Circuiuffns iti. thCf, District o f West ^tfHcouvefjr'Ath^t^Me^ f io H y b u tn ^ W ei^tt, Dundarave noo.perjr̂ . . Cyprcis Park, Catt^illd,W hyteeliff,'Etc, r & Vol. XIII HOLLYBURN P.G., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 28th, 1938 No. 17 THE HOLLYBURN RIDGE TIMBER Unless isomething unforeseen occurs, it looks as if Mr. Heeps will proceed with the logging of his tim ber on Holly- burn Ridge... As we see it, the authorities in Victoria took a right and reasonable step in having a report prepared by a logging expert on the tim ber in question, and the general facts surrounding the situation, But in the face of th a t report they would seem to be hardly justified in ' taking fu rther action, although the seiner the plateau is, taken oyer,, as a national park the better. Nor has West Vancouver the money to purchase th e timber, even if its cutting should have an ad- , verse effect on the fu ture of the area as a^.ii]layground. And about th a t there seems to be now quite a difference of opinion. Of course, itfgoes without saying that'som ebody is very . wrong indeed as regards the amount of tim ber available for , cutting, if not about its quality, This is very evident when one' considers the wide divergence of opinion between, the figures preserilOd by Mr. Rodgers, the government expert, and those stated by Mr. Heeps. According to reports in the press Mr. ..Rodgers' cruise gives the limits as containing 54 per oent of excellent, balsam, 33 per cent, o f'hemlock overmature aiid 60 per. cent of it not worth- loggihg, 8 per cent yellow cedar of low grade, and 5 per cent of excellent red cedar. Oi\̂ account of the tim ber generally: runhing so strongly to pulp, i t could not, in Mr. Rodgers' opinion be sold on today's miarket a t anywhere near the price necessary to make even a return of capital, let alone a profit. C ontent of. the area Js„estim ated-at-29,300,0p0jfeet,„. hut there would be no g reat fire" hazard and the slash could easily be disposed of. On the other hand Mr. Heeps asserts he has more than 100,000,000 feet of lumber in sight, 50,000,000 of it hemlock which he able to m arket a t a profit, Just as wide a difference of opinion exists as to the SPRINKLING RESTRICTIONS Owing to the long drought, which extends all over the province, it ha|i become neces sary to put in force regula tions similar ;th .those now ob taining in, 0]lher parts of Greater VanCQUvci', the object of such regulations being to ensure a doni^tic\ supply of "water to every household in the 'municipality. Our readers are asked to kindly refer to the official notice relative to these restrictljons, which ap pears , on this;i page. In th is connection it '^should be ex plained th a t the onlv reason why absolute prohibition has been put in force in these areas is because water cminot be su p p li^ f ^ m any other sources thaii;; those from which it is obtained at present. 'TORONTO CONSERVATORY EXAMS RESULTS Miss Marguerite Wilcox, A.T. C.M., has iMJceived the results of her pupils entered in the Tor onto Conservatory examinations recently, which have not been previously published. They are as follows: First. Class. Honors: Jirnmy McDonald (piano) Grade 1; Ruth Parilum (theory) (Jrade 2. Honors; Jack MacNell (piano) Grade4. Pass; Beverly Brown, Grade 1; and Lucinda Cheny, Grand 8, (p iano); Ruth Downing Grade 2, (theory). , Molly Edwards is holding swimming and diving classes for all ages, beginners and advanced, on Mondays, Wednesdays,^ and* Fridays from 1 to 4:80 p.m. a t Dundarave Pier. Any interest ed are asked to kindly phone her HtW est 208-X. COMING EVENTS L.O.L. No. 2990 The next regular meeting of the aboye lodge will be held an the Orange Hall .on August 2nd, -"THE FUN-OF i'H E FAIR a t .the hp̂ ^̂ ̂ p.m. p ^ rf) , 5 T /YXTTirkKr r»v rrtiri aw a»» When a good attendance Is. re-6 LONDOIJ BY THE SEA , quested. There will be very im Wednesday, Aug. 17th--^Annual . Garden Party of "St. Stephen'ŝ ̂ Inglewood W.A. JUNIOR MATRICULATION RESULTS Results issued he D j^ rt- ment of Ediioatipn^ indlpaf&Sihe s / a V W J n g effect of cutting the tim ber on .this playground of Greater Vancouver. According to Mr., Rodgers the proposed logging operations would help develop the area a park and recrea tion centre by reason of the logging_roads and thinning of. the timber, and wquJA not_ harm.the_waterehed,_na_all _the___; p ^ s 'w o d ld still be covered with 16W grade timber, nor would ' it impair the scenic beauty of the Ridge as seen from Van- . couver. All o f this, however, is denied in the strongest term s by park authorities arid the ski clubs, who sta te .the logging will :ruiA^ the'" Whole a m . I^OWhi'g" Kttle about parkS W ' " n̂othing,: s^putlskiing, we. he^iteteitgiexpress^ ah .opimpn, but -this-^we^have"obserye"d, namely, th a t in most of the screen pictures of th e sport in the Scandinavian countries and Switz erland the tefrain is almost, invarmbly treeless. Moreover, a forestry and parks expert who knows the-Ridge well, and whom we have consulted, holds exactly the same opinions as Mr. Rodgers. ̂ ̂ ^ As to the nmin point a t issue, we are stjlll unable to take . Mr. Heeps seriously when he says' he is going to g e | out his timber. He has built or is building his roads ju s t as we ex pected, and .we look to see him also cut quite a considerable amount of tim ber and ^ u l i t to tide water. B ut th a t in our opinion will be the finish, unless:^ he m anages'to dispose of po rtan t business in coniiection following- stud Owing to the ej^cessive neat the Association to transact passed Junior Matriculation' a t and fire hazards it has been and it is imperative tha t all the West Vancouver centre: ,Khth- found advisable ' to hold "The members be on time.__Will the leen Bernard. Sheila > Margaret Fun of the F air & London by brethren please take notice that" "Edwards,"IBetty "Hobde'n, Robert th e Sea" a t 2130' and 2138 Ar- Howieson, Paul Jagger, , . . 1. Will be held on Sunday, th e "th Laurence ̂ A rthur Patterson, gyle Avenue, in ^ t^ d of on the August, tbo brethren t a meet Gertrude MilRcent Rippon, Mary field adjoining HbllyburmWharf, a t the Orangp Hall a t the, hour Joan Sparrow, Joan Mary rain or shine." S ^ a l l come to" of 9.30'a.m„ also fb bripi^plbng Thompson,-Ernest Kenneth" Ver-" keep cool' beneatn.*--'the 'Shady ihany flowers as possiMe for non, Brenda Jo an_Wicking, .'of the a b o v e M r s . the service a t the'cemetei^,' Mable B. Yearwood.- In» addition Elizabeth Eileen trees Cromar Bruce ami commitiee ap- i s M i l r r ■peai* to haVe'eSSSbllfed themselves in providing fun for both sexes ■both ybiihg and '^ld: - ; Gome and .see the donkey L E G T U R E 9N FIRST NARROWS BRIDGE stru t, th e Shetland pony tro t and hear the good old "London dries" ^Blair,',a Grade"XI^stude^t;*pas£f- ed Music IV (piano) as part of lreT~Gi"ade-=X=PP=^rogranir^Kis is an extra-mural course for which matriculation credit ̂ is available. Ills holdings ^(SFexchange them for some, others better, which can be logged off when th e lumber ;market is more favorable. Which is not going to l^e tomorrow* or the day following that. ' For w hy'should lum berm en'^1 these years have been cutting all over the province"^d-^rafting their logsrtd V am ' couver with marketable timiber on the Ridge a t their back door, i f th a t tim ber could be cut ,̂ in the best of times a t a profit?" - ■ • : * Public interest in the F irst Nairows Bridge was further stimulated a t a special talk given Let's all be youn^..agi^n2and-SD._Las_t_Wednesday. July 20th. bv Students who werp partially enjoy .,the "Fun of the F air" on S. R. Banks, Consulting Engih- accredited will have an dppor-' August Bank Holiday, as in the eer for the structure. tunity-to complete their standing Old Country. Then .in the eyen- 'T he meeting, sponsored by by writing individual subjects at ing enjoy the Concert Party a t , West Vancouver Branch Toe H, the end. of August. 8:30 o'clock under the direction and held in the Legion Hall, Helen Edwards completed of Bee Horam with such well, kindly lent for the occasion by Junior M atriculation' standing known supportihg ̂ a rtis ts as /Post 60 Canadian I^egioh wa.g by p rivate study. OtheF results are as follows;" Tremayne Garstang, Barbam very well attended, and Mr. Tremayne, Billy Hill of OKWX; Banks, himself a member of Toe Frank Vyvyan of . the Empress H, gave an extraordinarily inters Theatre days an ii^^ end a per- esting dej^ription of _the con fect day with a good old sing struction and detail work in con- song and dance. Remember all nection with the bridge. »pro<^edsgo to . t ^ p w g B ^ The speaker illustrated his Fund for the North Vancouver talk with lantern slides showing Junior Matriculation a t B. C. School of Pharmacy and Science, Private School, Vancouver:------- Mary Chesnay Murray, W illiam 'James Murray, Irene Shirlaw, Senior Matriculation, North m HOLLYBURN HALL Sunday School nple^Bil f t and Young CANADA PACIFIC EXHIBITION & iJ S L ® e f f o ^ " f*the'̂ i s t iSL" *' Vancouver High S ch o o l:- brfdge r'̂ n V c o m p le te d T y h £ ?an"& S i r ™ " -31strimHollyfeurh-HallrrAt-7:30j 'P̂ m. next Sunday.there will be: a Gospel Sem qe, a t whichT tHei speaker will b^ T horns Mc- J^3?enJ!hesdayLai;.8.p.m..pra3ren: Bible study, th e subject be- JJg "Types and Shadows of the l^abemacle," and the speaker, |_J)r-^Brysonr-- --------------------- liege "T^kets to ^ n a d ^ l ^ n f i r ^xh ib ition7^T igust~ 29 t o '^ p - ̂ tehlte S, is well under way and response, to date indicates an other-attendance record. Now _on:,salevticketsentitle holders to_ participate in the awarding of prizes valued a t over $5,000 which include two automobiles, r a , worldtour-and-vacation-trip.- similar, though smaller ^ d t o e 's- an ex tra trea t the c ^ m p ^ ^ P m t t e n n d Montser- Kat,_at-Ile d'OrleanSr-Quebec Alan Fraser, _P_.m_ . , , , muen -^-^KatHeieh j agger,-appi^iatedras-^lso-w as fhaFof^ - ^B arbara Good;-- , DaVe Willingdbn of the'Shahty^^ ^ ^ n i o r Matriculation, KingEd^ -men s - C hristian--Association;-- w ard'H iglf School who loaned" and operated the . Douglas George Miller * ' Ia.ntern. ___ __________ ' Jam es Warren Millpr BRITISH^ ISRAEL The International Conference -and' Convention -will-take place from July 31st to August 3rd, in Vancouver. Goiporate Cbmmunr ion Service will be held in a num bef"bf"city e h u r^ es next Sunday, July 81st, a t 11 a.m. LEGION BEACH PARTY The more we are together the m errier we'll be. All will be made nibst welcome on Monday, August 8th, a t 8 p.m., to a Graiid JBeach Party- held-by-Tthe Worn-- en!s Auxiliary Canadian Legion P-ost 60, on the beach a t the back of Mrs. Child'ff residence a t 1756 Argyle A venue,'rain or shine. -Gommunity-- s in ^ n g ,--gam esr dancing on the lawn. Hot dogs and coffee too. F urther particu lars in next week's paper also city papers.. F o rst's Fine New Store -- ; at the foot of Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver A daughter was born early this morning a t the Vancouver General H ospital' to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hannan,^ l'7th and y Marine Drive. ------- CORHmKTlON OF THE DISTRICT OF VANCOUVER SP R IN K L IN G R E S lR IC T IO N S Sprinkling is str̂ rctly-prohibited until-further -notice to-all water-users supplied from the Palm erston and Queen's Avenue Mains also ' ~ " - - All the territory west of 27th S treet up to and including Whytecliff« Any person infringing this reguladon will be prosecuted. ' - 28th July. 1938. _ _ _l__. W... HERRIN, Municipal Clerk