West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Jun 1938, p. 7

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-----L ^ i? - ","•»-v i^ ir/# ( „,, ,...JMdflCi....... ......... WAX. S H ^ P . ***** «** JrfOUSEHOLD PAPKH SU PPLI^. NAPKINS o m c B ^ a m t s ^ i m o ^ v ^ ^ m . t l o w e s t c it v p r i c e s . WEST VAN STATIONERS an d LIBRARY 1680 Marine Drive Nnxt to Kbyaiiianit " .West 687 L ^ a l and P e rso n a l «✓ KNOWLTON & PERRIN' , • i • * . * * ' ' ■ OPTOMETRISTS Announce the opening o f offices for o^enerol practice ' i o f Optometry R ojal Bank BuUdIng ̂ Corner 17th Street and Marine Drive ( ' ' ' St i • W E D N E SD A Y S and S A T U R D A Y S TU E SD A YS and W E D N E S D A Y S - Telephone West S 7 5 L 2 2 -5 p.m, 7 -9 p m. Harry P. Perrin 206 Medical Arts Bldg., 0pp. Capital Theatre, Sey. 2686 Willson B. Knowiton, ^ 823 Birks Bldg. ■' Sey; 8118 HARBOTTLE'S JERSEY PRODUCTS Ltd. Are 'pleased to announce the /opening of their new and modern premises a t 14th and Lonsdale, North Vancouver, last Saturday, June 25th. . , "I wish to tRank dur many, customers in W est Van­ couver for their consistent patronage and encouragement.' Assuring you that every effort will be made to continue' our good service and high grade products.^' T. P. HARBOTTLE, M ^ g W . DailyJM ilk D e l iv e r y S e r v ic e in W .e sL V a n , :**Browing w ith the NprOTSlnH^ 14th at Lonsdale Avenue - Yf- Nortb 418 Jw*Fatterson «• fi^m Dawson, hag taken an apartment Appleton Court and will shortly be joined by her hua^ band,'the first High School Prin- cipal of W est Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Lightly, 21st and Gordon Avenue, have moved into a house at 21st and Marine Drive. M r,. and Mrs. Crane have moved from 2879 Haywowi Ave­ nue to Vancouver. * 4t Thu new Ford Transit bus purchased by the Council has now arrived and will be put in •service as required. I t 'h a s ac­ commodation for 25 passengers , sitting and an' equal number standing, and is the first to be used in Greater Vancouver. There are 600 of the~sam<^ kind running in Detroit and 30 of them on the roads in Seattle.' All her sons and daughters and their families assembled last Tuesday at the, home of Mrs. M. McTaggart, 23/d and Lawson Avenue, to celebrate her 88th birthday. . , , ' ♦ ♦ ♦ 'T h e offices and yards of the West Vancouver Lumber Com­ pany and the Astbury Lumber Co. will be closed all day on Saturday, ^2nd July, following the Dominfon Diay holiday.♦ ♦ ♦ ^ , Mrs.-and Miss Porter of Cab gary, Mrs. and Miss Lee of Vancouver, and' Mr,s. Tom Sel­ lers with her son, Bob, and, grandson, Joe, ■ are staying a t "Sunlit Lodge," West Bay. Rev. Hillis W right is leaving to spend a Week fishing a t -HorseshoeJBaj^and-other-points- in Howe Sound, after which he will supply at,: Nanaimo for a -m onthr"He~exp^Cts_toL.take- over- his charge a t .B^lla Coola, B.C., a t the end of August' ' " -The ferries- will ̂maintalti ,o half-hourly service throughout Dominion Day. The first boat will leave Ambleslde Dock at' 6 a.m. and the last at 11:30 p.m. The first boat from the city dock will be at 6 :30 n.m, the last boat ̂ leaving there at midnight. West Bay buses meet all boats. The Sunday service will be maintain­ ed by the upper level bus. • . . , 'n . • ' ■ « Miss Doreen Bernard, 2604 Majhera Avenue, left,, Saturday evening for Banff to Hpend the Summer. 4i 4( f Miss Janet Payne of Oxford, England, who is on a world tour m Uie guest of her cousin,* Mrs. L. B. JReid, 8050 Procter Avenue. .................... ......... Mrs. J. L. Davidson was host­ ess a t an alfresco luncheon, fol­ lowed by bridge and mah jongg, a t her home in Caulfeild on Sat­ urday afternoon. Guests were Mrs. Hendrie Leggat, Mrs. A. D. McRae, , Mrs. J. H. Carswell, Mrs. H. S. Tobin, Mrs. T. A. Spencer, Mrs. J. C. Ross, Mrs, M. E. Nichols and Mrs. J. H. Mc­ Mullen. Mî p. Davidson, . with ' Mrs. John Ij^ndry, left today to ■ spend a few days in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McTaggart of Vancouver, spent the week-' end as guests of. Miss M argaret Watson at her Caulfeild home. ■ * " ' ' ' l l * I . Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, 1276 Keith Road, have moved into a- house a t 23rd and Jefferson Ave­ nue. , ♦ "̂i<< m George Allen, 1204 Keith Road, is a patient in the North ■ Vancouver General Hospital with a. fractured knee; the result of an accident. : , S t r a t t o n '* B A K E R Y HOME-MADE n i E i b i m & r FRESH DAILY „ Tt'u varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cooktea Iticries Cakes Pastries Buns > and llolla Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive . Phone W est 27 H p ily b u rn T h e a t r e THURSDAY. FRIDAY nml SATURDAY MATINEE .liuu* 80th, .luly 1st ami 2iiil c c Arthur. Wright, 2872 • Marine -Driver-has--left- for--Saskatoony where he will act as judge a t the dog show there. Elephant ®®y" IhiKcd on tluj.story "Tooinni of ■ the ElciihmitH," by Riuiyar<l Kipling. , also' NEWS, .CARTOON, SERlATi. SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY .Inly 2ml and 4tli KATHERINE HEIHJURN ̂ (HN.OER ROCBRS Stage Door also "LONG b r i g h t LAND" "SKI FLIGHT" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 5th and 0th CLAUDE'FTE COI.BERT " TOVARICH" ,(Once only at 8 p.m.) also "BEH IND THE _________ CRIM INAL" ' ■■ O' * CANADIAN LEGION, W EST VANCOJUVER_ F iR O L I C --------------TUESDAY--JUtY^Sth-- ill the ORANGE H A L L------- ------- Tartan Mountaineers' Orchestra ' , _/^Danccing„ 9 to 12 -- ------Admission--26--cents---------- "'t '"' ",.--------------Drawing----------------- Proceeds to Building Fund MaePherson-Gray--Farm er P f interest to their many friends in West Vancouver, New W estminster, and Kamloops; is -the ■ marriage of Madge aranp Jean, only daughter of Mr. arid Mr-s.-J-.-G.~Farmer, 2307 Belle- -v-ue-Avenue, to -Mr.-Johu "Mac-" ■Iverson-Gray,-third son of Mr. and Mrs: H. L. Gray, New^Wesf-; minster, B.C. The marriage was .solemnized bv the R̂pv f a , Miss Mary Carmichael, =t?hi^ operator hq^-e.for.the B.C. Tele­ phone Company, is on her an­ nual vacation. ♦ * '* iv fe t w o -- Wf es t i j oo! Ramsey in the .Church of St. Francis-in-the-Wobd, Caulfieild, on the morning of Thursday, ; June '23rd, and._ present a t- th e ceremony were parents and rel­ atives of the bride and groom. The unattended' bride was a t­ tractively attired in tailored •white and wore a corsage of' silver moon roses. A fter a short trip Mr. and Mrs. - MaePherson- Gray will reside in New West­ minster, B.C.... ----------------------- Augustus- O'Neil, who is in his 93rd year, hasJeft_for_Get-" ty sb u rg ,. Pennslyvania', accom- -panied--by^his--daughtei=Mi-s~ ,Charles Hay, who will act as his attendant. Veterans of the Am^ It'-I m . SPECIALS DELIVERY Rolled R ib 2 5 c lb . Cross R ib 2 0 c lb . H r s t G r a d e 3l lb s . 8 4 c L o in P o r k 2 8 c Ib. Rump R o a s t 2 2 c lb . Short R ib s 1 2 c l b . Pot R o a s t " - f S c l b : R oH ed~;^ I Rut R o a s t 18c lb . S h a m r o c k : B a b o h Empires Finest 'I2 lb . , p a c k e t s e a c h 2 2 c F L E T C H E R ^S P U R E L A R D lO c p e r lb . B u t ts P o r k 2 2 c lb. Shoulder L a m b 2 3 c lb born Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs, Stew art Douglas. 1366 Clyde Avenue.» ♦ ♦ • Engagement * The engagement is announced of Bonita Martha Armstrong, ^-seeond-nlaugbter--of--Mr^i--A-rm= strong and the late F. E., Arm- ' strong of 1185 Esquimalt_Av^B£ n u e ,. West Vancouver," to MrJ James- Hillis Wright, son of Rev^ and Mrs, Hillis W right of West Vancouver, The wedding will take place July . 27th, in the Enited Church a t 8 p.m. , erican Civil W ar to the number of 2,500 are assembling a t Get­ tysburg to attend the celebration being staged there'_by_ the U.S. Government, during which it is intended to reproduce the cele­ brated charge a t the battle^there with ^present American troops supplying the forces engaged, ^ a c h veteran is required to be accompanied by am attendant, transportation to *and from' G ettysburg.for both being, sup- plied--by-the"-U.S. Government, Jng IS YOUR NECK CLEAN? All the iWashing in ' the wbi l̂d ];:;̂ on^-keetHtH:hat way unlcs.s U Wear Clean Clothes _ Rub a white handkerchief around 'ur coat collar; if it soils the hanky 4 ""Goodness: Sake---Phone 5J¥" -̂~__Let us cI.earL_those soiled sai'- -ments and-also cut the lamrdry bill. R o n n ie 's C le a n e r s _P.S.-- ShiiM-s are .washed each "'~weTnv" GiVe 'ur .suit a break' - each week. W E S E L L Electric ■Refrigeratbrs but. w e also . Specialize in ^ a iiio Service • H government. Mr. O'Neil fought in the battle' of Gettysburg^-5- years ago.,- 1542 MARINE DRIVE ' - WEST 366 Members Assocliilod Radio Tochnfoians of H.C. w e s t v a n m o t o r s -BWtI--GRGDT -̂--- -------------------- 14,51 Marine Drive . Day or Nijrht: West 268 WRECKER & TOWING SERVICE GOODYEAR DEPOT MONARCH BATTERIES GREYROCK BRAKES * CLUTCHES COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE , We Specialize in P leasing the Customer. NOTICE B r e a s t L am b T 5 c Ib. MARY BURNS o f the HOLLY- BURN GIFT SHOP will give a "Cup- of Tea" FREE TO ALL, between 3 p.m. an'd.S p.m, every Wednesday. R o a s t-V e a l , EDITH WHITE - 2 4 4 4 Marine Afternoon and Morning Dresses, 2-Piece, Suits, Sheers and Boleros. Slips, Nightgowns,. Lingerie, Hosiery, Ankle Sf«^- Children's , and -Ladies' -Batjhing Suits, Towels,'^ Terry Cloth Sweaters, Halters, 2-Piece Beach Sets, Shorts, Gift Suggestions and Notions. ' - All a t City-Prices. I6 c lb . V e a l S te w 2 lb s . 2 5 c EXPERT W est Vancouver Provincial Recreational Centre! Watch and Clock 0 SW IM M iW C :^aiid 0- ..------------- ---REPA1K1N6 T. CHRISTENSON - L IFE SAV IN G CLASSES (formerly with 'Birks Ltd., Montreal) at OundaraVe Pier 1522 Mariiie Drive - G.D. GILLESPIE, Physical.Irihtnictorat Inglewood High School, in,charge