: The Misses W h iteh e^ of Van­ couver, are having a new house built a t 23rd and 'M athers Ave- ---nuer ------ ------- ' * ----- "4c « • ♦ .. . . . . „ ; Municipal Clerk and Mrs. W. Herrin have returned from a vacation miotor trip through B ritish Columbia* and Alberta, going as far'̂ s " Calgary.* * * • A son was bom last W ^k a t ĵ -hfe::j!![erfb--Vaneouver-^^ HUNTER'S COFFEE SHOP TEASLUNCHEONS - DINNERS Home-made Bread, Pies & CakcH Fresh Daily ^ Jams and Jellies 2423 Marine briv.e. West 610 FREE lYEferVRRY -las Graf tom of=Shermanr-4.------♦--tI* Rolled Rib:; 25c Ib: Cross Rib~ , 20c lb. Rump Roast 2 R lb. Short Ribs Pot Roast ': ~ . 14c lb. Rolled. . Pot Roast 18c lb. B U T T E R First Grade 3Tbs. 84c Shamrock Bacon E m piresF iiiest i t eachpSc BAKEASY 2 pkts. ̂ ^c^ Hunter's MARMALADE targe J If SOc -----M iss^Beatrice~ Short" of th e Municipal Hall staff, is on her annual vacation.; __ Mrs. A. H. Parson,---2523 King's, Avenue, has returned *-"fronra-week's"visit torherfather" a t Half Moon Bay.' v , - i: ♦ ♦ - ♦ - ■ll■rl.nl I I I ■ " "'mf YliP.. ....." 's FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 - , 812 16th Street Wood, Coal, Sawdust TOPSOIL -- GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside.............. $5.50 Cord Mill Fir, Inside...... ;......... B.50 " Fireplace F ir .....................4.50 Green Alder .................. . 6.50 Furnace Blocks............... 4.50 " SPECIAL-- No. 1 Fir Edgings..... 3.50 Cord 8 Cords...... ............ $10.00 « 6 Cords (5 Loads) $16.-60 Slabs & Edgings..... 3 Cords $11.00 Slabs, Barky......... '........ $3.75 Cord Bark ...... ........................ $5:00 Cord Limited amount. 2444 Marine Drive Afternoon and Cotton DresscH, Dirndl Dresses, Beach and Sports Wear Children's and Baby Clothos' Stockings, Underwear Towels, Notions ■All at City Prices. (Phone--See New Directory) ____ -jCHARLES'THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office at 1436 Marine Drive W aiter (to d in e r) : "Arc you the filleted kipper, a-ir?" Diner: "No. I'm a poor lonely • sole with an empty plaice for someone to fillet." - Shoulder Lamb 23c Ib Breast Lamb 15c Ib. A rowboat equipped w ith a large sail overturned in the middle of the F irs t Narrows on Sunday afternoon, pitching the occupants. A rt Wilson and Louis Van der Graoht, into, the water. Charles Chapman, the lifeguard a t ' Ambleside Bea<^, rowed out Roast Veal 18c Ib. and took them into h is boat, towing the overturned craft ashore. He was assisted by the occupants of two Otherlirowboats who were in the vicinity. ,, AUSPICES TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD *^THE FUN OF THE FAIR f T LONDON BY THE SEA** ---------^MONDAY-(Afterm)on-and-Ev«ning)y-AUGUST-l8tr-^--------- 2130 and 21.381 Argyle Avei (Rain or Shine) CONCERT at 8:30. SIDESHOWS, DONKEY RIDES, ,5^9.^" ING, TEAajp-jflEAJ)IMG,--JCH'CREAM, POP and NOVELTIES Proceeds to the Oxygen Tdht, North, Vancouver Hospital. Ye^ Stew 2 lbs. 2Sc EXPERT W atch an d Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly, with Birks Ltd., \ Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive ' B u r r a r d L a u n d r y L t d : L A U m R irSE R V IC EFOR DEPENDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, W est Vancouver Representative Phones - W est 691-L .or North 1310 . X \ J »-*. " i '0 \l •*' - \